Medal of Honour: European Assault Walkthrough I played through the game on Recruit mode to get this walkthrough together. It is just a quick and dirty guide to getting through the various objectives in the missions. Obviously at harder difficulty levels there are all sorts of tactics you will need to use to survive. St. Nazaire (for the "real" story checkout Mission 1: Operation Chariot Objectives: 1. Meet Captain Beck 2. Fall back to Campbeltown Go down the gangplank and right. Go towards the green flare. Talk to the Captain. He will call in an air strike. Return to the ship. Watch the raid. Mission 2: Raid on St. Nazaire Objectives: 1. Destroy Fuel Tanks 2. Eliminate Klaus Mueller 3. Find V2 Rocket Fuel Specs 4. Destroy Shore Gun 5. Destroy Anti-Aircraft Gun 6. Capture Bunker 7. Return toCampbeltown Head right. Take out any opposition. At the end of the jetty is a medikit. Locate the shore gun. Set charge. Retire. Collect revive. Down stairs into tunnel system. Encounter Mueller (a good time to use your adrenaline meter.) The V2 specs are in a room just to the left of Mueller. Emerge from tunnel. Go to building just ahead and to the left. Go up to the roof and set a charge on the anti-aircraft gun. Use the walkway and go down the stairs. New objective, capture the bunker. Go round the back. Take out the occupants and move through the bunker into a large "factory" area. Go along the cat walks and up the stairs. As you exit plenty of opposition. Go over the small set of stairs and climb up the side of the fuel tank. Set the charge at the top and GET OUT! A breach is blown in the wall. Go through, watch out for exploding fuel pipes. A troop train arrives and disgorges a horde of enemies. Take them out and go around the back of the train to get to the jetty and the Campbeltown. Mission 3: Lights Out in the Port Objectives: 1. Destroy Power Plant 2. Eliminate Horst Brenner 3. Uncover V2 Rocket Equipment Blueprints 4. Eliminate German Infantry Unit 5. Destroy 3 V2 Rocket Hulls 6. Destroy U Boat Go through the hole in the wall and take on the infantry unit. Work your way to the end of the mole. Pick up the revive. Go to the side of the main area and set a charge on the door of the bunker. Go through and take out the enemies. Go right and shoot the V2 hulls to destroy them. Snipe the machine gunners from the window of the top of the stairs. Go round the side of this building and enter the next warehouse. Take out the soldies on the far side and go thru the railway truck and out the other side. On the docks there are lots of enemies. Once they have been eliminated go down the stairs to the left to get to the U boat. Set 3 charges, one at either end and one on the conning tower. GET OUT and watch the sinking. Leave the docks at the far end via a couple of railway trucks. In the large open area at the front of the power station there is plenty of opposition. Make sure you have full health before you go in as you need to take on Horst Brenner in the office at the top of the stais. Once he is out of the way take the V2 documents from the desk. Exit the office and go along the catwalk and down the stairs into the power station. Set three charges, one on each generator. They won't detonate immediately. You need to leave the same way you came in and go out into the square in front of the building. There is a fierce firefight on progress. In the middle of the piles of lumber is a plunger. Press it to blow up the power station and complete your mission. Mision 4: Escape at Dawn Objectives: 1. Escape to French Countryside 2. Eliminate Ericj=h Koster 3. Obtain North African Shipping Manifest 4. Destroy Machine Gun Nest 5. Eliminate Panzer Tank 6. Destroy Radio Mast This will be street fighting, house to house. In the first house watch out for the enemy at the top of the stairs. Go through the door on the ground floor. Sniper in window, take him out. Go upstairs in the building across the street from the machine gun nest and snipe the enemies from there. Clean out the rest of the building and collect the revive. Go through the archway and link up with another squad. Go upstairs in the building around the corner and snipe the enemies in the building across the street. Watch the windows and reinforcements that arrive. Cross the street and through the door that has been blown. Move through the building clearing out enemies as you go. Upstairs in the final building the tank blasts a hole in the wall but then gets taken out by a bomber. Collect the revive. Snipe enemies across the road from the upstairs window, watch out for the machine gunner. Go past the tank into the building and shoot as many enemies in front of the church as possible. Koster is hiding behind the altar in the church. He will toss grenades as well as firing. Once he is dead collect the documents from behind the altar. Go through the hole in the wall to the right to get to the radio mast and set a charge. Collect the revive. Go through the church and into the graveyard. Tank! Use the large graves for cover and pick un the grenades in the area if needed. Use your adrenaline and take out the tank with the grenades. Mission accomplished as you go past the wrecked tank into the countryside. All gold in these missions gets you a medal. North Africa. You have joined the desert rats (more info here Mission 1: Operation Blindfold Objectives: 1. Destroy (3) Tank Prototypes 2. Eliminate Adabold Brecht 3. Acquire Tiget Tank Operations Manual 4. Destroy Radar Dish 5. Recover British Reconnaissance 6. Destroy Tank in Ruins 7. Escape into Bunker Move through the gulley and take the right fork. Tank in ruins! Move to the right of the ruins and take out 3 or 4 enemies. Stay to the rear of the tank and destroy it with grenades. Pick up the revive. Stay to the right of the ruins and move towards the trench. Snipe the machine gunner and then jump into the trench. Move along taking out the enemies until you reach the far end. The move down into an underground passage and do the same. The documents are in a side room about half way along. When you emerge at the other end leave the trench by the slope about half way along and go to your left. Snipe the machine gunner and continue up the slope to the radar dish. Snipe enemies in the bunker and enter to set a charge on the radar dish. Lots more enemies appear along with a tank. Get grenades from the bunker if required and use adrenaline whilst you chuck grenades at the back end of the tank to destroy it. Go back past the trench and up the slope to the right. GO past the injured airman and along the gulley. Brecht is here amongst the wreckage. Snipe him with head shots if possible. Carry on to the end of the gulley to get the reconnaissance data and another revive. Retrace your steps and go right towards the hangar. Set a charge on the first tank to the left of the bunker. Now the hangar opens up and there are two more tanks to destroy in there. Now set a charge on the door to the big bunker. Once inside use the shotgun to take out all the enemies in close quarters combat. Move up to the top of the bunker and into a final corridor infested with enemies. Go through to escape and complete your mission. Mission 2: Operation V2 Silence Find out more about the V2 rocket here Objectives: 1. Destroy V2 Rocket 2. Eliminate Hans Schneider 3. Locate Coded Virus House Information 4. Free 3 SAS Commandos 5. Steal V2 Test Film 6. Photograph V2 Schematics 7. Destroy Train Tracks 8. Escape This is an underground maze, try not to get lost. Your first priority is to rescue the SAS commandos so you have a squad. Go down the slope into the first "office" area. Go straight ahead, then left and right into another "office" area. The first SAS is to the left. Set a charge to blow the door, the other SAS is in a cell straight ahead, set a charge and take out the guard as well. Press A to free them from their bonds. Back to the first "office" area. Go down a corridor to a generator room. Go left at the top to find the final SAS commando. Then take the corridor at the right hand side of the generator room. This leads to a "cinema" where you can steal the V2 film from the projector. Schneider is in a room off the "cinema." Try to kill him with head shots from your sniper rifle. Collect the coded information from a desk in the room. Now head back to the generator room and take the slope at the top right. Go through the open area and right up another slope into a loading bay in a HUGE hangar. Emerge outside into a fierce firefight. Snipe the machine gunners in the towers, look in the huts for ammo/medikits and work your way around the outside of the hangar. There is a small shed on one wall where you can find the V2 schematics to photograph. Carry on around the hangar until you get to the train tracks. Set a charge to destroy them. Further on you will meet a tank. Use adrenaline plus grenades to destroy it. Finally you reach an entrance to the hangar. Go inside and up the stairs and along the cat wolks to the other side. Open the loading bay doors with the lever to let in your reinforcements. Fight your way through the chaos to the large control room next to the rocket and go up to the top to operate the lever to lower the V2. The go to the side of the V2 to set a charge. GET OUT FAST through the doors and head to the gate to escape. Mission accomplished. Another medal to pin on your manly chest. Russia Mission 1: Road to Stalingrad (more about the battle for Stalingrad here Objectives: 1. Destroy Rail Gun 2. Eliminate Walther Neumann 3. Obtain Ardennes Forest Recon Dossier 4. Locate Partisan Fighters 5. Secure and Defend Church 6. Destroy 3 Tanks 7. Destroy Ammo Dump 8. Destroy Communications Tower Snipe the sentries on either side of the road. Enter the house on the right to locate the partisans and gain a squad of fighters. Pick up the bazooka to help with the tanks. Go right up the hill. Be careful it is swarming with enemies and they are tougher than before. At the top use the bazooka to take out the tank (a couple of shells at the rear should do it.) Fire the field gun to take out the railgun. Now go down the hill towards the destroyed railgun on the other side of the river. Keep low and cross the remaining bridge (the enemy will destroy the other.) Work from house to house killing all the enemies and picking up ammo/supplies. The second tank is to the right and th third is to the left. One of the houses has additional ammo for the bazooka if required. Close to the final tank is a well defended ammo dump. Kill the defenders and place a charge when prompted. RETIRE! Now it is time to assault the church. Go through the gates and to the right. Kill the enemies around the communications tower and set a charge. Carry on to the right until you reach the main entrance to the church. Neumann is near the altar along with a few friends. Kill him ASAP and pick up the documents. Take out any other enemies on the ground floor and then go upstairs for the final defender. Now you need to defend the church. Use the machine gun at one of the windows to mow down several waves of attackers. Fire in short bursts so you don't run out of ammo. Once they are all killed, mission accomplished. Mission 2: Climbing Mamayev Hill (more about this historic battle site here Objectives: 1. Transmit Virus House Intel to OSS 2. Eliminate Franz Gruebner 3. Steal Heavy Water Test Logbook 4. Signal Rocket Strike 5. Meet With Russian Officer 6. Destroy Panzer Tank 7. Destroy Artillery Guns 8. Destroy German Intelligence Go up the road. Work house to house. You will find a stock of grenades in one to the right. Take out the machine gunner in the upstairs window. Take out the tank with grenades. Go right to the trench system. Work your way along (keeping low, there is a lot of firepower coming your way.) Meet up with the Russian officer and then take your squad down to the river and cross over. The smoke canister to call in the rocket strike is at the junction of the two roads. Activate it ASAP and take cover in the nearby tunnel. Once the rockets have done their work, go on up to the top of the hill and set a charge on the rectory gate. Go in and right. Up the tower to take out snipers and then along the right hand side of the square to find 3 artillery guns. Set a charge on each to destroy them. Carry on past the last gun to get into the operations rooms (big map in centre of floor.) Gruebner will be here somewhere so take him out and get the documents. The radio for the OSS is on the balcony in this room and the intel is in a crate in the corner of the room (set a charge to destroy it.) Mission accomplished and the thanks of Mother Russia in the form of another medal. The Battle of the Bulge (read about it here Mission 1: Mission to Rocherath ( Objectives: 1. Reach American Outpost and Destroy King Tigers 2. Eliminate Folker Kappelhoff 3. Uncover Atomic Scientist Rosters 4. Eliminate Recin Unit in Windmill 5. Fall back to Command Post 6. Obtain C2 in Church Tower 7. Transmit Artillery Co-Ordinates 8. Destroy the Bridge Total mayhem! You can try using the machine gun to take out some of the waves of attackers but all it did was get me killed. Move along the low wall to the left for cover, pick up the bazooka and set off the charge at the end as the tank passes over it (this level has several charges and rocket launchers you can use to your advantage.) Carry on left and use the rocket launcher when the tank stops within range. Then dash to the windmill and climb the stairs to take out the recon team and get a much needed revive. You can pick up a sniper rifle here and some more bazooka ammo to take out the hordes of enemies below and the tank that gets stuck nearby. Then move across the square towards the green flare to get to the command post. More bazooka ammo and the atomic scientists rosters. As soon as you talk to the officer the post comes under attack from troops and tanks. Go upstairs and use the bazooka (more ammo there if required) and adrenaline if possible to take out 2 of the 3 tiger tanks. You can set off charges downstairs to help here as well. To get the final tank go out and to the left of the CP to find a rocket launcher. Once this wave of attackers had been eliminated you need to go to the next green flare by the church steps. The door explodes and a few enemies rush out. Once inside go the altar for a medikit and then climb the exposed staircase in the tower. Beware of Kappelhoff shooting at you as you do so. On the way up call in an artillery strike, take out Kappelhoff any way you can (I used a spare bazooka round!) At the top pick up the C2 charges you will use to demolish the bridge. Go down into the chuch again and out the opposite end. Lots and lots of enemies. This is pure survival until you can get down the slope and underneath the bridge. There is a whole squad of opposition wating for you there. You only have to set one charge on the bridge in order to destroy it. Mission accomplished. Mission 2: Farmhouse Liberation Objectives: 1. Rescue French Operative 2. Eliminate Freber Engel 3. Discover Virus House Location 4. Destroy Tank 5. Defend Farmhouse/Destroy Tanks 6. Destroy 3 Artillery Positions Move down the slope to the left of the bridge. Once you are spotted take out the machine gunner and sniper at the windmill. Use the machine gun emplacement to take out the enmies nearby and snipe any others in the vicinity. Climb to the top of the windmill for more supplies/ammo. Go over to the water mill on the other side of the bridge and take out the enemies there and collect weapons etc. Advance cautiously to the wall surrounding the farmhouse. Snipe as many enemies as possible from cover until things go quiet. Set a charge on the barbed wired barrier to the entrance. Once inside go left to find the first artillery gun. Set a charge to take it out. The tiger tank is in a shed nearby. if you can get round the back you can set a charge to blow it up. Then on to the next artillery gun. Finally all the way around the back of the farmhouse is the last gun. It is very heavily defended. Now enter the farmhouse (note the festive Xmas tree?) Work your way through to the barn and go down the slope to the underground cellar. Set a charge on the door. Beware Engel is inside. Shoot him from distance as he pops his head over the table. Collect the documents. Collect the bazooka and go back upstairs. Then go back to the main room of the farmhouse and upstairs. Get one of your squad on the machine gun and use the bazooka to take out the first tank. Then back down to the barn and reload the bazooka. Take out the final tank from the windows of the barn. Alternatively you can go outside and face a swarm of enemies as you try to find the right time to detonate the charges using the plunger by the well. This was not a success for me. Reinforcements arrive. Mission accomplished. Mission 3: Operation Virus House ( Objectives: 1. Find and Infiltrate German Underground Bunker 2. Eliminate Von Schrader 3. Find Von Schrader's Journal 4. Radio Airstrike Co-Ordinates 5. Destroy 3 Entrenched King Tiger Tanks 6. Defuse Bomb? Chaos reigns in the Ardennes! Use the trench systems to move around wherever possible. Move forward cautiously. You can take out the first tank using a rocket launcher. Soon you will come to a foxhole with a radio where you can call in an airstrike. You need to takeout the Tiger Tanks by getting behind them and setting charges. You can find the journal in a bunker in the last section of trenches. To get to the final bunker find a soldier who tells you to follow him. An air strike will take out the final tank on the slope before the bunker entrance. Sorry this is so sketchy but I haven't finished this mission yet.