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All the missions and hidden parts are finished. Part stats and a general Arena Guide still do not exist. Why should you use this FAQ? +To beat missions your first time through +To get set ups for S ranking missions +To get all the parts. +To see a checklist of all the parts +To see ALL the parts +Pretty maps (sometime) +How to 100% the remake disc. What isn't in this guide? -Controls -Over view of the game itself -Advanced tactics section -Perfect English, although I only speak it. Armored Core Nexus Table of Contents (Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) Don't worry, there is sub tables when you get there. -Intro -Walk Through (EVO) -Arena -Enemies (EVO) -Walk Through (REV) -Enemies (REV) -Archive (REV) -Shop/Checklist -Parts -Ending -Credits -Copyright Version history [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####===###==####========####========####========####### ##########==#######====##==#######==#######==####==####==####==####### ##########==#######==#==#==#######==#######========####==####==####### ##########==#######==##====#######==#######==##==######==####==####### #######========####==###===#######==#######==###==#####========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Intro... This is a walkthrough for both disc. I will tell you how to beat missions, find some parts (I'll try and find all of them...), and give near flawless set-ups for S ranking every REV. mission. Please remember that this is a two disc game, and I will cover the second disc (Revolution) after the first disc. I assume that you are playing this game this way. For Playing Revolution, I highly suggest you have a good supply of Credits. Since you cannot earn money, other than selling hidden parts. If you need to know controls, open that thing called an instruction manual. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##========##========##========##========##========##===###==# #========#####==#####==########==###########==#####==####==##====##==# #==#==#==#####==#####========##========#####==#####==####==##==#==#==# #==####==#####==###########==########==#####==#####==####==##==##====# #==####==##========##========##========##========##========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Walk Through (EVO)... (Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) (These are in the order the game lists them after you beat the game; the number in the brackets is what order I did the mission, if I put [XX] it means I didn't do this mission my first run though) WARNING! I recently found out that some (or a few) of the missions you can take can't be reached by "Free Missions" This means you can only find them and play them through the regular story mode. If the words is in the dotted line, this isn't truly in the Free Mission list. You'll understand better once you beat the game. -Attack Mirage Search Team ---------------------------------------[01] -Reattack Search Team ------------------------------------[XX] -Protect Mirage Base ---------------------------------------------[02] -Intercept Bombers ---------------------------------------[04] -Eliminate Base Attackers (71000C) -------------------------------[XX] -Eliminate Base Attackers (60000C) -------------------------------[XX] -Missile Performance Test --------------------------------[XX] -Missile Performance Retest --------------------------------------[XX] -Destroy Support Supplies ----------------------------------------[03] -Special Forces Removal ------------------------------------------[05] -Remove Terrorists -----------------------------------------------[06] -Attack Supply Convoy ------------------------------------[XX] -New Bio Weapon Test ---------------------------------------------[07] -Attack MT Transport Convoy ------------------------------[08] -Eliminate Navis Security ----------------------------------------[09] -Capture Filtration Plant ----------------------------------------[12] -Attack Research Facility ----------------------------------------[10] -W-Pod Performance Test ------------------------------------------[13] -W-Pod Performance Retest --------------------------------[XX] -Eliminate VIP ---------------------------------------------------[11] -Nighttime Combat Exercise ---------------------------------------[XX] -Training Exercise VS AC -----------------------------------------[14] -Attack Power Plant ----------------------------------------------[15] -New MT Performance Test -----------------------------------------[16] -New MT Performance Retest -------------------------------[XX] -Remove City Intruders -------------------------------------------[17] -Defend Mirage Transport -----------------------------------------[18] -Destroy Kisaragi Force (103000) ---------------------------------[19] -Destroy Kisaragi Force (98000) ----------------------------------[XX] -Protect Fuel Depot ----------------------------------------------[20] -Living Organism Removal -----------------------------------------[XX] -New ECM Performance Test ----------------------------------------[21] -Attack OAC Expedition -------------------------------------------[22] -Attack Mirage Transports ----------------------------------------[23] -ECM Missile Test ------------------------------------------------[XX] -ECM Missile Retest --------------------------------------[XX] -Hold Tunnel Defense Line ----------------------------------------[XX] -Destroy Armored Monorails ---------------------------------------[24] -Stop Crest Invasion Force ---------------------------------------[25] -Safeguard Escape Route ------------------------------------------[27] -New AC Performance Test -----------------------------------------[XX] -New AC Performance Retest -------------------------------[XX] -Destroy Crest Exclusive AC --------------------------------------[26] -Attack Navis' Mine ----------------------------------------------[28] -Destroy City Defense Force --------------------------------------[29] -Attack Mirage Supply Depot --------------------------------------[30] -Attack Terrorist Base -------------------------------------------[31] -Pursue Navis Remnants -------------------------------------------[32] -Invade Warehouse ------------------------------------------------[33] -Eliminate Reserve Force -----------------------------------------[34] -Destroy Remaining Forces ----------------------------------------[XX] -Destroy Mine Power Systems --------------------------------------[35] -Defend Missile Outpost ------------------------------------------[XX] -Support OAE Invasion --------------------------------------------[36] -Attack Excavation Team ------------------------------------------[XX] -Ambush Crest HQ Force -------------------------------------------[37] -Destroy Kisaragi facility ---------------------------------------[38] -Destroy Resistance Force ----------------------------------------[39] -Clear Out Mirage Forces -----------------------------------------[XX] -Investigate Phenomenon ------------------------------------------[40] -Search For Survivors --------------------------------------------[41] -Eliminate Crest AC ----------------------------------------------[42] -Destroy Massive MT ----------------------------------------------[43] -Prevent Weapon Activation ---------------------------------------[44] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Hi, and welcome to the Armored Core Nexus. First you'll know that there are two discs that come with this game... Evolution and Revolution. Do me a favor, put in the Evolution disc in. Here is how I started off. Mission 1 <--------------------------------------------------------- You start the game with four things of mail (put your cursor to the left of the screen to pop it open, this is new...). Now, you'll notice, if you play around too long, that you can't sell your starting parts... So take the only mission there. Before you start, make sure you put on everything but the altimeter from the cockpit option in the garage. Know look at the mission in the FAQ and come back... You should have picked up the hidden part in the first mission, I hope you did. You should have at LEAST 89000. Buy the CR-WR76B bazooka, since it is too early to make a decent AC build around weapons, at least get a better freaking arm weapon. Mission 2 <-------------------------------------------------------- Select the only other mission on the map, Protect Mirage Base. Mission 3 <--------------------------------------------------------- After this mission, you should have at least 90000 Credits in your wallet. I'm going to go with the Destroy Support Supplies mission. So buy the WR-07M-PIXIE3 machine gun. You'll see why once the mission begins. Arena Fight 1 (VS Birth Bomb, Pilot Ammo) <-------------------------- After you are done killing off supplies, it is time to head to the Arena. But first you need to rebuild a decent AC. Buy these three parts, B01-BIRDIE (Booster), CR-G91 (Gen), and the R03-LINDEN (Rad). You should be able to afford them. So hurry up and pick that fight! (Look at the Arena section of this FAQ for details) Mission 4 <---------------------------------------------------------- Take the mission "Intercept Bombers." You should have enough money to buy the back rockets called the CR-WB69RO as well. Mission 5 <---------------------------------------------------------- Take the mission "Special Forces Removal" I would buy the large rockets, "CR-WB85RPX" Get this weapon even if it means selling your machine gun... well don't, since used parts sell less than others. But you could just keep the little rockets, but it is much easier this way. I would highly recommend you get the hidden part. Mission 6 <---------------------------------------------------------- Now that you have that hidden part, you can sell it. Turing fast is the least of your worries... But you should have got a load of credits from the last mission plus new parts came in! YAY! Now is a good time to test out some new part and combos. As of now, I will not tell you what to buy... but I will still list my set up I used. If you don't have the money to make a set up... use crappier parts, that's all. You should of also got a part from the Arena... sell that as well, no need for decoys this early. I took "Remove Terrorists". Arena Fight 2 (VS Corpse Fool, Pilot Dark Charm) <------------------- Go down to the Arena section... once again. Mission 7 <---------------------------------------------------------- Once you are done with that Arena fight, Crest should open up new parts... go check them out. I took, "New Bio Weapon Test." You should get no less than 80000C. Mission 8 <---------------------------------------------------------- Once down with that, spend your desired amount of credits and head to the mission, "Attack MT Transport Convoy." I'm sure this is a "Sealed Mission." Read the details above the table of {mission} contents. Mission 9 <---------------------------------------------------------- I chose to do the mission "Eliminate Navis Security," for my number 9. After this mission, New Kisaragi Parts should open up for you to purchase at your local AC part retailer. Mission 10 <--------------------------------------------------------- For my tenth mission, I took "Attack Research Facility." Mission 11 <--------------------------------------------------------- I took "Eliminate VIP." I would too, since it is the easiest mission in the game. Mission 12 <--------------------------------------------------------- From this point on, I'm not going to mention any mission (arena is still going to be said though) in this area. As you can see, it's getting bland... So if you are actually following this guide, you can just look for the mission in the contents with the number after words... of course if there is something special to say, I'll still write something. Arena Fight 3 (VS End Bomb, Pilot Ammo) <---------------------------- I took this fight after the first W-Pod Performance Test. Mission 14 <--------------------------------------------------------- Before taking the mission "Training Exercise VS AC," you should think about what kind of AC you like to play with and use the feature "Tuning" to make it better. Tuning is when you press Square on a non- weapon, non-fcs part and make its stats better... the reason I tell you know, is because it costs money and you must have some sort of game plan. By the way, you should get the FINGER (Performance AC part) from this mission. Mission 17 <--------------------------------------------------------- By this mission, you should really understand the concept of tuning parts, it really helps a lot. Arena Fight 4 <------------------------------------------------------ I'm not even going to list this one under the arena section... this match depends on the mission "Capture Filtration Plant." Which ever AC you don't kill is in this fight... In other words, the coward that took off and let his friend die is here. Obviously it would be possible to write a strat for each one, but I think you can handle one of them if you can take out one during the dual fight. Arena Fight 5 (VS Oracle, Pilot Evangel) <--------------------------- I took this fight after "Attack Mirage Transports" Arena Fight 6 (VS Iron L-OW75, Pilot MxS7HGS) <---------------------- I took this fight after "Stop Crest Invasion Force" Arena Fight 7 (VS Bullet Life, Pilot Rim Fire) <--------------------- I took this fight after "Destroy Mine Power Systems" Arena Fight 8 (VS Iron L-OW75, Pilot MxS7HGS) <---------------------- I took this fight after "Ambush Crest HQ Force" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Mirage Search Team ** Requester: Navis Details: Remove search team Destroy all MTs encountered. Advance: 25000C Upon Success: 37000C Area: East Ruga Canyon Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H69S Core ---------- CR-C69U Arms ---------- CR-A69S Legs ---------- CR-LH69S Booster ------- CR-B69 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G69 Radiator ------ CR-R69 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69M Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR69R Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL69LB Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ NONE Walkthrough... This is the very first mission, aren't you excited? Well once you start you are going to move forward and meet your targets. It is a basic reverse joint MT. Test out your rifle or missiles on it. If you are using missiles, make sure you are playing peek-a-boo with them, to avoid getting hit too much while you are locking on to it. Now go a little bit farther in the canyon to see three more of these MTs. You can beat the mission right here and now if you choose, or you can try to find the hidden part. If you decide to just beat the mission and do not care about the part, definitely stay far back where you came from and play some hide and seek with the MTs. There is no point going right out to them only to get hit with a bunch of crap. <"Reattack Mirage Search Team" becomes a Sealed mission if and after you fail this.> Hidden Parts... CR-WH98GL (Right Arm Grenade Launcher) If you are getting this part on your first play though (and also you first mission), I suggest to leave just one MT still alive. Also, I hope this isn't your first Armored Core game, as it will test your flying abilities. Any ways, drop everything but your Rifle, to make yourself lighter. From the VERY beginning of the level, you'll find the one of the lowest stepping stones... a long sideways bridge. Boost to it, it will take all you have. Now regain your energy and look west, see the ledge? Well boost to it. Now weave your way all the way to the middle area where you are suppose to kill the last three MTs. Make sure you aren't too far from one of those pipes before you start to jump to one. The part is on the only pipe in that long area, so that's where you want to get to. Make sure you aren't on top of it, so you can pick it up. To pick it up, hit circle. If it isn't your first time through, I think you can mend a way to get your AC up to the pipes without those stepping stones. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Reattack Search Team * Requester: Navis Details: Remove search team Destroy all MTs encountered. Advance: 13000C Upon Success: 38000C Area: SW Ruga Canyon Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H69S Core ---------- CR-C69U Arms ---------- CR-A69S Legs ---------- CR-LH69S Booster ------- CR-B69 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G69 Radiator ------ CR-R69 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69M Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR69R Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL69LB Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ NONE Walkthrough... To play this mission, fail the first mission. If you fail the first mission, you suck by the way. Any ways, let's just pretend you accidentally walked out of the area. So any ways, you start the mission in a better spot. From this point, aim down by pressing R2. Fire at this Mt. Fire at it until it dies. You have more AP (life) than it, so don't worry. Now do the same to the rest of them, walk backwards if you see a missile coming. (It occurred to me that this mission depends on how bad you suck. If you killed all but one of the MTS, you will only fight one. If you didn't kill any, you will fight them all if I remember correctly.) Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Protect Mirage Base ** Requester: Mirage Details: Protect the base Shoot down all helos, defend the base. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 63000C Area: Mirage Base Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H69S Core ---------- CR-C69U Arms ---------- CR-A69S Legs ---------- CR-LH69S Booster ------- CR-B69 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G69 Radiator ------ CR-R69 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69M Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR76B Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL69LB Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ NONE Walkthrough... This is the second mission I took. This is a basic type of mission, usually with only three things to remember... you, your enemies, and the stuff your enemy is trying blow up. Only in this mission, you have a four object-crappy partners. Any ways, if you have the bazooka like I told you to use in the set up, then you should have no trouble with this mission. All you have to do now is wait for "helos" to come closer to you to kill. Watch out, don't let them break too much stuff! Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Intercept Bombers *** Requester: Mirage Details: Defend the base Shoot down all enemy air units. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 68000C Area: Mirage Base Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H69S Core ---------- CR-C69U Arms ---------- CR-A69S Legs ---------- CR-LH69S Booster ------- B01-BIRDIE FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ R03-LINDEN Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RO Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- WR07M-PIXIE3 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL69LB Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ NONE Walkthrough... Before I get into the actual mission... I do not know if this is really the third mission on the list (Once you beat the game and unlock the "Free Missions" you will know what I mean). But with that aside, this mission clearly is right there for you to take as your fourth. This is the same as the second mission... only with bombers thrown into the mix. See those rockets I made you equip? Well those will be used for the bombers and the machine gun for the helicopters. When the mission starts, test out your rockets. Now I know it is better for a new player to just use the machine gun for the whole mission, but this will give you some practice. After about 4 bombers and helos, the mission will be over. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Eliminate Base Attackers (71000C) ** Requester: Mirage Details: Defend the base Defeat enemy AC, protect the base. Advance: OC Upon Success: 71000C Area: Mirage Base Remarks: None Set Up... Anything that will kill one weak AC. If you take this mission on your second and up play throughs like my guide suggests, you shouldn't have trouble constructing an AC. Head ---------- H11-QUEEN (0/1/1/1/7) Core ---------- C01-GAEA (0/3/3/4/0) Arms ---------- CR-A92XS (0/10/0/0/0) Legs ---------- LF04-LIZARD (0/7/0/0/3) Booster ------- B05-GULL (0/0/10) FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH (0/10/0) Radiator ------ RAGORA (1/5/4) Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- WB15L-GERYON2 Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O79L+ O03-CODON O04-GOLGI CR-O86R+ MARISHI Walkthrough... There really isn't any thing to say... just kill the freaking AC! Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Eliminate Base Attackers (60000C) * Requester: Mirage Details: Defend the base Shoot down all enemy air units. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 60000C Area: Mirage Base Remarks: None Set Up... Any thing with large rocket and a sniper rifle. Long FCS too. But just for the sake of posting a design again, here is what I used. Head ---------- H11-QUEEN (0/1/1/1/7) Core ---------- C01-GAEA (0/3/3/4/0) Arms ---------- CR-A92XS (0/10/0/0/0) Legs ---------- LF04-LIZARD (0/7/0/0/3) Booster ------- B05-GULL (0/0/10) FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH (0/10/0) Radiator ------ RAGORA (1/5/4) Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- WB15L-GERYON2 Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O79L+ O03-CODON O04-GOLGI CR-O86R+ MARISHI Walkthrough... This mission consists of you fighting of Helos and Bombers. There are only a few of them, and you also have an AC helping you. If you don't know how to take down Helos and Bombers, just refer to the enemy section... but as you know, I didn't take this mission my first time through and it is easy. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Missile Performance Test * Requester: Kisaragi Details: Collect date Evade missiles until data is collected. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 80000C (?) Area: Training Facility Remarks: Training Facility Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H84E2 Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH74M Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- I07D-MEDUSA2 Extension ----- SUIGETSU Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WR11RS-GARUM Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ CR-O71EC KISSYOH O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI Walkthrough... All you have to do is dodge missiles. This seems easy and it is. The more you dodge, the more you earn. If you need help dodging in this mission, just dash one way, then dash the opposite way right before the missile is about to hit you. This will cause it to completely miss. The reason I have you with a Sniper Rifle is so you can track where the missile turrets are... Hidden Parts... JITEN (Left Arm Shield) Do well in this mission. This isn't hard with the AC I gave you, just take advantage of your decoys and extensions you have. Remember, this is a Sealed mission, so if you miss this part on a play though, you are forcing yourself to play though the game at least one more complete time than needed. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Missile Performance Retest * Requester: Kisaragi Details: Collect date Evade missiles until data is collected. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 80000C Area: Training Facility Remarks: Evade a sufficient number of missiles so accurate data can be acquired. The more you avoid, the better your reward. We'll cover all your costs. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H84E2 Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH74M Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- I07D-MEDUSA2 Extension ----- SUIGETSU Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WR11RS-GARUM Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ CR-O71EC KISSYOH O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI Walkthrough... This is the same as the other mission. Only this will appear (I'm *pretty* sure) once you fail the first Missile Test Mission. Any ways, the same thing happens in it... only you don't have a chance at getting a hidden part. Refer to the over mission for a few tips. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Support Supplies ** Requester: OAE Details: Destroy containers Take out as many as possible. Advance: 27200 Upon Success: 28400 Area: OAE Warehouse Remarks: Destroying a sufficient number of containers will entitle you to additional rewards Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H69S Core ---------- CR-C69U Arms ---------- CR-A69S Legs ---------- CR-LH69S Booster ------- CR-B69 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G69 Radiator ------ CR-R69 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69M Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- WR07M-PIXIE3 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL69LB Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ NONE Walkthrough... This is another easy mission, but it can be frustrating if you take it the wrong way. The basic idea of this mission is to destroy those boxes either on shelves or laying around... sure it's easy, but there are a lot of enemies in that tiny room with you. Your first order of business is to destroy all the gun turrets. Don't even think twice, hell stand on top of a shelf if you want, just kill them. Now you want to take out those little crappy MTs. This is very important so you do not keep locking on to them while you are aiming for the boxes. Once all the enemies are destroyed, try your hardest to blow up all the boxes, if you get enough and when you get them all, you will get two different messages. If you want a cheap way to destroy on the boxes, go to the sides of the large shelves... you can take out a whole level out, which is usually 3-4 baoxes. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Special Forces Removal **** Requester: Navis Details: Locate special forces Destroy all units attacking the city. Advance: 64000C Upon Success: 122000C Area: Bayload City Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H69S Core ---------- CR-C69U Arms ---------- CR-A69S Legs ---------- CR-LH69S Booster ------- B01-BIRDIE FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ R03-LINDEN Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- WR07M-PIXIE3 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL69LB Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ NONE Walkthrough... This is a sweet mission... First start off with your (large) rockets. You'll note that you can't really keep a lock on during this mission. Since you don't have enough money to deck out your AC with a new head, FCS, and ECM tuning, don't worry about it... rockets have to lock on any ways, that's you rtemporary solution. Kill one of the MTs. If you decide to get the Hidden Part (Which you WILL), drop all but the one weapon you want to use (Machine Gun, Laser Blade, or the Freaking large rockets). Once you follow the Hidden part thingy down below and get the part, start back on the MTs. Now you must kill 1 more MT... By the way, the ECMs are being caused by the MTs. When you kill one, the ECM level will go down a little. Hidden Parts... CODON (Optional Part) First, I kill one MT, and then I head for this part. To get it, you must turn to the Northwest (please make use of your compass). If you look at the corner, you will see doors... well one door in this corner has a white (unlocked) light on it. To see this door, you should be on a building. It helps to know that there is no ledge, so you must dangle for a while. It also helps to know that the corners are not at the edge of the city, yet you can easily see them from one of the tallest buildings. To see it, you must almost look strait up. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Remove Terrorists *** Requester: Crest Details: Remove occupiers Destroy all units inside the factory. Advance: 24000C Upon Success: 114000C Area: Crest MT Factory Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H69S Core ---------- CR-C69U Arms ---------- CR-A69S Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ R03-LINDEN Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- WR07M-PIXIE3 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES Walkthrough... This is the sixth mission I took. This is your first extended mission... it isn't that big, but bigger than most levels in this game. Go in the first door... you'll see why I had you equip that blade the second you use it on the first MT. Kill it, but use your blade for faster results. Keep following the hall way till you reach a room with enemies in it. (You can tell by looking at your radar) Any ways, turn in facing left of the door and shoot and boost around while strafing. This is an important thing so you do not turn to liquid ****. So kill all these MTs, it would be wise to use your machine gun on ALL of the Pods. You can use your blade when the room is getting aired out... but don't use it every time... or else you will get carried away and forget that enemies actually do damage in this game... (Keep in mind not to boost too much... you can over heat... well I did jump into this mission forgetting that I didn't have good cooling, but then decided to leave it in to see this aspect into the game.) Once you are done with this room, head out the door at the end of the opposite wall. Stand in front of this door for a bit if you are scared, one MT should kill another, any ways, open it and kill the one left. Go strait though it. Now you are in an empty room. Enter it and turn right and open that door. Fall down the elevator and prepare to fight some more MTs. After you kill them, you only have one more room to clear out, so find the door on the west wall. If you are more than half, you can probably go in and kill all of these, but if you aren't or just want a better reward, stay behind the wall and aim through the door to kill as many MTs as possible before going in... this way you aren't getting hit from ten different things at once. Congrats, once this room is empty, you won the mission. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Supply Convoy ** Requester: OAE Details: Destroy transports Do not let transports bypass the region. Advance: 30300C Upon Success: 34500C Area: Abax Plain Region 09 Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H69S Core ---------- CR-C69U Arms ---------- CR-A69S Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ R03-LINDEN Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- WR07M-PIXIE3 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES Walkthrough... This mission is short and sweet. Do not worry about the trucks shooting missiles at you, kill the transports. If the other trucks are hurting you, just kill them... you can pretty much walk faster than them... so gauge your time. This mission isn't hard. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~New Bio Weapon Test * Requester: Kisaragi Details: Collect Data Destroy all the bio weapons in the lab. Advance: 60000C Upon Success: 20000C Area: Bioengineering Lab Remarks: A bio Sensor is recommended to aid in target acquisition. We will cover all ammunition expenses and AC repair costs. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- A07-LEMUR Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ R02-HAZEL2 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR76B Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES Walkthrough... This is an easy (Seventh) test mission... by reading the Remarks section, you have two important things... These are bio-organic creatures, which means, normally, they do not produce enough electrical crap to lock on to, that's why you need a bio sensor. Another part... DO AS CRAPPY AS YOU WANT! They pay for you! If you want, you can just sitting at a wall with your EO's out and a bazooka pointed toward those they don't kill. But watch out, they do massive damage to you once they die, so it may be a good idea to just jump every so often. All you have to kill is what is in the room at the time you start, when the mission starts, you should immediately jump and boost (fly) over a few and get to a safe stop. Make sure to look down and kill a few. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack MT Transport Convoy *** Requester: Mirage Details: Attack convoy Destroy all MTs in the convoy. Advance: 15000C Upon Success: 78000C Area: Lectus Plain Area 04 Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- A07-LEMUR Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ R02-HAZEL2 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB91MB Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR76B Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES Walkthrough... This is a simple destroy mission for your eighth mission choice. First start by killing the two MTs that are closest to you. Now fall into one of the huge pits. No it is time to learn a new tactic (well, new if you just started on NEXUS). Any ways, arm your Burst Missiles and start locking on to those three MTs. If you aren't close enough to the one side, you should also take out the MT on the top of one of the cliffs. Any ways, for the majority of this mission, you should be unharmed. This tactic may be referred to as being a *****, wuss, *****, or coward. You don't need it, but when you do, this is what you do :P Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Eliminate Navis Security **** Requester: OAE Details: Remove security units Destroy all sniper MTs along the route. Advance: 35400C Upon Success: 109000C Area: Ruga Tunnel Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- A07-LEMUR Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F750 Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR73RS Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES Walkthrough... This is the ninth mission I took. By the ninth mission, it might be hard to build this AC. If you don't have enough money, just sell your arms or something. Any ways, in this mission, you will learn how to Sniper. True in the future, you will want at least one more support weapon and a stronger sniper rifle, but this will due in this mission. Your goal is to kill all the Sniper MTs, you will see what they look like in the cut scene. You DO NOT have to touch a single pod MT, just so you know. The first MT is right across the bridge to the right (or diagonal) from the start. Shout it with you rifle until you see "Destroy" light up in orange letters on the right lower side of your screen. The next MT is under the same bridge as the first one, it is best to just fly across the bridge... wait till you energy 'heals,' then go on the lower part. Now you can easily shoot him. Once he is dead, just move strait. Now once you are outside that tunnel, you can kill the next two MTs. They are across on the other bridge... one higher and one lower. Kill them however order you want, just make sure you make use of the cover that tunnel provides you. Now just get on top of the bridge you are under and kill the last remaining MT. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Capture Filtration Plant ******** Requester: Mirage Details: Remove defense units Destroy all defense units in the plant. Advance: 72000C Upon Success: 144000C Area: Filtration Plant Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- CR-WB91MB Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88HNR Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - CR-WL88LB3 Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES Walkthrough... This is your first hard mission. But it can be easier if you know what to do. The first part of the mission is just a cake walk... or fly. First open the door, aim up and kill the two gun turrets. Once you are done doing that, pan the whole room for more. There are two on each ledge, on ALL of them. Since you are using a strong machine gun and accurate arms, you don't need to pump a whole lot of lead into these laser shooting squares. Once you are done killing the eight guns, fly upwards to the top and kill the two roving MTs. This should scare you, especially if you didn't come prepared or you just plain suck. Any ways, this is the part of the level that is hard. You have a few choices... and you kind of have to make them as they come to you. Ok, first you are going to go outside where those two AC's dropped. Go outside, here is what you do, you can wait or scout. If you wait... you want one AC to come down the hole, if two come down, you are pretty much screwed unless you go back into the hallway. If one is there, peg him with rocket and your machine gun. If one comes in the hallway, use rockets until you want, then you should drop them to use your blade. Also drop your missiles, since they are useless now. If you scout... you can do two things. If one AC gets stuck in the hole... he's your target... hide from the other AC and use your burst missiles on it. If none get stuck, use your machine gun and rockets to kill one of them. Trust me, this is hard if this is your first AC game. If you fear you might die before this match even begins, use the first strat in which you hide in the hall way. P.S. The music in this level kicks ass. (If my AC sucks, or you just don't like it, emphasize on one tactic. Remember, you only have to kill one of them, that's why it is important to cut one off from the other... or you can just not take this mission.) Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Research Facility **** Requester: Kisaragi Details: Destroy equipment Destroy all research cultivation tanks. Advance: 38000C Upon Success: 62000C Area: Cultivation Plant Remarks: A bio sensor is recommended to aid in target acquisition. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- A07-LEMUR Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RO Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES Walkthrough... This is mission ten (that I took). Keep in mind you do not need the Back Unit Rockets in this mission if you plan on using your blade a lot. Again, you will learn a new point in this mission. It is called dodging while out turning an enemy. First you take a weapon that can pour on damage (like this machine gun), then rush up to him. Once you are close enough, just start strafing to a certain side (either way, as long as you do not cross in front of him), while boost hopping. Once you are behind him, make use of your Laser Blade. He shouldn't take long, and if you can't get this strategy working, just use your machine gun and Exceed Orbits. So now make your way down the elevator, turn right or left, it doesn't matter. Once you are in a door, you will see some of those little kamikaze bugs... take the ones in the hallway out. Now once you are inside the biggest room (the one that should have the word "target" floating around a few places), take out your rockets and destroy them. There are four of them, they look like sideways pipes. If you would rather take your time, you can just kill them all, but you don't need to. Now once you leave either side, just keep going strait until you reach the other side in the opposite direction. Once these four are destroyed, the mission is over. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~W-Pod Performance Test * Requester: USE Details: Collect data Destroy all autonomous weapon pods. Advance: 60000C Upon Success: 20000C Area: Training Facility Remarks: We well cover all ammunition expenses and AC repair costs. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES Walkthrough... This is an easy ****ing mission. All you have to do is kill all the weak little MT pods. Use what ever weapons you want. After you clear the room for the first time, take note of where they come out... the east wall. They will then come from the above vent and the lower vent. Once you get this down, you can just stand on a floating platform or on the ground. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~W-Pod Performance Retest * Requester: USE Details: Collect data Destroy all autonomous weapon pods. Advance: 60000C (?) Upon Success: 20000C (?) Area: Training Facility Remarks: We well cover all ammunition expenses and AC repair costs. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES Walkthrough... As if you needed help with either of these missions, look to the previous mission for some tips... Again, this is identical to the regular test. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Eliminate VIP * Requester: Mirage Details: Destroy VIP's helo Shoot down the helo, prevent its escape. Advance: 20000C Upon Success: 72000C Area: Lectus Plain Area 04 Remarks: Night vision capabilities is recommended for this mission. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- A07-LEMUR Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RO Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES Walkthrough... Shoot the helicopter. If you can't beat this mission under 10 seconds on your first try, you should reconsider living. You don't even need to change your set up. You should be able to beat the mission before your contact is done talking. Hidden Parts... CR-WR88RS3 (Right Arm Sniper Rifle) I'm not sure of the exact requirements, but I do know this, I got this part on my second play though. Corporation points might have something to do with it, but I'm not sure. One thing I know, you must beat this easy mission. Upon recent discovery, I found doing the mission "Attack Supply Convoy" will enable you to get the part. This mission is "Sealed" and involves you destroying transports... sort like the reverse side of "Safeguard Escape Route." [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Nighttime Combat Exercise * Requester: Terrorist Details: Combat exercise Destroy all MTs deployed. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 80000C Area: Training Facility Remarks: Since the exercise will be carried out under nighttime conditions, night vision capability is recommended. Set Up... Use ANYTHING that isn't a missile with a head with Night vision... But this is what I used :P Head ---------- H11-QUEEN (0/1/1/1/7) Core ---------- C01-GAEA (0/3/3/4/0) Arms ---------- CR-A92XS (0/10/0/0/0) Legs ---------- LF04-LIZARD (0/7/0/0/3) Booster ------- B05-GULL (0/0/10) FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH (0/10/0) Radiator ------ RAGORA (1/5/4) Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- WB15L-GERYON2 Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O79L+ O03-CODON O04-GOLGI CR-O86R+ MARISHI Walkthrough... If you are going through this FAQ the right way, this mission should be on your second or up time through... this means you should have had a taste of the mission "Remove City Intruders" This is about the same thing, only you are in a Training Facility. All you have to do is kill four reverse joint MTs. This isn't hard and this mission shouldn't take you long at all to complete, even if you don't have night vision. Watch out for the MT on the upper level. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Training Exercise VS AC ******** Requester: Crest Details: Training exercise Engage AC, help with data collection. Advance: 98000C Upon Success: 128000C Area: Training Facility Remarks: We well cover all ammunition expenses and AC repair costs. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C69U Arms ---------- CR-A69S Legs ---------- CR-LF88A Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS O04-GOLGI MARISHI Walkthrough... Now, this mission isn't too hard if you know how to kill a (slow) turning AC, but just incase, he is a little thing you can do. Notice the Set up? It only has 10 shots to it. You need only FOUR hits to kill him, not bad, right? Don't forget, I took in consideration that you do not lose any money in this mission, so as long as you kill him, you will be OK. You shouldn't care about if you almost die or not... Any ways, if this strat doesn't work for you, try Tank legs, they can FLY with back cannons, making it easier. If you have a hard time hitting him, buy a wide and shallow FCS. For the actual fight, Genobee has two grenade launchers, a rifle, and a strong blade (and a Hanger Grenade Rifle unit :D). If you engage him at mid range, all you have to worry about is his grenades. Try to hit him when ever he lands, and you do not have to be perfect with your aiming as the large gun on your back travels at a decent speed and has a wide laser that is hard to avoid at the last second. I made this AC out of some starting part so I wouldn't waste money buying a bunch of high defense parts just to sell back for a lower price. By the way, you are a guinea pig in this mission. Hidden Parts... WH03M-FINGER (Right arm machine gun) To get this part, all you have to do is beat this mission fast. It is very simple with the set up above. If you are having trouble with getting this part with that set up, or any other set up using that huge dual back weapon, you need help. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Power Plant *** Requester: Terrorist Details: Destroy equipment Destroy all electrical transfer pipes. Advance: 20000C Upon Success: 80000C Area: Corona Power Plant Remarks: Generators in the plant create a lot of signal interference. Make sure your AC has good ECM countering performance. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H73E Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F750 Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RA Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS MARISHI Walkthrough... With this set up, this mission is too easy. If you want to save money and not buy any parts, this mission will consist of you just fly by everything... If you CAN complete the mission, by all means, use all ready obtained parts to save a buck. Any ways, this mission as a lot of ECM crap, this is why I had you by a FCS, two RADARS, and a new head. Head out the first door, before you fall down, snipe on the wall turrets. This may take a while since you aim will get screwed up every so often. Then fall down when you kill enough Turrets. There should be an MT or two chilling down here... the funny part, they get effected by the ECMs too. Any ways, kill it and move forward. Half through this hallway, look to your right to find a hidden door. Weave you way though this hallway, killing all the wall guns and MTs, but do it slowly so only one MT or gun can hit you at a time. AT the end of this hall way is a door, go in it and kill the lone wall turret, then use a single bullet to blow up each of the four transfer pipes. Head out of this room and go back to where you started. Take a right from that hidden door and go north. This next hallway as nothing in it, but once you get to the end, you will be in a similar situation as when you opened the first door of the level. Kill all the MTs you desire and move into the room. Once into this room, you must go to the left wall this time to find that secret door. Now this hallway is identical to the one you went in to destroy the first four transfer pipes... do the same in this hallway to end the mission. (Upon recent discovery, destroying those little piston like things in the two main hall ways will lower the over all ECM level. You can tell if it works as you number in the top right corner will lower.) Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~New MT Performance Test ** Requester: Crest Details: Collect data Destroy all new model MTs deployed. Advance: 60000C Upon Success: 20000C Area: Training Facility Remarks: We well cover all ammunition expenses and AC repair costs. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F750 Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS MARISHI Walkthrough... This is an easy mission. All you have to do is kill the 3 MTS. If you need help actually fighting them, just check the enemy section. Otherwise you shouldn't have a problem beating just 3 of the... also consider it is another free paid mission. Just use both of your arm weapons together to beat them quicker. Hidden Parts... CR-WH69H (Left Arm Handgun) Build a high defense Tank AC for this mission, then chill up on the upper platform all the way backed against a wall. Survive for about three minutes... Hell, leave it running and do a chore or use the bathroom... Well, come back, and if you aren't dead yet, hop down and let them kill you. Once you die, your contact will tell you that the data was good, and you'll get this part for dieing... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~New MT Performance Retest ** Requester: Crest Details: Collect data Destroy all new model MTs deployed. Advance: 60000C (?) Upon Success: 20000C (?) Area: Training Facility Remarks: We well cover all ammunition expenses and AC repair costs. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F750 Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS MARISHI Walkthrough... As with all Retest missions, this offers just free money. Refer to the previous mission for info. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Remove City Intruders ** Requester: Navis Details: Remove intruders Destroy all units in the invasion force. Advance: 34000C Upon Success: 68000C Area: Bayload City Remarks: The city is blacked out. Night vision capabilities recommend. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F750 Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ MARISHI Walkthrough... This mission is extremely easy, but I think it is fun! The mission is set in the same city where you first met Genobee, but only with no lights. All there is to do is to clean out the MTs. They are the standard reverse joint types. All you have to do is watch out for missiles from any open areas... to lessen the missiles coming at you, take out MTs one by one with the cover of a building. I left on the longer range FCS for a reason. If you see an MT on a roof, just shoot at it... chances are it can't dodge while being on the roof. If you see an MT on the ground, try to get to it with a building in a way. This isn't a hard mission. Try it with no Night vision if you want a tad bit more of a challenge. There are about ten MTs, just so you know. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend Mirage Transport **** Requester: Mirage Details: Defend transport Protect the transport from attack. Advance: 22000C Upon Success: 102000C Area: MT Transport Plane Remarks: Destruction of the cargo will reduce your reward. Don't hit the hatch release controls. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H73E Tuned: 0/0/0/0/10 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F750 Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RA Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ MARISHI Walkthrough... If you plan to get the part, go for it right now! Refer to the bottom... Any ways, all you have to do in this mission is stay put and there is a good reason to do so. After MTs come out, the ground will start to fall. [][][][][][][][][][][][] []=XX=================[] []=XX=================[] []====================[] [] [] [] [] [] [] []====================[] []====================[] []====================[] [] [] [] [] [] [] []====================[] []====================[] []=======Start========[] [][][][][][][][][][][][] The blank areas are the ones that open up, don't fall for obvious reasons. Now about the enemies, they are those little annoying W-PODs, this mission would have been easier, but there is a lot of ECM crap in this plane. All you can really do is sit at a wall and shoot, it's not that roomy either. If you have trouble hitting them, use an EO or a bigger shell weapon (like rocket or a bazooka). If you are dieing, by all means use a tank. You don't need either of them, but just in case... I don't want you changing your set up for each and every mission, it saves money in the long run. As for the cargo, don't worry about it, just do not destroy it on purpose. Every time I beat the mission, they destroy all the MTs hanging up in the plane... Hidden Parts... HOHSHI (Inside Part) Dash to the left corner at the beginning of the Mission. Destroy the crate to reveal the hidden part. I'm pretty sure you lose a few bucks in the process. See the "X" in the map? That's where it is. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Kisaragi Force (103000) * Requester: Navis Details: Destroy invading force Destroy all helos guarding the boats Advance: 31000C Upon Success: 72000C Area: Koilos Lake Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LN85 Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ MARISHI Walkthrough... Notice the new legs I had you snap on? Well this is a valuable lesson: Hovering legs hover! If you still do not get what I mean, you can float on the water without falling into it. First note that you ONLY have to kill the Helis. With this in mind, ignore the gun turrets... in fact, right in the begging of the mission head to the Northwest and fact where the boats are. Once you are on the water, aim at and upward angle to lock on to the Helicopters. Once they close in, just move back a little and shoot till they explode. They don't take a lot to kill and you shouldn't really get hit all that much. By the way, From needs to stop recycling things... they used these boats back in Armored Core 2: Another Age... Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Kisaragi Force (98000) * Requester: Navis Details: Destroy invading force Destroy all helos guarding the boats Advance: 0C Upon Success: 98000C Area: Koilos Lake Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LN85 Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ MARISHI Walkthrough... To get this mission in the first place, just FAIL the mission above it... they have the same name... I would like to kill the person you came up with this idea. This mission is nearly identical to the other one, only for two things. The two boats are missing... but this does nothing if you hide behind the platform. Two helos start behind you... so you will have to actually turn around! If you need help on this, just look at the mission before it... Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Protect Fuel Depot ** Requester: Crest Details: Protect the facility Destroy all enemies, protect fuel tanks. Advance: 45000C Upon Success: 68000C Area: Crest Fuel Depot Remarks: Destruction of fuel tanks will reduce your reward. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH74M Booster ------- B02-VULTURE FCS ----------- CR-F750 Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WR25DL-SKULL2 Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON MARISHI Walkthrough... At the mission's start, head forward and kill all the MTs. Now ignore the MTs behind the Sheds for a second since they aren't as bad as a threat as the ones that spawn near the fuel tanks are. So here is how you should do it... Kill the MTs that start in front of you. Now keep turning left (past east) and you will pass MTs next to big Tanks, ignore them for now as well. You will then see a couple MTs next to smaller fuel tanks, these are the ones you must kill as soon as possible. After they are out of the way, turn to the ones you past turning east, there should be three of them. After they are done, kill the ones that spawn next to the sheds, as they are farthest away from the tanks and least of the threat. Remember, when using the Laser rifle, keep your lock-on locked on the target for a few moments so your shot will actually lead them. This is also important so you do not hit any tanks from missing an MT. Hidden Parts... LN01-SEAL (Hover Legs) To get this part, you must beat the mission the way it is intended. You can not let any fuel tanks explode. This may be hard, but just refer to the mission walkthrough for help. This may take a few tries to get down. CR-LF71 (Four-Type Legs) Beat this mission with Crest in mind... If you have a lot of Crest Corp. points, you will most likely get this part. This may be another part you might have to play through the game again to get... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Living Organism Removal *** Requester: Mirage Details: Remove organisms Destroy all bio weapon in the plant. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 117000C Area: Filtration Plant Remarks: A bio sensor is recommended to aid in target acquisition. Set Up... Head ---------- H10-CICADA2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... This isn't a hard mission at all, and even easier once you get the groove for it. First off, you are in a little room, get right on the border of it so the bugs have a little bit harder time reaching you. Once you are on the border, constantly circle around the room. If you do this while you kill them, you should never get touched. As you play this mission, they will continue to drop from little holes on the wall, if one lands on you, boost quickly, but don't bunny hop. I didn't take this mission my first time through because it is extremely boring to me. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~New ECM Performance Test * Requester: Mirage Details: Collect data Destroy all MT units deployed. Advance: 60000C Upon Success: 20000C Area: Training Facility Remarks: We're testing a new ECM model, make sure you AC has good ECM countering performance. We'll cover all ammunition expenses and AC repair costs. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ MARISHI Walkthrough... There are two parts to this mission. In the first part, you have to kill a single MT that you've faced too many times before. Just go up to it, blade it, or shoot a rocket at it. Then three more come up with ECM makers on... so take out your rockets and just fire at them. See, I can make a half assed set up AC for this mission because you get full money no matter how crap you do :D. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack OAC Expedition * Requester: Navis Details: Destroy OAE's forces Destroy the monorail, prevent its escape. Advance: 18000C Upon Success: 78000C Area: Ruga Tunnel Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH74M Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ MARISHI Walkthrough... Look at the other bridge... Aim under the Bridge... Shot one rocket at the train... Hidden Parts... CR-WR81RS2 (Right Arm Sniper Rifle) This AC part is harder to get than beating the mission itself... First start by turning right to the South, NOW QUICKLY OVERBOOST! Do NOT over heat or worse, charge. Do not use your regular boosters either, as that will make you really fry. Now once you are through that tunnel, fly on top of the OTHER bridge. This shouldn't be hard with a light AC (You are using the AC I have listed above, right?). You should kill the MT/Cars shooting missiles at you, they will make getting down to kill the Monorail a living hell. Any ways, the hidden part is in the right tunnel. Quickly pick it up and turn around. Now fly underneath the bridge you are standing on to hit the Monorail. It will only take one freaking hit to kill it, so don't worry if it is about to leave. Remember, don't start trying to fly down until you feel you are safe from missile. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Mirage Transports **** Requester: Navis Details: Intercept transports Shoot down the transport planes. Advance: 25000C Upon Success: 0C Area: Bayload City Rooftop Remarks: Your reward will be based on the number of transports destroyed. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH89F Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- E07AM-MORAY Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- CR-WB85RPX Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ MARISHI Walkthrough... Ok, you can complete this mission and still let a lot of planes just fly by you. But if you want to take this mission seriously and want the hidden part, just kill them all. Those Large Rockets kill them in one hit each, so make sure you aim well. Your sniper rifle can kill them in 4 hits each. So here is what you do. First off, equip your extensions by pressing in one of the Analog sticks (the one that doesn't make you over boost.) This will let you intercept some of the missiles without worrying about getting killed for most of the mission. Now keep in mind that your rockets do not go as far as your Sniper Rifle, they go almost about half the range. When you see a plane to the far left or right, use your Sniper rifle. If you see them to the front, use your rockets. If you get over whelmed, used rockets. Don't worry about your AP (only dodge if you are about to die), it is more important that you kill the transports, remember that. Hidden Parts... MF04-COWRY (FCS) To get this part, simply kill all the transports. This isn't as hard as it looks, you just need enough ammo. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~ECM Missile Test ** Requester: Kisaragi Details: Collect data Evade missiles until data is collected. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 80000C Area: Training Facility Remarks: Evade a sufficient number of missiles so accurate data can be acquired. The more you avoid, the better your reward. We'll cover all your costs. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H84E2 (Or a high VS ECM head) Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH74M Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- I07D-MEDUSA2 Extension ----- SUIGETSU Back Unit R --- NONE (or a good VS ECM Radar) Back Unit L --- NONE (Ditto) Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ CR-O71EC KISSYOH O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI Walkthrough... To be quiet honest with you, this mission would have had a better strategy than the last one if there was any incentive to do good. There are no parts to obtain and you will most likely get a decent bonus if you stay alive. But here are some tips. Since more than two missiles fire at a time (I think 6...) you MUST lead them on. But here is the hard part, you usually don't have a RADAR, so you must be turning at all times to see when they are coming. There are two other things you can do. Use a higher ECM counter head with dual Radar for the same function. This will make you radar have less snow (static). Also, once you get hit or just plain don't give a damn, hide close to a wall and leave the room. You will get hit by very few Missiles... you might even want to just make a tank and do this right from the start. Hidden Parts... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~ECM Missile Retest ** Requester: Kisaragi Details: Collect data Evade missiles until data is collected. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 80000C (?) Area: Training Facility Remarks: Evade a sufficient number of missiles so accurate data can be acquired. The more you avoid, the better your reward. We'll cover all your costs. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H84E2 Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH74M Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- I07D-MEDUSA2 Extension ----- SUIGETSU Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WR11RS-GARUM Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ CR-O71EC KISSYOH O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI Walkthrough... This is the same thing as the last mission, use it if you want extra money and refer to the mission above this one if you have any questions. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Hold Tunnel Defense Line ****** Requester: Navis Details: Destroy invaders Defeat all targets, hold the defense line. Advance: OC Upon Success: 110000C Area: Utility Tunnel Remarks: Night vision capability is recommended for this mission. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- CR-A94FL Legs ---------- LN01-SEAL Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- CR-F69 Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- YASYA Back Unit L --- YASYA Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR76B Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL95B Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O79L+ CR-O86R+ MARISHI Walkthrough... This can be a hard mission. Before you start, you may like this mission better or worse with night vision of not... I choose to use it. Yes, I know the design is over weight, but it doesn't matter, you don't need to move fast. The idea of this level is to NOT level ANYTHING pass you. Thankfully you are in a long tunnel, unthankfully you are up against a couple dozen of wall/ceiling MTs. If you decide to move forward, use an orbit. If you are moving forward (enough where you orbit will do nothing), pop out your exceed orbits. Once they go out, retreat while using your bazooka and put some more back orbits out to kill off a few. That is about it. Watch out, and never aim up or down, they can move pretty fast... and they don't even look like they do! Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Armored Monorails ****** Requester: OAE Details: Remove defense units Destroy all armored monorails. Advance: 45800C Upon Success: 142500C Area: Ruga Tunnel Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LRJ76 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ MARISHI Walkthrough... Start the mission by turning to the left and boosting to the other bridge's underbelly. Make sure as you fly to it, you are below the area where the MTs and Tanks can see you from above. Any ways, turn to face the first two armored monorails. Watch out though, these are pretty strong enemies. They can launch grenades from a good distance. So use both of your Sniper rifles to kill them both, it might take a few shots. Now hurry and move forward, you should notice you are being pegged from the sides from MTs. Now once you are in the tunnel, stay in it, and do not move out. There will be two MTs and two more monorails at the end of this bridge. Now jump up and down while trying to kill the MT, it will usually aim for where you are leading (it will shoot at the ground if it shoots while you are falling), it this happens, it will kill itself by blowing up part of the ground. Remember, you only need to kill the Monorails, so when aiming for them, they are the targets that do not move! Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stop Crest Invasion Force ******** Requester: Mirage Details: Defend HQ buildings Defeat all MTs, protect the base. Advance: 62000C Upon Success: 150000C Area: Mirage Base Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A09-LEMUR2 Legs ---------- CR-LH81AP Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- MF-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- CR-EB2552 Back Unit R --- WB18M-CENTAUR Back Unit L --- WB18M-CENTAUR Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... First off, if you can't live with high booster heat, Tune some of your Frame parts for Cooling. Any ways, this is a longer mission where you have to kill a bunch of those heavily armed MTs you fought in those test missions. Try not to use your Machine gun too much. For the Mts, you need to rely on your Sniper rifle, Exceed orbits, and your Back Missiles as much as possible. Now your missiles will let you kill those MTs from Behind things, so use this to your advantage, but DO NOT hide behind a Defend target... your will be just asking for trouble. Now if your missiles don't kill one in one launch, use one or two Sniper rifle rounds, it will usually take them out. If an MT is close to you, use your EO's once and a few Sniper rifle rounds. Now once all the MTs are clear, drop your Back Missiles, they will only weight you down. Now an AC will come down. Use your EO's, Machine gun, and Sniper rifle together to take her out. It appears she isn't at full health, so she isn't that hard. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Safeguard Escape Route ** Requester: Navis Details: Defend escaping convoy Prevent destruction of escaping convoy. Advance: 42000C Upon Success: 48000C Area: Bayload City Suburb Remarks: Your reward will be based on the number of vehicles that escape destruction. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... This mission is way too easy for where it is placed in the game. All you have to do is kill five Mts. Don't worry if they destroy a lot of cars, just make sure they do not kill too many. There are many better set ups for this mission, but why waste time and money building one... Just make sure you note the two Sniper MTs that are at both far ends of the map. Hidden Parts... RAIJIN (Left Arm Laser Blade) This part is hidden inside of a Truck. One of the Yellow transport trucks that has been curbed off to the side has it. Destroy the truck and pick up the part. It is on the left side of the highway. Just make sure you kill a couple of MTs before you start looking for it, it is very small. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~New AC Performance Test ** Requester: Kisragi Details: Collect data Defeat the new model AC Advance: OC Upon Success: 80000C Area: Training Facility Remarks: We will cover all ammunition expenses and AC repair costs. Set Up... Head ---------- H09-SPIDER Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F69 Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH03M-FINGER Arm Unit L ---- NICHIRIN Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... This is the first mission you can see this enemy in, so you better do good. I wanted you to use this set up because this is how you need to kill them... FAST. The longer you are in a fight with these guys, the more you will lose AP. Now this mission is easy... but what if you had to fight more than just one... Any ways, the strategy is simple, just pop up your machine gun exceed orbit and run him down with your flame thrower and finger. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~New AC Performance Retest ** Requester: Kisragi Details: Collect data Defeat the new model AC Advance: OC Upon Success: 80000C (?) Area: Training Facility Remarks: We will cover all ammunition expenses and AC repair costs. Set Up... Walkthrough... This is the same as the last mission, try it your own way... there is no point for me to copy and paste the same design again. If you so happen to die, suck, or simply do not like close range, look at the enemy section for some tips... Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Crest Exclusive AC **** Requester: Mirage Details: Destroy AC target Defeat AC with company exclusive contract. Advance: 100000C Upon Success: 160000C Area: Bayload City Rooftop Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H03-BEETLE Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A02-DRILL Legs ---------- CR-LT78A Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MF04-COWRY Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- CR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI Walkthrough... This is just a one on one fight. You should equip what ever you want, but if you want the part, killing her fast is the only thing you should be worried about. Just poop up your exceed orbits and shoot her about 4 times. It's funny how you can kill her before she's done talking smack. Hidden Parts... WB31B-PEGASUS (Back Boosters) This part, is nearly impossible to get on your second and up times through out the game, so you BETTER get it now. Just kill this AC fast, use this set up. If you know how to hit square and pop up your EO's, you pretty much won. I know time isn't the only quota, because I could kill her in under 10 seconds on other play throughs... The hidden curriculum must rely in corp points... Mirage/32% Crest/16% Kisaragi/8% Navis/24%, That is what I had. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Navis' Mine ***** Requester: Mirage Details: Remove defense forces Destroy all targets in the operation area. Advance: 82000C Upon Success: 148000C Area: Borbos Mine Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF04-COWRY Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- JIKYOH Back Unit R --- CR-WB91MB Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O75LA CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... This mission is broken up into two parts. The first part is you cleaning up these Pod MTs. Use your Sniper rifle and Machine gun to kill them. Keep in mind that I have a wide + shallow FCS on, so you must get closer to these to lock onto them You shouldn't have any trouble killing these pods. Once they are all dead, an AC comes out. Now he will usually head right into that pit and have a hard time getting out. This is when you should activate you extensions and peg him with burst missiles. If and when he does come out, or if you run out of burst missiles, just use both or your arm weapons to kill him, he's not that hard. If he does come out, get back, he uses DUAL fingers, that's 6 machine gun bullets at once. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy City Defense Force *** Requester: Kisaragi Details: Remove defense forces Destroy all targets in the operation area. Advance: 32000C Upon Success: 82000C Area: Utility Tunnel Remarks: Use night vision capability to steer clear of mines deployed in the operation area. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LRJ76 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... This mission is about you killing 4 gun turrets. With this set up, you will not see any of them shoot a grenade at you. You are in a tunnel, there are mines everywhere. You should FLY ALL THE TIME. From the start, kill the first Gun Turret. Now the next three are very close together. The reason I had you equip two sniper rifles is so you can kill them faster. So fly forward until you get a lock on, then fly a little farther. Land, and if you are lucky, you will not touch a mine. Now just Snipe the rest of the targets. Hidden Parts... IWATO (Extension Shields) To get this part, you must have a LOW Mirage point and complete the mission with a lot of earned credits. If you need help getting here without taking Mirage missions, you can't, but you can fail them so they do not count. If you followed my walkthrough's order of missions, you should not get this part... Sorry. You can always try it on your second try. The reason they low Mirage point is because they have more than enough missions. Try getting Mirage's point under 30. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Mirage Supply Depot ** Requester: Crest Details: Secure supply depot Destroy all MT units stationed at the base. Advance: 4600OC Upon Success: 87000C Area: Mirage Supply Depot Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH79M2 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... As you can tell, this mission has a lot of ECM crap. Your first and foremost plan is to go to where the MTs are being lifted off the beds. Plant a rocket in each of them to blow them up prematurely. There are six beds all together, 2 closer to you and 4 at the father corner. After they are out of the way, there are just two MTs. This mission shouldn't take you another try. By the way, Those reverse joint MTs are causing the ECM. I find it easier just to kill the bigger MTs first any ways. (Upon recent discovery, you may fight the AC Red Fox in this mission. I didn't even realize he was attacking me until I got smacked with a Large Missile. If you so happen to fight, you will must likely die with the set I handed out. If you want to kill him, use two decent dual hand weapons and get close to him. Out turn him; he has a VERY tiny lock box. If you stay far away, make sure you can dodge really good.) Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Terrorist Base *** Requester: Kisaragi Details: Mop up remaining units Destroy all targets stationed in the area. Advance: 28000C Upon Success: 111100C Area: NE Aurus Canyon Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... This mission is easy, they even start you in a good spot! Any ways, kill all the pod MTs that start right next to you. This may take some time due to mad amounts of ECM crap. Now make your way to the ledge and pick off all the Sniper MTs. Now you can just stay up here for the rest of the mopping up, or just hop down there and use your Rockets, you decide, it's not a hard mission. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Pursue Navis Remnants ** Requester: Mirage Details: Mop up force remnants Destroy all units stationed in the area. Advance: 33000C Upon Success: 95000C Area: East Ruga Canyon Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... This mission takes place in the same area as the first mission... and it would have been a tad bit harder, BUT YOU CAN FALL IN THE CANYON! Any ways, all you have to do is take out W-Pods and Sniper MTs. If you get too flustered, hop in the canyon to take a breather, but you shouldn't need to. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Invade Warehouse ** Requester: Mirage Details: Mop up force remnants Destroy all forces inside the warehouse. Advance: 36000C Upon Success: AC Pasrts Area: Subsurface Warehouse Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF04-COWRY Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... Another easy mission, only this is an indoor mission. The first room is almost like that one mission when you have to destroy all the boxes... only there are more of those roving MTs. Just walk through the room using your Exceed Orbits and a few machine gun rounds to kill them all. Now head in the next hallway, boost right in a blade the MT. Now in the final room, aim up high and destroy the two guns, now fall down after that with your Exceed Orbits out and destroy the trio of MTs in any way you want. This is a short indoor mission... easy like I said. Hidden Parts... A04-BABOON (Arms) This part is the reward for this mission, or "Upon Success" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Eliminate Reserve Force ** Requester: Mirage Details: Mop up force remnants Destroy all tanks stationed in the area. Advance: 29000C Upon Success: 98000C Area: Desert Region 04 Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LF02-GAVIAL Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- WB08PL-SKYLLA Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS O03-CODON O04-GOLGI MARISHI Walkthrough... This mission is short and sweet. All you have to do is find a tank, hit it once, then repeat until you kill ten of them. You probably will take a lot of damage in the process, but you won't be wasting money on Ammo. Use the Dunes to your advantage so you don't get pegged too much. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Remaining Forces ** Requester: Mirage Details: Mop up force remnants Destroy all tanks stationed in the area. Advance: OC Upon Success: 132000C Area: Desert Region 03 Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LF07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB91MB Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- CR-W88LB3 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... Right from the beginning of the mission, equip your missiles. Now once you do, just keep on launching them (vertically) over that large dune. You rarely need more than one missile to kill a tank. When aiming, look to one side, them once you launch, aim to the opposite. This way you won't attack the same tank twice wasting time and ammo. Keep killing them until you do see anything anymore. Around this time the desert should be getting darker, don't get **** scared when the screen tunes green :D Now head to the Northwest corner of the map and kill three very far away Helos. Once you do this, the mission is over. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Mine Power Systems *** Requester: Mirage Details: Destroy mine equipment Destroy all systems in the time allotted. Advance: 32000C Upon Success: 118000C Area: Borbos Mine Remarks: Night vision capability is recommended for this mission. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH74M Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RO Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... Like my set up? Good. Start off by boosting right down the middle and hanging a right (West). Open this door and fly down the elevator. Now right at the bottom of the second elevator there is a door, once you open it, look to the bottom right. Should it with you rocket FROM THE DOOR WAY. Do not go out too far from the door or else you will get pumped by a laser cannon. Any ways, after you are done destroying the Generator, center your screen and blow up that vent cover. Plop your ass through it and continue along the shaft. Once you get to the next vent cover, you'll be in another room with a target in it. If you haven't, find the secret part in this room. Now with that aside, destroy the last generator. Once you are done with that, hop into the vent that is on the south wall you came from and closest to the generator. Now just go out this vent and you beat the mission! You might have to shoot off a vent cover. If you noticed, I didn't mention killing a single enemy. I don't even know what kind of enemy hit me with a laser cannon... but it did. Hidden Parts... CR-H95EE (Head) In the second room with a "Target", you can see a raised platform with a box on it. You can see and fall onto this box from the vent you are coming from. You might want to be quick on getting this part as you will be under a lot of fire. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend Missile Outpost ******** Requester: Mirage Details: Defend outpost Repel attacks, prevent outpost's destruction. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 251000C Area: Filtration Plant Remarks: Destruction of defense targets will reduce your reward. Set Up... Head ---------- H09-SPIDER Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- WA03-TAURUS Legs ---------- LR04-GAZELLE (Tune for Max Weight) Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F82D2 Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- CR-E92RM3 Back Unit R --- WB19M-HYDRA2 Back Unit L --- KINNARA Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O75LA CR-O79L+ O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI Walkthrough... This is a mission where half way through you will say, OH ****! Lucky for you, I made a cheap as AC. Any ways, in the first part of the mission you fight a solitary AC, one of those prototype ones. Well use any weapon you want. I choose to use the multi missiles. Four of them should kill him, or five if you miss badly. Now after that one is dead, THREE more will drop at the Southeast corner. Now it's time to crack open the extensions and go to town with them. Use the Micro Missiles with a peek a boo tactic (as in jumping over a storage shed) or use it when they are about mid to long distance moving side to side. Use your Multi Missiles when they get caught on something, like a fuel tank or wall. Use your arm missiles (with relations) when you are airborne at about mid range. Make sure they are IN the wide open. Use your EO if you decide to run out of ammo. I like to have fun with this missile with different set ups, but this set up will get the job done. Remember to ALWAYS keep your distance, or you will be raped by damage and heat alike. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Support OAE Invasion ****** Requester: OAE Details: Remove base defenses Defeat all MTs protecting the base. Advance: 86200C Upon Success: 152400C Area: Mirage Base Remarks: Destruction of armored support vehicles will reduce your reward. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH02-LYNX2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... Three things about this mission. -Do not worry about your friends, let them die, who cares. -If you want the secret part, get it in the beginning of the level. -You MUST rely on all your weapons, including your EO. If you can't stand popping it up once in a while, then maybe you should take an AC with more ammo. (A machine gun with 800-1000 rounds will work, but it will take you longer to kill with, thus more damage to you) This is a long mission where you have to kill a lot of enemies. There are two parts to this mission. The first part is nothing, just a few slow MTs. There might be some ECM crap blocking your lock ons, so use your Rockets. If you went for the secret part, chances are you will kill two of these that are in the way and the rest will die from your support friends. Now the next part is the tough one. All you will fight are VERY fast MTs that will glide and use a strong laser rifle. Here are some tips... -Waste the rest of your rockets on the MTs that newly come. If you can't hit them, that's OK, they will kill them in one hit, so every hit counts. -Drop your rockets when they are empty. -When you see a MT, Pop out your extensions, and shot sniper rifle round, and about 5-6 machine gun bullets. If most of these hit, you have killed an MT using little ammo. -Dodging is important, that's why killing an MT fast is important. -Remember, they use a powerful laser cannon, so change directions as SOON as you hear one being shot. -If an MT is gliding or flying, don't bother trying to hit it, kill the ones on the ground first to avoid wasting ammo. -Keep moving, bunny hop to avoid using too much energy. Hidden Parts... E05MG-ROE2 (Extension Ammo) Go to the north west corner of the level, you should see three sheds. Destroy the last one (closest to the edge of the level) and destroy it. Pick up your part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Excavation Team *** Requester: Terrorist Details: Remove escort units Destroy all excavation team escort units. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 130000C Area: NE Aurus Canyon Remarks: We'll increase your reward depending on the number of helicopters you destroy. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- CR-E84RM2 Back Unit R --- KINNARA Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... Ok, here is what you do. First, you start almost under a few helos. Go spastic on them with your dual sniper rifles. Now once that AC gets in range, use your missiles with your extensions to quickly kill it. Now focus you attention back on the helos. Mop up the rest of them. Once you are done killing them, you have one last AC on the top of the mountain across the valley (or pit, I'm not ballsy enough to fall down it). You can either drop both of your missile parts and snipe it, or use the missiles up a little closer and finish it off with just a few Sniper rifle rounds. Sniper 100% is better, as it is safer and saves you some cabbage on repair and ammo costs... it only takes long. Once that AC is dead, you beat the mission. Upon farther research, do not fall in that hole! Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Ambush Crest HQ Force ********** Requester: Crest Details: Eliminate AC targets Defeat ACs dispatched from Crest HQ. Advance: 82000C Upon Success: AC Parts Area: Lectus Plain Area 04 Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LF04-LIZARD Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- WB15L-GERYON2 Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON MARISHI Walkthrough... Let me spoil this mission for you, IT IS NOT EASY. Unless you came prepared. See those parts up there? TUNING THEM WILL MAKE THIS MISSION A LOT EASIER! This mission has a dual AC fight, then a one-on-one AC fight. He is how you start it. The first two AC's will fall down from their planes. The first Ac that comes down the hill should be the one with back boosters and a Mini Karasawa (purple spread from the laser rifle). When he comes down, Use your Machine gun, Rifle, and Exceed Orbits. He should die faster than you think. You will usually see him shooting LONG before he can hit you, don't be scared, the weapon only LOOKS like it hurts. When fighting him, ignore your contact, get in close and out turn him like crazy. He doesn't know how to boost or shoot that good either. Take some time to regain some energy. The second AC should still be up top fiddling with himself. He uses a Sniper Rifle and a Pulse cannon in which he must kneel. Now for him, you should fly up where he is. If you see him using his rifle, use the same stuff on him that you did for the first AC, only farther away. You should dodge your best. If you see him kneel, pull out your Laser Cannon and peg him with it since he will not be able to move. Make sure you are on the ground to use it however. The third AC will then come shortly after you kill the second. You will automatically be placed were you first began. Now pull out your laser cannon and walk back a little bit. You MUST stay at long range when fighting her. DO NOT BOOST! You only need to walk away from her. Don't bother popping up your extensions, just use your Sniper Rifle and Laser Cannon. You will kill her before she even comes next to you. In the event you run out of ammo for your Laser Cannon, or she gets close, drop it, this will speed up your energy refresh rate a lot better. If she does this, stay very far away and use you Sniper rifle. Hidden Parts... CR-A88FG (Arms) You receive these for doing the mission, simple. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Kisaragi facility *** Requester: Mirage Details: Remove defense force Destroy the AC guarding the facility. Advance: 20000C Upon Success: 174000C Area: Koilos Lake Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- A05-LANGUR Legs ---------- CR-LN85 Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MF05-LIMPET Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH03-FINGER Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH79M2 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... This mission is broken into two parts. First off, you are fighting an AC. Take note on which side he starts on. Fall into the water and fight him. You don't need to boost that much, but try to keep him in your lock box. Use your left arm Machine gun all the time and your Finger when you are close. Once he is dead, which doesn't take long, hide under the middle pillar under the platform your opponent started on. Face south. You will see what I mean. Mirage is trying to bomb the base AND you... those backstabbers! Any ways, you can go and get something to eat while you wait here. As long as the first wave doesn't touch you, you are safe. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Resistance Force * Requester: Crest Details: Prevent AC theft Stop transports, destroy the AC unit. Advance: 45000C Upon Success: 122000C Area: SW Ruga Canyon Remarks: Your reward will be reduced according to the number of transports that escape. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... See the rock you start on? Well from there, you should see transports coming. Shoot them as the come, there are only four. I'm about to do this mission with my eyes closed. Almost did it, the last plane flew out of my lock box. Hidden Parts... NONE [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Clear Out Mirage Forces *** Requester: Raven's Ark Details: Wreak havoc on the facility and defenders. Advance: 0C Upon Success: 65000C Area: Filtration Plant Remarks: Destroy a sufficient amount of enemy forces and equipment to earn increased rewards. Set Up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... I don't think I need to tell you how to complete this mission... all you have to do is kill things. First off, kill off all those little gun turrets that launch grenades at you. That will make the mission a lot less frustrating. Once they are done with, use your large rockets to destroy a few missile turrets. This will up your reward. Now back up will come. They are just those annoying purple flying MTs again... only they just fly back and forth. Use you Sniper Rifle to take them out. Once you kill enough of them, your transport will come and you pass the mission. Hidden Parts... KUJAKU (Generator) This is probably the real reason you want to destroy a lot of crap. I believe you need to kill... All the Grenade Turrets 4 Missile Turrets (The four in the middle will do just fine) 7-8 Flying MT (Just keep killing them, don't worry about ammo, just fire!) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Investigate Phenomenon *** (*****) Requester: Mirage Details: Investigate phenomenon Search for source of electrical discharge. Advance: 40000C Upon Success: 128000C Area: Desert Area 05 Remarks: Signal interference relating to the discharge is expected, make sure your AC has good ECM countering performance. Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH89F Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF04-COWRY Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH79M2 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - CR-WL88LB3 Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... This is an odd mission... It is random (I'm pretty sure it is) There are two outcomes. Either you have an AC in the mission to fight, or you don't, this walkthrough would be if you see him. If you don't, the mission is easier. Your first order of business is to take out those huge generators. You WILL not be able to lock on to crap with them standing. Any ways, use your Rockets to take out the Generators. Once you do that, turn all your attention to the AC. Fight him away from were you destroyed the generators. If you don't, you'll have a few Tanks to deal with. Once you riddle him with your dual machine guns, turn your attention to the Tanks. If you run out of ammo, drop your left arm weapon for that Blade. By the way, upon recent research, you fight about two tanks when the AC is there. While you fight many more if it isn't. Hidden Parts... LN04-WALRUS2 (Hover Legs) You need to kill the AC. This is hard because he shows up at random... It is rumored that you also might need a high Navis point, but I don't see why. If you are having trouble making the AC appear, just keep choosing it in free missions, so you do not waste time saving and loading. The part isn't that important your first time around Try getting you Navis point to about 20. (Upon recent discovery, if you would take this mission during the actually story mode (IE: Not free) you may see the mission advance 70000 and the reward "Parts." If you do, you will definitely be getting the AC in the mission. This is only purely speculation) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Search For Survivors * Requester: Mirage Details: Explore the mine Search for signs of survivors. Advance: 48000C Upon Success: 125000C Area: Borbos Mine Remarks: Night vision capability is recommended for this mission. Set Up... (You might need to tune the Rad for weight, I'm note sure) Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH74M Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RO Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... This is a freaking easy and VERY boring mission, but I guess it has some plot to it... as if this game had a big one in the first place... You should remember this mission from the past... Any ways, you have to start by going east. Blow up the vent and start from there. Follow the vent the whole way through. Now once you are peaking out of that vent, go to the vent on the North wall. Follow this one the same way. Now fall into the next room. Once you are in it, look for the are that looks like a cave and go in it. Now follow this to the end. Once you are done with this vent, BEFORE you enter the room, blow up the dead MTs with your rockets. Now boost forward... you should see a movie... See these MTs? Ignore them, they keep coming and blow up once they crash into you. Now follow into the next room until your contact tells you about there not being anything here. Now all you have to do is get back to the beginning of the level. Over boost through that one room where they first came out, look at your ROE bar to tell when there are no enemies on the screen. The room where you will be exiting from a cave will have them in it too. Remember, go to the east wall. Now your final room with these is the first big room you were in... South wall. Now just exit the level. Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Eliminate Crest AC ****** Requester: Crest Details: Remove estranged Raven Defeat the AC targeted for elimination. Advance: 120000C Upon Success: 240000C Area: Bayload City Remarks: Set Up... NONE! Walkthrough... Kill Genobee. If you did it in the training mission, you can do it again. If you really want help, just use the same set up for him or your last arena fight with Iron-L... which both consist of that giant dual laser cannon... Hidden Parts... CR-WA91MSM (Weapon Arms) Kill him really fast, to ensure this, DO use this set up... Head ---------- H03-BEETLE Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A02-DRILL Legs ---------- CR-LT78A Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MF04-COWRY Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- CR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI If you kill him fast enough, he shouldn't be alive when he is muttering his bull**** about bull****. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Massive MT **** Requester: Navis Details: Remove MT threat Destroy the massive MT unit. Advance: 120000C Upon Success: 80000C Area: Navis MT Storehouse Remarks: None Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE (0/0/0/0/10) Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL (0/3/3/4/0) Arms ---------- CR-A92XS (0/4/3/3/0) Legs ---------- LF02-GAVIAL (0/0/0/9/1) Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 (0/10/0) FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P (0/0/10) Radiator ------ CR-R92 (1/0/9) Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI Walkthrough... You don't need to Tune everything the way I have it, but Tuning the Head is a good idea and you will be over weight if you don't put 10% in max leg weight. First off, DO NOT worry about destroy its power sources. They are the four little yellow things... they will only make him through out more accurate missiles more often. This mission if broken into three sections. You start in "Area 1" In Area 1, destroy the two wall mounted turrets. Kill them as fast as possible since the ECM might screw with you (but not as bad if you tuned for ECM). Now wait till the door opens up to Area 2. While you are waiting, destroy all the wall turrets before you can fit through to conserve time. Now hop into Area 2. Area 3 is the next area, and this is where the immobile MT is. Wait on the side of the door. Once you can see a square open up, destroy the last guns on the wall in area Area 3. Now, still facing the MT or the big explosions it is making on the door, head back to Area 1. Head ALL THE WAY back, while you are doing so, get a few Sniper rifle shots off... it can't hurt. Now all you have to do is dodge him and peg him with your Giant Back weapon. DO NOT BOOST! Just walk side to side. It should take about six shots to kill him. Do not die in this mission... unless you want to see a movie. Hidden Parts... NONE [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Prevent Weapon Activation ****************************************** Requester: Kisaragi Details: Destroy equipment Destroy all weapon activation controls. Advance: 260000C Upon Success: OC Area: Old Weapon Facility Remarks: None Set Up... (8000 AP WOOT!) Head ---------- H09-SPIDER (1/5/0/4/0) Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL (0/3/0/7/0) Arms ---------- A09-LEMUR2 (0/3/0/7/0) Legs ---------- LH02-LYNX2 (0/0/0/0/10) Booster ------- B05-GULL (0/1/9) FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH (0/10/0) Radiator ------ FURUNA (10/0/0) Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69RO Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI Walkthrough... I hope the Stars make you scared. OK, equip your rockets while you take the elevator down. Keep boosting forward until you see a target. Shoot it with one rocket. But only hit the bottom part, as that's all you need to destroy. Now move forward until you reach another similar room. Destroy this generator as well. Now once you do this, turn around and you will see a hatch open up. Now fly out of this hall way and destroy the two generators. They are located on the top of the two you just destroyed... only on the outside. While you are doing this, you will be getting pegged with guns from all angles. IGNORE them. After you destroy both of them, head back to the hallway's hatch. Now keep going strait until you see another target. Destroy it. Now go forward and out another hatch and destroy the final generator. Drop your rockets now. Quickly fly back into the hatch if you are scared. Oh wait... what's this? If you didn't recognize who this is suppose to be by the Red design or the pointy shoulder arms... maybe you might understand once you hear: Destroy... Destroy... Destroy... No? Well it does say Nine-ball in text box... Ok, he is BEYOND THE HARDEST FREAKING BOSS IN ANY ARMORED CORE! That's not saying much since they are all easy and half of them are a form of Nine or another. Any ways, here are things to do and NOT do. +Get on the lower level +Stay away +Fire at him... ALL THE TIME +Take advantage when he is still +Dodge... and do it damn good -DO NOT FOR ANY REASON GET UNDERNEATH HIM -DO NOT FOR ANY REASON GET HIT BY HIS PURPLE PLASMA CANNON (A lot) -DO NOT FOR ANY REASON CHARGE (At all) With that being said, you have a little preface of how ****'D up you can get. Any ways, here are his/its attacks... Pulse Rifle: What Nine Ball would be complete with out it? Well to make matters worse it is a dual one. He will NEVER stop using it even at any range. Out of all his attacks, you will love to get hit by this! Try to dodge it, it will help if you only do it consistently. If you charge or stand still, expect to die, quick. Plasma Cannon: A new addition to his array of weapons. Dodge this at all costs. It is damaging, and will contribute to you going over heat. If you are under him or he's just at a weird angle, you will get smacked by it. Your best way to avoid this is to always look at him and never go under him. If you see this coming at you with other Pulse rifle rounds, dodge this one first! Vertical Missiles: You actually want him to use this as much as possible. One is because he will most likely be far away, and most of them will roof out from that hallway in the middle of the freaking battle ground. These missiles aren't that strong, but he does use about 8-10 a launch. Grenade Launcher: You do not want him to use this attack. You will know this is coming once he stops above you. Even worse; right over you, where you can't even see him or them coming. These will pretty much rape your AC. If you stay away from him and actually keep him busy while you shoot him dead, you may never see this attack. Now while you are fighting him, don't bother going up top, but lock on to him while he is so you can get a cheap shoot once he comes down. Use all the time he spends above you with that hallway in the way recharging your energy. One thing to look out for is when he spazzes. He will generally stay in one spot flying up and down, almost like he's hopping in mid air. While he is doing this, you can expect a lot of pulse rounds and plasma. This is also the time when he is open for attack. Once he is dead, you will be in a new area. You'll see why I gave this mission a bunch of difficulty stars... you are going to be in a (epic) battle you can't win... I'm also not going to tell you how to "defeat" them either. Hidden Parts... WH04HL-KRSW (Left arm Karasawa) After the credits role, save your game. Load it back up and you should get the part. 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Here are some tips for overall fighting in the arena. -Don't be afraid to get close and out turn your enemy -If you use top strat too much, don't be afraid to run and dodge -Heat weapons are only effective in the arena, but are more dealy in this game -There is no use cost in the arena, so use all those costly parts -Sadly, you can't pick where you want to fight -Again, stars mean difficulty -If one of my set ups don't work, make one up! -If you destroy an AC in a mission, he or she gets taken out -Once an AC gets taken out, a new one will join I will break this section into TWO parts. The regular Arena and the Free Arena. Remember, once you beat the game, the free Arena opens up. You do not need to play in it at all. While the Regular Arena is only mandatory in a few cases. Note, I'm only going to list the Arena Battles I took in completing the game, so there will be VERY few. The Regular Arena is set up like a mission, you pick the mission and it says Arena... get it? If you want all the parts from the arena, you need to do good in missions and fight in the arena more. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Arena... -Arena Birth Bomb -Arena Dark Charm -Arena End Bomb -Arena Oracle -Arena Iron L-OW75 -Arena Bullet Life -Arena Iron L-OW75 (2) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena Birth Bomb * Client: Ravens' Ark Stakes: 10100C Pilot: Ammo AC: Birth Bomb Rank: 29 Record: 3:8 Analysis... Middleweight AC design equipped with multiple rocket launchers. The pilot's manual targeting skills leave something to be desired. Set up... Head ---------- CR-H69S Core ---------- CR-C69U Arms ---------- CR-A69S Legs ---------- CR-LH69S Booster ------- B01-BIRDIE FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ R03-LINDEN Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB69M Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- WR07M-PIXIE3 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL69LB Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ NONE Fight... Chances are if you started reading this FAQ from scratch, and this is your first AC game, then this is probably your first Arena match. Well one thing you should know, in every AC game, they usually have a couple of guys next to the lower rank with really crappy weapon layouts... well he is no more special than them. All he uses are rockets, in case you didn't know yet, they do not lock on. Which means he will only shot where you were (assuming you weren't standing still like a freaking dumb ass). You can win this entire match just from side stepping at mid range while shooting. You do not even need to boost! But if you want to test your self, try to kill him fast... hell, use your blade a little bit, and don't forget to tap the X button while you do it (for a blade wave). [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena Dark Charm ** Client: Ravens' Ark Stakes: 29400C Pilot: Corpse Fool AC: Dark Charm Rank: 25 Record: 6:10 Analysis... Lightweight two-leg AC design built to emphasize mobility and speed. Pilot utilizes electronic countermeasurements to defeat lock-ons and minimize damage. Set up... Head ---------- CR-H69S Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- A07-LEMUR Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ R02-HAZEL2 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- CR-WB69RA Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR76B Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES Since this is an FAQ and I don't want redundant strategies, you are going to try something new. This guy is easy, but you should try this out. With that set up up there, you will try a (slower) version of a stun lock. First get a little closer to him and pop up your Exceed Orbits... to do this, press in one of those analog sticks (I forget which one... so it both of them). When you do this, two independent firing pods with float above you. This will open up free attacking without have to worry, since you can use your arm or any other weapon at the same time. Now, if you hit him with your bazooka, he will get stunned a little bit, this will allow you to peg him with some energy from your EO core. Now by the time you are close to him, you might have to turn them off due to an energy shortage. But this is ok, if you keep stunning him, you can hit him with that powerful blade. If you do all of this right, you will get hit a couple of times, but nothing compared to how much you do to him. By the way, your Eos will recharge once you put them back down for a while. As for the AC you are fighting, he basically only has a Sniper Rifle, which is crappy by itself and an ECM maker. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena End Bomb ** Client: Ravens' Ark Stakes: 57600CC Pilot: Ammo AC: End Bomb Rank: 24 Record: 7:16 Analysis... Middleweight AC design that stresses the pilot's preference for rocket- based weapons. As the pilot's skills improve, this design should show promise. Set up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- CR-G91 Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-069SS MARISHI He is the same as the first guy. Same pilot at least, but a different AC. He still uses rockets, I'm sure if you got this far, you can put something together to kill him, but if you use my design, you should practice dodging, since you are going to need it in the next mission. If you are using the machine gun, then you will need to dodge a lot since the fight will take a while. (P.S. I was lazy and just did a copy and paste job with that design... but if you use it, try to kill him with JUST the machine gun, this will teach you how to actually make ammo count... this will help you gain S ranks in the revolution disc as well.) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena Oracle *** Client: Ravens' Ark Stakes: 143400C Pilot: Evangel AC: Oracle Rank: 19 Record: 11:17 Analysis... Middleweight fuselage design incorporating a good balance of practical weaponry. The unit's pilot is highly skilled and an excellent combatant. Set up... Head ---------- H02-WASP2 Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MF04-COWRY Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- I07D-MEDUSA2 Extension ----- E07AM-MORAY Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- Arm Unit L ---- Hanger Unit R - Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-069SS CR-O79L+ MARISHI Here is the game plan. Every time you see a missile launch, hit triangle then square. This should be an impulse for future matches. Well incase you don't know what I'm talking about, this will pop out a missile decoy. Every missile that comes out of your opponent will it aim for this instead. Once it is hit, you need to deploy another one. You can wait at one side of the room until you see missiles, since he will waste them first. Now as for you attacking him, you need a weapon that does continuous damage, such as a Machine gun or strong Rifle. I choose to use dual CR- WH79M2's... the 160 shot machine guns. Don't be afraid to try and out turn him. By the way, this is the AC in the intro video... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena Iron L-OW75 ********** Client: Ravens' Ark Stakes: 283200C Pilot: MxS7HGS AC: Iron L-OW75 Rank: 3 Record: 23:26 Analysis... A heavyweight tank-leg design incorporating a variety of high firepower weapons. The pilot is an adept tactician and a fearsome adversary. Set up... Head ---------- H03-BEETLE Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A02-DRILL Legs ---------- CR-LT78A Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MF04-COWRY Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- CR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI This is without a doubt one of the hardest AC's in this game. Too bad I rigged together a VERY cheap way to kill him. Just keep shooting your Back weapon at him. That's all you have to do. You will see that both of your will dodge nothing, but your weapon is stronger than all of his combined. Just don't shoot when you see him over boosting. Happy killing! Use your EO's if you want. IMPORTANT: If you charge, you are dead, just put it that way. By the way, I beat him with 94XX AP remaining. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena Bullet Life ******* Client: Ravens' Ark Stakes: 235000C Pilot: Rim Fire AC: Bullet Life Rank: 21 Record: 17:21 Analysis... Mobile quad-leg design with a leaning towards close-range combat. Multiple rapid-fire weapons and additional ammo storage round out the unit. Set up... Head ---------- H03-BEETLE Core ---------- CR-C840/UL Arms ---------- A09-LEMUR2 Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- I05D-MEDUSA Extension ----- CR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI (If you don't care about getting better at this game and just want to fly through this fight, just use the Same AC as you did for the last fight.) This is the same guy you fight in the level, "Attack Navis' Mine" so there is no need to tell you why you have to stay away from his dual fingers. Only this time you have no cover... or pit he likes to fall in. So this is what you do, you should be able to get a lock on him before he gets one on you, this is when you start firing. ALWAYS keep backing up from him, and do it while boosting on the ground. If you see him in the air, try to best to aim up, BUT be ready to pop out a decoy if you see missiles as he will usually shoot them out if he's airborne. Missiles shouldn't even be a factor, because if you stay at least at mid range, you can't really be hurt. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena Iron L-OW75 (2) ********** Client: Ravens' Ark Stakes: 401500C Pilot: MxS7HGS AC: Iron L-OW75 Rank: 2 Record: 24:29 Analysis... A heavyweight tank-leg design incorporating a variety of high firepower weapons. The pilot is an adept tactician and a fearsome adversary. Set up... Head ---------- H03-BEETLE Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A02-DRILL Legs ---------- CR-LT78A Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MF04-COWRY Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- CR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI Same fight as the last time, only in a different place. I only want you to do this mission for some cash and so you definitely have a shot at number 1! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Free Arena... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##===###==##========##===##===##========##========##========# #==########====##==##==########========#####==#####==########==####### #======####==#==#==##======####==#==#==#####==#####======####========# #==########==##====##==########==####==#####==#####==##############==# #========##==###===##========##==####==##========##========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Enemies (EVO)... This section will review all the enemies I seen in the game and how to deal with them. Please note I will sometimes make up names for them. I will also try and list all the missions I see them in. Stars denote difficulty, threat, and the average problem factor, remember these are on a MT scale... (1- 10) --Basic Reverse Joint MT *** This is most basic of any enemy in Armored Core... he's a classic! It is just a weak reverse joint MT. It can do two things, besides walk into things. It can launch two missiles at long range, this is the attack you'll first see most of the time. Once you see this coming, boost one way, then right before the missiles are about to peg you, strafe the opposite way. This is a surefire way to avoid any linear missile. The next attack would be a close range laser rifle shot. Well, you should take them out before they can do this, since a blade hit isn't worth it too much since you don't need too much ammo to put these things out. Found in... Attack Mirage Search Team Reattack Search Team Remove Terrorists Attack MT Transport Convoy Attack Mirage Supply Depot Attack Terrorist Base --Helo **** This isn't a hard enemy, just a very annoying one. These are just like helicopters in all the other AC games, only they use dual missiles like scumbags, so you actually have to pay attention to them. A sniper rifle, bazooka, or machine gun will put these out of their misery with one shot/clip. Found in... Protect Mirage Base Intercept Bombers Eliminate Base Attackers Eliminate VIP Destroy Remaining Forces Attack Excavation Team Destroy Kisaragi Force --Mini Roving MT * This is the little white MTs that are very low to the ground. They can take very little of anything, and dish out very little damage from their machine guns. Unless you are severely hurt in the head, you can handle yourself. Found in... Destroy Support Supplies Capture Filtration Plant Protect Fuel Depot Invade Warehouse --Gun Battery ** Probably the most expected and most common and unchanged enemy in the whole series. They can be on walls, ceilings, and on turrets. They range from machine guns to laser cannons. Just shot them with any hard hitting weapon, and they die! Found in... Missile Performance Test Missile Performance Retest Destroy Support Supplies Capture Filtration Plant Attack Power Plant Destroy Kisaragi Force ECM Missile Test ECM Missile Retest Destroy City Defense Force Invade Warehouse Destroy Mine Power Systems Clear Out Mirage Forces Destroy Massive MT Prevent Weapon Activation --Bomber ? To tell you the truth, while writing this FAQ, I didn't see a bomber attack once... I'm sure they do something, but any ways, if you use Rockets or A Sniper Rifle with a long enough range, they can be killed before they can do anything. Don't forget, they are pretty big... you can get away hitting the air next to them and it will still register as a hit. Found in... Intercept Bombers Eliminate Base Attackers --Special Force MT ******** (***) This is an MT that can pass for a weak AC... You will know what these things are from the opening movie and the first mission with Genobee. They have a high level of armor for a MT and can be troubling to hit. They only possess a rifle... a freaking strong one. Your best defense while fighting these are and will be to kill them as soon as possible. Large Rocket or any one strong weapon is a must! They come in missions with high ECMs all the time... they are the ones causing it. Kill them to avoid it. Found in... Special Forces Removal Attack Mirage Supply Depot (weaker versions) Support OAE Invasion (Weaker versions) --Red RJ MT *** These are just like the basic MTs, only with a rifle. They do about the same thing, only they start using their rifle over their missiles at a farther range. These MTs also take a bit more to kill... but are slower. These also come in a blue flavor with ECM makers... Found in... Remove Terrorists Nighttime Combat Exercise Remove City Intruders New ECM Performance Test --Pod MT (Pulse) ** Wow these things got a ton more easier from the last game. Instead of a rapid fire pulse rifle, they use one at a normal speed. They can't take much damage and usually stop moving every so often. A good choice of weapons would be a Sniper Rifle or anything accurate. A chain gun or Machine gun (The 160 shot one that looks like a chain gun) are good choices when fighting a lot of them up close. Found in... Remove Terrorists Eliminate Navis Security Attack Navis' Mine Attack Terrorist Base Destroy Mine Power Systems --Suicide Organism ******* These aren't hard... just life threatening. They die in a few hits (a two round burst from the WYRM sniper rifle is a good choice), they only hop very slowly. The best way to deal with these are simple, just use a solid weapon (machine gun, bazooka, or sniper rifle) BUT DO IT IN MID AIR! If they get to close to you (and by the way, this is their only attack), they will explode, causing a lot of damage and usually over 1000 heat... which could hurt... especially if you get cornered and combo'D. A funny part... you can jump at the last second and sometimes they will just blow up. They also explode when killed... if you didn't know, and also equip a bio sensor for quicker killing. Found in... New Bio Weapon Test Attack Research Facility Living Organism Removal --Heavy MT **** These seem to make an appearance in all the newer AC games... first a single bazooka and shield, then a bazooka followed by a pulse rifle. Now just high Armor with both weapons. Thankfully neither of them are rapid fire or assault (you really of had to play AC3/AC3SL to understand what I'm saying). Any ways, they are not that fast (they rarely move) and only shoot once, but steady. To kill them, don't hold back. If you do, they take forever to kill. If you are going to blade them, make sure you can kill them in one hit so you do not take an extra hit in the process. Use large rockets, burst missiles, or very strong energy weapons to kill them. Found in... Attack MT Transport Convoy Safeguard Escape Route Invade Warehouse (Mixed with Machine gun version) --Sniper MT ** These are two legged MTs with a huge gun. This just happens to be a Sniper rifle. This MT can lock on to you from a very far range... this can be annoying, but they are weak as balls. Any ways, other than that, they must have one of the weakest armors in the whole series for a Near AC looking Biped MT... To kill them, you can use pretty much anything... Sniping them is also a good option, it will take 2 to 3 shots, with most sniper rifles. Found in... Eliminate Navis Security Safeguard Escape Route Attack Terrorist Base Pursue Navis Remnants --W-Pods ** These are weapon pods the will just float in the air toting their machine guns. They have paper armor but their machine gun could cut you down, especially if there are many. Use the same means to kill these as the other POD MTs. Found in... W-Pod Performance Test W-Pod performance Retest Defend Mirage Transport Pursue Navis Remnants --Quad Sentry MT *** This are about the same thing as the Roving Mt... they have a weak laser rifle and low armor. But the thing that sets them off is their movement. They can shift sides pretty dam quick and in one level, walk on walls! Any rifle or machine gun will put them out of their misery. Found in... Attack Power Plant Hold Tunnel Defense Line --Heavily Armed MT ********* This is by far one of the hardest enemies... and most of the time, you are surrounded by them. They are classical quads (sliding instead of walking) that are low to the ground. What makes these guys hard are their heavy weapons. They have two attacks. The one you might not even ever see is a napalm howitzer, which arks into you and puts you ablaze. This is easy to avoid so don't worry too much about this weapon. But the attack he uses the most and the one you don't want to see are it using one of its shoulder mounted grenade launchers. They aren't as strong as an AC's version, but since they don't run out of ammo and there are a lot of them, they can take their toll. I recommend you kill these enemies as fast as possible with a strong weapon. Sniping them with a strong weapon is a good idea as it lets you see their grenades come from miles. Found in... New MT Performance Test New MT Performance Retest Destroy Armored Monorails Stop Crest Invasion Force --Armored Car ******** I hate this enemy. They are cars (or transport trucks... they look the same in almost every AC game...). Any ways, all they do park and launch vertical missiles. Now, one you can deal with, but when there are like four of them, then they become a problem. Never fly over a hole while dealing with these, they will keep knocking you down. To kill them, use any weapon, they don't move and have low armor. Think of them as a gun turret. Found in... Attack Supply Convoy Attack OAC Expedition --Transport Plane *** This is an enemy... they are the same thing that will drop you off in most missions. Any ways, they do not have a lot of health, but in one mission, they make up for that with a lot in numbers. All they can do is fly in one direction and fire dual missiles. You know how to dodge strait shot missiles by now, and you should. These planes are also giant targets, so large rockets will be your friend. Sniper Rifles will also be a good choice since they can be killed from farther away. Found in... Attack Mirage Transports --Tank *** Just like in every other AC game, they are slow moving enemies that shoot a rocket like weapon. They are easy to avoid. The only thing about these tanks, they are different looking and can take a few hits before they die. I found Exceed Orbits along with other weapons will kill them off quickly. If you look closely, you can see Navis' spammed logo on the side. Found in... Destroy Armored Monorails Eliminate Reserve Force Destroy Remaining Forces Investigate Phenomenon --Armored Monorails ******* These are basically stronger gun turrets that use a LONG range grenade for a weapon. I would strongly recommend you use a Sniper rifle for these enemies. Found in... Destroy Armored Monorails --Gliding MT ***** (***) These are purple MTs with Wings. They boost slow, but they can pick up a lot of speed when they are in the air. But what can make these things a pest are the fact that they come in high numbers and have strong weapons. At long range, you have to watch out for their purple plasma cannon. It is hard to dodge these at close range, but at longer range, you can suffice just hearing when it is being shot. At close range they use a pulse rifle, which is weak and really not important to watch out for. Your best offense to towards these are to kill them on the spot. They can't take a lot of damage, which is good. Using anything with high ammo will be a good choice. The full fly version works just like a fighter jet with missiles. Use a sniper rifle or fast missiles for them. Found in... Support OAE Invasion Clear Out Mirage Forces (Full flight version) --Prototype Mass-Produced MTs **** These are weird looking MTs that will usually fly out of holes in the wall and try to smack into you. Do not try and kill them, just run. They never stop coming... EVER. Found in... Search For Survivors Prevent Weapon Activation --Prototype AC ********** These are AC like enemies... that should not be taken lightly. The only REAL advantage these have over another AC are the fact they can increase their speed pretty damn quickly side to side... like they are in an over boost. In another way of saying it: They are fast. They use a pulse rifle as their only weapon. They can use it quickly, accurately (only up close), and it can damage you pretty badly if you get in the wrong spot. Using a strong weapon, like missiles or heavy hitting ones like cannons would be a wise choice. The less you have to look at them, the safer you are. If you know they are going to be in a mission you are going to take, make sure you have at least dual weapons AND an exceed orbit to take them out as fast as possible. But if you want to play it safe, long range is a way to go since pulse rifles aren't that fast and can be dodged pretty easily. Least they don't have as much AP. Found in... New AC Performance Test New AC Performance Retest Attack Excavation Team Attack Excavation Team Defend Missile Outpost [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##========##========##========##========##========##===###==# #========#####==#####==########==###########==#####==####==##====##==# #==#==#==#####==#####========##========#####==#####==####==##==#==#==# #==####==#####==###########==########==#####==#####==####==##==##====# #==####==##========##========##========##========##========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Walk Through (REV)... (Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) -Eliminate Strikers -Ambush Strike Team -Destroy Security Force -Defend Submarine -Capture Mining Platform -Remove Gun Emplacements -Protect Gun Emplacements -Defeat Assault Force -Worker Robot Removal -Shutdown Control System -Destroy Fuel Depot -Escort Transport Vehicle -Defeat Intruders -Attack Urban Center -Destroy Security Net -Stop Rampaging AC -Guard Freight Train -Recover Containers -Attack Freight Train -Destroy Plus Escapee -Rescue Kidnapped Operative -Infiltrate Amber Base -Repel Invasion -Defend Entrance -Rescue the Allies -Eliminate Raven -Bait the Enemy -Disrupt Military Units -Prototype Performance Test -Combat Test -Defend Receiving Base -Destroy Raiding Party -Prevent Recapture Effort -Attack Headquarters -Escort Phantasma Transport -Confrontation -Destroy Phantasma -Mop Up Chrome Remnants -Destroy Resistance Group [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Here is a little disclaimer: My designs be original, cliche, and/or reused several times. This is for the sole purpose of simply S ranking the revolution disc. When I list my ranges at the end of an S rank walkthrough, these are the area I have got an S rank in. IF you get within the ranges, and still no S rank, sorry I estimated. When I time a mission, I start right when you gain control of your AC (after any mission opening movies), I did not skip movies throughout missions, and I stop the time after the moment your contact tells you the mission is over. Many designs may not suit your needs, by all means, you CAN change a set-up, I won't be mad. Just don't mail me telling me they do not work, as I've got all these parts and S rank with what is mention below. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Eliminate Strikers * Episode: 01 The Great Destruction, Remake Client: Chrome Area: Doan Bridge Enemies: Worker MTs Objective: Eliminate Strikers Briefings... "Workers in the Avalon Valley development area, demonstrating for better working conditions, have taken control of DOAN BRIDGE. They've erected barricades and brought traffic to a halt." "All attempts aimed at persuading them to give up their futile protest have failed. According to their representative, they will only negotiate terms with someone from company headquarters." "We made it very clear that there will be no negotiations, but unfortunately for them, they haven't gotten the message. Now it is time to resolve this matter once and for all." "Head to the bride and eliminate all those intent on remaining there. The units in their control are hastily converted WORKER MTS that can easily be swept aside." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... At first, back the hell up so you do not get hit. Now go through the whole mission at long range against the enemies. There are only five of them. Don't shoot from too far away or you will miss. The differences between this mission on the original are that there is hardly any cover, and no hidden part :P. Damage --- 0 Time ----- 20-25 Seconds Accuracy - Perfect Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Ambush Strike Team *** Episode: 01 The Great Destruction Extend Side Client: Chrome Area: Fuel Warehouse #6 Enemies: General-Purpose AC's Objective: Destroy Enemy Forces Briefings... "The rioting that flared up throughout Avalon Valley the other day has finally been brought under control." "Accomplishing the required us to divert FORCES from the East district, leaving it undefended. Murakumo took advantage of the situation and sent one of their STRIKE TEAMS into the area." "As unwelcome as this development is, it does provide us with the perfect opportunity to expose Murakumo's questionable conduct and willingness to engage in open hostilities." "Our plan is to lure the strike team into a fuel storage WAREHOUSE located in the district, and contain them there long enough for you to get in position." "Damage inside the warehouse is to be kept to a minimum. Eliminate you targets as quickly and efficiently as possible." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- RAKAN Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LF04-LIZARD Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- CR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- SUITEN Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69SS CR-O71EC O03-CODON O05-HISTON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... In the first room, kill all the MTs with one shot. Make sure they aren't in the air, as you will most likely miss. Once they are dead, hurry up and disarm all the bombs. Now head in the door, over boost through that hall way as best as you can. In the final room, kill the MTs first again. Once they are dead, drop your weapon and disarm the bombs. Try not to blow up any tanks, unless there is an MT right behind them in the first room. If you have trouble finding the bombs, hit select. Damage --- 1400-1700 Time ----- 70-80 Seconds Accuracy - Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Security Force ** Episode: 01 The Great Destruction Reverse Side Client: Struggle Area: Doan Bridge Enemies: Combat Helos Objective: Eliminate Security Briefings... "STRUGGLE operative have incited workers in Avalon Valley to rise up against Chrome. Our intention is to stem Chrome's relentless drive to secure power over the region." "The hope was that Chrome would lash out without any consideration for their actions their actions, and thereby turn the region's populace against them. So far this hasn't happened." "The situation cannot be allowed to drag out in its current state, so we've decided to switch tactics and go on the offensive. If we destroy Chrome's SECURITY UNITS, we can expose their vulnerability." "Head to the bridge and help the workers accomplish this task. Take care not to injure any WORKERS, as this would reflect poorly on our movement." Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LF07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- ANOKU Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... In this mission, you have to kill all the Helos and protect your crew. Here are all the things you must look at while you play. First look at your radar, very closely. Then find the closest dot (angle wise). Now turn, or turn boost to find it. Locate all the helicopters from looking at their search light. Once you see a helicopter, immediately press square and circle to start shooting at it. You must kill them quickly. After they are all gone, you should win the mission. Damage --- 0-250 Time ----- 50-60 Seconds Accuracy - Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... CR-I94DD2 (Inside Decoy Dispenser) Do not let any of your allies get killed. You should get this part with an S rank as well, so just follow the walk through tips and set up. The only difference, is that is you are just solely going for the part, don't worry about accuracy. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend Submarine ****** Episode: 02 Raven's Nest Remake Client: R&G Industries Area: Ocean Shipping Route Enemies: Unknown Objective: Escort Submarine Briefings... "With terrorist activity against their interests at an all-time high, R&G Industries has opted to hire an escort to accompany their TRANSPORT SUBMARINE during its next voyage." "You objective during this mission will be to safeguard the submarine against attacks, and ensure it reaches its DESTINATION safely." "It is impossible to predict what kind of TROUBLE might be encountered during the trip, so prepare your AC as best you see fit." Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LF02-GAVIAL Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O75LA CR-O79L+ O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... Ok, here are some of the things you have to do. First off, if you are going for the S rank, DO NOT USE YOUR EXCEED ORBITS. You need good accuracy. Your first priority is still to kill the torpedoes. You may actually mistake them for fast hovering MTs... Any ways, they take one hit and follow the same direction so hitting them isn't hard. Now those are easy, the variable part relies in kill the helicopters the right way... without missing them. Only take a shot at a Helo if they are mid range. When they are far away, they are near impossible to kill on your first try. Also, I'm not sure if killing the crap on top of the subs is worth it or not, so try killing them if you get an A rank. Damage --- 0 Time ----- 140 Seconds Accuracy - Near Perfect Kill % --- 25-40% Hidden Parts... CR-WR93RL (Right Arm Linear Rifle) Do not let the sub take too much damage, the way the mission is intended. Make sure you do not let a single torpedo hit your sub, as this will severely hurt your chances of getting this part. If you are just going for the part, and not the S rank, Don't worry about accuracy. Remember that you should scan the water, even if your are fighting three helicopters, as torpedoes are your greatest fear. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Capture Mining Platform **** Episode: 02 Raven's Nest Extend Side Client: Murakumo Millennium Area: Ocean Mining Platform Enemies: Combat Helos/Unknown Objective: Eliminate Targets Briefings... "Raven, we've just received a new mission request. A client is seeking our help capturing a remote ocean MINING PLATFORM long thought to have been abandoned." "Ships belonging to one of Chrome's subsidiaries, R&G Industries, have been spotted plying the surrounding water with increasing frequency. The most recent sighting was a military TRANSPORT SUB." "Initial indications are that the mining platform is being converted into a military outpost by R&G Industries at Chrome's behest. It seems that recent conflicts have put all involved on edge." "Murakumo's concern is the shift in power that will occur if the platform's conversion goes unchecked." "Your objective is to eliminate all SECURITY ELEMENTS stationed at the platform. Their full strength is unknown, so operate with caution." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LN79 Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MF04-COWRY Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH79M2 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... Right from the beginning, kill the helicopters you see flying. Then hop in the water and direct your attention to the three guns hanging underneath. Remember, you don't need too many bullets, or you will waste ammo and accuracy. Now once they are dead, about one more wave of helicopters will come, stay either up top and use the antenna for cover or boost quickly on the water. *Skip the movie by hitting start* Now the AC will come, so boost up close to him and unload your machine guns into him and your exceed orbits. You want to kill him fast without him hitting you too much. Your close range combat skill will need to be good to do this. You may have to play this mission 2 or 3 times to get it down, especially if you tried to get that booster on the bottom level. Damage --- 1500-1700 Time ----- 105-120 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... CR-B83TP (Boosters) Under the structure you start on, are a bunch of pipes on the water. Simple take a hover craft AC and scout everything on the lower level of the structure. YMH07-DRAGON (Right Arm Laser Rifle) Complete the mission. I'm sure there are other criteria, but I've had no trouble getting this part the first two times I played the level. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Remove Gun Emplacements * Episode: 03 Mercenary Remake Client: Murakumo Millennium Area: Chrome Gun Emplacement Enemies: Guns, Guard MTs Objective: Destroy All Guns Briefings... "The target of this mission is a Chrome GUN EMPLACEMENT." "The gun emplacement's construction site is located in an ocean buffer zone on the fringes of Murakumo territory. Repeated warnings to halt construction have been completely ignored." "Chrome offers only transparent excuses about maintaining security, but their intention is clearly to prepare the area for a preemptive military strike." "They leave us no other choice but to use force. We're counting on you Raven." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LRJ76 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This is beyond one of the easiest missions to S rank. All you have to do is destroy the gun turret sitting on the island. You do not even need to touch the other enemies in the level. Just boost in the air and rain down bullets from your Sniper Rifle. Damage --- 100-400 Time ----- 30-35 Seconds Accuracy - Perfect Kill % --- 40-50%? (I only killed the guns) Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Protect Gun Emplacements * Episode: 03 Mercenary Extend Side Client: Murakumo Millennium Area: Gun Emplacement Enemies: Aerial Bombs/Unknown Objective: Protect Emplacement Briefings... "This is an emergency request. Chrome is planning an attack on the GUN EMPLACEMENT we captured a few days ago. They must be stopped." "According to our reports, they intend to bombard the emplacement using heavy explosives dropped from high flying bombers. They seem prepared to accept the facility's destruction." "The defenses in place at the site are not fully operational yet and there is no way they can bear the full brunt of an all-out assault. We need your help to destroy the BOMBS before they hit." "Also, it's very likely the attack will consist of more than just a few high altitude bombing runs. Stay on your toes and be prepared to deal with the UNEXPECTED." "The mission will be called off and the gun emplacement abandoned should it sustain excessive levels of damage. We trust that your presence will ensure this doesn't happen." "It's clear we can expect further confrontations with Chrome in the future, our battles won't end here. This is why we need to take a stand now and consolidate our gains." Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LRJ76 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- ANOKU Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... First off, pick a different head if you don't pay enough attention to your radar... the longer the range the better, but you may need to look at it more when it is farther range... (At short range, you can depict where they are quicker...) There are three waves to this mission. The first wave start off as soon as you start the mission. Once you see the bombs, you can attempt to kill the closest bomb to the ground OR you can be cheap. Fly strait up and look at your radar, once you see one of the blue dots turn red (as they approach your altitude), turn and aim at it. Do this until the first couple bombs are destroyed, as they are the biggest threat. Once they are out of the way, look up and kill all the bombs, you may fly up to speed up the killing, but it doesn't matter in terms of the next wave coming faster... The next wave may look VERY hard by just glancing at your radar. But again, do the same trick as before, fly up to see where the first couple of bombs are first, has some spawn way to freaking unrealistically close to the ground. Now just wait as they come within flying range. Once after you kill them, the next part of the mission will start. A train should be coming toward your secondary defense target. When it does, head under that bridge and to the north. Go all the way until you are almost out of bounds. You should get a lock on pretty soon after. Once you do, shoot. Don't worry if your aiming curser is green, it will still hit the thing. Once it is destroyed the mission is over. You may want to drop one of your Sniper rifles to get a longer lock range if you are scared you can't find the train... Damage --- 0 Time ----- 145-150 Seconds Accuracy - Near Perfect Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... WH03M-FINGER (Left Arm Machine Gun) To get this part, all you have to do is destroy all the bombs before they touch the ground. This can take some practice or just some fast turning. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defeat Assault Force ******** Episode: 03 Mercenary Reverse Side Client: Chrome Area: Gun Emplacement Enemies: MTs/Unknown Objective: Thwart Attackers Briefings... "Raven, this is an urgent request. One of out newly constructed GUN EMPLACEMENTS is being subjected to a vicious attack. The defense perimeter is already in shambles." "Reports coming in from the battlefield are hazy, but all indications point to STRUGGLE as the group responsible. Although this may be the case, we suspect Murakumo is somehow involved." "Sooner or later we will have to stand against Murakumo so we might as well gain the upper hand now. This isn't simply a fight for one facility, it's a means to ensure or continued survival." "Your objective is to eliminate all FORCES engaged in the attack. Work quickly, Raven. That is all." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- RAKAN Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 (CR-LH74M Use for secret part) Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... Just refer to how to get the "KANGI"... as the S rank should be achieved with getting the part. Damage --- 1100-1400 Time ----- 105-110 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... KANGI (Optional Part) To get this part, you must actually protect the gun emplacements... To do this, you must be quick on your feet and not screw around. Let me tell you this is very hard, and may take a few times to get lucky. Once you start, over boost toward the middle, while you are in it, MAKE SURE YOU HIT THE MT TO THE FAR RIGHT. You need to hit these MTs to get there attention on you. Now hit both on the platform. Once you do that, back off so they are shooting at you AWAY from the platform. Once these are out of the way, fly to the middle and take out all the helicopters. Once the ones that are close to the middle are out of the way, take up position on a rail road for when the flying MTs comes. Once they comes, one of them should instantly die from the guns, but the other two you must kill... FAST. This is the part that takes lucky. Some times you really can't do anything if they use their lasers too quick. To increase your chances of them not hitting the guns, stand in front of one and aim at where they will usually comes. This takes many tries. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Worker Robot Removal ******** Episode: 04 A. I. Remake Client: Murakumo Millennium Area: Power Plant No. 7 Enemies: Worker Robots Objective: Destroy All Robots Briefings... "A problem occurred at power plant number seven located in Isaac City. Due to a security system error, the plant's unmanned WORKER ROBOTS are malfunctioning." "Most have already been captured or destroyed, but some of them were able to enter sensitive AREAS of the facility. Thus far there have been no major accidents, but that could change at anytime." "Given the delicate nature of this operation, only an experienced AC pilot will suffice. Your mission is to destroy all malfunctioning robots that still reside within the plant." "Under no circumstances are the GENERATTORS located in the power plant to be damaged. Doing so could lead to catastrophic results. Proceed with caution and choose your targets wisely." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- RAKAN Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- CR-LH74M Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR88RS3 Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... OH MY FREAKING GOD, These robots really can freaking move now! If you've ever played the original, you would now how much faster they have got. This level is a walk in the park if you aren't going for the S rank, but you will probably have to try this mission over a few times if not. You must go fast, not miss a lot, all while trying not to blow the whole building up. Here are some tips... +Never stop boosting unless your target is close to a pipe +ONLY shoot with a lock-on, A RED LOCK-ON +Be accurate, if you miss too many times, I'm sure it will cost you +You can still get an S rank with letting a tank explode +If you don't like Sniper rifles, (which must really suck since I know I use them a lot through this guide), Use the right arm Karasawa once you unlock it, it's larger projectile size may make things easier for you. Damage --- 0 Time ----- 55-65 Seconds Accuracy - Don't miss more than twice Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Shutdown Control System ** Episode: 04 A. I. Extend Side Client: Murakumo Millennium Area: Power Plant No. 7 Enemies: Battle MTs Objective: Shutdown System Briefings... "Another situation has developed at power plant number seven. The facility's main control system has malfunctioned and now our monitoring stations are registering alarming TEMPERATURE SPIKES." "The employee who was in charge of maintaining the control system has disappeared and we believe he may have intentionally sabotaged it. Other recent events were probably his doing as well." "Not only did this individual design most of the plant's systems, he was also one of our most promising AI research scientists." "Unfortunately, rumors that he also had ties to an outside laboratory involves in some rather strange experiments were ignored. It's obvious now that his time with us was spent as a spy." "On top of sabotaging the main control system, it seems he also introduced a number of unmanned BATTLE MTS into the plant. All of our attempts to deal with these units have failed." "The only option left to us is to send in an AC. Enter the power plant, locate the main CONTROL SYSTEM and shut it down. This situation must be resolved, we're counting on you Raven." Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H8154 (0/10/0/0/0) Core ---------- C06-EOS (0/10/0/0/0) Arms ---------- CR-A72F (0/10/0/0/0) Legs ---------- CR-LF71 (0/10/0/0/0) Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 (0/0/10) FCS ----------- MF01-MUREX Generator ----- FUDOH (0/0/10) Radiator ------ FURUNA (0/10/0) Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... You must go quick in this level, if you want an S rank and a part. Without using a high heat set up, you will probably be charging throughout most of this mission. But here are some tips, since the mission itself is pretty brief. +Remember, don't stress your boosters +High ECM is why you shouldn't even bother taking a weapon in +Fly high OVER MTs +If you over boost, do not use your regular boosters +If you charge, you will forever After the first long hallway, you must turn right. If you turn left, it will head to a secret part, but will probably make you lose your S rank and other secret part. Once you enter the door on the right, travel all the way down it and enter the door at the end of the hallway. If you want to, once in this room, you can over boost to save time. Any ways, press the use button point blank to the Control System. Once you do, the heat should be increasing... which you shouldn't even notice if we are using the same set up. Now head back to the beginning of the level to end the mission. Damage --- 600-900 Time ----- 60-65 Seconds Accuracy - N/A Kill % --- 0% Hidden Parts... ANANDA (Radiator) When you are play through this mission, you must shut off the control system by going RIGHT in the first large room... well to get this part, go LEFT. This will bring you down a room similar to all the other longer ones. At the very end of this room is the part. I would recommend not trying to get this part with the other part or even the S rank. YWL03LB-TAROS (Left Arm Dual Laser Blade) To get this part, beat the mission extremely fast. You should get this part if you S rank the level. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Fuel Depot **** Episode: 05 Corporation Remake Client: Murakumo Millennium Area: Fuel Warehouse #6 Enemies: Unknown Objective: Destroy Fuel Tanks Briefings... "Raven, we'd like you to join a team we're putting together to investigate troubling rumors regarding research being carried out at a CHEMICAL-DYNE lab located in the East district." "Although nothing is known publicly about the project, we suspect that Chrome is involved." "Your role during the mission will be to create a diversion while the survey team gains access to the lab." "We'd like you to accomplish this by destroying all the fuel tanks stored inside a nearby WAREHOUSE. This will give the survey team the cover they need to sneak into the lab undetected." "You won't have much time once the alarm has been sounded, so clear out as soon as all of the tanks are destroyed." "Keep in mind that these TANKS are laden with fuel and turn into giant bombs when they explode. Watch yourself in there." Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- RAKAN Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- WB10R-SIREN2 Back Unit L --- WB10R-SIREN2 Arm Unit R ---- WR07M-PIXIE3 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC O03-CODON MARISHI KANGI S Rank Walkthrough... Just like in the original mission, you have to destroy all the fuel tanks... ALL OF THEM. And they are small now... In the first room, destroy all the enemies first... Only you can't ever lock on to those ECM MTs. Gun Turrets (the ones on the ceiling) are near impossible to effectively take out with no lock-ons, so this is why you need high ECM counter. Use your Sniper Rifle. (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: These guns are very strong, try to get hit by very little of their pulse rifles. It can mean the difference between an or an A. Sneak up on them and don't forget two are hidden until you walk under them.) Now take your machine gun and destroy all the tanks. They are all on ground level and some are in nooks. Now go through the door to the next hallway... over boost a little bit if you want, start before you enter the door. Once you are in the next room, destroy the guns in the archways as soon as possible. Now in these nooks, there will be tanks, some are hidden from your view until you fly in the. Once you go closer to the far wall, you will see a cut scene of MTs coming out. You can kill them, or not. It all depends on if you think they are going to kill you more one way over another. Once you destroy all the tanks, head back to the beginning of the level to finish it. You should over boost through this hallway if you see fit. Just think... do you think you need more time or remaining AP? Damage --- 600-800 Time ----- 110-115 Seconds Accuracy - Very Poor Kill % --- 75%-80% Hidden Parts... WH06PL-ORC (Left Arm Plasma Rifle) This is in the general area the Karasawa was in the original Armored Core game. Go to the far wall opposite of the door in the second large room. On the second level, you should find a gun laying in the middle- back. You can pick it up while tanks are in the way, I'm not sure or ballsy enough to test what happens if you blow them up before hand, so play it safe. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Escort Transport Vehicle * Episode: 05 Corporation Extend Side Client: Chemical-Dyne Area: Doan Bridge Enemies: Unknown Objective: Protect Transport Briefings... "Repeated attacks on one of our laboratories situated in the East district has left it without adequate security and prompted us to relocate the entire operation." "In order to reach the new destination, transports carrying sensitive materials form the lab must traverse DOAN BRIDGE. Unfortunately, this bridge is the target of frequent TERRORIST attacks." "The next transport scheduled to cross the bridge leaves shortly, the cargo in its hold must not be intercepted. Accompany the TRANSPORT and make sure no harm comes to it." "Under no circumstances will the details of this mission ever be discussed with any outside party, is this clear?" Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This mission is strait forward... literally. If you know anything about a protect mission, this will be easy to S rank. At the beginning of the mission, look up and to the sides, and kill any helicopters around you. Once those that are close to you are out of the way, pick off tanks. Now just keep killing things, while trying to dodge missiles, as they are the only thing that can ruin your S rank at this point. Time isn't a factor, since the mission always ends in the time, so don't get hit too much. Damage --- 500-700 Time ----- 117-119 Seconds Accuracy - Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... WB28R-SIREN4 (Back Unit Radar) To get this part, don't let the transport truck take that many hits. To do this, just always stay ahead of it and do not worry about taking damage yourself. Don't worry about wasting extra shots, as long as things die. Worry about the helicopters first, and kill the tanks when no copters are in sight, since you they don't move, you can take them out at will. When you are waiting for heli's to spawn, fly up to their level so you can see them faster. You can let the transport get hit and still get this part... contrary to what other people may say... (I seen the thing get hit and have received the part) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defeat Intruders ****** Episode: 05 Corporation Reverse Side Client: Chemical-Dyne Area: Fuel Warehouse #6 Enemies: MTs/Unknown Objective: Destroy All Targets Briefings... "Raven, we need immediate assistance. A daring attack has just been launched on one of out FUEL STORAGE WAREHOUSE." "The fuel reserves kept at this location are vital to the uninterrupted operation of a nearby lab complex. If the warehouse is destroyed, research at the lab will grind to a halt." "Chemical-Dyne is a legitimate corporation involved in groundbreaking research, however, there are those who are envious of the progress we've made and continually scheme against us." "It must be made clear to these aggressors that this type of activity will no longer be tolerated. Head to the warehouse and eliminate all TARGETS you encounter." "We urge you to conduct this mission with the utmost caution. The FUELS stored in the warehouse are extremely volatile and all it would take is one stray shot to set them off." "Our company's survival rests in your hands, there's no time to waste." Set Up... Head ---------- H03-BEETLE Core ---------- C06-EOS Arms ---------- A02-DRILL Legs ---------- CR-LT78A Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MONIU Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- SAISUI Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- WR22PL-OGRE2 Arm Unit L ---- WR06PL-ORC Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... If you are going to do good in this mission, you must learn to over boost on every long room or hallway... that's pretty much every room and hallway in this mission. The first room has two MTs in it. Keep in mind that one MT takes one shot from your back cannon, and three from any thing else (they have the same power). Any ways, you can't use all of your dual back ammo, since you need to save that... So in the first room, Kill one MT with the back cannon and use your other weapons to kill other MT. Right when you are about killing that last MT, start to over boost, before you actually see him explode. If you are low on energy, click you extension. Now, in this long hall way, over boost, use another one of your "SAISUI." Now in the next room, there are THREE MTs. Make sure you remember that since I didn't feel like radar was too important for the mission. Any ways, you should use your plasma cannon to take out two of the MTs and your other arm weapons to take out the last to minimize damage done to you. Now head out... and over boost through the hall way back to the beginning. Use your 3rd SAISUI while doing so. In the next room, there are a few more MTs. Use your Cannon of the one closest to you and take out the other ones in the same way as the other one. Now, once they are dead, head back through the same hallway, there are two more MTs in this hallway, kill them with your weaker weapons. Now if you suck at aiming or doubt your skill, just move on. But if you really want to do good, drop both of your arm weapons. Over boost to the door, using your extensions one last time... now you can lock onto this AC in the next room before you even open the door. Once you open the door, fire at him like crazy with your cannon. He should die within 5 shots. He is a tank, so don't worry about dodging. Damage --- 1000-1700 Time ----- 110-115 Seconds Accuracy - Perfect Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Urban Center *** Episode: 06 Underground City Remake Client: Chrome Area: Gal City Office District Enemies: Unknown Objective: 3 Minute Rampage Briefings... "Raven, we want you to wreak havoc in GAL CITY. This will be a very straightforward assignment, simply find targets of opportunity and destroy them at will." "In our experience, when someone is threatened with total annihilation, the first thing they do is look to those who can protect them. We here at CHROME are more than happy to oblige..." "You have three minutes to carry out the task, remaining in the area any longer than this invites unnecessary RISK. Good luck and have fun." Set Up... Head ---------- H03-BEETLE Core ---------- C06-EOS Arms ---------- A02-DRILL Legs ---------- CR-LT78A Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- SCR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- WR22PL-OGRE2 Arm Unit L ---- WR03M-FINGER Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... First of, I'm not sure if it counts towards your S rank, but it can't hurt to actually destroy things for the first 50 seconds. So do just that, drive down the street and run over little cars, turn signals, and street lights. Now when the clock reaches 2:10, MTs will come out. You really don't have to worry about killing them too much, but if they are on the way or IN the way, take them out with two well shot plasma rounds. Now when the clock hits 1:10, Valerie will come out. She is just like in the original... only when she uses her slug gun, it can only really hurt you at close range (It can still STUN THE HELL OUT OF YOU! EVEN IN A TANK!). Any ways, once she comes, find he fast, and crank up your laser cannon and get ready to kill her. I added the finger to make it quicker. But hear is the catch, you have to wait for her to use her slug gun. When she does, she will kneel... unlike most other harder ACs in the series. Once she is out of the way, mop up the rest of the MTs, they should stop coming once Valk is dead. If you choose to take this mission with a non-tank, be sure you have that nifty stabilizer optional part on. Also, stay at LEAST at mid range, or you will get stunned locked and probably over heated. I S ranked this mission taking about 2000 damage... at the time I was writing the FAQ, she appeared right behind me... talk about ****y luck. Damage --- 1200-2000 Time ----- 180-181 Seconds Accuracy - Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Security Net ******** Episode: 06 Underground City Extend Side Client: Chrome Area: Jiriera City Enemies: Homing Missiles Objective: Destroy All Targets Briefings... "Our corporation is currently putting together an assignment that might interest you. The mission's objective is the liquidation of Dr. M Okamura. We'd appreciate your assistance." "Dr. Okamura is a leading authority in the field of genetic engineering, and one of MURAKUMO'S top research scientists." "Murakumo's expertise in the field of genetic engineering is due solely to Dr. Okamura's contributions. If he were to perish, they would never recover from the loss." "An intensive search conducted by our scouts has finally pinpointed the doctor's location. He's under heavy guard at a Murakumo stronghold located Jiriera City." "In order for our assassins to reach Dr. Okamura, we first have to take care of the remote HOMING MISSILES that patrol the area. This will be your job." "Use the mission location's ROOFTOP as your vantage point for targeting the missiles. Good luck." Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H97XS-EYE (0/0/10/0/0) Core ---------- CR-C98E2 (0/5/5/0/0) Arms ---------- CR-A82SL (0/1/9/0/0) Legs ---------- LR04-GAZELLE (0/0/3/0/7) Booster ------- B05-GULL (0/1/9) FCS ----------- CR-F82D2 Generator ----- FUDOH (0/10/0) Radiator ------ RAGORA (0/5/5) Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- CR-E73RM Back Unit R --- CR-WBW89M Back Unit L --- CR-WBW89M Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR93HNRP Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O75LA CR-O79L+ O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... Let me tell you this is a very hard mission to S rank. You will notice this set up will not allow you to kill many homing missiles... this is because I expect you to hide for the first have of the mission... if you see missiles coming, hide behind a building. Remember this isn't a protect mission, just a distracting one. If you see a missile coming from above you or many from all side, fall down through a hole and let them hit the ground. Now you will see a cut scene after a little bit, Valk will come out again. Now once she comes out, pop out your EO (To help destroy missiles) and peg her with as many rockets as you can. She will turn on you in after all the missiles are dead any ways, so you may well get a few cheap shots in. Once you hit her once, she will stall and come after you. You should seriously try to hit her at least 3-4 times, to make the mission easier. Once she is a red dot on the radar, you can start locking on to her. So once you feel you hit her enough with the rockets or she start shooting at you, drop them. Now try and keep your distance and peg her with the missiles in combination with your extensions. Try your hardest to dodge her sniper rifle, it is very hard to, but it can be done if you are at longer range. Damage --- 1800-2500 Time ----- 185-200 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... YH06-LADYB (Head) You just have to kill her very fast. I made the set up for the S rank go with killing her fast, just make sure you aim your missiles the right way. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stop Rampaging AC * Episode: 06 Underground City Reverse Side Client: Struggle Area: Gal City Office District Enemies: AC Objective: Destroy AC Briefings... "Raven, we've just received some very disturbing news. It seems CHROME has devised a plan to carry out indiscriminate attacks in a densely populated are of GAL CITY." "This is an act of sheer madness, the AC they've hired for the job must be eliminated." "Chrome believes the attack is a closely guarded secret, but they couldn't be more wrong. The time has come to show them the error of their ways." "Make for the city, and prepare for combat." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDE2 FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH03M-FINGER Arm Unit L ---- WH03M-FINGER Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... I expect you to beat this mission extremely fast. You will need to be able to attack with both weapons at a time. Simply wait till he is in lock range to start fire, then once he turns, follow him with both weapons firing. Once you see him exploding, stop, no need to waste ammo and accuracy. Make sure you are using your Exceed Orbits, as you will need ammo, since I ended with about 30/50 shots left in my two arm weapons. Damage --- 300-500 Time ----- 16-19 Seconds Accuracy - Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... Funi (Relation Micro Missile Extension) To get this part, just beat the mission fast. Follow the S rank guide and you should get this part with no problem. If you get the S rank without this part, try it again without caring about how much damage you take. If you kill the AC before he gets back down that hilled street, you should be fine. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Guard Freight Train ** Episode: 07 Lost Technology Remake Client: Murakumo Millennium Area: Heaven's Rock Enemies: Unknown Objective: Protect Lead Car Briefings... "This is an urgent request. We've just been informed that our long-haul freight train, Boulder, is in imminent danger of attack." "It's still not clear WHO is behind the plan, but our guess is that they're after the confidential cargo secured in the trains' lead car." "The train's next stop, Heaven's Rock SUPPLY DEPOT, has very little cover and would be an ideal location for the enemy to launch their attack." "Head to the supply depot and clear it of any targets that might pose a threat to the train. Remember, the safety of the LEAD CAR takes priority above all else." Set Up... Head ---------- H03-BEETLE Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A02-DRILL Legs ---------- CR-LT78A Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- SCR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL95B Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O79L+ O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This mission is nothing like it used to by, the planes are easy to kill. First off, destroy as many planes as you can before the train arrives. You can possibly kill all of them, but it will take no screwing around. Now once you kill a few planes, Wildcat or the "Red AC" will come. Once he does, pop up your exceed orbits and use both your back weapon and your left arm bazooka to take him out quick. He shouldn't last long and you should also get the hidden part. He will squat with his chain gun every so often, so this is the time you want to hit him with everything you have. If you are playing this mission without my set up and choose to go in close range, watch out for his blade, he has a Moonlight. Damage --- 1700-2200 Time ----- 115-120 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... CR-YH70S2 (Head) Kill Wildcat (The AC), extremely fast. You cannot play around, he has very high AP for a mission AC. Make sure you use the set up I have listed above and remember where he comes from, which is from the east. Make sure you also take out all the Planes before he comes, so you have to worry about only killing him. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Recover Containers ** Episode: 07 Lost Technology Extend Side Client: Murakumo Millennium Area: North Highland Enemies: Unknown Objective: Collect Containers Briefings... "Raven, this is an emergency request. One of our transport planes involved in a recent airlift of confidential cargo has gone missing somewhere in the NORTH HIGHLAND." "The pilot's last radio transmission leave little doubt that the plane came under fire en route to its final destination. The attack was probably an attempt to intercept the transport's cargo." "A search and rescue team was dispatched to the area where the plane is believed to have gone done, but their efforts have been hampered by the region's harsh terrain." "More resources are needed in the field if the transport's cargo CONTAINERS are to be recovered before falling into enemy hands." "Any units encountered during your search should be eliminated without hesitation. We can't afford to lose even a single container." "Also, one of our patrols spotted an unidentified AC operating in the region. What it is doing there we can only guess, but it bears mentioning. Stay on your toes, Raven." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDE2 FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- WB13RO-SPHINX Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WL88LB3 Hanger Unit R - WH03M-FINGER Hanger Unit L - WH03M-FINGER Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ O03-CODON O07-PRIMER MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... Before I start, I know my Ac for this mission is sloppy, so if you want to, here are some of the changes you can make... +More Missile Defense +Strong Right Arm weapon +Tank legs with no blade but stronger weapons +More Armored Parts. First off, get the hidden part if this is your first time through the mission to get a grasp on it, instead of going for the S rank right at first. This way you can change your set up accordingly. Well lets pretend you are using my set up... Your first targets are going to be the large Mts that look like wooly mammoths. Equip your rockets and get in close to blade. Watch out for their missiles, and blade them on the side to prevent them from raping your AC. They each should take a Rocket burst/Air blade/Rocket/Air blade/Rocket. Once you are done with them, either mop up the other enemies or find the hidden part. Don't forget to pick up containers on the way to save time, just hit circle next to them. You can drop your rockets now if you feel you aren't going to run out of ammo. Now it is time to mop up all the Flying MTs. Attack them with your heavy machine gun. They should take least than two clips of your machine gun to kill each. Just can drop your blade now if you feel you can take out the AC with two fingers. Now the AC will come. He is very easy to kill. He rarely boosts and will mist with most of his blade swings. You can take him out with many different weapon with ease, but the Fingers are just fine by themselves. Damage --- 1700-2800 Time ----- 105-110 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... RENGA (Extension Anti-Missile) Only attempt to locate this part after you kill off the Mammoth MTs as they will cause you problems with spamming vertical missiles. Anyways, go on top of the Northeast Hill. You should see three towers sticking up. The part is laying behind the middle tower. WARNING: Make sure you do not leave the area, it is VERY close to the edge of the missile boundaries. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Freight Train **** Episode: 07 Lost Technology Reverse Side Client: ??? (Wild Cat) Area: Heaven's Rock Enemies: Unknown Objective: Destroy Train Briefings... "Raven... I need your help..." "SOMETHING was done to me..." "I'm no longer human..." "Murakumo's TRAIN... it must be stopped..." "I don't want any more SURGERY... never again..." "Please help me..." "I want to be released from all this..." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WB85RPX Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This mission can be VERY hard to S rank, if you don't play it cheap. Once the level begins, take out your rockets and hit your ally. Try to hit him at least five or six times before he even goes to fight the other AC. Now, wait till he does engage in fighting, and attack the enemy AC from afar with your Sniper rifle. Once he is out of the way, continue to hit you friend with rockets. The train will be coming at about this point. Once the train comes and is destroyed, Wildcat will turn on you. Do you see why I had you blind side him a few times? Now, dash back wards while hitting him with your sniper rifles. It shouldn't take long. (By the way, I never killed Wildcat before the train was destroyed... so I'm not sure if anything happens if you do.) Damage --- 50-200 Time ----- 70-75 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100 Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Plus Escapee *** Episode: 08 Human Plus Remake Client: Murakumo Millennium Area: Jiriera Ciry Enemies: AC Objective: Destroy AC Briefings... "A subject involved in next-generation "plus" experiments has escaped from our labs." "I'm prohibited from revealing any details, but it seems the subject's mind was adversely affected by some of the procedures he underwent. According to an eyewitness, he is now completely deranged." "A former Raven, the subject boarded his AC and went on a rampage. He knocked out an entire guard detachment before taking up position in one of the city's abandoned SKYSCRAPPERS." "The danger he poses to others is very real and cannot be ignored. Rehabilitation is out of the question, he must be exterminated. It's regretful, but there's no other choice." "The location he's chosen is extremely PRECARIOUS, exercise due caution." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- WA03-TAURUS Legs ---------- CR-LH84L2 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- FUGEN Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- CR-E92RM3 Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- NONE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O75LA CR-O79L+ MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This mission is strait forward, KILL THE AC. He equips a bazooka, but that isn't the problem, the problem is his boosting patterns... he can dodge a lot of stuff... by accident. You can counter this by using missiles, which you will see can take him out in seconds. Use your missiles with extensions and you should have no problem taking him out. Damage --- 0 Time ----- 22-25 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... I03RN-CORAL (Inside Napalm Rocket) From the starting elevator, head left down that hole. Now looking down to the west, you can spot the part chilling on one of those horizontal support beams. Fall down and grab it. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Rescue Kidnapped Operative ********** Episode: 08 Human Plus Extend Side Client: Struggle Area: Murakumo Research Lab Enemies: MTs/Unknown Objective: Rescue Target Briefings... "We need your help rescuing a comrade kidnapped by MURAKUMO." "According to what we've learned, our operative is scheduled to become a test subject in a radical experiment known as 'HUMAN PLUS'." "It's no secret that our organization has benefited from its relationship with Murakumo, but we won't condone something like this." "Unfortunately, rescuing him is not something we can do on our own. Your participation in the mission is the only hope we have of pulling it off." "There's no time to waste. Head to the RESEARCH LAB and free our operative before it's too late. We'll lend you what help we can. Good luck." Set Up... Head ---------- H09-SPIDER (0/5/0/5/0) Core ---------- C02-URANUS (0/5/0/5/0) Arms ---------- A03-GIBBON (0/6/0/4/0) Legs ---------- CR-LF88A (0/6/0/1/3) Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 (0/9/1) FCS ----------- CR-F82D2 Generator ----- CR-G84P (0/0/10) Radiator ------ CR-R92 (1/1/8) Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- CR-E92RM3 Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR81RS2 Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC O03-CODON O04-GOLGI CR-O86R+ MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... Unless you are using a high energy defense set up, or killing every gun on the ceiling before it shots at you, you will get raped in this mission. I'm assuming you are using my set up... Any ways, start by boosting towards the right into the door to start the mission. Now when you boost down these hallways, bunny hop it. Boost for a little bit then tap X again. This will conserve energy so you are walking at all. Keep in mind, this AC has crappy energy supply. Now in your first room you enter, you will get a taste of the guns I was talking about. Open the door, then immediately back up. Pick them off with your Sniper rifle, they die in one hit. Now head strait and kill the MT... Now in the next room, kill the guns in the same manner, only this time you have to aim up higher to actually hit them. Ignore the other MTs in this room. Ride the elevator down at the end of this room. At the end of this little hallway is another room with guns, only this times there are FOUR of them. If there is one part in this mission you were supposed to take slow, it would be this part. In the next room, kill the walking MT and hang a right into the door. After another little hallway, you will run into another room with four guns, it is the same as the last one. In the next room, with Core Mts, you can take out a vent from the door you are standing from. Do so and hop right into it. Fall down te shaft and do a 180 turn. Time to head down a large hallway. At the very end of it, there will be a door. Take a left from out of that door. Once you go left, go all the way down the hallway until you touch a wall. Take a right, but beware of the numerous guns on the ceilings. Go all the way down this hallway as well, then take a right. Now turn right and go strait into the door to find the target. If you get lost with my directions, or I made a mistake, lock-on to things in the rooms, the target will jump and hop as you can lock-on to him. Hit him once with your cannon. Mission over. For a way to counter the guns in all but the final hallways, you can take out two of the farther ones with a quad at a certain point where they hit the top of the door. Now once you kill them, boost strait into the room and quickly turn around. This will let you kill the other two guns before they turn around. Damage --- 2000-2400 Time ----- 170-175 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 60-70% Hidden Parts... YA10-LORIS (Arms) Beat this mission fast. If you don't get this part with the S rank, then do not worry about killing a single thing or how much damage you take. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Infiltrate Amber Base *** Episode: 09 Request Remake Client: ??? Area: Amber Crown Entrance Enemies: Guard MTs/Unknown Objective: Raid The City Briefings... "Raven, we want you to infiltrate the underground city, AMBER CROWN. The main surface entrance is lightly guarded and makes the prefect entry point." "After destroying all opposition, take out the four GENERATORS around the entrance's perimeter. This will release the locking mechanism for the main gate." "The city's second line of defense is a computer-controlled gate located inside. The only way to bypass this obstacle is to destroy the CONDENSERS that supply the computer with power." "Further instructions will follow once the breach in the city's perimeter has been confirmed." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C90U3 Arms ---------- A09-LEMUR2 Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F82D2 Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... When the mission starts, kill all the gun turrets. There are three rows of 2. They take two shots to kill each, so figure out how you want to do it, two from one of one from each. Any ways, once they are out of the way, go to the four generators on the sides of the entrance. Peg 4 sniper rifle rounds into each of the four, and you will open the door. Now if you played AC1pp, you should now see one of the most annoying enemies in the game. 3 pink flying MTs will come out of the door. Take them out with two sniper rifle rounds each, and do with from high in the air to increase your hit rate and so they can't hit you. Now finally enter the building, fall all the way down this shaft. Now open the door. You will find those little bug looking MTs now, take it out using three sniper rifle bullets, then another. Now in the next room there will be two of those MTs and two guns on the ceiling. Destroy the MTs first from a safe out-of-the-room spot, then go after the guns on the ceiling. Make sure kill both guns, one you really have to look up for. Now turn to the right and look down that long hallway, destroy as many enemies as you can before you start going down it, has it is hard to dodge. In the last room, just destroy the four generators, that's it. Damage --- 900-1200 Time ----- 115-130 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 75-80% Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Repel Invasion **** Episode: 09 Request Extend Side Client: Amber Crown Guard Area: Amber Crown Enemies: MTs/Guard MTs/Other Objective: Defeat Enemy Leader Briefings... "Raven, terrorists are attempting (to) force their way into AMBER CROWN. Their MTS broke through our defenses on the surface." "Locate the group's LEADER and destroy him. We'll do what we can about the rest." "We can't let them enter the city. Good luck." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C90U3 Arms ---------- YA10-LORIS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH13B-GIANT Arm Unit L ---- YWL03LB-TAROS Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O07-PRIMER MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... Right when the level starts, boost up to one of the sides to avoid fire, then head strait for the door. Skip the enemies. Now head in and fall strait down. Now head to the same area you killed all the generators in the first mission of this episode. You will see the target get killed. Now you will be in a room with a MT, kill it with your bazooka and blade. Now leave the facility, kill only the things that are in the way. This mission isn't that hard to S rank, I've gotten an S rank while ending with about 2000 AP. Damage --- 3000-6000 Time ----- 170-195 Seconds Accuracy - Perfect Kill % --- 20-40% Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend Entrance **** Episode: 09 Request Reverse Side Client: Amber Crown Guard Area: Amber Crown Entrance Enemies: MTs/Guard MTs/Other Objective: Repel Attackers Briefings... "A pitched battle for control of Amber Crown's surface entrance took place the other day. The ATTACKERS were intent on breaching the main gate." "Our security detail managed to hold them off, but suffered heavy losses while doing so." "To make matters even worse, we've learned that another attack is imminent. This time they hope to sneak in under the cover of darkness." "Our forces are too depleted to put up the needed resistance. We need your help defending the MAIN GATE." "Take up a position that will allow you to fend off attacks aimed at blowing up the GENERATORS. If they manage to destroy these, the city is lost." "Good luck Raven, we're all counting on you." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... I don't see why people this mission is so hard. First off, here are your priorities. Mts at close > Planes > Mts at far This means you should ONLY be attack MTs between the planes or when they are close. +Always hover in mid air. If you are there, planes will aim at you +Attack Mts once, just so they target you +Do not take your time, fire as long as you have a lock +Using two snipers rifles is better than one There are two waves of each type of enemy. If you are lucky, you can get the second wave of MTs almost out of the way before back up planes come. Damage --- 500-700 Time ----- 87-88 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... CR-LH79L (Light Weight Humanoid Legs) Beat the mission the way it was intended, do not let a single generator blow up. Make use of your steel body and make sure you get in the way as much as possible. Follow that short S rank part for some tips. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Rescue the Allies ** Episode: 10 Irregular Remake Client: ??? Area: Loop Line Junction Enemies: Unknown Objective: Safeguard Transport Briefings... "Raven, we need your help carrying out a rescue operation at LOOP LINE JUNCTION in Amber Crown." "The targets we plan to recover were captured by an enemy patrol consisting of three TRANSPORTS and an MT SECURITY DETACHMENT. Eliminate all units except for the center transport." "We'll follow up on matters once this issue has been resolved." Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This mission isn't hard, especially if you played AC1pp and already know what to do. Right off the start of the mission, find the transports. I don't even need to tell you where they are... just wait a while then hit select and find out where the "target" is on the map. So take out both the transports at the front and rear... basically the ones with no yellow/orange target indications. Now the rest of the mission consists of you hunting the rest of the MTs. If you need finding them, just locate them either by radar or your long range FCS. Using your Sniper Rifle will ensure you are taking little damage from far away. Watch the cut scene and you should get an S rank with ease. Damage --- 800-1200 Time ----- 125-135 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... JIREN (Extension Energy Pack) Turn right around from the start, a full 180. Now follow the highway to the end. As you are boosting, you SHOULD see a part gleaming and shining to the left. That is the part. If it helps, you are next to the out of bounds lines... although you can't actually cross it. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Eliminate Raven * Episode: 10 Irregular Extend Side Client: Doomsday Organization Area: Military Training Center Enemies: Unknown Objective: Search The Area Briefings... "We've just confirmed suspicions that one of the corporations intends to launch an attack on our organization. They're hired a RAVEN to do the job, he must be eliminated." "The corporation in question was once one of our backers, but we have since terminated the relationship. They're obviously not pleased about this and intend to secure our research by force." "Their planned use for our research is to further their own goals, this is not what we had intended." "According to our most current intel reports, the attack is aimed at disabling our MILITARY TRAINING CENTER." "All UNITS stationed there are being withdrawn to avoid losing them in the ensuing battle. Head to the training center and be prepared to launch an attack as soon as the enemy is sighted." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This mission is too freaking easy... well you'll see... First just in the middle of the large area. Find Sumika, the downed pink AC in the middle, go next to her to realize the true purpose of this mission. The sad part is, this could have been a decent mission, but it is too easy. You will see ground MTs and Flying MTs. You only have to kill the flying MTs. Just do not take too long, or the plane will be destroyed. I know I didn't use the best possible AC for this mission, but chances are, you can use any usable AC to beat this mission. Damage --- 100-400 Time ----- 75-90 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- (Only the planes) Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Bait the Enemy ** Episode: 10 Irregular Reverse Side Client: Doomsday Organization Area: Loop Line Junction Enemies: Unknown Objective: Destroy All Targets Briefings... "In an attempt to delay the completion of our ongoing research, one of our rivals has decided to launch a strike deep inside AMBER CROWN. An enemy incursion has already been reported." "The exact POSITION of the enemy units isn't known yet, but we hope to draw them out using bait they will find hard to resist." "We'd like you to accompany a convoy of three TRANSPORTS, one of which is supposedly carrying targets of great interest to our rival. If all goes well, the enemy should bite." "Take out all targets as son as they are in range." Set Up... Head ---------- H03-BEETLE Core ---------- C05-SELENA Arms ---------- A02-DRILL Legs ---------- CR-LT78A Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- SCR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O79L+ O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This set-up isn't necessary, but since this is a long boring mission, you may as well ensure you beat it with flying colors. In the beginning of the mission your will find 2 missile trucks and a few umbrella MTs. Take each of these out with two rounds from your sniper rifle. After you wipe them clear, more and more umbrella MTs will come. They will not over whelm you, but they are there. Rely on your Lock-ons to find them hidden behind things. Now after a few of them, AC/MTs (whatever the hell they are) will come. (By the way, before I battled them, I didn't get hit once and didn't miss having 50 shots left in each rifle.) Now use your back cannon to kill off these MTs. If you miss too much, you can all ways use your Sniper rifle with your EO. There are seven of them in the mission, I was left with 3 shots with my cannon. Damage --- 300-1000? Time ----- 180-200 Seconds Accuracy - Near Perfect Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Disrupt Military Units * Episode: 11 Doomsday Organization Remake Client: Sumika Area: Military Training Center Enemies: MTs/Guard MTs Objective: Destroy All Targets Briefings... "We'd like you to disrupt Doomsday's MILITARY EXERCISES." "As far as we can tell, the only purpose for these drills is to collect data for Project Phantasma. Destroy all TARGETS you encounter at the facility." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C84O/UL Arms ---------- YA10-LORIS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- WB13RO-SPHINX Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- YWL03LB-TAROS Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... In this mission, you have to destroy 3 types of MTs. Here is what you should do for each of them. Pink Umbrella: You will find the most of these, just look up from the ground and pop two rifle rounds into them. MT: Go up close to them and blade them, then instantly launch a rocket into them if they didn't die in one hit... they should die now. Mammoth: Put rockets into them as you get closer then blade them. They should go down easy, but they should also be the only thing damaging you. Damage --- 1800-2300 Time ----- 62-70 Seconds Accuracy - Near Perfect Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Prototype Performance Test **** Episode: 11 Doomsday Organization Extend Side Client: Doomsday Organization Area: Gal City Office District Enemies: Guard MTs Objective: Perform Your Best Briefings... "We need your help to see how the performance of our new prototype stacks up against that of an actual AC pilot. The test will pit both of you against guard MTS dispersed around the CITY." "You must be in top form during the entire test in order for our researchers to acquire accurate comparison data." "We'll look at the number of units each of you destroys to determine whether or not you have performed as needed. The prototype is still in its test stage, so you should come out on top." "The duration of the test is three minutes. Use this time wisely." "Remember, your targets are the MTs, not the prototype. Destruction of the PROTOTYPE will result in the immediate discontinuation of the test." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- C06-EOS Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LF03-GAVIAL2 (0/0/0/0/10) Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- CR-F91DSN Generator ----- KUJAKU Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- JIREN Back Unit R --- WB15L-GERYON2 Back Unit L --- WB15L-GERYON2 Arm Unit R ---- WR20PL-ORGE Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O71EC O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE S Rank Walkthrough... The reason for all the energy weapon: They kill the MTs in one hit. IF you know you aren't going to miss, you don't need all of them, you can waste the first three MTs and drop one of your Plasma Cannons. Doing this will give you better energy refresh. You goal is to kill as much as possible. Do not get too close to the MTs, as the prototype will fire at you by mistake. IF anything, stay out of his way to the side. Over boost once and a while, but don't over heat... also make use of your Energy side packs, since you will need some extra help boosting. Remember, drop a laser cannon as soon as you want to or when it is empty. Damage --- 200-400 Time ----- 195-200 Seconds Accuracy - Near Perfect Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... WH04HL-KRSW (Right Arm Karasawa) Pass this mission with three more kills than the prototype. If you try to get and S rank and you do not get this part, make an AC with your favorite weapon and just stand in front the AC at times. Sniper rifles may also be a good idea. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Combat Test *** Episode: 11 Doomsday Organization Reverse Side Client: Doomsday Organization Area: Military Training Center Enemies: MTs/Guard MTs Objective: Participate In Test Briefings... "A combat TEST EXERCISE is scheduled to take place at our training facility shortly, someone with your expertise would be a welcome addition." "There are no weapon restrictions, so equip your AC however you see fit. TARGET ASSIGNMENT will be handled on our end." "Don't pull any punches. We want the data that is collected to be as accurate as possible." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LR04-GAZELLE Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR81B2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This isn't really a test mission, as you'll see... There are four types of enemies in this mission... here is what you do. Right at the beginning of the mission you will see those Heavy MTs, use a bazooka round, some sniper rifle rounds, and finish them off with your EO. Once they are dead, Glider MTs with come. Use one bazooka and sniper rifle round to kill them. If you want to play it safe, just wait till they run into a wall... they always do it. After they die, take out the helicopters, with a sniper rifle round each. Then after they are dead, Core MTs will comes, use the same method the as for the gliding ones. Damage --- 600-1800 Time ----- 105-110 Seconds Accuracy - Near Perfect Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... KARUGA (Back Micro Missile Unit) There is a structure you start by, it looks like a storage shed with many doors. Well go to the west side of that building and enter the door to find the part lying on the ground. Keep in mind; if you are entering the west side, you are looking east. If you can't find this shed, hit select. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend Receiving Base *** Episode: 12 Amber Crown Remake Client: Sumika Area: Rectenna Facility Enemies: MTs/Unknown Objective: Destroy All Targets Briefings... "Raven, the RECTENNA RECEIVING FACILITY is in danger of being overrun by a Doomsday STRIKE TEAM." "This facility is an important relay station that converts microwave energy into electric power. Doomsday must not be allowed to take possession of it." "We're requesting the removal of all hostile forces attempting to occupy the facility and its surroundings. When fighting inside, take care not to damage any of the CONDENSERS." "The top of the antenna relay radiated high levels of microwave energy, Avoid setting your AC down on its surface." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LR04-GAZELLE Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR81B2 Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... Yes, this is the same AC as in the last mission, it works here as well. When the mission begins, pick off all the Helos with your rifle. Once you are done with the first wave, kill the Gliding MTs. Use the same method as in the last level... one round from each weapon. Now you may need to kill a couple more helos until you see your "ROE" bar (Remnants of Enemies) empty. Once it is, find the little shed and go down the elevator. Your point down here is to clear the bottom of enemies, so do so. There are only a few, but use your Bazooka for easy one hit kills. Now in AC1pp, the mission would of ended here, now you must go outside and fight more waves of enemies... they are the same as when you started out. Only all the enemies start in the same general corner. This means those gliding MTs are not longer stuck under the grates. Just take them out, it isn't hard. Watch out, try not to hit any of the reflectors, I'm sure they will make you lose your chance from getting an AC part. Damage --- 2000-2900 Time ----- 125-135 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... CR-LRJ84M (Reverse Joint Legs) Beat the mission without anything blowing up. When you are in the facility, make sure you don't hit anything. This is that hard in this very on the level, since back in AC1pp, the Mts shot from behind them and they were freaking huge. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Raiding Party ***** Episode: 12 Amber Crown Extend Side Client: Doomsday Organization Area: Rectenna Facility Enemies: Guard MTs/Other Objective: Destroy All Targets Briefings... "One of Amber Crown's main power provides, the RECTENNA RECEIVING FACILITY, has come under attack by UNIDENTIFIED UNITS." "This has to be an attempt by the corporations to interfere with our organization's movement. They're preparing to level the entire facility." "Corporate backing has played a vital role in the advancement of our research, but time and time again, those providing us with aid have proven themselves unworthy of reaping its benefits." "Head to the facility and prevent it from being destroyed by these simpleminded fools." Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE (0/10/0/0/0) Core ---------- C03-HELIOS (0/10/0/0/0) Arms ---------- CR-A92XS (0/10/0/0/0) Legs ---------- LH03-PANTHER (0/10/0/0/0) Booster ------- CR-B83TP (0/0/10) FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ RAGORA (0/0/10) Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR81B2 Arm Unit L ---- NONE Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O71EC O02-ORGANELLE O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This mission consists of you finding bombs and killing MTs. This mission is easy until you try going for the part. Here is what you should do. +First kill off Mts and grab bombs that are in the way +Now find the rest of the bombs within the rectenna area +Using your map, find the bombs that are above the cliffs +Pick up the bomb on the elevator shed +Pick up the two final bombs on the lower level As long as you don't stop and go directly to the closest bomb, you will be able to S rank and get the part in this mission. Remember to zoom and rotate your map to make your life easier. Damage --- 400-700 Time ----- 122-130 Seconds Accuracy - Perfect Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... MIROKU (FCS) Beat the mission extremely fast... I mean, REALLY fast. Make sure you use the map function a lot if you cannot find bombs. Don't forget to kill off the MTs as you see them. If you beat the mission with my time range, you should get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Prevent Recapture Effort **** Episode: 12 Amber Crown Reverse Side Client: Doomsday Organization Area: Rectenna Organization Enemies: Unknown Objective: Destroy All Targets Briefings... "Those who would see our organization brought to its knees are attempting to RECAPTURE the RECTENNA RECEIVING FACILITY." "The installation is highly contested and has been the scene of numerous battles. We've done what we can to prepare it against further attackers." "The importance of this facility to the research work we're conducting in Amber Crown cannot be underestimated. We must prevent its recapture at all costs." "The units we have stationed around the facility are but a token force, and would not be able to withstand a large-scale attack. The presence of a Raven is the only way we will ensure victory." "Any damage inflicted on the INSTALLATION would negate the entire purpose of the mission. Keep the enemy units occupied and watch what you shoot at." "We anticipate that this will be a long battle, prepare your AC accordingly." Set Up... Head ---------- CR-H95EE (0/10/0/0/0) Core ---------- C03-HELIOS (0/10/0/0/0) Arms ---------- CR-A92XS (0/10/0/0/0) Legs ---------- KH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B05-GULL (0/0/10) FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA (0/0/10) Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O71EC O02-ORGANELLE O03-CODON CR-O86R+ MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This is a very long mission... There are many waves of just planes in this mission. Here is how you take them down and now run out of ammo. After you see one fly over you on your radar, trail it. Sh0ot both of your sniper rifles at the same time (That means you press circle a few moments before square). They aren't that hard to hit, just make sure you are careful when they turn. After all of the waves go by, Suicide Missiles will comes. I'm not sure if they can even really destroy anything, but just in case, shot them, they take one shot each. Damage --- 1600-2600 Time ----- 225-240 Seconds Accuracy - Near Perfect Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Headquarters ********** Episode: 13 Sumika Remake Client: Sumika Area: Doomsday Organization HQ Enemies: Guard MTs/Unknown Objective: Acquire Data/Escape Briefings... "Raven, we want you to carry out an attack on DOOMSDAY'S HEADQUARTERS." "It's believed they are nearing completion on a new weapon system named 'PROJECT PHANTASMA'." "We've decided to intervene before this happens. Our mission is to retrieve plans relating to the project from their computer data banks, and disclose everything." "The computer is situated deep within the complex, getting to it won't be easy. Clear the path down to its location of as many OBSTACLES as possible." "This will be an extended mission, so prepare your AC's ammunitions stores accordingly. Weapon can be restocked midway though the mission, but you should still keep a close eye on your reserves." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- C01-GAEA Arms ---------- A11-MACAQUE (0/4/0/6/0) Legs ---------- LF03-GAVIAL2 (0/0/0/0/7 or 8) Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ ANANDA (0/0/10) Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR81RS2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH79M2 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O04-GOLGI MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... You can change the FCS to a longer range one; this will only effect the end. Start by moving forward, keep going strait and follow the paths, until you reach the elevator. Go down it. Open the next door... now remember this mission from a while ago? If so, you know those guns are trouble. Hide in the hallway after you open the door and destroy all three of the guns. Move through this room and ignore the MT below you. Now in the next room, kill the guns and MT. You should use you back cannon on the MTs from inside the hallway and take out the guns the same way. Watch out, there are guns on the flanks of you once you walk in. Find the white door and enter it. Kill the three guns just like in the other room that looks the same. This next room has two more MTs and more guns, do the same as you did in the second room. ***This room has a vent that leads to a secret part, refer down bottom for details*** After you are done in this room, head out through the other white door. Now once you go through this little hallway, you should emerge into a room with a big drop in it. Ignore the enemies down the bottom and fall onto the ledge on the south wall. Once in this door, you will be in a familiar hallway. Take out all the MTs and more importantly, the gun sentries on the ceilings. Move all the way down this hallway until you reach the last possible point you can make a right. Take this right and all the way at the end of this hallway is the target of this mission. Now once you press circle on the door, a cut scene will go off, and you will start inside the room with enemies once you gain control of your AC. Take out the two guns first. Once that is done with, use up the rest of your back cannon to take out these MTs. If you run out of ammo, DO NOT FREAKING DROP IT. You will now have full ammo with all of your weapons... save the laser cannon for the end. Now you must get back to the beginning. I'm not going to tell you step by step... all you have to do is retrace your steps. Use the map if you need to. Take out the MTs with your Sniper rifle, machine gun, and Exceed orbits. When you get to the end, take out your laser cannon. You must fight off a bunch of general purpose ACs. They take one hit each, but there is a catch... bombs are coming from the air. If you stay to the far west, they will not touch you, so take out all the ACs that way first. Once you are done killing them, the mission is over. If you run out of Laser cannon shots, drop it, and use something else. Damage --- 3600-4400 Time ----- 415-430 Seconds Accuracy - Average Kill % --- 15-20% Hidden Parts... NIOH (Parrying Blade) From reading the walkthrough, locate the room with the Vent. Unlike the other mission, you don't need to go through it this time. But go in it any ways. Once you are in it, walk to the end of the shaft. The shaft you must go in is located right above this one... so fly out of it and do turn completely around, blow up the vent cover and collect your piece deep inside the room. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Escort Phantasma Transport *** Episode: 13 Sumika Extend Side Client: Doomsday Organization Area: Loop Line Junction Enemies: Unknown Objective: Escort Transport Briefings... "We're currently in the process of moving all documents relating to Project Phantasma from the ruins of our old headquarters to a NEW LOCATION. Please escort the VEHICLE involved." "Most of the equipment used in the project was lost, but that can easily be replaced. The actual research data, on the other hand, is priceless beyond measure." "Once the RESEARCH is complete, we will gain something we don't have now... power. And it is only with this that we can hope to bring change to our ruined world." "Help us realize our dream." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- MINOKU Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O03-CODON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This mission is broken up into two parts. The first half consists of you killing a few MTs. A couple gliders and two core MTs. Take them each out as you see them, but kill the one in the tunnel first, as not only is it a free kill, but so you don't forget you left him there. The second part of the mission is you up against Stinger. If you are going for the S rank, keep mid distance. He shouldn't give you any trouble since he is very weak, JUST DO NOT GO CLOSE TO HIM. He has the strongest blade/arm combo. Damage --- 1500-2200 Time ----- 110-120 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... YWH07-DRAGON (Left Arm Laser Rifle) Do this mission extremely fast. I've heard you must kill the MTs under 20 seconds and Stinger Under 45 seconds. I've made the S rank set-up capable of doing this. Well you don't need to kill the MTs that fast... but it can't hurt. When going for the part, do not worry about how much he damamges you or how much you miss. You should swap the left arm Sniper rifle to a FINGER for quicker results. Changing the right arm to the 160 ammo machine gun won't be a bad idea either. YH08-MANTIS (Head) Kill stinger... to complete the mission. This part isn't hard to get for obvious reasons. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Confrontation ********** Episode: 14 Phantasma Remake Client: Sumika Area: North Highland Enemies: Phantasma Objective: Destroy Phantasma Briefings... "Raven, we've just learned that Stinger has stolen the new weapon system, PHANTASMA. He's currently hiding in the NORTH HIGHLAND along with REMNANTS of the Doomsday Organization." "His ultimate objective is unknown, but we cannot let him retain possession of this technology." "Take him out... that is all." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN (0/0/0/10/0) Core ---------- CR-C98E2 (0/5/0/5/0) Arms ---------- A11-MACAGUE (0/4/0/6/0) Legs ---------- CR-LHT92 (0/0/0/10/0) Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- JIREN Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- WR11RS-GARUM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... This has to be the craziest set-up I've ever used to get an S rank... Sure I tried using Dual rockets (the ones that launch 6), and although it works, but only if you are a master at dodging... Any ways, here is what you do, you must take out those Mammoth Mts as fast as possible. First head up on the cliff behind you. Sniper the hell out of the two Mammoth MTs. If you are far back enough, they will not launch anything at you. Kill MTs as they come close to you. Now mop up everything. Drop your right arm weapon... Now stinger will comes. The only advice I have for you since dodging is near useless, is to take him out and fast as possible. To do this, pop up your Exceed Orbits and shoot ONLY while in mid air. If you are on the ground, you have a high chance it will just go under him. Damage --- 1900-6000 (Wow...) Time ----- 110-130 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... WL-MOONLIGHT (Left Arm Laser Blade) Beat this mission really fast... refer to my target time. Only when you kill the Mammoth Mts, use a strong arm weapon, like the 10 shot large rockets, since it does take a while otherwise. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Phantasma ******** Episode: 14 Phantasm Extend Side Client: Sumika Area: North Highland Enemies: Unknown Objective: Destroy Phantasma Briefings... "We're not sure how they've managed it, but elements of the Doomsday organization are still in possession of a PHANTASMA PROTOTYPE." "It seems they are collaborating with one of the CORPORATIONS to keep the project alive. This is (a) nightmare waiting to unfold, we must take action." "We've pinpointed the location of the FACILITY where the project is being housed, head there immediately and finish this off." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN (0/0/0/10/0) Core ---------- CR-C98E2 (0/5/0/5/0) Arms ---------- A11-MACAGUE (0/4/0/6/0) Legs ---------- CR-LHT92 (0/0/0/10/0) Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ RAGORA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- JIREN Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- WH02RS-WYRM Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... I also **** myself at the start of this mission... First off, like before, you have to take out enemies before you even begin the fight. Take point high up on that same cliff as in the previous mission, this way you are away from the ground MTs. Take out all the planes then the MTs. Don't worry if you are getting pegged, the planes aren't that strong. Now TWO Phantasmas will come! Thank god they are weaker than the other one. Any ways, use the same strategy as the one in the other mission. Pop use the EO's and then attack with your laser cannon. They should each die in 3-4 shots, depending if you choose to use your left arm weapon and EO's up close. Damage --- 3000-4000 Time ----- 145-160 Seconds Accuracy - Above Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... YLH11-VIXEN (Light Wight Legs) Clear the mission, that's all you have to do. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Mop Up Chrome Remnants ****** Episode: 15 Disorder Remake Client: Murakumo Millennium Area: Chrome Military Base Enemies: Unknown Objective: Destroy All Targets Briefings... "This is a special announcement to inform all Ravens of Chrome's dissolution. Their plans to conduct a military coup using new MT technology will never be realized." "As for Chrome's remaining assets, all of these will be brought under Murakumo's control and kept in our possession until appropriate uses are found for them." "Now that the confrontation is over, situations requiring the use of Raven will likely diminish. Hopefully this is a sign that mankind is moving towards a peaceful future." "Until then, there is still work to be done. We'd like you to carry out a thorough investigation of a CHROME MILITARY INSTALLATION where a small group of HOLDOUTS is believed to be hiding." "Eliminate any resistance encountered during your search." Set Up... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN Core ---------- CR-C98E2 Arms ---------- CR-A92XS Legs ---------- LH07-DINGO2 Booster ------- B05-GULL FCS ----------- CR-F75D Generator ----- FUDOH Radiator ------ ANANDA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- NONE Back Unit L --- NONE Arm Unit R ---- WR20PL-ORGE Arm Unit L ---- WH02RS-WYRM Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC CR-O79L+ O05-HISTON MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... Start the mission by entering the door right in front of you. DO NOT USE YOUR SNIPER RIFLE AT ALL. This part of the mission you must Kill all 16 MTs in this under ground Area without missing once. Use your Plasma rifle with 16 shots. Don't worry, the MTs are slow and the most in a room at a time is 4. I don't think I need to hold your hand underground, just follow the hallways and go in the white lit doors. If you so happen to miss, use your sniper rifle and EO. Once you are done with killing all the MTs, you will have to leave the facility. Once you step out... you'll see an old friend. Right when you see him, boost strait up and away from him... LISTEN... CAREFULLY... Once you hear a grenade, side step to the left to dodge it. Now keep going behind the mountain and hop on the west mountain. You will notice: +His missiles do not touch you +You can get clear shots of him +His missiles will actually damage him sometimes +Boss Music and Stage music are playing at the same time Damage --- 1000-2000 Time ----- 200-220 Seconds Accuracy - Near Perfect Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... BYAKUE (Ammo Extensions) Destroy the boss, the "Devastator" really fast. Use this AC... Head ---------- H11-QUEEN (0/4/6/0/0) Core ---------- C05-SELENA (0/4/6/0/0) Arms ---------- CR-A92XS (0/4/6/0/0) Legs ---------- CR-LHT92 (0/9/0/0/1) Booster ------- B04-BIRDIE2 (0/10/0) FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- CR-G84P Radiator ------ CR-R92 Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- NONE Back Unit R --- CR-WBW91RT Back Unit L --- CR-WBW91RT Arm Unit R ---- CR-WR81G Arm Unit L ---- WH03M-FINGER Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O79L+ O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON MARISHI While fighting him, use your EO, Finger, and Back Rockets. For the mission itself, you need to use your EO to kill on MT, like the first one you see. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Resistance Group ****** Episode: 15 Disorder Extend Side Client: Murakumo Millennium Area: Chrome Military Base Enemies: Unknown Objective: Destroy All Targets Briefings... "It appears that our previous operation to mop up the last remnants of Chrome wasn't entirely successful." "We've received numerous reports of attacks on airborne transports in the area around CHROME'S MILITARY INSTALLATION. SOMEONE is clearly using it as a base of operation." "The investigation team sent to look into the matter met heavy resistance at the hands of an UNIDENTIFIED FORCE. This group is probably responsible for the earlier attacks as well." "Leave for the base immediately and destroy any opposition you encounter." Set Up... Head ---------- H05-HORNET (0/0/10/0/0) Core ---------- C05-SELENA (0/5/5/0/0) Arms ---------- A02-DRILL (0/10/0/0/0) Legs ---------- CR-LT78A (0/10/0/0/0) Booster ------- NONE FCS ----------- MONJU Generator ----- KUJAKU Radiator ------ FURUNA Inside -------- NONE Extension ----- SCR-E82SS2 Back Unit R --- CR-WBW98LX Back Unit L --- CR-WBW98LX Arm Unit R ---- CR-WH79M2 Arm Unit L ---- CR-WH79M2 Hanger Unit R - NONE Hanger Unit L - NONE Op Parts ------ O01-AMINO CR-O79L+ O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE MARISHI S Rank Walkthrough... The arm weapons don't really matter, it's all a matter of preference. Any ways, stay up on the middle mountain. You won't need to look far to see all the MTs hopping up and down. Once you get close, pop up your exceed orbits and wipe out a few MTs with your Machine gun. Put in your EO's so they can recharge. Now after you kill every single MT, Sledge Hammer will appear, looking very nicely redone in the PS2's graphics... he does sound like a ****ing tracker though. Any ways, switch to your Back Cannon and keep firing. Using your EO's and left arm weapon will make him die faster. He is a lot easier than he looks... for some odd reason, it just walks when you constantly shoot him... Well, after about 4-5 shots, he should be done... and if you been getting all the S ranks in order and all the hidden parts, you should now have 100%! Damage --- 1400-2000 Time ----- 115-125 Seconds Accuracy - Average Kill % --- 100% Hidden Parts... CR-YH85SR (Head) Kill Sledgie extremely fast. You can do this with about any tank using the good ol' LX. YC07-CRONUS (Hanger Core) Beat the mission... or Disc, if you've been playing in order. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##===###==##========##===##===##========##========##========# #==########====##==##==########========#####==#####==########==####### #======####==#==#==##======####==#==#==#####==#####======####========# #==########==##====##==########==####==#####==#####==##############==# #========##==###===##========##==####==##========##========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Enemies (REV)... This section will review all the enemies I seen in the game and how to deal with them. Please note I will sometimes make up names for them. I will also try and list all the missions I see them in. Stars denote difficulty, threat, and the average problem factor, remember these are on a MT scale... (1- 10) --Worker MT ** This is a classic Mt from the first AC game. It has gotten smaller, but just a tad bit more deadlier. Now it can launch a two quick rockets in succession. You can take these out pretty easy still... just stay at long range. Found in... Eliminate Strikers --Crane MT * Another enemy from the original. These are actually cranes with modified with a laser rifle shot. These are also weak. They turn slow and are very easy to blade. Found in... Eliminate Strikers --General Purpose AC ********** Beyond one of the most annoying enemy in the game. With a stunning bazooka and lightning quick jumping, they can be damaging and hard to hit. Either take them out as fast as possible or aim carefully with a one hit kill weapon. Found in... Ambush Strike Team Rescue Kidnapped Operative Repel Invasion Rescue the Allies Bait the Enemy Attack Headquarters Destroy Resistance Group --Helo **** This isn't a hard enemy, just a very annoying one. These are just like helicopters in all the other AC games, only they use dual missiles like scumbags, so you actually have to pay attention to them. A sniper rifle, bazooka, or machine gun will put these out of their misery with one shot/clip. Found in... Destroy Security Force Defend Submarine Capture Mining Platform Defeat Assault Force Escort Transport Vehicle Combat Test Defend Receiving Base --Gun Battery ** Probably the most expected and most common and unchanged enemy in the whole series. They can be on walls, ceilings, and on turrets. They range from machine guns to laser cannons. Just shot them with any hard hitting weapon, and they die! Found in... Capture Mining Platform Remove Gun Emplacements Defeat Assault Force Destroy Fuel Depot Rescue Kidnapped Operative Infiltrate Amber Base Attack Headquarters --Flying Disk MTs ** These are slow flying MTs that shoot a machine gun. They fly very slow and are wide enough to hit with about any weapon no matter how fast they are going. Found in... Remove Gun Emplacements Eliminate Raven --Heavy Combat MT ******** These are very similar to certain enemy in AC3, only they have a bazooka instead of a shotgun. They also have a laser blade, which can seriously hurt. To kill these, use a strong weapon (bazookas, grenades, whatever), and constantly back up and move to a side. Do not attempt to blade these MTs if you have little practice, since these MTs poke... which hurts. They have a lot of AP just so you know. Found in... Defeat Assault Force Defeat Intruders Repel Invasion Defend Entrance Rescue the Allies Disrupt Military Units Combat Test --Gliding MTs ********** Although they do not take a lot to kill, they are hard for one reason... They have an extremely powerful plasma cannon. To deal with them, try to either kill them quick or stay at long range. Found in... Defeat Assault Force Combat Test Defend Receiving Base Escort Phantasma Transport Confrontation --Worker Robot * They are robots that do not attack at all. They are easy to dispose of, but in the circumstances they appear in (Random quick movements while stand in front of large generators), they are more of a target practice that anything else. Use a not explosive weapon and a non-spread weapons. Found in... Worker Robot Removal --Battle Sentry MT *** These are Mts, which appear to look like insects... But unlike their classic version, these ones are bigger. They are easy if you stand and fight them, but most of the time you can't, especially if you want a good rank. If you choose to kill them, a large bazooka will be your friend. If you don't kill them, you'll find they hit you most while trying to go through a door. Found in... Shutdown Control System Infiltrate Amber Base Defend Receiving Base Destroy Raiding Party Attack Headquarters --ECM Pod * These are little pods that fly around in the "Shutdown Control System" level. They create one of the highest Electronic Counter Measurement (ECM). You should even both killing them, there are more important things to do... like getting the mission done. You can't really lock on to them at all. Found in... Shutdown Control System --ECM MT * The same thing as the above enemies... only large and can move up and down. They appear in different missions though... Found in... Destroy Fuel Depot --Blue Reverse Joint Security MT *** These are just like most RJ MTs with machine guns... annoying. What separates them from the average one is the fact they can take two hits from most strong weapons... But a blade or dual weapons can rape them. Found in... Destroy Fuel Depot Attack Urban Center Prototype Performance Test --Tanks * These are actual tanks... you know, the kind you see in real life? They aren't that hard when you are in an AC... I used Sniper Rifles against them. Unlike the tanks in Evolution, these have low AP, so you can pick them off with no trouble. Found in... Escort Transport Vehicle --Homing Missile ****** These are missile that will seek you and then explode. This isn't the first AC game where they appeared, and although they are strong, they are one of the weaker ones. I choose not to kill these at all, rather let them just run into walls and such. Found in... Destroy Security Net Prevent Recapture Effort --Plane *** They fly like real jets, and look close to them. The best way to take them out is to use a long range weapon, like a sniper rifle or fast locking weapon, like a machine gun. Make sure you only attempt to attack them when they aren't turning for best results. They only use a weak machine gun, there is no use to focus too much on dodging them. Found in... Guard Freight Train Defend Entrance Prevent Recapture Effort Destroy Phantasma --Flying Core MT ** These are MTs that float around... and look like an AC's core. They use a single laser rifle shot. These have been extremely toned down since the AC1pp game, so they aren't that hard. Even rockets can be used on them. Found in... Recover Containers Rescue Kidnapped Operative Combat Test Attack Headquarters Escort Phantasma Transport --Mammoth Walkers ******** These are very large Mts with VERY high AP. Using a blade is the only way to kill these things without waiting a large amount of time saying "Is it dead yet?." There weapon in the front can be avoid by dashing up to them at the side, if you are good, you should never see it. The only other thing they can do is launch vertical missiles, which can be annoying if you do not look up and pay attention. Found in... Recover Containers Disrupt Military Units Confrontation --Basic Reverse Joint Mt ** These are the most basic MT you can think of. They are the token enemy in AC and appeared through out the series. In this game, they do have missile on top of there machine guns, unlike the original. You can take them out with anything really, just don't stand in front of them too long. Found in... Rescue Kidnapped Operative Mop Up Chrome Remnants --Pink Umbrella MT *** This is one annoying as MT. They fly and shot a machine gun, but what makes them annoying, they like to hover right above you. Use any weapon to kill them, just do not lurk underneath them for too long. Found in... Infiltrate Amber Base Repel Invasion Bait the Enemy Disrupt Military Units --Uni-wheel MT *** These have appeared in some mission through-out pasted AC games, and always have the same traits... fast and annoying. Thankfully, you don't have to kill a single one of them in this game. If you do, a Sniper rifle will do. Found in... Eliminate Raven Destroy Phantasma --Missile Truck ** They are basically trucks that have missile batteries on the back. They aren't that hard if you take them out right at the start. They are small, so a precise weapon should be used. Found in... Bait the Enemy Confrontation [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##==####==##========##==####==##========# #==####==##==####==##==########==####==#####==######==##==###==####### #========##========##==########========#####==#######====####======### #==####==##==##==####==########==####==#####==#######====####==####### #==####==##==###==###========##==####==##========#####==#####========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Archive (REV) This is the section of the game where you can unlock subject matter from previous Armored Core titles. In my section of Archive I will tell you how to unlock them. Remember, completion % is gauged by missions complete, missions S ranked, hidden parts, and destruction of AC during missions. When I say Complete mission "So-and-so" I assuming you are doing the missions in order... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] -Series Movie-------------------------------------------------------- 01: AC: Movie 01 (1st half, Phoenix assembly) ----> Complete mission "Destroy Security Force" 02: AC: Movie 02 (2nd half, Phoenix Vs Red Heavy AC) ----> Complete mission "Capture Mining Platform" 03: ACPP: Movie (A bunch of ACs just doing nothing) ----> Complete mission "Protect Gun Emplacements" 04: ACMOA: Movie (K'Saw AC Vs Nineball) ----> Complete mission "Shutdown Control System" 05: AC2: Movie (Zio Matrix AC Fleet Versus Emeraude AC Fleet) ----> Complete mission "Destroy Fuel Depot" 06: AC2AA: Movie (A dual between two ACs I forget the names of) ----> Complete mission "Defeat Intruders" 07: AC3: Movie (AC street fight) ----> Complete mission "Destroy Security Net" 08: AC3SL: Movie (Satellite owning a spy transport) ----> Complete mission "Guard Freight Train" -Episode Movie------------------------------------------------------- 01: EPISODE 1 The Great Destruction: The Great Destruction plunged the world into darkness - survivors of the horror were forced underground to escape the ruin left behind. From the ashes of civilization emerged a mercenary organization known as the Raven's Nest. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 1. 02: EPISODE 2 Raven's Nest: Chrome's rapid expansion into territorial waters is becoming a cause for concern. They are not a true threat yet, but that will change if their actions go unchecked for much longer. It's an alarming development. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 2. 03: EPISODE 3 Mercenary: Chrome and Murakumo - the two most powerful corporate entities in the subterranean world. Their initial struggles for control escalated into full-brown warfare. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 3. 04: EPISODE 4 A. I.: "AI programmed management." The engineer responsible for developing the technology used in these management systems was, although unwittingly, responsible for much of the discord between corporate rivals. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 4. 05: EPISODE 5 Corporation: Chemical-Dyne, a pharmaceutical firm affiliated with Chrome, was researching secret military technologies as a means to counter Murakumo's Human Plus experiments. Threatened, Murakumo instituted plans to disrupt the work. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 5. 06: EPISODE 6 Underground City: Recent small events that occurred throughout the city have been explained away as an AC pilot run amuck. However, the conflict between the corporations is intensifying. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 6. 07: EPISODE 7 Lost Technology: Chrome has announced that they possess concrete evidence of inhuman research including human experiment being conducted by Murakumo. They also requested a termination of the research and submission of research data. In its defense, Murakumo steadfastly denied the claims. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 7. 08: EPISODE 8 Human Plus: For those in the know, Murakumo was, without any doubt, conducting secret "human enhancement" experiments on a number of test subjects. Despite some claims to the contrary, the research was never discontinued. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 8. 09: EPISODE 9 Request: The new complex known as Amber Crown housed researchers working on t top-secret project. The research, although nearing completion, was ended abruptly by a Raven. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 9. 10: EPISODE 10 Irregular: It was a long and difficult road, but the research had finally begun to yield results and show promise, that is until he showed up. He, who deserves to be called "irregular", destroyed everything and brought the project to a halt. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 10. 11: EPISODE 11 Doomsday Organization: Our research was interrupted many times and a number of those who were working on the project lose their lives - it was a terrible time. If only he had not interfered... things would have been different. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 11. 12: EPISODE 12 Amber Crown: An unknown group assaulted on the Rectenna Receiving Base in Amber Crown this early morning. An investigation of the perpetrators and the background is underway. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 12. 13: EPISODE 13 Sumika: The investigation of explosion witch happened the other day is still underway. According to sources, a group known as Doomsday Organization appears to be related to the incident. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 13. 14: EPISODE 14 Phantasma: A project, codenamed Phantasma, meant to somehow integrate the human form with machines. According to information that was left at Doomsday Organization, the search for a missing prototype has been started. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 14. 15: EPISODE 15 Disorder: We attempted to retaliate in kind, but ultimately failed. Although we were defeated, we still have another opportunity at that time. Had it not been for the presence of a Raven, things may have gone differently. ----> Enter the block section for Episode 15. -Illustration-------------------------------------------------------- 01: Tank Type AC (AC1pp opening movie) ----> 10% Completion 02: Reverse-Joint Type AC (AC1pp opening movie) ----> 10% Completion 03: Four-Leg Type AC (AC1pp opening movie) ----> 10% Completion 04: Two-Leg Type AC - 01 (AC1pp opening, looks like Checkmate for AC1) ----> 10% Completion 05: Two-Leg Type AC - 02 (AC1pp opening and instruction manual cover) ----> 10% Completion 06: Two-Leg Type AC - 03 (AC1pp opening...) ----> 20% Completion 07: Two-Leg Type AC - 04 (Weaponless Phoenix) ----> 20% Completion 08: Bishop (Annoying MT in many Missions in the original Armored Core) ----> 20% Completion 09: Welkin (Annoying Plane from the original Armored Core) ----> 20% Completion 10: CW-283 (Constantly reused Crane model) ----> 20% Completion 11: WR75OR (Worker robot originally from AC1) ----> 30% Completion 12: Guard Walker (A Reverse joint MT, usually on your side in AC1) ----> 30% Completion 13: Techbot (Worker Robot... he's so cute!) ----> 30% Completion 14: Big Blade (Should be big wheel...) ----> 30% Completion 15: Devastator (AC1's "Massive MT") ----> 30% Completion 16: Super Scimiter (Gliding Mts from AC1pp) ----> 40% Completion 17: Papagai (MTs that look like the heavy core from AC1, in AC1pp) ----> 40% Completion 18: Nashorn (Little bug looking MT from AC1pp) ----> 40% Completion 19: Leprechaun (VIP helicopter from AC1pp?) ----> 40% Completion 20: Heat Wave (AC like MTs from AC1pp) ----> 40% Completion 21: Vixen (Stinger, reoccurring boss from AC1pp) ----> 50% Completion 22: Ariake (Sumika, reoccurring ally from AC1pp) ----> 50% Completion 23: Prototype Phantasma (Stringers "Second form" fro AC1pp) ----> 50% Completion 24: Orge (Enemy from AC1pp) ----> 50% Completion 25: Sargarmatha (Mammoth MT from AC1pp) ----> 50% Completion 26: Taurus (Transport Truck design from AC1pp) ----> 60% Completion 27: Dragon (Missile battery truck from AC1pp) ----> 60% Completion 28: Two-Leg Type AC - 01 (Concept from AC2) ----> 60% Completion 29: Two-Leg Type AC - 02 (Zio Matrix AC from AC2's Cover) ----> 60% Completion 30: Two-Leg Type AC - 03 (Concept from AC2) ----> 60% Completion 31: Two-Leg Type AC - 04 (Concept from AC2) ----> 70% Completion 32: Two-Leg Type AC - 05 (Over boost starting concept from AC2) ----> 70% Completion 33: Two-Leg Type AC - 06 (Looks like Ares from AC2) ----> 70% Completion 34: Hover Type AC - 01 (Concept from AC2) ----> 70% Completion 35: Hover Type AC - 02 (Concept from AC2) ----> 70% Completion 36: Four-Leg Type AC - 01 (Concept from AC2) ----> 80% Completion 37: Four-Leg Type AC - 02 (Concept from AC2) ----> 80% Completion 38: Tank Type AC - 01 (Concept from AC2) ----> 80% Completion 39: Tank Type AC - 02 (Concept from AC2) ----> 80% Completion 40: Tank Type AC - 03 (Concept from AC2) ----> 80% Completion 41: Tank Type AC - 04 (Concept from AC2) ----> 85% Completion 42: Two-Leg Type AC - 01 (AC3 opening movie?) ----> 85% Completion 43: Two-Leg Type AC - 02 (Or maybe this the AC in the opening...) ----> 85% Completion 44: Two-Leg Type AC - 03 (I know he's in the opening... he gets killed) ----> 85% Completion 45: Two-Leg Type AC - 04 (AC3 concept) ----> 85% Completion 46: Two-Leg Type AC - 05 (Looks like the heavy from the opening) ----> 90% Completion 47: Two-Leg Type AC - 06 (AC3 concept) ----> 90% Completion 48: Four-Leg Type AC - 01 (AC3 concept) ----> 90% Completion 49: Four-Leg Type AC - 02 (AC3 concept) ----> 90% Completion 50: Reverse-Joint Type AC - 01 (AC3 concept) ----> 90% Completion 51: Reverse-Joint Type AC - 02 (AC3 concept) ----> 95% Completion 52: Hover Type AC - 01 (AC3 concept) ----> 95% Completion 53: Tank Type AC - 01 (AC3 concept) ----> 95% Completion 54: Hover Type AC - 02 (AC3sl concept) ----> 95% Completion 55: Two-Leg Type AC - 01 (AC3sl concept) ----> 95% Completion 56: Two-Leg Type AC - 02 (AC3sl concept) ----> 100% Completion 57: Two-Leg Type AC - 03 (AC3sl concept) ----> 100% Completion 58: Two-Leg Type AC - 04 (AC3sl concept) ----> 100% Completion 59: Two-Leg Type AC - 05 (AC3sl concept) ----> 100% Completion 60: Two-Leg Type AC - 06 (AC3sl concept) ----> 100% Completion -Poster-------------------------------------------------------------- 01: AC Promotion Poster (Phoenix from AC1) ----> Complete Mission "Eliminate Strikers" 02: ACPP Promotion Poster (Phoenix Vs a Random AC) ----> Complete Mission "Ambush Strike Team" 03: ACMOA Promotion Poster (Opening AC) ----> Complete Mission "Destroy Security Force" 04: AC2 Promotion Poster -01 (Opening Zio Matrix AC) ----> Complete Mission "Destroy Security Force" 05: AC2 Promotion Poster - 02 (Zio Matrix AC close up) ----> Complete Mission "Destroy Security Force" 06: AC2 Promotion Poster - 03 (Emeraude AC) ----> Complete Mission "Defend Submarine" 07: AC2AA Promotion Poster - 01 (Lightweight Opening AC) ----> Complete Mission "Defend Submarine" 08: AC2AA Promotion Poster - 02 (Both opening AC's close up) ----> Complete Mission "Capture Mining Platform" 09: AC3 Promotion Poster (Close up of "Neo Phoenix") ----> Complete Mission "Capture Mining Platform" 10: AC3SL Promotion Poster (From the back of the instruction manual) ----> Complete Mission "Capture Mining Platform" 11: AC3SL Promotion Poster - 02 (Alt. pic of the Cover AC) ----> Complete Mission "Capture Mining Platform" -Sound Track--------------------------------------------------------- 01: Shape Memory Alloys (Original Raven's Nest theme from AC1) ----> All ready unlocked. 02: Grip (Stinger's theme in AC1pp) ----> All ready unlocked. 03: Grip The Other Side (Different beat with a slower start) ----> Complete Mission "Destroy Security Force" 04: Insurance Money (First heard in AC1pp Versus/Arena {Sausage}) ----> All ready unlocked. 05: Insurance Money Ver.Sil (No more sausage...) ----> Complete Mission "Capture Mining Platform" 06: Complete Physical (First heard in AC1, also in its final mission) ----> All ready unlocked. 07: Complete Physical Tek (Suits Worker Robots better than original) ----> Complete Mission "Defeat Assault Force" 08: Circulation (Heard in AC1 register mission, also in its credits) ----> All ready unlocked. 09: Circulation All Over (More dramatic...) ----> Complete Mission "Shutdown Control System" 10: Apex In Circle (AC1moa opening theme) ----> All ready unlocked. 11: Apex In Circle Extended (More techno that the original) ----> Complete Mission "Defeat Intruders" 12: 9 (Nine Ball's theme from AC1moa and AC2aa) ----> All ready unlocked. 13: 9 Memories (Longer start up and louder ambient voice) ----> Complete Mission "Stop Rampaging AC" 14: Firework (Various missions from AC2) ----> All ready unlocked. 15: Firework Circuit End (Even worse...) ----> Complete Mission "Attack Freight Train" 16: Whiz Drop (Missions in AC2 and AC2aa) ----> All ready unlocked. 17: Whiz Drop Nutty (Better, sounds like its from the AC1 series) ----> Complete Mission "Rescue Kidnapped Operative" 18: Another Age (AC2aa opening theme and boss music) ----> All ready unlocked. 19: Another Age Left Turn (Childish sounding start...) ----> Complete Mission "Defend Entrance" 20: Detect (Heard in the final mission of AC2aa) ----> All ready unlocked. 21: Detect But Miss (A lot different, but not bad) ----> Complete Mission "Bait the Enemy" 22: Artificial Sky (Variants of this is heard many times in AC3) ----> All ready unlocked. 23: Artificial Sky Tribal (Odd start, more opera techno) ----> Complete Mission "Combat Test" 24: In My Heart (Horrible Arena and Mission music from AC3) ----> All ready unlocked. 25: In My Heart More Heart (Even worse) ----> Complete Mission "Prevent Recapture Effort" 26: Silent Line (AC3sl opening theme) ----> All ready unlocked. 27: Silent Line Remix (Sounds like a military tune) ----> Complete Mission "Escort Phantasma Transport" 28: Mode (In "Des. AI Prototype" or "Disable Sate. Cannon" in AC3sl) ----> All ready unlocked. 29: Mode Cut Up Version (Same tune, just takes a while to start up) ----> Complete Mission "Destroy Phantasma" 30: Monkey Likes Daddy (Randomly in Arena in AC3sl) ----> All ready unlocked. 31: Super Monkey Likes Daddy (Randomly makes me vomit) ----> Complete Mission "Destroy Resistance Group" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #########========######==####==######========######========########### #########==############==####==######==####==######==####==########### #########========######========######==####==######========########### ###############==######==####==######==####==######==################# #########========######==####==######========######==################# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Shop/Checklist This is a list of parts. It also serves as a shop guide. Come here first if you want a part... locate the part on the list. Then identify the number of boxes, then find the part in the part list to double check... when that is done with, search for the mission it is located in. When I say "Added to the shop Via XXXX," Do more missions for XXXX. [] (1) One box means that you start with the part. [][][] (3) Three boxes mean that the part is in the shop at the game's start. |||||||||| (5) This is added to the shop Via Crest. (45 in all) |||||||||||||||||||| (10) This is added after the first Crest update. (15 in all) |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (15) This is added after the second Crest update. (3 in all) {}{}{}{}{} (5) This is added to the shop Via Mirage. (49 in all) {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} (10) This is added after the first Mirage update. (30 in all) {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} (15) This is added after the second Mirage update. (1 in all) {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} (20) This is added after the third Mirage update. (10 in all) ()()()()() (5) This is added to the shop Via Kisaragi. (17 in all) ()()()()()()()()()() (10) This is added after the first Kisaragi update. (1 in all) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] (15) This mean the part is obtained from performance, in Evolution. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> (15) This mean the part is obtained from performance, in Revolution. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] (20) This means the part is hidden in an Evolution Mission. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> (20) This means the part is hidden in a Revolution Mission. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 25 Boxes means this part comes from the Arena. Hopefully this will help stop the amass of questions, "Where do I get the Karasawa." HEAD------------------------------------------------------------------ CR-H69S -------[] CR-YH70S2 -----<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> H01-WASP ------[][][] CR-H72S3 ------[][][] CR-H73E -------[][][] H02-WASP2 -----[][][] CR-H81S4 ------|||||||||| H03-BEETLE ----[][][] CR-H84E2 ------|||||||||| H04-CICADA ----[][][] CR-YH85SR -----<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> H05-HORNET ----{}{}{}{}{} YH06-LADYB ----<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CR-H97XS-EYE --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] H07-CRICKET ---{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} YH08-MANTIS ---<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> H09-SPIDER ----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-H95EE ------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] H10-CICADA2 ---{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-H98XS-EYE2 -|||||||||||||||||||| H11-QUEEN -----{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CORE------------------------------------------------------------------ CR-C69U -----[] C01-GAEA ----[][][] CR-C75U2 ----[][][] RAKAN -------()()()()()()()()()() C04-ATLAS ---[][][] CR-C89E -----|||||||||| CR-C90U3 ----|||||||||| C02-URANUS --[][][] C03-HELIOS --[][][] CR-C840/UL --[][][] YC07-CRONUS -<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CR-C98E2 ----|||||||||| CR-C770/U ---[][][] CR-C83UA ----[][][] C05-SELENA --{}{}{}{}{} C06-EOS -----[][][] ARMS------------------------------------------------------------------ CR-A69S -----[] CR-A71S2 ----[][][] A01-GALAGO --[][][] A03-GIBBON --[][][] CR-A72F -----[][][] CR-A80S3 ----[][][] A07-LEMUR ---{}{}{}{}{} A09-LEMUR2 --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-A82SL ----[][][] CR-A88FG ----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] A05-LANGUR --{}{}{}{}{} A06-GIBBON2 -{}{}{}{}{} A11-MACAQUE -{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-A92XS ----|||||||||| CR-A94FL ----|||||||||||||||||||| CR-A75A -----[][][] A02-DRILL ---[][][] A04-BABOON --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-A89AG ----|||||||||| CR-A98A2 ----|||||||||||||||||||| A08-DRILL2 --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} YA10-LORIS --<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> SYURA -------()()()()() CR-WA69MG ---[][][] CR-WA69MS ---[][][] WA03-TAURUS -[][][] CR-WA75MSP --|||||||||||||||||||| CR-WA77MS/V -|||||||||| CR-WA91MSM --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WA69BZ ---|||||||||||||||||||| CR-WA74BZL --[][][] CR-WA74GR ---|||||||||| CR-WA78GRL --[][][] WA02-CETUS --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WA01-LEO ----{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WA04-ARIES --[][][] WA05-LUPUS --{}{}{}{}{} LEGS------------------------------------------------------------------ CR-LH69S -----[] LH01-LYNX ----[][][] LH02-LYNX2 ---[][][] LH04-DINGO ---[][][] CR-LH73SSA ---[][][] CR-LH80S2 ----[][][] LH05-COUGAR --{}{}{}{}{} CR-LH89F -----|||||||||| LH07-DINGO2 --{}{}{}{}{} CR-LH92S3 ----|||||||||| LH09-COUGAR2 -{}{}{}{}{} CR-LH74M -----[][][] LH03-PANTHER -[][][] CR-LH79L -----<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CR-LH84L2 ----[][][] LH06-JAGUAR --[][][] CR-LH95M2 ----[][][] LH10-JAGUAR2 -{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-LH99XS ----|||||||||| YLH11-VIXEN --<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CR-LH77A -----[][][] LH08-JACKAL --[][][] CR-LH81AP ----|||||||||| CR-LH94A2 ----|||||||||| LH12-LYCAON --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-LH96FA ----|||||||||||||||||||| LH13-JACKAL2 -{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} LR01-GOAT ----[][][] CR-LRJ76 -----[][][] CR-LRJ84M ----<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> LR04-GAZELLE -{}{}{}{}{} LR02-ORYX ----{}{}{}{}{} CR-LRJ84A ----[][][] LR03-ORYX2 ---[][][] CR-LRJ90A2 ---[][][] LF01-MONITOR -[][][] CR-LF71 ------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LF81 ------[][][] LF02-GAVIAL --[][][] LF03-GAVIAL2 -{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-LF88A -----|||||||||| LF04-LIZARD --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-LF93A2 ----|||||||||||||||||||| CR-LT69 ------[][][] CR-LT71 ------[][][] LT01-BOAR ----[][][] LT02-BOAR2 ---[][][] CR-LT78A -----[][][] CR-LT81A2 ----|||||||||| LT03-GRIZZLY -{}{}{}{}{} CR-LHT92 -----|||||||||||||||||||| CR-LN79 ------[][][] LN01-SEAL ----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LN85 ------|||||||||| LN02-SEALION -{}{}{}{}{} LN03-WALRUS --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-LN91HM ----|||||||||||||||||||| CR-LN99M2 ----|||||||||||||||||||| LN04-WALRUS2 -[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] BOOSTER--------------------------------------------------------------- CR-B69 -------[] CR-B72T ------[][][] B01-BIRDIE ---[][][] CR-B81 -------[][][] CR-B83TP -----<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> B02-VULTURE --{}{}{}{}{} B03-VULTURE2 -{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} B04-BIRDIE2 --{}{}{}{}{} B05-GULL -----{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-B90T2 -----[][][] FCS------------------------------------------------------------------- MF01-MUREX ---[] MF02-VOLUTE --[][][] CR-F69 -------[][][] MF03-VOLUTE2 -[][][] FUGEN --------[][][] KOKUH --------[][][] MF04-COWRY ---[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MIROKU -------<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> MF05-LIMPET --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-F73H ------|||||||||| CR-F75D ------|||||||||| CR-F82D2 -----|||||||||| CR-F91DSN ----[][][] MONJU --------()()()()() GENERATOR------------------------------------------------------------- CR-G69 -------[] CR-G78 -------[][][] G01-LOTUS ----[][][] CR-G84P ------[][][] CR-G91 -------[][][] FUDOH --------[][][] G02-MAGNOLIA -{}{}{}{}{} KONGOH -------()()()()() KUJAKU -------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] G03-ORCHID ---[][][] RADIATOR-------------------------------------------------------------- CR-R69 -----[] CR-R76 -----[][][] R01-HAZEL --[][][] R02-HAZEL2 -[][][] R03-LINDEN -[][][] ANANDA -----<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> R04-LAUREL -[][][] CR-R92 -----|||||||||| RAGORA -----()()()()() FURUNA -----()()()()() INSIDE---------------------------------------------------------------- CR-I69BD -----[][][] CR-I80BD2 ----|||||||||| CR-I75FM -----[][][] CR-I86FMM ----[][][] CR-I92FMM2 ---|||||||||| I01M-URCHIN --[][][] CR-I69R ------[][][] CR-I78R2 -----|||||||||| CR-I84RN -----|||||||||||||||||||| I03RN-CORAL --<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> I05D-MEDUSA --[][][] CR-I79DD -----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] I07D-MEDUSA2 -{}{}{}{}{} CR-I94DD2 ----<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> HIJIRI -------()()()()() I04E-SQUID ---[][][] HOHSHI -------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] BIKUNI -------()()()()() SYAMANA ------()()()()() I06E-SQUID2 --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} EXTENSION------------------------------------------------------------- ANOKU --------()()()()() E04BB-ANGLER -{}{}{}{}{} E08BM-REMORA -[][][] CR-E98HB -----[][][] CR-E73RM -----[][][] E02RM-GAR ----{}{}{}{}{} CR-E84RM2 ----|||||||||| E06RM-GAR2 ---{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-E92RM3 ----|||||||||||||||||||| CR-E96RMG ----[][][] JIKYOH -------()()()()() FUNI ---------<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CR-E81AM -----[][][] CR-E90AM2 ----|||||||||| E07AM-MORAY --{}{}{}{}{} SUIGETSU -----[][][] RURI ---------[][][] RENGA --------<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> RYUHZU -------[][][] BYAKUE -------<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> E01MG-ROE ----{}{}{}{}{} E05MG-ROE2 ---[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-E69SS -----[][][] CR-E82SS2 ----[][][] E03S-TURBOT --{}{}{}{}{} IWATO --------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] SAISUI -------[][][] JIREN --------<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> BACK UNIT------------------------------------------------------------- CR-WB69M -------[] WB01M-NYMPHE ---[][][] CR-WB72M2 ------[][][] WB04M-NYMPHE2 --{}{}{}{}{} MAGORAGA -------()()()()() KINNARA --------()()()()() KARURA ---------<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WB05M-SATYUROS -[][][] CR-WB73MP ------|||||||||| CR-WB73MV ------[][][] WB06M-SPARTOI --[][][] WB11M-HYDRA ----[][][] WB19M-HYDRA2 ---{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-WB75MT ------|||||||||| CR-WB82MGT -----[][][] WB12M-EMPUSA ---{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WB20M-EMPUSA2 --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WB21M-DRYAD ----{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WB22M-DRYAD2 ---{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-WB91MB ------[][][] CR-WB85MPX -----|||||||||||||||||||| CR-WB69RO ------[][][] CR-WB72RO2 -----[][][] CR-WB75RP ------[][][] WB07RO-ORTHOS --[][][] CR-WB78RP2 -----[][][] CR-WB82RP3 -----|||||||||| WB13RO-SPHINX --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WB23RO-CACUS ---{}{}{}{}{} CR-WB85RPX -----[][][] CR-WB69CG ------[][][] CR-WB72CGL -----[][][] CR-WB75SG ------|||||||||| CR-WB82SG2 -----[][][] CR-WB87LG ------|||||||||||||||||||| CR-WB91LGL -----|||||||||| WB14RG-LADON ---{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WB24RG-LADON2 --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-WB78GL ------[][][] CR-WB87GLL -----|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| WB08PL-SKYLLA --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WB02L-GERYON ---[][][] WB15L-GERYON2 --{}{}{}{}{} WB09PU-LAMIA ---[][][] WB16PU-LAMIA2 --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WB25PU-LAMIA3 --[][][] WB26O-HARPY ----{}{}{}{}{} WB27O-HARPY2 ---{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-WB69RA ------[] CR-WB73RA2 -----[][][] WB03R-SIREN ----[][][] WB10R-SIREN2 ---[][][] WB17R-SIREN3 ---{}{}{}{}{} CR-WB85RA3 -----|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| WB28R-SIREN4 ---<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WB18M-CENTAUR --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-WBW89M ------[][][] CR-WBW94M2 -----|||||||||||||||||||| WB29M-ECHIDNA --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} CR-WBW78R ------[][][] CR-WBW91RT -----[][][] CR-WBW78C ------[][][] CR-WBW98G ------[][][] CR-WBW98LX -----|||||||||| WB30Q-CHIMERA --[][][] YASYA ----------[][][] WB31B-PEGASUS --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ARM UNIT R------------------------------------------------------------ CR-WR69R ------[] CR-WR73R2 -----[][][] WR01R-SHADOW --{}{}{}{}{} WR10R-MOLD ----[][][] CR-WR76RA -----[][][] CR-WR84RA2 ----[][][] WH01R-GAST ----{}{}{}{}{} CR-WR88RB -----[][][] WR14R-PHANTOM -{}{}{}{}{} CR-WR93RL -----<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CR-WR73RS -----|||||||||| CR-WR81RS2 ----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR88RS3 ----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WH02RS-WYRM ---{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WR11RS-GARUM --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WR02M-PIXIE ---[][][] CR-WR69M ------[][][] WR04M-PIXIE2 --{}{}{}{}{} WR07M-PIXIE3 --[][][] CR-WH79M2 -----|||||||||| WH03M-FINGER --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WH05M-SYLPH ---{}{}{}{}{} CR-WR88H ------[][][] CR-WH69H ------[][][] CR-WH73H2 -----|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| WR03H-GHOST ---{}{}{}{}{} CR-WH79H3 -----|||||||||| WR06H-GHOST2 --[][][] CR-WR76B ------[][][] CR-WR81B2 -----[][][] CR-WR93B3 -----|||||||||| WR13B-GIANT ---{}{}{}{}{} WR17B-GIANT2 --[][][] CR-WR84S ------|||||||||| CR-WH76S ------[][][] WR15S-WYVERN --[][][] WR23S-WYVERN2 -{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} GACHIRIN ------()()()()() NICHIRIN ------[][][] CR-WR84HNM ----[][][] CR-WR84HNR ----|||||||||| CR-WR93HNRP ---[][][] CR-WR81G ------[][][] CR-WR88G2 -----[][][] CR-WH98GL -----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WR08PU-ROC ----{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WR12PU-ROC2 ---{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WR21PU-ROC3 ---[][][] WR18PU-DEMON --{}{}{}{}{} WR05L-SHADE ---[][][] WR19L-HOLLOW --[][][] CR-WR98L ------|||||||||| YWH07-DRAGON --<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WR24L-SHADE2 --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WR16DL-SKULL --[][][] WR25DL-SKULL2 -[][][] WH04HL-KRSW ---<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WR09HL-SPIRIT -{}{}{}{}{} WR20PL-OGRE ---{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WR22PL-OGRE2 --{}{}{}{}{} WH06PL-ORC ----{}{}{}{}{} RASETSU -------[][][] ENMA ----------()()()()() NIOH ----------<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Left Arm Weapons------------------------------------------------------ CR-WL69LB -----[] WL01LB-ELF ----[][][] CR-WL79LB2 ----[][][] CR-WL88LB3 ----[][][] YWL03LB-TAROS -<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WL14LB-ELF2 ---{}{}{}{}{} WL-MOONLIGHT --<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> FUHJIN --------()()()()() RAIJIN --------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WL02R-SPECTER -[][][] HITEN ---------[][][] WH01R-GAST ----{}{}{}{}{} WL05RS-GOLEM --{}{}{}{}{} CR-WL85RS -----|||||||||| WH02RS-WYRM ---{}{}{}{}{} CR-WL74M ------[][][] WL06M-FAIRY ---[][][] CR-WH79M2 -----|||||||||| WH03M-FINGER --<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WH05M-SYLPH ---{}{}{}{}{} CR-WH69H ------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WH73H2 -----[][][] CR-WH79H3 -----[][][] WL07H-MIST ----[][][] WL10H-MIST2 ---[][][] CR-WL95B ------[][][] WL11B-TROLL ---[][][] CR-WL85S ------[][][] CR-WL88S2 -----[][][] CR-WH76S ------[][][] NICHIRIN ------[][][] CR-WL79HNM ----|||||||||| CR-WL95G ------[][][] CR-WH98GL -----[][][] CR-WL88HNR ----[][][] CR-WL95HNNR ---|||||||||| WL08PU-ARGOS --{}{}{}{}{} WL12PU-ARGOS2 -[][][] YMH07-DRAGON --<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WL13L-GORGON --{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} WL15L-GRIFFON -[][][] WH04HL-KRSW ---[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WH06PL-ORC ----<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CR-WL74ES -----[][][] CR-WL85ES2 ----[][][] WL04ES-GIGAS --{}{}{}{}{} BONTEN --------()()()()() WL09ES-GIGAS2 -{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} KATEN ---------[][][] SUITEN --------()()()()() JITEN ---------[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] OPTIONAL PARTS-------------------------------------------------------- (OPTIONAL) O01-ANIMO -----[][][] CR-O69ES ------[][][] CR-O69SS ------[][][] CR-O71EC ------[][][] KISSYOH -------[][][] CR-O75LA ------|||||||||| CR-O79L+ ------|||||||||| O02-ORGANELLE -{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} O03-CODON -----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-O83ES+ -----[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] O07-PRIMER ----{}{}{}{}{} O04-GOLGI -----{}{}{}{}{} O05-HISTON ----{}{}{}{}{} O06-PHAGE -----{}{}{}{}{} O08-RIBOSE ----[][][] CR-O86R+ ------[][][] MARISHI -------[][][] CR-O94ESS -----[][][] KANGI ---------<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####========####========####========####========####### #######==####==####==####==####==####==#######==#######==############# #######========####========####========#######==#######========####### #######==##########==####==####==##==#########==#############==####### #######==##########==####==####==###==########==#######========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Parts...(Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) -Heads -----------------------------Head -Cores -----------------------------Core -Arms ------------------------------Arms -Weapon Arms -----------------------Arms -Midweight Humanoid legs -----------Legs -Lightweight Humanoid legs ---------Legs -Heavyweight Humanoid legs ---------Legs -Reverse Joint legs ----------------Legs -Quadruped legs --------------------Legs -Tank legs -------------------------Legs -Hover legs ------------------------Legs -Boosters --------------------------Booster -Firing Control Systems ------------FCS -Generators ------------------------Generator -Radiators -------------------------Radiator -Offensive Inside Weapons ----------Inside -Defensive Inside Weapons ----------Inside -Auxiliary Booster Extensions ------Extension -Relation Missile Extensions -------Extension -Anti Missile Extensions -----------Extension -Extra Ammo Extensions -------------Extension -Side Shield Extensions ------------Extension -Miscellaneous Extensions ----------Extension -Back Unit Missiles ----------------Back Unit -Back Unit Rockets -----------------Back Unit -Back Unit Cannons -----------------Back Unit -Back Unit Radars ------------------Back Unit -Dual Back Units -------------------Back Unit -Rifles ----------------------------Arm Unit R -Machine Guns ----------------------Arm Unit R -Hand Guns -------------------------Arm Unit R -Bazookas --------------------------Arm Unit R -Shot Guns -------------------------Arm Unit R -Miscellaneous ---------------------Arm Unit R -Energy Guns -----------------------Arm Unit R -Parrying Blades -------------------Arm Unit R -Laser Blades ----------------------Arm Unit L -Left Arm Guns ---------------------Arm Unit L -Shields ---------------------------Arm Unit L -Optional Parts --------------------Optional Parts -Stats -----------------------------All This section will tell you a lot about the parts. I will list important things about the part type and then a note about the part it's self. "Stats" refers to what the numbers mean... I did this to save space. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######==#####==####========####========####====########========###### #######==#####==####==##########==####==####==#===######==############ #######=========####======######========####==###==#####========###### #######==#####==####==##########==####==####==#===############==###### #######==#####==####========####==####==####====########========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Heads... Head are on the top of your AC. They provide Mapping, Radar, and other little things. For the most part, a Head's defense is usually not going to be the deciding factor in a big fight, but it can help. Another important thing about heads is its ECM ability... nothing too hard to understand, just new. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-H69S Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-YH70S2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Reward given in "Guard Freight Train" (REV) H01-WASP Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-H72S3 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-H73E Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- H02-WASP2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-H81S4 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- H03-BEETLE Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-H84E2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- H04-CICADA Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-YH85SR Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Reward given in "Destroy Resistance Group" (REV) H05-HORNET Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- YH06-LADYB Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Reward given in "Destroy Security Net" (REV) CR-H97XS-EYE Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Do well in Crest&Arena alike, added by mail (EVO) H07-CRICKET Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- YH08-MANTIS Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Reward given in "Escort Phantasma Transport" (REV) H09-SPIDER Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Rank 1 in the arena (EVO) CR-H95EE Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Found hidden in "Destroy Mine Power Systems" (EVO) H10-CICADA2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-H98XS-EYE2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- H11-QUEEN Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Stability ---------- Computer Type ------ Auto-Map ----------- Night Vision ------- Bio-Sensor --------- Vs ECM ------------- Tuned ECM ---------- Radar Function ----- -Radar Range ------- -Scanning Interval - -Missile Sensor ---- -Bio-Sensor -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========#####========####========####========####========###### #######==####==#####==####==####==####==####==##########==############ #######==###########==####==####========####======######========###### #######==####==#####==####==####==##==######==################==###### #######========#####========####==###==#####========####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Cores... Cores are the "core" of your AC. The core stores your generator, booster, FCSs, Radiators, and optional parts. There are three types off cores. Over boosting: This lets you boost extremely fast forward, sideways, and a little upward. (OB) Exceed Orbit: These have little firing pods the track down and kill on there own. They are much more accurate now in Nexus. (EO) Hanger: These will let you store little weapons in your core. To use these, just drop your current arm weapon in which the hanger is equipped. These aren't needed too much as most missions aren't long. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-C69U Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- C01-GAEA Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- EO Ammo Type ------- -Attack Power ------ -Attack Heat ------- -EO Range ---------- -Firing Interval --- -Usage Drain ------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-C75U2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- RAKAN Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- -OB Power ---------- -OB Energy Drain --- -Discharge Heat ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Added by Kisaragi (EVO) C04-ATLAS Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- -OB Power ---------- -OB Energy Drain --- -Discharge Heat ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-C89E Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- EO Ammo Type ------- -Attack Power ------ -Attack Heat ------- -EO Range ---------- -Firing Interval --- -Ammo Price -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-C90U3 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- C02-URANUS Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- EO Ammo Type ------- -Attack Power ------ -Attack Heat ------- -EO Range ---------- -Firing Interval --- -Usage Drain ------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- C03-HELIOS Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- -OB Power ---------- -OB Energy Drain --- -Discharge Heat ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-C840/UL Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- -OB Power ---------- -OB Energy Drain --- -Discharge Heat ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- YC07-CRONUS Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Reward given in "Destroy Resistance Group" (REV) CR-C98E2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- EO Ammo Type ------- -Attack Power ------ -Attack Heat ------- -EO Range ---------- -Firing Interval --- -Ammo Price -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-C770/U Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- -OB Power ---------- -OB Energy Drain --- -Discharge Heat ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-C83UA Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- C05-SELENA Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- EO Ammo Type ------- -Attack Power ------ -Attack Heat ------- -EO Range ---------- -Firing Interval --- -Usage Drain ------- Notes -------------- Found -------------- C06-EOS Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Max Arm Weight ----- Tuned Max Arm ------ Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Heat Resistance ---- Optional Slots ----- VS MG Response ----- Hanger Unit -------- -OB Power ---------- -OB Energy Drain --- -Discharge Heat ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #########========######========######===##===######========########### #########==####==######==####==######========######==################# #########========######========######==#==#==######========########### #########==####==######==##==########==####==############==########### #########==####==######==###==#######==####==######========########### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arms... Arms, the regular ones, are the things you need to hold weapons. I mostly never worry about arms unless I blade or need armor. So I usually just use light ones... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-A69S Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-A71S2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- A01-GALAGO Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- A03-GIBBON Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-A72F Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-A80S3 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- A07-LEMUR Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- A09-LEMUR2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-A82SL Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-A88FG Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Reward for beating "Ambush Crest HQ Force" (EVO) A05-LANGUR Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- A06-GIBBON2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- A11-MACAQUE Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-A92XS Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-A94FL Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-A75A Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- A02-DRILL Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- A04-BABOON Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Reward Upon Success in "Invade Warehouse" (EVO) CR-A89AG Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- CR-A98A2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- A08-DRILL2 Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- YA10-LORIS Manufacturer ------- Price -------------- AP ----------------- Weight ------------- Tuned Weight ------- Energy Drain ------- Def Shell ---------- Tuned Shell -------- Def Energy --------- Tuned Energy ------- Cooling ------------ Tuned Cooling ------ Blade Aptitude ----- Aiming Accuracy ---- Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- Notes -------------- Found -------------- Reward given in "Rescue Kidnapped Operative" (REV) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######==####==#####========####========####===##===####========###### #######==#==#==#####==####==####==####==####========####==############ #######==#==#==#####========####========####==#==#==####========###### #######==#==#==#==##==####==####==##==######==####==##########==###### #######========#==##==####==####==###==#####==####==####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Weapon Arms... Weapon arms are just as they sound. They are arms that are weapons them selves. They come in many flavors. I'm not going to describe that stats in this part, they are way to different from part to part. If you want to know what something means go look at the other weapons. One Very important thing... Weapon arms now have a ****ing defense stat! This means a lot! SYURA CR-WA69MG CR-WA69MS WA03-TAURUS CR-WA75MSP CR-WA77MS/V CR-WA91MSM Reward given in "Eliminate Crest AC" (EVO) CR-WA69BZ CR-WA74BZL CR-WA74GR CR-WA78GRL WA02-CETUS WA01-LEO WA04-ARIES WA05-LUPUS [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##=======###========##========##========##====######========# #========##==####==#####==#####==####==##==########==#===####==####### #==#==#==##=======######==#####========##======####==###==###========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #==####==##=======###========##==########========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Midweight Humanoid legs... These are the standard legs in AC. -Mid speed -Mid load -mid armor -mid air speed -cannon restrictions The mid weight leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LH69S LH01-LYNX LH02-LYNX2 LH04-DINGO CR-LH73SSA CR-LH80S2 LH05-COUGAR CR-LH89F LH07-DINGO2 CR-LH92S3 LH09-COUGAR2 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #==########=======###========##========##========##====######========# #==########==####==#####==#####==####==##==########==#===####==####### #==########=======######==#####========##======####==###==###========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #========##=======###========##==########========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Lightweight Humanoid legs... These are the all around fastest legs in AC. -High speed -Low load -Low armor -High air speed -Cannon restrictions The light weight leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LH74M LH03-PANTHER CR-LH79L Reward given in "Defend Entrance" (REV) CR-LH84L2 LH06-JAGUAR CR-LH95M2 LH10-JAGUAR2 CR-LH99XS YLH11-VIXEN Reward given in "Destroy Phantasma" (REV) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #==####==##=======###========##========##========##====######========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==####==##==########==#===####==####### #========##=======######==#####========##======####==###==###========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #==####==##=======###========##==########========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Heavyweight Humanoid legs... These are very heavy legs in AC, yet they can still boost. -Low speed -High load -High armor -Low air speed -Cannon restrictions The Heavy weight leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LH77A LH08-JACKAL CR-LH81AP CR-LH94A2 LH12-LYCAON CR-LH96FA LH13-JACKAL2 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ################========##########========#######========############# ################==####==#############==##########==################### ################========#############==##########========############# ################==##==############==#==################==############# ################==###==############====##########========############# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Reverse Joint legs... These legs actually come in mid and heavy, but are too low in number to get two more spots. (The second one are the heavy ones) -Mid speed (low) -Low-mid load (mid-high) -Low armor (mid-high) -Fast air speed (mid) -Cannon restrictions The Reverse Joint leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] LR01-GOAT CR-LRJ76 CR-LRJ84M Reward given in "Defend Receiving Base" (REV) LR04-GAZELLE LR02-ORYX CR-LRJ84A LR03-ORYX2 CR-LRJ90A2 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######=======#####==####==####========####====########========####### #######==####=#####==####==####==####==####==#===######==############# #######==####=#####==####==####========####==###==#####========####### #######=======#####==####==####==####==####==#===############==####### ############===####========####==####==####=====#######========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Quadruped legs... These legs actually come in all sizes, but are too low in number to get more spots. These are averaged -High speed -Low-mid load -Mid-high armor -Mid air speed -Cannon restrictions only when flying < - Good! The Quadruped leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] LF01-MONITOR CR-LF71 Reward given in "Protect Fuel Depot" (EVO) CR-LF81 LF02-GAVIAL LF03-GAVIAL2 CR-LF88A LF04-LIZARD CR-LF93A2 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####========####===###==####==####==####========####### ##########==#######==####==####====##==####==##===#####==############# ##########==#######========####==#==#==####=====#######========####### ##########==#######==####==####==##====####==##===###########==####### ##########==#######==####==####==###===####==####==####========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Tank legs... These are the heavy load/strong DEF legs of AC. -Very low speed -High load -High armor -Low air speed -No cannon restrictions The tank leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LT69 CR-LT71 LT01-BOAR LT02-BOAR2 CR-LT78A CR-LT81A2 LT03-GRIZZLY CR-LHT92 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###==####==###========####==####==####========###========###========## ###==####==###==####==#####==##==#####==#########==####==###==######## ###========###==####==######=##=######======#####========###========## ###==####==###==####==######====######==#########==##==###########==## ###==####==###========#######==#######========###==###==####========## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Hover legs... Not only do there have the highest ground boosting, you can't fall into water with them... Each hover leg has a build in booster. (First is normal/air, the second is dashing) -Very high speed -low load -low armor -Low air speed -Cannon restrictions The Hover leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-LN79 LN01-SEAL Reward given in "Protect Fuel Depot" (EVO) CR-LN85 LN02-SEALION LN03-WALRUS CR-LN91HM CR-LN99M2 LN04-WALRUS2 Reward given in "Investigate Phenomenon" (EVO) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##========##========# #==####==##==####==##==####==##==###########==#####==########==####==# #=======###==####==##==####==##========#####==#####======####========# #==####==##==####==##==####==########==#####==#####==########==##==### #========##========##========##========#####==#####========##==###==## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Boosters... Boosters are the things that let you dash and fly. Just remember, Boosters and your weight affect flying and dashing, not mobility. Another new part to Nexus that you must learn... Booster heat. his actually will make you over heat in a few seconds if you don't equip a better RAD. The booster stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Boost Power: How strong the boost is. Charge Drain: How much this drains your energy bar. Efficiency: Basically how far you can go with a boost. By dividing the drain into the boost power. (Note, this isn't listed) Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-B69 CR-B72T B01-BIRDIE CR-B81 CR-B83TP Found hidden in "Capture Mining Platform" (REV) B02-VULTURE B03-VULTURE2 B04-BIRDIE2 B05-GULL CR-B90T2 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #############========########========########========################# #############==##############==####==########==####################### #############======##########==##############========################# #############==##############==####==##############==################# #############==##############========########========################# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Firing Control Systems... These are the things that affect your lock box. There is no BEST FCS, but some are better than others are. Most of the time it all depends on the weapons and/or level you are playing in. Pick the best FCS for you fighting style. These are the Lock Types. Standard: No real things that stand out. Best used with rifles, missiles, and when you have multiple weapons. Wide and Shallow: Use if you are using close range weapon and if you like close range all together. These have the worst range but biggest lock box. Best used with shotguns, machine guns, and bazookas. Narrow and Deep: Use if you like to stay far away and snipe. These have VERY small lock boxes and suck with things like machine guns. These have the best range. These are best used with sniper rifles and long range plasma rifles. Missiles are also a good choice. Lengthway: Use this if you have trouble looking up and down, or can keep things in your lock box better on a Y axis. A good choice when up against small flying enemies or in hallways. Sideway: These In my opinion are the best type. Since AC's turn slower than they look up and down, these can be used to get to a target faster. These are also good if you like to ground boost. These actually suck in hallways, especially when there is multiple ceiling gun turrets. The FCS stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How much it weighs. In FCS, this will hardly matter. Energy drain: How much it drains. Lock Type: Which on of the 5 from above. Target: How many targets can you fire missiles at. Maximum Lock: The max amount of lock ons you can get with missiles. Lock Speed: The speed of a missile lock on. Sight Range: The max amount of distance this FCS can still lock on to. Precision: How accurate the FCS is, I believe this affects double locks Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MF01-MUREX MF02-VOLUTE CR-F69 MF03-VOLUTE2 FUGEN KOKUH MF04-COWRY Reward given in "Attack Mirage Transports" (EVO) MIROKU Reward given in "Destroy Raiding Party" (REV) MF05-LIMPET Rank 10 in the arena (EVO) CR-F73H CR-F75D CR-F82D2 CR-F91DSN MONJU [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ##########========######========######===###==######========########## ##########==############==############====##==######==################ ##########==##====######======########==#==#==######========########## ##########==####==######==############==##====############==########## ##########========######========######==###===######========########## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Generators... Generators are the things that power your Acs up. The whole system changed with Gens too. If you want high refresh, you will have a gen pumping heat into you and visa versa... The generators stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How much it weighs. In FCS, this will hardly matter. Energy Output: The max amount of charge for the gen. Maximum Charge: The un-condensed size of the energy bar. Redzone: The size of the red part of the energy bar. Calorific Value: This actually affects your cool a lot! Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-G69 CR-G78 G01-LOTUS CR-G84P CR-G91 FUDOH G02-MAGNOLIA KONGOH KUJAKU Reward given in "Clear Out Mirage Forces" (EVO) G03-ORCHID [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ##########========######========######====##########========########## ##########==####==######==####==######==#===########==################ ##########========######========######==###==#######========########## ##########==##==########==####==######==#===##############==########## ##########==###==#######==####==######====##########========########## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Radiators... These are the things that cool down your AC when it over heats. I generally never even need a big radiator, but it can help. These will really make an impact this time around. If you over heat, it can take away AP ... AND energy! No more can I use just the starting Rad... The radiator stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How much it weighs. In FCS, this will hardly matter. Energy drain: How much it drains. Cooling: How fast your heat meter goes back down. Forced Cooling: How fast your meter goes down once overheated. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-R69 CR-R76 R01-HAZEL R02-HAZEL2 R03-LINDEN ANANDA Found hidden in "Shutdown Control System" (REV) R04-LAUREL CR-R92 RAGORA FURUNA [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##===###==##========##========##====######========####===#### ####==#####====##==##==###########==#####==#===####==#########====#### ####==#####==#==#==##========#####==#####==###==###======#######==#### ####==#####==##====########==#####==#####==#===####==###########==#### #========##==###===##========##========##====######========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Offensive Inside Weapons... These are the offensive weapons that are stored inside your arms. They can't be dropped anymore... The Offensive Inside Weapons stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The amount of lock ons this weapon can get. Reload Time: The weapons rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-I69BD CR-I80BD2 CR-I75FM CR-I86FMM CR-I92FMM2 I01M-URCHIN CR-I69R CR-I78R2 CR-I84RN I03RN-CORAL Found hidden in "Destroy Plus Escapee" (REV) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##===###==##========##========##====######========####====### ####==#####====##==##==###########==#####==#===####==#########==##==## ####==#####==#==#==##========#####==#####==###==###======#######===### ####==#####==##====########==#####==#####==#===####==#########===##### #========##==###===##========##========##====######========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defensive Inside Weapons... These are the defensive weapons that are stored inside your arms. Generally I think they suck for missions but are great for the arena. All of these weapons float where ever you shot them. They can't be dropped anymore... The Defensive Inside Weapons stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Range: How far the "pod" is effective. Reload Time: The weapons rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] I05D-MEDUSA CR-I79DD Rank 30 in the arena (EVO) I07D-MEDUSA2 CR-I94DD2 Reward found in "Destroy Security Force" (REV) HIJIRI I04E-SQUID HOHSHI Found hidden in "Defend Mirage Transport" (EVO) BIKUNI SYAMANA I06E-SQUID2 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========#############===########## ########==#############==##==##########==###############====########## ########======##########====###########==#################==########## ########==#############==##==##########==########==#######==########## ########========######==####==#########==########==#####======######## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Auxiliary Booster Extensions... These are just extra boosters for your AC. Unless you know what you are doing, these should be kept of, as these are not noobie friendly. The Auxiliary booster extension's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of booster this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Boost Power: How much kick the booster has. Charge Drain: When used, this is how much energy it takes to use. Reload Time: How fast you can use the part again. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ANOKU E04BB-ANGLER E08BM-REMORA CR-E98HB [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############====########## ########==#############==##==##########==###############=##==######### ########======##########====###########==##################==######### ########==#############==##==##########==########==#######==########## ########========######==####==#########==########==#####======######## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Relation Missile Extensions Once activated, relation missiles will launch out extra missiles. This can turn any single shot small missile into a powerful quick launch. They only work with other missiles and orbits. The relation missile extensions... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the missile can travel. Maximum Launch: The amount of missiles that "relate" per launch. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-E73RM E02RM-GAR CR-E84RM2 E06RM-GAR2 CR-E92RM3 CR-E96RMG JIKYOH FUNI Reward given in "Stop Rampaging AC" (REV) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==####################===###### ########======##########====###########==##################====####### ########==#############==##==##########==########==#####=###====###### ########========######==####==#########==########==#####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Anti Missile Extensions These are what I call "lazy" missile defense. They are more reliable than core AMS's but they also had weight. In every aspect I think Decoys are better, as long as you know how to change to them fast enough. These parts should all be used when you don't have an AMS on your core. The Anti Missile Extensions stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Range: How far the extensions can knock down missiles from. Vs MG Response: How well it is at knocking down missiles. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-E81AM CR-E90AM2 E07AM-MORAY SUIGETSU RURI RENGA Found hidden in "Recover Containers" (REV) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############==####==###### ########==#############==##==##########==###############==####==###### ########======##########====###########==###############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==########==###########==###### ########========######==####==#########==########==###########==###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Extra Ammo Extensions Remember in all the other Armored Core games, they had ammo magazines for the back slots? Well now they moved to the extension group. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] RYUHZU BYAKUE Reward given in "Mop Up Chrome Remnants" (REV) E01MG-ROE E05MG-ROE2 Found hidden in "Support OAE Invasion" (EVO) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==###############==############ ########======##########====###########==################======####### ########==#############==##==##########==########==#####=#####==###### ########========######==####==#########==########==#####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Side Shield Extensions... These are basically extra armor mounted on the side of your AC. There are two types, Solid and energy. Energy... +Higher E DEF -Low S DEF -Drain energy Solid... +Higher S DEF +No drain +Always active -Lower E DEF -Adds Stun The Side Shield Extension's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of extension this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Shield DEF Shell: How much added shell def this extension adds. Shield DEF Energy: How much added energy def it gives. Shield Coverage: The shield's size. Cooling: The added heat defense. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-E69SS CR-E82SS2 E03S-TURBOT IWATO Reward given in "Destroy City Defense Force" (EVO) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==###############==############ ########======##########====###########==###############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==########==#####==####==###### ########========######==####==#########==########==#####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Miscellaneous Extensions These are just two extensions that help recover your energy... this section has really been cut down. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] SAISUI JIREN Found hidden in "Rescue the Allies" (REV) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##========##========##========##========##==########========# #========#####==#####==########==###########==#####==########==####### #==#==#==#####==#####========##========#####==#####==########======### #==#==#==#####==###########==########==#####==#####==########==####### #==####==##========##========##========##========##========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Missiles... These are the back weapon missiles. Missiles are different from most weapons. To use missiles, you have to keep your lock box on the target for some time. Some missiles can lock you on more than once, even up to 12. Missiles are most effected by FCS's. FCS's affect the lock speed, the number of max locks, and if they can lock on to more than one target. Missiles are also very different in trajectory, I will try and list all of them, so don't just look at stats. The back unit missile's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of missile this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon is. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the missile can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock, as long as your FCS is high enough. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WB69M WB01M-NYMPHE CR-WB72M2 WB04M-NYMPHE2 MAGORAGA KINNARA KARURA Found hidden in "Combat Test" (REV) WB05M-SATYUROS CR-WB73MP CR-WB73MV WB06M-SPARTOI WB11M-HYDRA WB19M-HYDRA2 CR-WB75MT CR-WB82MGT WB12M-EMPUSA WB20M-EMPUSA2 WB21M-DRYAD WB22M-DRYAD2 CR-WB91MB CR-WB85MPX [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##==##===###========##========##========# #==####==##==####==##==####==##==#===####==###########==#####==####### #========##==####==##==########=====#####======#######==#####========# #==##==####==####==##==####==##==#===####==###########==###########==# #==###==###========##========##==##===###========#####==#####========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Rockets... Rockets are very strong. They also come out very fast and come in a lot of ammo. So what balances these weapons? The lack of a true lock. All you get it 3 || red lines to aim with. Rocket take a lot of skill to use effectively. Rockets are also a good choice for bipeds and reverse joints has you don't need to kneel with them and can provide a kick just like a grenades launcher. I this game, you should always equip a left arm weapon with these. You will have a semi affective lock-on. The back unit rocket's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of rocket this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon is. Rockets really have none Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the rockets can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock, rockets have none. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WB69RO CR-WB72RO2 CR-WB75RP WB07RO-ORTHOS CR-WB78RP2 CR-WB82RP3 WB13RO-SPHINX WB23RO-CACUS CR-WB85RPX [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##===###==##===###==##========##===###==##========# #==####==##==####==##====##==##====##==##==####==##====##==##==####### #==########========##==#==#==##==#==#==##==####==##==#==#==##========# #==####==##==####==##==##====##==##====##==####==##==##====########==# #========##==####==##==###===##==###===##========##==###===##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Cannons... Back unit cannons are all very different from each other. They include chain guns, grenade launchers, and strong energy cannons. I'll try and explain these as best I can, remember they are very diverse. NOTE! All but the two last orbit cannons (which are really missiles when you think about it) have a thing call "Cannon restrictions." If you are not using a beefed up OP-I (which you should refrain), this could mean a world of difference. -All humanoid, reverse joint, and hover legs must kneel in order to use these cannons. Over boosting can help you get up from a crouch if you do decide to use these weapon with these legs. -Quads cannot fly and use cannons, but can use them when touching the ground. These are using the best choice for most back weapons, for speed. -Tanks can fly and do not have any restrictions at all, making them a very good choice. The back unit cannon's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WB69CG CR-WB72CGL CR-WB75SG CR-WB82SG2 CR-WB87LG CR-WB91LGL WB14RG-LADON WB24RG-LADON2 CR-WB78GL CR-WB87GLL WB08PL-SKYLLA WB02L-GERYON WB15L-GERYON2 WB09PU-LAMIA WB16PU-LAMIA2 WB25PU-LAMIA3 WB26O-HARPY WB27O-HARPY2 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###========###========###====#######========###========###========#### ###==####==###==####==###==#===#####==####==###==####==###==########## ###========###========###==###==####========###========###========#### ###==##==#####==####==###==#===#####==####==###==##==###########==#### ###==###==####==####==###====#######==####==###==###==####========#### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Radars... Back radar is just radar itself. True they are better than the heads radar, but they take up a back slot and weight something. The Scanning is perfect on radars unlike heads, which actually have a refresh rate. If both your head and radar are on, the radar on the back is the one used. Equipping two Radars is pointless, unless you want fake wings. The back radar's stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of part this is. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Radar range: How far the Radar can search. Radar type: What the Radar looks like. Scanning interval: The radar's refresh rate. ECM Counter: Can it counter electric counter measures? Noise Counter: Can it cancel certain noises? Missile Sensor: Can it make missiles appear on your radar? (pink dots) Bio Sensor: Can it lock on to Bio weapons? Stealth Sensor: Can this detect stealth using targets? (Still no lock) Text: What is actually says in the game. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WB69RA CR-WB73RA2 WB03R-SIREN WB10R-SIREN2 WB17R-SIREN3 CR-WB85RA3 WB28R-SIREN4 Reward given in "Escort Transport Vehicle" (REV) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #====######==####==##========##==########========##========##========# #==#===####==####==##==####==##==###########==#####==########==####### #==###==###==####==##========##==###########==#####======####========# #==#===####==####==##==####==##==###########==#####==##############==# #====######========##==####==##========##========##========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Dual Back Weapons... These are just back weapons so big, they take up both back weapon slots. They are very different and aren't even grouped together, except that they both take up both slots. WB18M-CENTAUR CR-WBW89M CR-WBW94M2 WB29M-ECHIDNA CR-WBW78R CR-WBW91RT CR-WBW78C CR-WBW98G CR-WBW98LX WB30Q-CHIMERA YASYA WB31B-PEGASUS Reward given in "Destroy Crest Exclusive AC" (EVO) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###========###========###========###==#########========###========#### ###==####==######==######==#########==#########==#########==########## ###========######==######======#####==#########======#####========#### ###==##==########==######==#########==#########==###############==#### ###==###==####========###==#########========###========###========#### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Rifles... Rifles are broken up into 2 main types. Regular rifles, with mid range, power, reload... basically the most average weapon. Or Sniper Rifles, long range and high power, only down side is its little lock box. Rifles are average in the arena and missions alike. The right arm rifle's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR69R CR-WR73R2 WR01R-SHADOW WR10R-MOLD CR-WR76RA CR-WR84RA2 WH01R-GAST CR-WR88RB WR14R-PHANTOM CR-WR93RL Reward given in "Defend Submarine" (REV) CR-WR73RS CR-WR81RS2 Found hidden in "Attack OAC Expedition" (EVO) CR-WR88RS3 Reward from mission "Eliminate VIP" (EVO) WH02RS-WYRM WR11RS-GARUM [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##========##========##==####==##========##===###==##========# #========##==####==##==####==##==####==#####==#####====##==##==####### #==#==#==##========##==########========#####==#####==#==#==##======### #==#==#==##==####==##==####==##==####==#####==#####==##====##==####### #==####==##==####==##========##==####==##========##==###===##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Machine Guns... Machine guns have gotten wosre again. True they overheat like mad sometimes... but now they all have a reload clip stat... which basically takes a second of two to reload... In my opinion, this ruins them. The right arm Machine gun's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WR02M-PIXIE CR-WR69M WR04M-PIXIE2 WR07M-PIXIE3 CR-WH79M2 WH03M-FINGER Reward given in "Training Exercise VS AC." (EVO) WH05M-SYLPH [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #==####==##========##===###==##====######========##==####==##===###==# #==####==##==####==##====##==##==#===####==########==####==##====##==# #========##========##==#==#==##==###==###==##====##==####==##==#==#==# #==####==##==####==##==##====##==#===####==####==##==####==##==##====# #==####==##==####==##==###===##====######========##========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Hand Guns... These are light and weak weapons. So why use them? They have high stun and heat damage. I would strongly suggest never using these in missions. All handguns are good for allowing for a free blade/left hand weapon/EO Attack/Inside attack. The right arm hand gun's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR88H CR-WH69H CR-WH73H2 WR03H-GHOST CR-WH79H3 WR06H-GHOST2 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##==##===###========# #==####==##==####==#######==###==####==##==####==##==#===####==####==# #========##========#####===####==####==##==####==##=====#####========# #==####==##==####==####==######==####==##==####==##==#===####==####==# #========##==####==##========##========##========##==##===###==####==# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Bazookas... Bazookas are close range weapons that move slow. These are very easy to dodge at any range but close range. These cause a lot of damage, heat and stun. Think of them as a bigger hand gun in a way. I still say they are weak rockets with a lock, and were always similar to each other in every AC. The right arm bazooka's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR76B CR-WR81B2 CR-WR93B3 WR13B-GIANT WR17B-GIANT2 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##==####==##========##========##========##==####==##===###==# #==########==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==####==##====##==# #========##========##==####==#####==#####==##====##==####==##==#==#==# #######==##==####==##==####==#####==#####==####==##==####==##==##====# #========##==####==##========#####==#####========##========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Shot Guns... First off shot guns are spread weapons, and are naturally better up close. Shot guns against hovers are great. Average against all else except for quads. Quads are to little most of the time to get hit by a lot of flak. So I would jump up and aim downward. There are two types of shot guns. Solid: These are usually stronger hit for hit, but take a while to reload. They also have over heating on there side. Energy: These are faster and can get through high shell DEF tanks. These are also supped up with optional parts. The bad parts are that it drains your energy and takes up your OP parts slots. Energy shotguns tend to be more intimidating as well. The right arm shot gun's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WR84S CR-WH76S WR15S-WYVERN WR23S-WYVERN2 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##========##==####### #==########==####==##==########==####==#####==#####==####==##==####### #========##========##======####==###########==#####========##==####### #######==##==########==########==####==#####==#####==####==##==####### #========##==########========##========##========##==####==##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Miscellaneous... These are just grouped like this because they are all weapons that came from some where else... Like the back/left arm. The right arms special weapon's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] GACHIRIN NICHIRIN CR-WR84HNM CR-WR84HNR CR-WR93HNRP CR-WR81G CR-WR88G2 CR-WH98GL Found hidden in "Attack Mirage Search Team" (EVO) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##==####==##========##========##========##========##===###==# #==########==#==#==##==########==####==##==####==##==####==##====##==# #======####==#==#==##======####========##========##==####==##==#==#==# #==########==#==#==##==########==####==##==########==####==##==##====# #========##========##========##==####==##==########========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Energy Guns... Energy weapons come in a bunch of sizes. Most energy weapons are now somewhat decent in the arena as well. Their use in missions has dropped, as you get an extremely high amount of credits these days. Any ways... Pulse Rifle: Shoots a weak dinky pulse Laser Rifle: Shoots an accurate linear laser. Plasma Rifle: Shoots a very strong beam, energy drain is a major issue. I WOULD HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU EQUIP ALL THE ENERGY OPTIONAL PARTS The right arm energy weapon's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WR08PU-ROC WR12PU-ROC2 WR21PU-ROC3 WR18PU-DEMON WR05L-SHADE WR19L-HOLLOW CR-WR98L YWH07-DRAGON Reward given in "Capture Mining Platform" (REV) WR24L-SHADE2 WR16DL-SKULL WR25DL-SKULL2 WH04HL-KRSW Reward given in "Prototype Performance Test" (REV) WR09HL-SPIRIT WR20PL-OGRE WR22PL-OGRE2 WH06PL-ORC [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##===##===##========##========##====######========# #==####==##==####==##========##==####==##==####==##==#===####==####### #========##========##==#==#==##========##==####==##==###==###========# #==##==####==####==##==#==#==##==##==####==####==##==#===##########==# #==###==###==####==##==####==##==###==###========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Parrying Blades... These are my most hated weapons, why? Because unless you are prefect with them, they suck. There are good things they have over every other weapon however... +Generally low weight +Strong +Instant over heat -Takes up your most important weapon slot -Not tracking thus hard to hit with -Ammo limit -A moonlight will is better in almost every way. The right arm parrying blade's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Attack Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Discharge Heat: How much heat this gives your AC. Range Rating: How long the "poke" is. Usage Limit: AKA number of Ammo. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] RASETSU ENMA NIOH Found hidden in "Attack Headquarters" (REV) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###========###==#########========###====#######========###========#### ###==####==###==#########==####==###==#===#####==#########==########## ###========###==#########========###==###==####======#####========#### ###==####==###==#########==####==###==#===#####==###############==#### ###========###========###==####==###====#######========###========#### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Laser Blades... Laser blades, for the most part, have been the same in every AC game. It's not hard to find the major benefits. Like no usage limit and high damage. The only bad thing about them are their close range-ness. Unlike other AC games, in this one, EVERY BLADE can do a wave while hitting X right after circle during a blade. Nothing has to be special (as in no OP-I or PLUS sort of thing.) The left arm blade's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Attack Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Discharge Heat: How much heat this gives your AC. Range Rating: How long blade is. Wave Range: The range of the wave that comes out of the blade. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WL69LB WL01LB-ELF CR-WL79LB2 CR-WL88LB3 YWL03LB-TAROS Reward given in "Shutdown Control System" (REV) WL14LB-ELF2 WL-MOONLIGHT Reward given in "Confrontation" (REV) FUHJIN RAIJIN Found hidden in "Safeguard Escape Route" (EVO) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ##==############========######========##==####==##===###==##========## ##==############==####==######==########==####==##====##==##==######## ##==############========######==##====##==####==##==#==#==##========## ##==########==##==####==##==##==####==##==####==##==##====########==## ##========##==##==####==##==##========##========##==###===##========## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Left Arm Guns... Left hand guns are just right arm ones on the left side... If you need help on using them, try the right arms ones first. One knew area of the game is that these weapon now lock on, where in AC3/AC3SL, they didn't. This will hurt your lock box however. Remember, you should pick a strong one shot weapon, because this is your "ready" weapon. Like I'm sure you got into those times in other AC games where you just wish you had your grenade launcher out. The left arm projectile weapon's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] WL02R-SPECTER HITEN WH01R-GAST WL05RS-GOLEM CR-WL85RS WH02RS-WYRM CR-WL74M WL06M-FAIRY CR-WH79M2 WH03M-FINGER Reward given in "Protect Gun Emplacements" (REV) WH05M-SYLPH CR-WH69H Reward given in "New MT Performance Test." (EVO) CR-WH73H2 CR-WH79H3 WL07H-MIST WL10H-MIST2 CR-WL95B WL11B-TROLL CR-WL85S CR-WL88S2 CR-WH76S NICHIRIN CR-WL79HNM CR-WL95G CR-WH98GL CR-WL88HNR CR-WL95HNNR WL08PU-ARGOS WL12PU-ARGOS2 YMH07-DRAGON Reward given in "Escort Phantasma Transport" (REV) WL13L-GORGON WL15L-GRIFFON WH04HL-KRSW Reward given in "Prevent Weapon Activation" (EVO) WH06PL-ORC Found hidden in "Destroy Fuel Depot" (REV) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##==####==##========##========##==########====######========# #==########==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===####==####### #========##========#####==#####======####==########==###==###========# #######==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #========##==####==##========##========##========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Shields... These are shields you can hold up with you press in circle. Please note that it is a toggle, so you don't have to hold them in. Energy... +Higher E DEF -Low S DEF -Drains energy Solid... +Higher S DEF +No drain -Lower E DEF -Adds Stun The left arm shield's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of part this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Shield DEF Shell: How much added shell def this extension adds. Shield DEF Energy: How much added energy def it gives. Shield Coverage: The shield's size. Discharge Heat: How much heat is given when used. Cooling: The added heat defense. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CR-WL74ES CR-WL85ES2 WL04ES-GIGAS BONTEN WL09ES-GIGAS2 KATEN SUITEN JITEN Reward given in "Missile Performance Test" (EVO) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##========##========# #==####==##==####==##==####==##==####==##==####==#####==#####==####### #==####==##========##========##========##========#####==#####========# #==####==##==########==########==####==##==##==#######==###########==# #========##==####==##==########==####==##==###==######==#####========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Optional Parts... These are part you can equip that give you an instant boost. The core you use will tell you how many you can equip, they are all very different. The optional part's stats... Manufacture: Who makes the part Price: How much this part costs Slots: How much slots this part takes, Text: What it says about the part Note: My personal note BUO: Best used on... Found: How to get this part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] O01-ANIMO CR-O69ES CR-O69SS CR-O71EC KISSYOH CR-O75LA CR-O79L+ O02-ORGANELLE O03-CODON Found hidden in "Special Forces Removal" (EVO) CR-O83ES+ Rank 20 in the arena (EVO) O07-PRIMER O04-GOLGI O05-HISTON O06-PHAGE O08-RIBOSE CR-O86R+ MARISHI CR-O94ESS KANGI Reward given in "Defeat Assault Force" (REV) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####========####========####========####========####### #######==#############==#######==####==#######==#######==############# #######========#######==#######========#######==#######========####### #############==#######==#######==####==#######==#############==####### #######========#######==#######==####==#######==#######========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stats... Aiming Accuracy ----------------------------------------------------- This is how accurate the arms will be. This is more important with machine guns than most other weapons. Found on: Non SYURA Arms Ammo Price ---------------------------------------------------------- In missions, this is how much one round of ammo costs Found in: Shell EO Cores/Shell Weapon Arms/Shell Extensions/Shell Back Units/Shell Arm Units AP ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is short for Armored Points. Armor points are an AC's life. Keep in mind that High AP isn't good unless you have a high defense. The AP of all the parts listed is added together. 6125-9999 is the lowest and highest values. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs Attack Heat --------------------------------------------------------- This is how much thermal stress is induced towards the enemy. Remember to factor in your reload speed. Ignore this stat VS MTS. Found on: EO Cores/Weapon Arms/Offensive Inside Weapons/Relation Missile Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units Attack Power -------------------------------------------------------- This is how strong a weapon is. This is purely the damage of one round of ammo. This isn't a good gauge for shotguns or bigger spread weapons. Found on: EO Cores/Weapon Arms/Offensive Inside Weapons/Relation Missile Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units Auto-Map ------------------------------------------------------------ This simply means if you head has an auto-map memory on it. If it doesn't, hitting select will give you two feet of mapping. This is only important in missions, especially when there are hidden/moving targets. Found on: Heads Bio-Sensor ---------------------------------------------------------- This stat will determine is your head and lock on to non-robotic organisms. Not having a Bio sensor against these enemies will render missiles useless and everything else like rockets. Found on: Heads -Bio-Sensor --------------------------------------------------------- This is the stat that will determine if you Radar can lock pick up bio weapons. This isn't that important, but it's there. Found on: Heads/Back Unit Radars Blade Aptitude ------------------------------------------------------ This is a number, called Energy Supply in other games... this number is a percent of how much damage it adds or decreases from you blade power. Found on: Non-Weapon Arms Computer Type ------------------------------------------------------- This is how detailed or how basic a head is. I'm pretty sure this affects the things it says in missions and how it may give you battle tips... it isn't important. This may also affect the Auto-Map Found on: Heads Cooling ------------------------------------------------------------- I do not know how exactly cooling works... but I do know one thing... the higher cooling you have, the less you will over heat. Make sure you have high cooling if you plan on using boosters or generators with high heat. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Radiators Discharge Heat ------------------------------------------------------ When using a part with this start, this is how much heat you will get from it. This is only really noticeable on a Core, however... Found on: Cores/SYURA/Energy Recover Extensions/ Right Arm Parrying Blades/Left Arm Laser Blades Def Energy ---------------------------------------------------------- This added to your energy defense. The higher the number, the less damage you take from energy weapons. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Shield Extensions/Left Arm Shields Def Shell ----------------------------------------------------------- This added to your shell defense. The higher the number, the less damage you take from shell weapons. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Shield Extensions/Left Arm Shields Energy Drain -------------------------------------------------------- Energy Drain is how much stress a part puts on your generator... or how much power is needed to use the part. This almost works like weight, the lower drain you have over all, the faster your bar recharges. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Boosters/FCS/Radiators/Insides/Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units EO Ammo Type -------------------------------------------------------- This tells you if the Exceed Orbit uses shell or energy rounds. Found on: Cores EO Range ------------------------------------------------------------ This is the maximum distance an EO will hit fire at. Found on: Cores Firing Interval ----------------------------------------------------- This number is how fast the next round of ammo will be shot; reload. Found on: EO Cores/Weapon Arms/Inside Weapons/Relation/Anti Missile Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units Hanger Unit --------------------------------------------------------- This stat tells you whether or not the Hanger feature is provided. Found on: Cores Heat Resistance ----------------------------------------------------- This number is your heat tolerance. If your heat gauge goes higher than this, you will over heat. Found on: Cores Manufacturer -------------------------------------------------------- This tells you who makes the part. It is pointless and stupid to actually take this stat seriously. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Boosters/FCS/Generators/Radiators/Inside Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units/Optional Parts Max Arm Weight ------------------------------------------------------ Like legs, cores have a limit to how much they can support on there arm area. This includes arms, arm weapons, and extensions. If you go over, you will be less accurate. Found on: Cores Missile Sensor ------------------------------------------------------ If this stat is provided, you can see missiles on your radar as purple dots. If you need it that bad... you can equip an optional part. Found on: Heads/Back Unit Radars Night Vision -------------------------------------------------------- A new feature in Armored Core... in certain missions, you will be in a dark situation. If you have a head that features Night Vision, the screen will be in a light amplifying green tint. Found on: Heads OB Energy Drain ----------------------------------------------------- This is how fast the core will drain your energy bar. This is more important to look at opposed to the power itself. Found on: Cores OB Power ------------------------------------------------------------ This is how strong the over boost is. They are all generally fast, and you should base a core just on this. Found on: Cores Optional Slots ------------------------------------------------------ This number is the amount of slots you core has. If you want more optional slots, equip a core with a higher number. Found on: Cores Price --------------------------------------------------------------- This is the overall retail value of the part. Every part, except for the ones you start out with, can be sold and bought again. Remember: +A part is used once brought into battle or tuned -- Sells for -10% +Every tune point is equal to %5 of the total cost +A part used in the AC test is not considered used +Any tunes will add to the sell value... but still for -10% +Starting parts cannot be sold or tuned Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Boosters/FCS/Generators/Radiators/Insides Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units/Optional Parts Radar Function ------------------------------------------------------ Have this means you're head as radar. Not having this stat means you are going to need a Back Unit Radar if you want working radar. Found on: Heads Radar Range --------------------------------------------------------- The higher the number, the farther your radar can pick up targets. Found on: Heads/Back Unit Radars Scanning Interval --------------------------------------------------- This is the amount of time it takes for the radar to refresh. The low the number, the faster you can see where something is... again. Found on: Heads/Back Units Radars Stability ----------------------------------------------------------- I do not honestly know... but I know it isn't important. It probably has something to do with how stable the head is under some conditions. Found on: Heads Tuned Cooling ------------------------------------------------------- This is the stat that changes when you tune for cooling. It increases a lot, and is helpful if you don't feel like equipping the heaviest radiator. Found on: Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs/Radiators Tuned ECM ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a stat that is change from tuning. Do this if you plan on going into a mission with a very high ECM level. Found on: Heads Tuned Energy -------------------------------------------------------- This is the energy defense after tuning. Tune for energy defense if you have very little, or you are taking down a hard mission with very few solid threats. Found on: Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs Tuned Max Arm ------------------------------------------------------- A stat for tuning to hold more for your arms. This can increase by a lot for each point, but rarely should you need to. Found on: Cores Tuned Shell --------------------------------------------------------- This is the shell defense after tuning. Tune for Shell defense if you have very little, or you are taking down a hard mission with very few energy threats. Found on: Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs Tuned Weight -------------------------------------------------------- This is weight that is affect by Tuning. Obviously when tuning for weight, the weight goes down... don't ask me how, it just does. Tuning for this is wise when you are a few overweight. Found on: Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs/Boosters/Generators/Radiators Vs ECM -------------------------------------------------------------- Like weight, all you ECM values get added up. If you are in a environment with lots of interference, then this will take into affect. Look next to your radar where it says something like "J/m!" The number there is the electrical level of the level you are in. If you VS ECM isn't higher than it... your lock-ons will suffer. Found on: Heads/FCS/Back Unit Radars VS MG Response ------------------------------------------------------ This is how effective the missile interceptor is on the front of your core. You can use this number to figure how good it is, or if the core even has one! Found on: Core Weight -------------------------------------------------------------- Weight is how heavy something is. The heavier you are, the slow you will move. Remember, just because you aren't overweight, doesn't mean you have to squeeze every last part on. Found on: Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Boosters/FCS/Generators/Radiators/Insides Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units Usage Drain --------------------------------------------------------- This is how much energy the part takes to use. Found in: Energy EO Cores/Energy Weapon Arms/Energy Extensions/Energy Back Units/Energy Arm Units Tuned Accuracy ----- Aim Adjust Time ---- [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Ending... If you have a question, feel free to ask me about it on the message board, I'm sure to be there (When new Armored Core games are released in the -->States<--, contact me somehow on the most recent board of it). You may also Instant message me at IWBDK on aim. My mail is also iwbdk@hotmail.com Oh yeah, Please rate :) ~Credits... Thanks to the message board for some info Thank you Mom for putting up with me And thanks to CjayC for a great site! ~Copyright... No one can use this FAQ with out my permission. CheatCC is the only site allowed using this FAQ without my permission. If you would like to "use" it, you may ask. This document is... Copyright 2004 Brian David Kacaba