=========================================================================== _____ _ _ _____ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ /ŻŻŻŻŻ\ | ___|| || | | ___|| \ | ||_ _| | | | || || | | | |_/ŻŻŻ\ | | |___ | || | | |___ | \ | | | | | |__| || || | | | ___| / |___ || || | | ___|| \| | | | | __ || || | | | |___ \ ___| || || |___ | |___ | |\ | | | | | | || || |___ | |___ | | |_____||_||_____||_____||_| \__| |_| |_| |_||_||_____||_____| | \___/ | \_____/ =========================================================================== ==---------------------------------------------------------------== || || || S I L E N T H I L L 3 F A Q / W A L K T H R O U G H || || ------------------------------------------------------ || || İ C O P Y R I G H T 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 || || B Y C O N Q U E R E R || || || || This FAQ/Walkthrough is Copyright 2003-2004 by Andrew || || Haffenden, Conquerer. This FAQ may not be published on || || any website or in any magazine without written consent of || || the author. Otherwise, this FAQ is for Personal Use only. || || This FAQ may not be altered or used by publishers and || || cannot be sold. This FAQ is ONLY allowed on the following || || sites: || || || || - http://cheatcc.com || || - http://faqs.ign.com || || - http://neoseeker.com || || - http://gamefaqs.com || || || || I'm only allowing this FAQ on these sites because I'm || || tired of sites with old versions of my FAQs, thus leading || || to tedious e-mails for things I've already answered in || || newer versions. Feel free to link to the FAQ list for || || this game, or to this FAQ from my site (in the || || Introduction), but consult me first. If this FAQ is found || || by anyone on a site or magazine without permission, || || please e-mail me telling me the site or magazine name and || || issue number. || || || || || ||===============================================================|| || || || || || Silent Hill is a registered trademark of Konami Computer || || Entertainment Tokyo, Inc. İ 1999 2003 Konami Computer || || Entertainment Tokyo. All rights reserved. || || || || || ||====================---------=====---------====================|| || W A R N I N G ! || || || || This FAQ contains many spoilers that may ruin your game || || experience. Read on at your own risk. || || || || || ||===============================================================|| || || || Silent Hill 3 || || || || Developer: Konami TYO || || Publisher: Konami || || Platform: PlayStation 2 || || Genre: Adventure || || Origin: Japan || || Number of Players: 1 || || Released Date: 08/07/03 || || ESRB Rating: M for Mature || || || || || ||====================---------=====---------====================|| || || || E - M A I L P O L I C Y || || || || READ THE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION SECTION FIRST BEFORE || || EMAILING ME || || || || I will accept e-mails from people asking questions or || || making comments on the game or walkthrough. If you expect || || me to read your e-mail, please, put "Silent Hill 3" or || || "SH3" in the subject or it may be deleted. E-mail || || responses will usually take place in a day or less from || || the day the e-mail was received. If not, I may be on || || vacation or I deleted the e-mail because it didn't have a || || relevant subject line. But if you haven't read the || || section you're stuck on and you think you are special and || || you e-mail me before you check it, you are not special || || and you can read that part yourself. || || || || [E-mail:] Conquerer13@hotmail.com || || || || || ||====================---------=====---------====================|| || || || W A N T T O R A T E T H I S F A Q ? || || || || If you feel this FAQ has helped you in any way and you || || want to thank me, please, all I ask is for you to give my || || FAQ a good rating wherever acceptable. But it's your || || decision, I am not forcing you. || ==---------------------------------------------------------------== Some parts of this FAQ may be considered violent or cruel. s i l e n t h i l l 3 ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ------------------------------- MAIN 1. INTRODUCTION 2. UPDATES 3. FAQS 4. PROLOGUE 5. CHARACTERS 6. ENEMIES 7. WEAPONS AND SUPPLIES 8. CONTROLS 9. PLAYING THE GAME 10. DIFFICULTY SETTINGS 11. WALKTHROUGH 12. SPEED WALKTHROUGH 13. ENDINGS 14. RANKING 15. ITEM LIST 16. EXTRAS 17. SAVE POINT LOCATIONS 18. MEMOS MISCELLANEOUS 19. SONG LYRICS 20. COOL AND SCARY THINGS 21. MY PERSONAL REVIEW CONCLUSION 22. CREDITS ______ ______ | |=========S===I===L===E===N===T====H===I===L===L===3=======| | | | --------- | | | MAIN | | M A I N | | MAIN | | 1-19 | --------- | 1-19 | |______|=========S===I===L===E===N===T====H===I===L===L===3=======|______| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my Silent Hill 3 FAQ/Walkthrough. Konami is back with Silent Hill 3 with promising gameplay and another great storyline. The graphics are now better than ever before! I hope you will enjoy or have enjoyed Silent Hill 3 and if you need help, I hope this FAQ gives you the information on what you need. Everything you really need to know about the game is in this walkthrough. A descriptive walkthrough pointing out all the key items, as well as the majority and necessity of health and ammo items, a speed walkthrough, item list, memos, song lyrics, and many more. Once again, everything you really need to know about the game is in this FAQ. In the ranking section of this FAQ, you'll find a section dedicated to getting a 10 star ranking. It is a very hard thing to do and I hope that section helps you. If you think you're good enough, you should go for 10 stars -- it's really fun and is a real challenge. Use the Table of Contents to guide you through this FAQ, and be sure to check out the extras section for anything you missed, and some notable references to Silent Hill 2 and great horror films. For more information and news on the Silent Hill franchise, feel free to check out my website, devoted to Silent Hill. I have walkthroughs for all the North American released Silent Hill games. Check back to my other FAQs for future updates as they will be coming. http://freewebs.com/silenthillabyss - Conquerer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 2. U P D A T E S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Recent Updates: [12/31/04] - New Year's Eve - 472 KB [Final] Major update with over 100 KB of text added. Added 10 star ranking section to the ranking section, added song lyrics, edited the whole walkthrough and the whole FAQ. Final update. [08/28/04] - 367 KB Finished editing up to the Underpass in the walkthrough. Added more memos in the memo section and aligned them the way they are in the game. Also added more credits and fixed some typos. [11/08/03] - 337 KB First sent in the FAQ and after a lot of work but it was worth it. The rest of the memos and other things including my personal review should be done soon, so keep your eyes open. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 3. F A Q S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions Q: When was this game released? A: North America: 08/07/03, Japan: 07/03/03, Europe: 05/23/03. Q: Why did Europe get it before everyone else and almost two months earlier than North America? A: Well, Europe got a lot of games a lot later than North America and Japan; they got SH1 and SH2 last. Some people think it's because SH2 sold better in Europe but that is not true. I think it was foolish to have North America wait so long. Q: In Europe, do you get the Making of SH3 DVD with the game like SH2? A: No. Q: I heard that you get the Official Soundtrack with SH3 in North America, is this true? A: Yes, something exclusively for North America. Q: I bought this game and played it and I was too scared to continue after a while. Do you think I should continue or just give up? A: If you start it, you have to finish it. If you don't plan on finishing it, don't start it. You should definitely continue. Get over yourself. FAQ/Walkthrough Frequently Asked Questions Q: What do you mean by "examine"? A: Go up to whatever is mentioned and press X. Q: I can't find a certain item, where can I find it? A: Check the Item List, although every item location and where you use the item are described in the walkthrough section Q: I can't solve a certain puzzle, can you help me? A: Every puzzle is described in detail in the walkthrough but if you are really having trouble, just e-mail me. Q: I need to find a place to save but I can't find one. Where is one? A: Check the Save Point Locations section. Q: I'm running a lot slower than I was before. Why is this? A: You've got the Bulletproof Vest equipped. It's heavy so unequip it and you'll be able to run faster and the control won't be as sluggish. Also, heavy weapons make you run a bit slower. Q: What is this "Silent Hill 2 Reference" thing in the walkthrough? A: If you have a save file with the game beaten at least once for SH2 on the same memory card as SH3, you can experience four extra things. Q: How do you unlock the Unlimited Submachine Gun? A: Beat the final boss with a melee weapon. You can use guns but the last hit has to be with a melee weapon. I recommend the Katana. Q: Where is the tips section like in your SH2 FAQ? A: It's called "Playing the Game". It's above the Difficulty Settings section which is above the Walkthrough. Q: I haven't played any other SH game. Will I understand what's going on? A: You won't really understand the story, especially background information and stuff from the past. I recommend you at least play Silent Hill 1 so you aren't confused. It wouldn't hurt to play SH2 before either. Q: I've played SH2 but not SH1. Is this okay? A: You won't understand the story if you haven't played SH1. Silent Hill 3 is the sequel to the first Silent Hill and the storyline has nothing to do with Silent Hill 2. Play SH1 if you want to understand things and play SH2 before SH3 also. You'll understand later. Q: How many endings are in this game? A: 3. Q: How do you unlock the Heather Beam? A: Kill a total of 333 or more enemies in your save file. It doesn't matter how many times through the game it takes you. Q: How come there are bugs blocking the hallway of the mall? There weren't last time. A: When you play on Easy Riddle Level, nothing is there. But on higher Riddle Levels, they will be. Q: There are some bugs blocking a hallway in the mall and I can't get by. What do I do? A: Get the Bleach and Detergent (use the Item List in this FAQ for their locations), go to the empty bucket by the door and combine the two items. Before you do this, you'll have to turn off the fan in the previous corridor, and turn it back on after. Q: There's a big monster blocking the 1F hallway to exit the Nightmare Hilltop Center. How do I kill it? A: You can't. You must find the end of the fairy tale to find out what to do, and then it will be gone. Q: I was in the storeroom of the Nightmare Hospital and the room got all screwy and the door was locked so I died. What's going on? A: The door is locked for a certain amount of time and when the room is done getting all messed up, it will be open, but it may be hard to find. Q: I don't have any ammo left and I think I'm close to the last boss. Am I screwed or what? A: You're okay. You can beat the last boss with a melee weapon pretty easily. It may take a while on Normal Action Level and a long time on Hard, but it will end eventually; just be careful. You'll unlock a secret weapon if you do this, too. Q: I still have Shakespeare books from a while ago in the game. Can I get rid of the or do they have any use? A: You can't get rid of them now, but they have no use. You should put them on the shelf when doing the Shakespeare puzzle, but I didn't the first time and had them for the whole game too. Don't worry about it, nothing bad will happen or anything. Q: Do you have lyrics for the songs in SH3? A: Yes, check the Song Lyrics section. All the lyrics for every song are in there. Q: Even though it's not a song, do you have the lyrics for "Sun?" A: Yes, it's in there too. In the future there may be more FAQs. If you have a question, just e-mail me and I will gladly answer it. I might put it up here as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 4. P R O L O G U E ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heather is at the mall on a normal Sunday and she falls asleep in a restaurant called "Happy Burger". She wakes up from a horrible nightmare to find herself sleeping at a table. She gets up and leaves the restaurant and finds a phone to call her father. While she's on the phone, a man wearing a brown overcoat in his 50s seems to be waiting near her, possibly for the phone. After she's done on the phone, she gives the man a weird look to tell him he can use the phone now. He shakes his head. Heather starts to walk away and the man approaches her and tells her he'd like to speak with her. He says his name is Douglas Cartland and he's a detective. He claims someone wants to meet her and wants a half-hour of her time. Heather declines and walks away. Douglas doesn't give up and mentions it being very important and about her birth. Heather is annoyed and heads into the nearby Women's washroom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 5. C H A R A C T E R S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heather Morris -------------- Age: 17 Heather is a normal teenage girl who goes shopping one day and becomes trapped in a different world. She seems to know how to survive but isn't a professional because this has never happened to her before. She has greasy blonde hair that's not too long and has a short temper -- she gets mad pretty easily. She seems to be on the funny side of a person and loves her dad, and doesn't like to talk to strangers. Heather has no job but does chores at home and makes no money for it. She sometimes is a babysitter as well. Douglas Cartland ---------------- Age: Late 50s Douglas is an older man whom Heather meets in the mall. She doesn't really seem to like him. He has gray hair and a beard. He is a detective and wants to know about Heather's birth for some reason, and asks for a half- hour of her time. Douglas was hired by Claudia to track down Heather, but proves himself to be a nice person. He just happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time in many cases and takes the blame from Heather. Claudia Wolf ------------ Age: 30 Claudia seems to be a strange middle-aged woman. Heather first meets her in the mall and Heather wonders if she is the reason of this different world, but she claims it was the Hand of God. Claudia has a pale face with long blonde hair and doesn't seem like a normal person, so she might be the reason for the monsters. Claudia is a Priestess of a Cult Teachings Group and tells Heather she is the one who will lead "us" to paradise. Vincent ------- Age: 24-26 Vincent seems very strange and claims he can be trusted, but Heather doesn't want to trust him. He also claims he's on your side and doesn't want to be mentioned with Claudia; he says he hates her. Heather meets Vincent in the Hilltop Center, specifically in the Mental Health Clinic area for some reason. He has brown hair and glasses and usually has a smirk on his face. Vincent is a Priest of a Cult Teachings Group and is known as "Father Vincent." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 6. E N E M I E S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Closer ------ Location(s): Lakeside Amusement Park, Central Square Shopping Center, Nightmare Mall, Lakeside Amusement Park Revisited, Church. Appearance: A very tall creature with two large padded arms that widen as they go down. Has normal-sized legs and doesn't really have a face but you can see its mouth. The Closer likes to twitch its head a lot. People used to call it "Weezer Arms" because of its appearance. Strategy: The Closer isn't a good fighter at all, really. It has slow reactions and moves fairly slowly. However, its attacks are rather powerful. You don't really need to kill Closers because they're not much of a threat, but if you find one really annoying you, try to use the Handgun. Move backwards while you're shooting them if they're close. It is always easy to just run past them, however. Suggested Weapon(s): The Handgun is probably the best weapon to use on Closers; keep your distance though. The Submachine Gun is also good on Closers but you usually don't have much ammo for it. Melee weapons don't work too well because it's not that good to be close to Closers. The Shotgun is great on them because of its widespread range, but try not to use too much ammo. Numb Body --------- Location(s): Central Square Shopping Center, Nightmare Mall, Underpass, Hilltop Center. Appearance: A numb body that's purple in colour and has a head that looks like an eyeball. Veins appear on the body. Come in sizes small, medium and large. No fries with that. Strategy: Numb Bodies aren't hard to kill and don't take more than a good melee weapon. They walk slowly so you can give them a whack with a melee weapon and step back. You can kill them with the Knife, but it takes a while. When you get the Steel Pipe, it gets a lot easier. Numb Bodies are usually in groups but it's not hard to kill them all. Just let them come to you separately, and if one's already in the way, another one behind it probably won't be able to get to you. Try to back up or sidestep when fighting them so they don't get a chance to attack you. Suggested Weapon(s): The Steel Pipe is always great, specifically the overhead swing. The Handgun is good because of its range, however, you don't always need it because the Steel Pipe is good enough. Let Numb Bodies in groups come to you one by one and it's pretty easy. Try to attack from behind when they're alone. Double Head ----------- Location(s): Lakeside Amusement Park, Central Square Shopping Center, Nightmare Mall, Hazel Street Subway Station, Hilltop Center, Nightmare Hilltop Center, Silent Hill, Nightmare Hospital, Lakeside Amusement Park Revisited. Appearance: A dog covered in bandages and a head split in half. Like a roasted dead dog come to life. Somewhat like the Demon Dog in the first Silent Hill but is a lot bigger and not as skinny. Strategy: Double Heads move pretty fast but you can outrun them. They are usually in groups but their attacks aren't that powerful, so you can take them on. They usually run and jump up at you. It's good to use the Steel Pipe or Katana, if you have them, to kill them. Try to get behind them and attack from there. Use the strafing buttons so they can't get you. Double Heads like to eat meat on the ground and usually are doing so. Try to just run past them when they're doing this. Double Heads are also attracted to Beef Jerky, so try putting some on the ground for distractions. In open areas, Double Heads howl (for reinforcements), so you can tell where they are. Suggested Weapon(s): The Katana and Steel Pipe are great for killing Double Heads. But if you don't have them, the Handgun can easily do the job. You'll start off with just the Knife, but it isn't too good on Double Heads. It will take a while to kill them, meaning they will try several attack attempts; use the strafing buttons so they can't bite you. Pendulum -------- Location(s): Lakeside Amusement Park, Nightmare Mall, Underpass, Construction Site, Silent Hill, Lakeside Amusement Park Revisited, Church. Appearance: Looks somewhat like a spider. Has needles for legs and is wrapped in a cocoon. Has two heads with blades on each of them. Strategy: Usually the best thing to do with Pendulums is to simply run away. When you shoot them, it will just make them come faster towards you. Sometimes you encounter Pendulums on the ground, but they're usually flying. Try to knock them down from the air with the Shotgun and then shoot them again to get the job done. The Handgun doesn't seem to work well at all -- bullets are deflected. If you have the ammo, the Submachine Gun is great. Aim up and shoot the Pendulum -- this will trigger it to lunge towards you -- and keep shooting up. It will knock the Pendulum to the ground and will usually be dead. Suggested Weapon(s): The Shotgun works fine. One shot should knock it down and another should kill it. The Submachine Gun is great but you usually don't have much ammo for it. Insane Cancer ------------- Location(s): Hazel Street Subway Station, Construction Site (depends), Hilltop Center, Nightmare Hilltop Center, Church. Appearance: A very large and fat monster. Its face appears to be crushed inward like it got its face punched in. Strategy: You only encounter Insane Cancers while they're lying on the ground, and they have to get up. But you'll be surprised at how fast they can move. Once one starts running, it will scare you. When you encounter an Insane Cancer (lying down), take advantage of it and run past it. Even in narrow areas you can run past them by pushing them a little. Insane Cancers have a lot of health, but if you really want to kill them, use the Shotgun. The Handgun isn't really powerful so it won't do much. When you knock an Insane Cancer down, it doesn't mean it's dead. It's dead when it deflates. Suggested Weapon(s): The Shotgun is great on Insane Cancers. Use the Shotgun to blast them and it won't take too long to kill them. Still shoot at them while they're on the ground -- if they don't move they will soon deflate because they're dead. If you have the ammo, the Submachine Gun is amazing for killing these massive monsters. Slurper ------- Location(s): Nightmare Hilltop Center, Nightmare Hospital, Church. Appearance: Looks somewhat like a human body and has a beak on its face so it can suck things. Its arms, hands and legs have leather-type coverings over them. Strategy: Slurpers are the most annoying enemies in Silent Hill 3. They will come up to you and knock you to the ground if they get the chance. You usually won't be able to get past them without being knocked down first, so it's good to blast them with the Shotgun before they reach you. You don't get many Shotgun Shells so only kill them when you have to. The Handgun isn't too good because it lacks power, but it can get the job done. After you shoot a Slurper, it will just lay there and fake its death. Don't be fooled by this -- it's dead when you see blood pour out its corpse. Suggested Weapon(s): The Shotgun is your best bet. Because of its power it won't take much to kill Slurpers. But try not to use too much ammo and make sure the majority of the Shotgun shrapnel hit the Slurper -- letting them get close to you will give better results, however, if you miss, they can knock you down. The Handgun is weak and won't work too well, especially due to the fact that Slurpers move quickly towards you. Melee weapons don't work well because Slurpers are on the ground and you'll have to press X hard every time you want to hit them, and they'll be able to easily knock you down. Nurse Demon ----------- Location(s): Brookhaven Hospital, Nightmare Hospital. Appearance: Just like the Nurse Demons from Silent Hill 2 except they have hair and faces this time, as well as longer skirts. Nurses wear hospital uniforms and high heel shoes. Strategy: Nurses are rather strong and require a lot of hits. They carry Steel Pipes or Revolvers, so melee weapons won't work too well. The Handgun is pretty good, but try to stay far away from Nurses while you shoot them or else you may receive a beating -- be sure to back up as they come towards you. Nurse Demons tend to whack even if you're not in their range, but they can hit you if you're close enough, and actually shoot you if you're in range. Go for Nurses with Revolvers first because if you get hit with one it will inflict a lot of damage. The Shotgun is perfect for fighting Nurses in groups, so when you're surrounded, you'll know what to do. Suggested Weapon(s): The Handgun works fine, just stay away from the Nurse Demons while you shoot them. When fighting multiple Nurses, use the Shotgun. The Shotgun also works well if they get too close. The Submachine Gun can work pretty nicely if you have the ammo. Scraper ------- Location(s): Church. Appearance: Looks similar to Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2 but different in some ways. Very closely resembles the Missionary boss but not nearly as strong. Has a pyramid-type head but altered a little. Has rubber gloves over its hands and has a skirt-type costume and shoes. Strategy: Scrapers aren't very strong -- it only takes 1 or 2 shots from the Shotgun to kill them. There are few Scrapers in the game and they're only in the Church, but they can sometimes deflect attacks from the front. If you can, attack from the back. The Handgun does work but it's not that good. The Submachine Gun does the job pretty quick so it's substitute of the Shotgun. Try not to let Scrapers get close enough that they can attack. But you can let them come close and blast them with the Shotgun. Suggested Weapon(s): The Shotgun works great and takes care of Scrapers with no problem. The Submachine Gun is also great but it doesn't have much ammo. The Handgun is usually deflected -- the Shotgun is your best bet. Valtiel ------- Location(s): Nightmare Mall, Nightmare Hilltop Center, Nightmare Hospital, Church. Appearance: A rather strange looking monster just like some others in this game. Valtiel's costume is very similar to Pyramid Head's from Silent Hill 2. The head of Valtiel twitches a lot like that of the Closer. Has a slight tone of yellow. You'll find Valtiel in 5-15 places in the game and he's almost always turning a valve for some reason. He could be helping you and he never tries to hurt you. Strategy: No strategy since Valtiel never really encounters you. You always just pass by each other or one of you passes by the other. Valtiel may scare you but there's nothing to worry about. After you die in certain areas (usually Nightmare areas), Valtiel will come to collect you and drag you away. Suggested Weapon(s): None. Valtiel can't be hit and there's no reason for you to shoot him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 7. W E A P O N S A N D S U P P L I E S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-= WEAPONS =-=-=-= The chart below shows how good each weapon is on each enemy. Refer to the legend below the chart to see what things mean. As you can see, the Shotgun and the Submachine Gun are the best weapons. ______________________________________________ |Weapons Chart | K |HG |SP |SG | M |KA |STG|SMG| |----------------------------------------------| |Closer |NE | E |NE |VE | E | E |NE |VE | |Numb Body | E |VE |VE |VE | E |VE |N/A|N/A| |Double Head |NE |VE | E |VE | E |VE |VE |VE | |Pendulum |NE |NE |NE |VE | E |NE |NE |VE | |Insane Cancer |NE |NE |NE |VE | E | E | E |VE | |Slurper |NE | E |NE |VE | E |NE |NE |VE | |Nurse Demon |NE | E |NE |VE | E |NE |NE |VE | |Scraper |NE | E |NE |VE | E |NE | E |VE | ---------------------------------------------- Legend --------------------- |Weapons: | |K - Knife | |HG - Handgun | |SP - Steel Pipe | |SG - Shotgun | |M - Maul | |KA - Katana | |STG - Stun Gun | |SMG - Submachine Gun | | | |VE - Very Effective | |E - Effective | |NE - Not Effective | |N/A - Not Applicable | --------------------- Melee Weapons ============= These weapons do not require ammunition (with the exception of the Stun Gun). So you'll have to strike the enemy with a melee weapon. If you ever run out of ammunition or if it is scarce, equip and use a melee weapon. Melee weapons consist of either two or three attacks (with the exception of the Stun Gun): An over shoulder swing, an overhead swing and a thrust attack. The over shoulder swing should be used most of the time and mainly for whacking enemies that are upright. When enemies are on the ground, use the overhead swing so it actually hits the enemy. The overhead swing is more powerful than the over shoulder swing but is slower. Both swings can be used at any time and it's good to vary between them, depending on the situation. The other attack, the thrust, is more powerful than the over shoulder swing, and can be more powerful than the overhead swing for certain weapons. Try all the attacks out and see which one you like the best. Knife ----- "It's a switchblade for self-defense. I've never used it, but just incase." The Knife easily earns the worst weapon of the game award, but if you know how to use it, it can be a pretty good weapon. However, it can only be used at extremely close range, and you're risking being attacked by enemies when you try to use it on them. Use the strafing buttons to move out of the way when you think the enemy might attack. The Knife is only pretty good on Numb Bodies. Basically for any other enemy, it's not good at all. The good thing about the Knife is that you'll never have to fight you when only have it -- you shortly get the Handgun, and then the Steel Pipe later. To use the Knife, hold R2 and press X to deliver a swing. To perform a thrust attack, hold X instead of pressing it. You can also do this attack while moving forward, and it might come in handy. Don't expect to kill many enemies with this pathetic weapon; you should be happy if you kill one with it. This weapon is owned from the start of the game, so the only place where you can find it is in your inventory. Steel Pipe ---------- "A steel pipe, about 3 feet long. Not very powerful, but not hard to use." If you have played any of the other Silent Hill games, you should be familiar with this weapon. It can be swiped downward and across. It's not an amazing weapon, but can work very well. The range is a lot better than the Knife, so it comes in handy when you're conserving ammo and don't want to die. The Steel Pipe works great with small enemies like Numb Bodies and Double Heads. When fighting in groups, let the enemies come to you one by one. To use the Steel Pipe, hold R2 and press X to perform an over shoulder swing, and hold X to deliver an overhead attack. Another attack is a thrust -- hold both R2 and X while moving forward to perform this. You can find the Steel Pipe in the Café Turn Mill Restaurant on 2F of the Nightmare Mall, by the steam pipes. Maul ---- "Like a big round pointy hammer. It's super heavy, but at least it's got some oomph." A very powerful weapon but awkward to use. The Maul can be great on Closers if you use it right. For smaller enemies, don't even bother with this -- this is for the big guys. Hold R2 and press X to swing it across. Press X and hold it and Heather will perform a downward swing, which is very powerful. The Maul is on the locker on the ground in the first actual room in the Underpass, on the upper level. Katana ------ "This is a short katana, about 2 ft. long. Pretty powerful and easy to handle." Now this is a great melee weapon. These Japanese swords usually come in pairs but Heather will only take one because of weight consumption. This is the best average melee weapon in Silent Hill 3 and you should use it on the last two bosses in the game. It works pretty well on normal enemies and has a fine range. This weapon is not a secret like in the first Silent Hill but you get around halfway through the game. Hold R2 and press X to do an over shoulder swing -- hold X after pressing it (press it, let go, hold) and Heather should do three swings. Hold R2 and hold X for Heather to do an overhead swing attack. To perform a thrust attack, hold both R2 and X while moving forward. You can get the Katana on the shelf in the art storage room in the northeast corridor on 5F, Hilltop Center. Stun Gun -------- "High voltage to zap the bad guys. It has to touch 'em, though, so it's very short range." This weapon was given to Heather from her father for self defense. It's a powerful weapon that can only be used at extremely short range. Stun Gun Batteries are required to use the Stun Gun. A battery produces only 4 shocks, but they are fairly powerful. Stand on the spot and let the enemy approach you. When it gets close, shock the sucker. To use the Stun Gun, hold R2 and press X to shoot the high-voltage electric current (it won't fly anywhere, it has to make contact with the enemy). Since the Stun Gun requires batteries, you must reload when it runs out to continue using it. This is considered a melee weapon because of its short range and it's not really a firearm. You can find the Stun Gun on Heather's dresser in her room in Daisy Villa Apartments. Firearms ======== Unlike in earlier Silent Hill games, each gun will not come loaded with a clip. You will have to collect ammunition that is lying around to use guns. Each gun is different in speed and power and amazing in its own way. Firearms can shoot a singe shot or several shots. While holding R2, press X to shoot once, and hold it to shoot several times (certain guns will take longer than others to shoot more than once). You will need to reload your gun after the magazine is finished or the gun is empty of ammo. Conserve your ammo and use melee weapons whenever necessary. Handgun ------- "Holds 10 rounds of ammunition. Small and not powerful, but easy to use." The Handgun is the gun you should use for the most part of the game. It was also in the other Silent Hill games so you should be familiar with it. It holds 10 bullets in each clip and has moderate stopping power. It has good range and can kill enemies usually with around 5-10 bullets. Plenty of ammo is lying around in the game so it shouldn't be too hard to find some. Don't waste it though, only use it when you feel you have to or when you want to kill an enemy with it. The Handgun is found in the women's clothing store in Central Square on 1F. Shotgun ------- "Holds 6 rounds of ammunition. It's hard to handle, but has great range." Also in the past Silent Hill games, this Shotgun is great to be in the series. Without it, you'd have a much more difficult time in all the Silent Hill games. It holds 6 shells and is very effective. Because of its widespread range, it's great for multiple enemies. The Shotgun is very powerful and can kill many enemies fairly easily. Try to let the enemy come close to you, and then blast it. Usually the enemy will fall to the floor after the very first shot. To use the Shotgun, hold R2 and press X. Because of its massive recoil, the Shotgun can't shoot fast, however, its power makes up for that. The Shotgun is found in the abandoned subway car on a seat of Hazel Street Subway Station on floor B3. Submachine Gun -------------- "Holds 32 rounds of ammunition. Great for its continuous firing." The first fully automatic gun ever to appear in the Silent Hill series. One bullet from the Submachine Gun isn't too powerful and only has half the power of one Handgun bullet. However, its continuous fire makes it deadly. Each clip holds 32 bullets. You won't get too much ammo for this weapon, and when you do use it, it runs out really fast. I would recommend the Submachine Gun only for bosses, although it probably won't do much. The Submachine Gun isn't an important weapon, so you can go ahead and use it on any enemy you wish. To use this fully automatic firearm, hold R2 and hold X to continuously fire. Use the left analog stick to aim up, down, left or right while shooting. It's pretty cool how you can free aim while shooting, but you can't move while the Submachine Gun is ready to fire. The Submachine Gun is located on the floor by the BF elevator in Brookhaven Hospital. =--==--= SUPPLIES =--==--= Below are all the supplies in Silent Hill 3. Legend ---------------- |Availability | |1 - Scarce | |2 - Rare | |3 - Usual | |4 - Often | |5 - Very Common | | | |Health Restored | |25%-100% | | | |Power | |1 - Terrible | |2 - Bad | |3 - Okay | |4 - Good | |5 - Great | | | |Usage: | |1 - Rare | |2 - Unoften | |3 - Usual | |4 - Often | |5 - A lot | ---------------- Health Drink ------------ Availability: 5 Health Restored: 25% "It's full of nutrition and should help me recover at least a little of my strength." Health Drinks are very common and they can actually increase your health by a pretty good amount. Don't go wasting them though, because you might really need them at certain areas. If you get hit once or twice by an enemy, don't use a Health Drink (unless your health is bad). However, if your status screen in the in-game menu is yellow, it's a good time to use a Health Drink. If any worse, use two or more, or another health item. First Aid Kit ------------- Availability: 3 Health Restored: 50% "This will help me patch up my wounds fairly well, I think." First-Aid Kits are excellent for greater wounds than that of the Health Drink's ability, but you might not have too many. Never waste First-Aid Kits because you'll probably need a lot of them. When your health is at its worst, it will only take two First-Aid Kits to fully restore your health. However, if you have many Ampoules (two is many), use one at your worst health and it will be fully restored. Ampoule ------- Availability: 1 Health Restored: 100% "This is the stuff! It'll wipe out all the pain and help recover my strength." These are very rare and powerful. Ampoules will bring your health back up to its best and will keep your stamina at the maximum for a few minutes. You might not know when you need them -- be sure you do. Don't go wasting them with yellow health or better. You should ONLY use Ampoules when your health is red or if it's bad and you need good stamina. Anything better, use a First-Aid Kit and/or Health Drinks. Use one of these babies and your health will be at its best, no matter how bad your health is. Handgun Bullets --------------- Availability: 4 Power: 3 "Bullets for a handgun." Handgun Bullets are found in many places in Silent Hill 3. In fact, when you're low on ammo, there will be extra ammo for you in certain places. But that doesn't mean go and waste all your ammo. Conserve your ammo and use it wisely. You'll probably use the Handgun the most out of all your weapons, and you should find many Handgun Bullets so you can keep using the gun. They are strong enough for the speed you're able to shoot them at, so you should be happy about that. To reload, either go on the Handgun or Handgun Bullets in the menu, or equip the Handgun and Handgun Bullets and press R3 in the game. Shotgun Shells -------------- Availability: 3 Power: 5 "Ammunition for a shotgun." Not too easy to find but very useful when you do. Use wisely and save for bosses. The Shotgun has very wide range, so it's great on multiple enemies. For normal-sized enemies, use the Handgun, but for large enemies, use the Shotgun. To reload, either go on the Shotgun or the Shotgun Shells in the menu, or equip the Shotgun and Shotgun Shells and press R3 in the game. Sub Machine Gun Bullets ----------------------- Availability: 1 Power: 3 "Ammunition for a submachine gun." Very rare but not needed. The power of one bullet isn't powerful but the continuous firing is great. You collect Submachine Gun Bullets in magazines (a clip for bullets, not reading material). When using the gun, you'll have to reload pretty fast because of how fast the ammo goes by. To reload, either go on the Submachine Gun or the Submachine Gun Bullets in the menu, or equip the Submachine Gun and Submachine Gun Bullets and press R3 in the game. Stun Gun Battery --------------- Availability: 2 Power: 4 "A battery for a stun gun." Not many in the game but they can be useful, especially when you've run out of ammo for your firearms. You have to use the Stun Gun at close range though, so it may be tough to use on certain enemies. Each battery comes with 4 charges. Just like firearms, you will have to reload the Stun Gun. Either go on the Stun Gun or the Stun Gun Batteries in the menu, or equip the Stun Gun and Stun Gun Batteries and press R3 in the game. Beef Jerky ---------- Availability: 2 Usage: 2 "Processed, dried meat. Sometimes it's just enough to distract monsters. Beef Jerky is really useful -- you can use it to help you get passed certain enemies or just to have fun. If you place a strip on the floor, certain enemies may come up to it and start chomping on it, just like they do with the meat bags. It doesn't always work though, so don't always count on it all the time. It's pretty good to place some Beef Jerky on the ground when there are 2-4 enemies that are attracted to meat in the area. Beef Jerky comes in packs of four and you should find a pack every once in a while. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 8. C O N T R O L S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Function D-Pad/Left Analog Stick Movement (2D or 3D style), move in Menu/ Screen cursor Right Analog Stick (R3) Press to use current supply START Pause game SELECT Open Menu, accept, skip scene X Accept, search, attack, stomp or kick Square Run, guard, block attack Circle Cancel, exit Menu/Puzzle, toggle Flashlight ON/OFF Triangle Quick Map L1 Sidestep left R1 Sidestep right R2 Ready weapon L2 + Right Analog Stick Look in all forward directions L2 Position camera behind Heather L1 + R1 Turn 180 degrees L2 + Left Analog Stick (L3) Zoom in Start + Select Soft Reset 3D and 2D Control ----------------- In Silent Hill 3, there are two types of control: 3D and 2D. It is normally on 3D control. These types of control are very different. In 3D control, whichever direction you are facing is the way you will move if you hold forward. You can also step backwards and strafe to the left and right. 3D control is easier to use than in Silent Hill 2 but it is still quite the same. With 2D control, you just hold whichever direction you want to go, depending on the camera angle, and you will go there. It is much easier to move around with 2D control but you cannot strafe or step backwards because it is easy enough to control. You should try both control types at least once and then stick with one. I prefer 3D but it's your choice. Extra Options ------------- Just like previous Silent Hill games, there is an Extra Options menu. Press either L1 or R1 to access this extra menu. There are a few things in the menu that you can change right away, and you need to beat the game to get more, like Bullet Adjust, which you can multiply each ammo pick-up by 2 up to 5. The options you can change right away are: Blood Color, Blood Volume, Walk/Run Control, Map, Noise Effect and Display Mode. If you want to experience the best of Silent Hill 3, change the Blood Volume to Much, switch the Walk/Run Control to Reverse, and take off the Noise Effect for Silent Hill 3's best graphics. Switching Walk/Run Control -------------------------- Normally, you will have to hold Square to run and you will walk if you just hold forward. It is almost always unnecessary to walk. Especially when you want to get somewhere. The only thing running does to Heather is decrease her stamina -- but if you're not going to use it, why have it? Heather starts panting when she's tired -- if standing still -- and when you go through a door, she's fine. So in the Extra Options menu, do yourself a favour and switch the Walk/Run Control to Reverse. Noise Effect ------------ You may be wondering what this is, and it is also in Silent Hill 2. It is an effect that makes the screen all fuzzy and creates more atmosphere in the game. You should at least play some of the game with it on. Try to beat the game once, and then turn it off. The graphics will be much better and will look amazing with it off. Button Configuration Types -------------------------- There are two Button Configuration types. Type A and Type B. It is normally on Type B, which I recommend you stay with. Certain things are different in Type A, and if you're used to the previous Silent Hill games control, you shouldn't change it and stay with Type B. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 9. P L A Y I N G T H E G A M E ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains information on playing the game. If you want to get better, consider reading some of this section. If you're completely new to the Silent Hill series, check out the game basics and some other sections in here. CONTENTS 01 Menus 02 Game Basics 03 Combat Strategies 04 Items 01 // m e n u s --=-===--========---===-=-----=-======-------=-=-=-------=------===--=-==- ==-=--=== Main Menu --=-===-= Beginning Video --------------- The beginning video plays before it goes to the main menu. It's just over three minutes long. If you want to see it again, just don't press anything at the main menu for a while and it will play again. You can keep doing this but it isn't necessary. New Game -------- Starting a new game in Silent Hill 3 isn't hard at all. Just go to New Game and select an Action Level and Riddle Level. If you don't have a save file, go to New Game. But if you do, load it. If you haven't saved anything, you'll need 364 KB to save a file. Continue -------- This option is only available when the game is loaded and you die or Soft Reset the game. Putting continue will put at you latest save or at the beginning of the area you're in. Load ---- If you have saved data and you turn the game on, you'll have to Load your file to continue from where you were. After you've beaten the game, you'll still need to load your save file after you turn the game on again; it won't load automatically. Options ------- In the Options menu you can change certain things that effect the gameplay. But only things like Control Type are really important. Press L1 or R1 to access the Secret Options menu. In there you can change more things to make the game easier/harder and more interesting. For the list of things you can change and what they do, check out the Options Menu below in this section. =-=-===--=-- In Game Menu ===--=-==--= Once you're in a game, you can press Select to go to the menu. If you've played Silent Hill 1 or 2 before, you'll notice it is quite different, but somewhat similar to Silent Hill 2's menu. Your status is the screen in the top left corner of the menu. Descriptions for these options are described below. To the left are Map, Memos, and Options. On the left side of the menu there are Items, Weapons, and Supplies. Use the Directional Buttons to select the option you want and do what you want to do from there. Below is an ASCII picture I made to make it easier for you to understand. But the box that says Use and Examine is usually different and it may have different selections. _______________________________________________ | Status Maps Memos Options | ||ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | || | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | || In Game | Item Item| Item |Item Item | || Screen | | | | ||___________| |______| | | _______________ | | | Use || | Items | Examine || | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | | | | Weapons | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Item Name | | Item Description. Usually where it | | Supplies was found and what it is. | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Status ------ The in game screen in the top left corner of the menu is your status. You can tell how good your health is by the colour of the screen. Below are all the colours that you can see and how good or bad they are. Dark Blue: Excellent Light Blue: Good Yellow: Okay Light Red: Bad Dark Red: Terrible Maps ---- You can check the map of your area in the menu but you can simply press Triangle in the game for Quick Map. Press X to zoom in, unless you've changed that in the Secret Options. You need to find a map of the area you're in to check your map and make things a lot easier for you. Your map will have many markings on it. Such as: Locked doors, open doors, broken lock doors and doors that won't open (same squiggle as broken lock doors). Others are things like questions marks and circles, which are for interesting things that you can do something with. Memos ----- You will find many memos on your journey in Silent Hill 3. It won't be a while until you actually get your first memo in the memo section. But you may come across some. All the memos in the game including the ones not in the memo section are in the memo section of this FAQ. Memos can help you in certain situations and many will help you. Especially for puzzles. Options ------- You can access the options menu for the in game menu as well as from the main menu. You can also access the secret options menu by pressing L1 or R1. The description of the options menu is described above in the Main Menu part of this section. Items ----- You will have to go in the menu to use certain items. But never for a key will you have to. When you find an item, it will go in the Item section. If it's not a key, you'll have to go in the menu to use it, unless you can't even use the item. Weapons ------- You will find various weapons around the game and to equip them, you'll need to go in the menu and equip it from the Weapons section. When you get a weapon, it will be here. Supplies -------- Supplies are very helpful and there's no way you could survive without them, especially on Normal and Hard Action Level. In this section of the menu, you can use health items, ammo, and other items such as Beef Jerky. You can check on your ammo to see how much you have by selecting the type of ammo for the gun you want to use. If you don't have much, don't use it unless you have to. ==-=---====---=-=== Save/Load Game Menu ---==-=-====----==- In order to continue from a file saved on a memory card, you must load it first. If a memory card is in the memory card slot, there will be a "Load" option. Go to it and it will check for any saved files. It will check the 40 available Silent Hill 3 save slots each time and it takes a while. When it's done, load the file you want to load. When saving you're game, you can overwrite a file if you already have one or you can save a new file. It's safe to overwrite but if you're not sure if you're doing too well, maybe you should save on another file just incase. -=-=-===--== Options Menu ==--====--=- You can change many things and the options menu and here they are: Option Selections Button Config Type A, Type B Language English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Japanese Subtitles Off, On Brightness Level Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7 Screen Position X and Y Coordinates Vibration Off, Soft, Normal, Hard Sound Stereo, Monaural BGM Volume |||||||||||||||| (1-16) SE Volume |||||||||||||||| (1-16) Control Type 3D Type, 2D Type Extra Options ------------- Option Selections Blood Color Normal, Green, Violet, Black Blood Volume Little, Normal, Much Walk/Run Control Normal, Reverse Map Zoom Out, Zoom In Noise Effect On, Off Display Mode Normal, Sharp Bullet Adjust x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 Once you beat the game once, you unlock the Bullet Adjust. You need to beat the game many times the get the max bullet adjust, which is 5. When you first unlock the Bullet Adjust, you only have x1 and x2. 02 // g a m e b a s i c s ==---=---====--====-=---===--=-=--------=====--==-=-==-==--======--=-==--- --==-=--=-=====-=- Subtitles & Sounds =-===-=--=====-=-= The subtitles are originally off but you can turn them on in the Options menu. Be sure to have your volume up so you can hear what characters say and strange sounds. -=-===-=--==- Camera Angles ==-=----===-- Sometimes, the camera will adjust on something of interest. When this happens, go to where the camera is focusing to find a type of item or a door. When the camera is normal, you can adjust it so it's behind Heather and so you can see better. You can also use the right analog stick to control where you're looking. -=-=--= Running ==---=- Running doesn't make you a wussie. In any situation, don't be afraid to run. Running is often the best solution, especially when you are trying to conserve ammo. Running Slow and Sluggishly --------------------------- You may be running so and you won't be able to strafe sometimes. It may be difficult to turn also. If this is happening in your game, you probably have the Bulletproof Vest equipped. Go in the menu and unequip it. Now you should be able to run a lot faster and you can turn a lot more freely! =---=--=-=---==== Ammo Conservation ---==-=-===-===-- Ammo conservation is key. You don't get much ammo in Silent Hill 3, so don't count on killing every enemy you see, especially with guns. You don't really need guns, but you'd have to use melee weapons for everything, which would be very hard. But if you have the ammo, guns are great. ==-----==-===---=-===-- Conserving Health Items ---=-====---==-===-==== You do find many health items but don't go wasting them. The last boss should take many health items so make sure you use them wisely. If your health screen in the in-game menu is still blue, even pale blue, don't use any health items. If it's yellow, it is ok to use a Health Drink, but only if you think you'll need it. If your health is a little orange, use a First-Aid Kit. And if your health is red and you have enough Ampoules, use one. =-=-=---===--=- Searching Areas --==-==-----=== Many times in the game, you'll have to search for items in order to pass a certain stage. Your first time through, try every door. They will not all be open but in order to get certain items, you'll need to check certain rooms for them. You'll usually find clues though but sometimes you'll just have to find items. ==-=-====--=-= Checking Doors --==-=-=-==--- Probably about 70% of the doors in Silent Hill 3 are inaccessible. Doors will be either open, locked, broken locked or just shut tight and can't be opened. If a door is locked, you'll either get a key to open it, or you'll have to get to the other side of it and then you can unlock it. Heather stares at unlocked doors so that's a way you can find out where to go if you haven't checked that area yet. ==-=---==- Using Maps =-=-=----= What can I say, maps are VERY important. To use this walkthrough, you'll need to use your map to know where to go in most cases. Some areas will not have maps so directions will be given. Maps are your best friends. Without them, you wouldn't know where to go most of the time. It's also good to check lower or higher floors on your map before you go to them to save time. Compass Directions ------------------ In this FAQ, I use compass directions all the time and that's how you'll know where to go. 8 different compass directions are used in this FAQ and here they are: North, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest You should know which direction they are but if you don't know for some reason, north is up, south is down, east is right, and west is left. And for the other ones, northeast is up right, northwest is up left, southeast is down right, and southwest is down left. These are all based on your map. North is always up so you won't have to worry about that. ==-=-==---=-=-======---=-=---- Using the Radio and Flashlight -=-=====-=--=-=====-=-=-==-=== These items will help you in the game and you have to get them. There is no reason to not want them so you happy they're there to help you. The Radio is used to tell you if there are enemies nearby. If so, the Radio will create static to warn you. The volume can be adjusted from the menu and don't worry about the loud noise because it won't give you away to enemies because they simply cannot hear it. The Flashlight is a very useful tool and you will need it on in order to pick up items in darker areas. You can toggle the Flashlight on and off with the Circle button or you can do it from the menu. The Flashlight makes it so you can see a lot better in front of you but areas that you're not facing will be darker. By turning off your Flashlight, you will be less likely to have an enemy follow you but it won't always work. In the end, these items are very useful and be sure to keep them on at all times. =-=----=-====-= Using Elevators ---==-====--=-- You'll have to use elevators a few times in Silent Hill 3, although you will not be able to access many elevators. First, you must enter the elevator. Then examine the panel on the right for floor buttons and close and open door buttons. If you want to go to a different floor, press the button for that floor. If you want to stay on the floor you're on, press the open doors button (<>) The close doors buttons never works because the doors are always closed when you're in the elevator. Floors with "B" in front of them are basement floors. Example, B1 - Basement 1, B2 - Basement 2, B3 - Basement 3. ===-=-====---=-- Climbing Ladders -=--=====-=--=== In Silent Hill 3, you will actually have to climb up and down ladders yourself, but not always all the way. Press X to go on the ladder and use the left analog stick to move up or down. You should already know this but if you didn't, you do now. =-=-=====-=--=- Nightmare Areas ----=-=====-=-- A few times in the game, you'll experience a nightmare version of an area. By an area, I mean a part of the game like the mall for example. You first experience the normal mall, and then it turns into a nightmare version. Nightmare versions are the same as the normal versions except the appearance and different doors may be open, locked, or blocked off. So your map for the normal area is perfectly good enough for the nightmare version. 03 // c o m b a t s t r a t e g i e s ----===--=----======--=-=-======--==-----=====-----=-=------====-----====- -=-====-=-=-==-= Fighting Enemies -=-=-=====-=-=-- Closers ------- Closers are pretty tough but they are pretty bad at fighting. Just try not to get too close to them. The Handgun works pretty good and the Shotgun is great. If you have the ammo, the Submachine Gun can work pretty well. To conserve ammo, use the Maul. It's actually powerful and it can knock a Closer down in one hit. In large areas, you can just walk past Closers without a problem. Numb Bodies ----------- Numb Bodies aren't tough and their attacks are pretty weak. You can own them with the Steel Pipe. Just strafe every once in a while so they can't hit you. The Handgun works great from far away and it's not really necessary to use any other firearms. When you only have the Knife, it may take a while to kill a Numb Body but you can do it. When Numb Bodies are groups, try to just run past them or let them come to you one by one. Double Heads ------------ Double Heads probably aren't as good as you think. They aren't too smart and their attacks aren't very powerful at all. The Knife is terrible and takes forever, but the Steel Pipe works great. Just strafe so they can't bite you. The Handgun is also good but you shouldn't really use anything else. Pendulums --------- These flying creatures can inflict a lot of damage. The Shotgun can't really aim up but when a Pendulum is on the ground, it's good. The Handgun is pretty effective and the Submachine Gun is great. When using the Submachine Gun, shoot the Pendulum and then it will dash very quickly towards you. Aim up and shoot and you will kill it. When it large areas, don't even bother with Pendulums. Insane Cancers -------------- These large-sized creatures aren't worth the ammo and have a lot of health. You can just push yourself past them if you need to. But if you want to kill one, use the Shotgun or the Submachine Gun. Once an Insane Cancer gets up and starts to chase you, RUN! These creatures move very fast for their size and it will surprise you, believe me! Slurpers -------- Slurpers are very annoying and I guarantee you will get annoyed by them. They come up to you and knock you down a lot. Use the Shotgun before they get too close to you. They may fake their deaths sometimes. So when you see blood pour out, that's when you know they're dead. Any other weapons don't work too well, especially melee weapons. Nurse Demons ------------ Try to kill Nurses from a distance so they can't whack you with their Steel Pipes. Sometimes, they carry Revolvers. When you see a Nurse with a Revolver, go for that one first, or else you may get it! Nurses are usually in groups so make sure you stay away and let them come one by one. But sometimes there will be 3 in the same room. When this happens, use the Shotgun. In other cases, use the Handgun and you shouldn't have a problem. Scrapers -------- Scrapers are very weak and only take one Shotgun blast. So use the Shotgun if you have a good amount of ammo. If not, use the Stun Gun; it's works well but you must be close to the Scraper. Try not to get hit by a Scraper because it may inflict a lot of damage. Melee weapons won't work too well because Scrapers can easily block attacks from them. You won't encounter many Scrapers so you shouldn't have much trouble with them. ==-=-=-=-=-=====--==-==-= Fighting Multiple Enemies =-=----==-====-==-=--=-=- Many times in Silent Hill 3, you'll encounter multiple enemies. If you don't want to fight them, you might not be able to get by them. If you can, run away and then let them come to you 1 by 1. You never want to be in the middle of multiple enemies, you want them all to be in front of you. Sometimes, there will be 3 enemies in rooms that you enter. In certain situations, they'll all start coming towards you. The Shotgun is great for this because of its widespread range. The Handgun just won't work, but if you have the ammo for the Submachine Gun, it's great. There's at least 1 hallway in the game that you'll encounter 4 enemies. In this situation, use the Shotgun to get rid of them all, or some of them. ===-=-=--- Surrounded ---==-=-=- You've gone and done it again, you got yourself surrounded. You may be surrounded sometimes in Silent Hill 3 and it is normal. When this happens, you can push yourself through (see Pushing Enemies below), or you can shoot yourself out. The Shotgun will give the best results. The Submachine Gun is pretty good but it's not as good as the Shotgun. =-=-===-=----== Pushing Enemies =-=---=-======- When you get surrounded, you can just push yourself through the enemies. It's pretty easy, just run into the enemies and you'll push them. This is also great for pushing single enemies, especially in small and narrow areas. You can even push Insane Cancers, but try to get past them while they're getting up so they can't attack you. -=====-=-=-=-== Kicking Enemies =---=-=====-=-= After you knock down an enemy with a melee weapon or a gun, you'll have to kick it to kill it. You can just shoot it while it's on the ground, but there's no real point of wasting ammo when you can just kick the enemy. In previous Silent Hill games, you could only kick enemies once while they were on the ground, but in Silent Hill 3, you can kick the enemy many times. But that's just if you want the enemy to die faster. Once it stops moving on the ground, it's not getting back up and it's dieing. Kicking or shooting it while it's not moving on the ground isn't really necessary because the enemy will die by itself shortly after it stops moving. Once blood starts coming out of the enemy and spills all over the ground, it's dead. --=-=-====--==-= Bulletproof Vest ===-=-----==---- This item is acquired in the Women's Clothing Store of the Nightmare Mall on 1F. This item protects you from some damage from enemies/bosses. You'll receive 15% less damage when equipped. It will help keep your health higher, but it will make you run slower and you won't be able to turn as good when it's equipped. So unequip it when you're not really using it. You only really need it for bosses but you won't be able to strafe; you can only sidestep. ==-=----===-= Melee Weapons --=-===--=-=- What, you forgot you had them? You have them for a reason, not just to sit in your inventory. When conserving ammo, be sure to use a melee weapon. You may not realize this but some melee weapons are stronger than some firearms. The Shotgun is the most powerful weapon in the game but the Handgun and Submachine Gun aren't too strong. But of course range is better with firearms. Try not to waste ammo as soon as you get it and use melee weapons. =-====-=- Reloading =-=-=--== You will have to reload your guns many times in Silent Hill 3. Once you have no more ammo in the magazine or gun and you try to shoot again, Heather will reload the gun herself. You can go in the game menu, find the gun or ammo you're using and reload it from there. But there's an even better way that that. When you have a weapon with ammo equipped, you can just press R3 to reload. It takes much less time than letting the game do it itself. This is great for boss fights and makes them much easier. =-=-===- Strafing --=-==-= Strafing is a valuable move you have in Silent Hill 3, especially when fighting enemies. When using melee weapons on enemies, strafing comes in very handy. You swipe the enemy, strafe out of the way and repeat that. Press L1 to strafe to the left, and R1 to strafe to the right. If you don't have the Walk/Run Control reversed, then you'll have to hold Square also to strafe, or you'll just sidestep. -=-====- Blocking ===---=- For the first time in the Silent Hill series, you have the ability to block attacks. While in caution mode, press Square and Heather will move her hands in a blocking position. Doing this can block certain attacks, and is very helpful if you learn how to do it. Sometimes you might lose a little health, but you won't if you have the Bulletproof Vest equipped. 04 // i t e m s ==--------===----==-=====----==-----===------=-=====--=======-=--=-===--== -=-=====--=-= Finding Items =-==-==-=-=-- It's not that hard to find items in Silent Hill 3, but here are some tips. Look for strange camera angles where the camera is focused on. Heather always stares at important items if you are in range, but she also stares at unlock doors. You should try to open every door your first time through. And then you don't need to try the doors you know aren't open or have nothing in them for next time. You should also go to areas where you think there could be items. ==-=-=-=-== Using Items -=-===-==-- Every key in Silent Hill 3 is automatically used when you have it in your inventory and press X on the locked door. Many items you have to press Select to go in the menu and use it from there. Certain items need to be combined before they can be used (see Combining Items below). And some items you will have for a long time and never use them. But you should be able to tell whether you can use it or not. =-==--==-=-===- Combining Items =-=-----=-=--== Combining items in Silent Hill 3 is easier than in Silent Hill 2 but quite similar. Press Select to go to the menu and find the items you want to combine. Go on any of them and select Combine, then move over to the next one and select Combine. If another, do the same and then when you're done combining them, press Use and the combination you've made which you can see under the Items name on the left side of the menu. =------==-=-=-- Equipping Items ==-=----=-==-=- You can equip items such as Weapons, Supplies, and normal Items. Weapons are easy to use. Just equip them and then hold R2 in the game and press X to shoot. Only one weapon can be equipped at a time. You can equip supplies like health items and Beef Jerky and press R3 to use them. So press in the right analog stick and Heather will use the current supply. This is great for boss fights so you don't have to go to the menu for health. But you should for reloading your weapons if you don't have the ammo for the gun you're using equipped. When you do, just press R3 to reload instead of going into the menu. =----=-=-===-- Extra Supplies -=-==-=---=-== If you're not doing so good when you reach certain areas, there may be extra supplies. This includes health items and ammo. This doesn't mean go waste all your supplies because you won't get that much extra but it is a good amount. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 10. D I F F I C U L T Y S E T T I N G S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Level ==---=-===-- This is how hard you want the fighting part of the game to be. Enemy and boss attacks will vary in damage on which level you choose. This also determines approximately how many items there will be and how strong bosses and enemies will be. For the first time through, I'd recommend either Easy or Normal. Hard will most likely be too difficult for the first time. Beginner -------- This can't be played on at first but you can unlock it if you die 3 times on Easy Action Level. It will let you know you've unlocked it and then you can change it to Beginner Action Level. In the middle of a game on Normal or Easy Action Level, you can change it to Easy, but not on Hard Action Level because it's too much of a difference. Enemies will die a lot faster and everything will be easier. There will be more supplies and less enemy encounters. When you use Beginner Mode, you'll lose 15 stars out of a total of 100 stars at the end of the game. You shouldn't need to use this option anyway, or you need some real training, junior. Easy ---- On this action level, you'll have double the health of in normal action level, so it will take more damage from enemies to die. Enemies will die pretty fast and usually require 3-8 bullets, depending on the enemy. Melee weapons work very fell and enemies get pushed back when they get hit with them. Melee weapons do not bounce of walls or enemies. You never have to reload your firearms; the game does it for you. The range of the Flashlight is slightly larger than normal. You can't fall down holes in the ground no matter how hard you try. Enemy grab attacks aren't as long as normal. Less enemies are encountered, and more supplies can be found. Be sure to kick every enemy after it's knocked down just incase. Normal ------ This how the game is meant to be played on. Your health is reasonable and so are supplies and pretty much everything else. This level is what others are compared to. You still can't fall down any holes. Enemies usually take about 5-10 bullets before they fall to the ground. Kick every enemy after they fall to the ground or they may get back up with just about full health. Hard ---- Enemies requires many hits and usually about 10-15 bullets before they're knocked to the ground. Boss fights are a lot harder and you can die instantly in the Split Worm boss fight and the Leonard boss fight. Make sure you avoid the instant death attack by the Split Worm and stay away from the turning brushes in the Leonard boss fight. When you run for a bit and you run into a wall, Heather will trip over herself and hit the wall. This inflicts no damage but it can make certain situations harder to deal with. Grab attacks from enemies will last slightly longer than normal. When you run towards a hole, you'll have to hold a direction away from the hole while Heather's on her tip toes or she will fall down. Melee weapons may bounce off walls or enemies and make you completely vulnerable to attack. If you don't kick enemies when they're on the ground, they will get up and have just about full health (unless you actually kill them without kicking). Riddle level -====-=--=-= This is how hard riddles in the game will be. If you think you are smart and you want a challenge, go for Hard. For the first time, I'd recommend Normal but easy would be pretty good. If you want a real challenge like I mentioned above, go for hard. But don't expect it to be easy. Easy ---- Puzzles are very easy and don't require much thinking. You're basically told how to solve the puzzles. You may have some trouble here but they are very easy. This is a good way to understand how the puzzles go. Normal ------ Reasonable puzzle difficulties and requires some thinking. You'll probably have trouble here but read memos carefully they probably won't be as hard. Some puzzles should take a while to figure out but you should eventually get them. Hard ---- You should definitely have trouble with puzzles on this level. They require a lot of thinking and knowledge from other things outside of video games. Puzzles are described sometimes with misleading parts and things that you wouldn't think of. Suggested Action and Riddle Levels -=-======--=-=-===----=-=----=-=== If you're new to the Silent Hill series, go for Easy Action and Riddle Levels. If you're familiar with Silent Hill games, try Normal Action and Riddles Levels. You shouldn't try Hard Action or Riddle Levels the first time; wait for the next time if you really want to. Try to get the Bullet Adjust up a lot and then use it when you go for Hard and Hard so things aren't as hard. Extreme Action Levels ===----=-====---=---- You can unlock Extreme Action Level I by completed Easy, Normal, and Hard. When you beat Extreme I, you'll unlock Extreme II. It goes all the way up to Extreme X. These action levels are a lot harder that normal ones and you should definitely use the Bullet Adjust because enemies will take a lot of bullets before falling to the ground. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 11. W A L K T H R O U G H ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ / LEGEND \ ----------===============----------===============------------ | | | New Area | | ==-=---=-=-=--=-======-=-=-=-===-=---=-=-=-=----= | | | | Puzzle | | ------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------------------------------------- | | | | Boss | | =-===-==-=-----==-=-=-=-==-=-=-==-------==-=-==== | | -==-====----=-==-=====-==-=-==-=-====-==-=====--- | | | | !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | | Silent Hill 2 Reference | | !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | | | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | | Extra New Game Weapons | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | | | | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | Optional Stuff | | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | | New Small Area | | -------------- | ----------===============----------===============------------ [Note:] This walkthrough was made while playing on Normal Action Level, so item locations may not be the same in higher or lower action levels as there will be more or less items. But puzzles and bosses are for all Action and Riddle Levels. If you're low on health or ammo at certain areas, there will be extra ammo or health around. All the items in this walkthrough will all be there on Normal Action Level. All the items including weapons, ammo and health supplies are in CAPITALS. 01 // l a k e s i d e a m u s e m e n t p a r k ==-=-=--====---------===-=-====--=-=====-===-==---------==-==--=--===-=--= "Where am I?" [Note:] This section of the game isn't really important and you can just get killed by enemies or fall down a hole and you will succeed. But there is an end to this part if you keep playing. No matter what you do, you'll always end up in the same place, which is the next section of the game. When you start the game for the first time, you'll be in the Silent Hill Amusement Park which wasn't explored in Silent Hill 2. Heather has a KNIFE in her hand and she's ready to fight any monsters. Once you can play, press Select to go to your inventory. You may notice that you also have a STEEL PIPE and a loaded HANDGUN and SUBMACHINE GUN. You also have a HEALTH DRINK, a FIRST-AID KIT, and 30 HANDGUN BULLETS. You have two items which are the FLASHLIGHT and the RADIO. In front of you to the left is a large size door. Equip your Handgun and go through it. Inside this room there are some enemies. A Double Head should approach you and try to attack you. Use the Handgun to kill it. It should take around 5 shots, depending on the Action level you chose. Follow the pathway to the right and you should encounter a Closer. Use the Handgun to kill it with around 10 shots. When both enemies are dead, find the door with the standing sign by it. This door is unlocked and it's a store, but there's nothing you can pick up inside. So continue along until you reach the end of the pathway and go though the small door with the light by it. In this area there will be two Closers in front of you. Run to the right and equip the Submachine Gun. Wait for the Closers to come close to each other, and then when you're close to them, fire away at both of them with the Submachine Gun by using the left analog stick to aim to the left and right. If done correctly, they should both fall to the ground. Finish them off by kicking them if you need to and go through the next gate. In this next area there will be a lot of noise. Watch out for the oncoming Double Head and run to the left. There is also a Pendulum to the right but don't worry about it because you're running away from it. Run under the Mountain Coaster sign and keep running. A Pendulum might come from the left so watch out if it does. When you reach the end of the pathway, turn right and go up the stairs. Try to run up the stairs as fast as you can and when you get near the top, beware of the Pendulums as they will probably come up there and attack you. Once at the top, there is a small control room for this ride. The door is locked, so the only way to go is through the small gate by the control room and onto the tracks of the roller coaster ride. To Heather's left is a hole. You can fall off the tracks and you will die, but this is good if you want to end this quick. There is no difference whether you fall down a hole or get to the end of the Amusement Park. You will always lead to the same place. Since you've made it this far, why not just do the rest? You're almost there. Instead of falling down the left hole, take the right route and keep following the tracks. You can actually fall off certain parts of the track if you're on Hard Action Level. Just stick to the inside area of the track and follow it, and you will come to a straight. There will then be a video. The Roller Coaster comes and Heather has nowhere to go and the Roller Coaster runs over her. This is inevitable so don't worry about it. 02 // c e n t r a l s q u a r e s h o p p i n g c e n t e r -=-=-=-----====-=-=-=--===-=-=-=-====-=-=-----===-=-=-----==-=---=-===---- "My Daddy always told me not to talk to strangers." Heather wakes up to find herself in the Central Square Shopping Center. Thankfully that was just a dream! She exits the diner, which is Happy Burger that was also in Silent Hill 2. She calls her dad and then a strange man wants some of Heather's time. His name is Douglas Cartland and he wants to know about Heather's birth. She avoids him and enters the Women's Washroom. When you can play, there's a SAVE POINT on the mirror to Heather's left. If you check your inventory, you'll notice that you have a HOUSE KEY, a PENDANT, and a KNIFE for a weapon. You cannot go back out the door because Douglas is still there so the only thing you can do is go out the window. But there is a closed stall and you can knock on it, but Heather thinks someone's in there. Once outside, you'll find some boxes and a fence to the left, so head to the right and run until you reach a door. You'll notice a van further down the alley and Heather says something funny about it if you examine it. When you're done, go through the door. Once you're back in the mall again, there are many doors with broken locks. From where you came in, go down the hall to the right and you'll find some locked double doors on your left. There is only one other open door in this hallway and it's at the end. Continue following the hallway after you reach the locked double doors and then go through the double doors at the end of the hallway. You'll find yourslef in the normal area of the mall again but the floor is dirty. There's no one else in this area and all the stores seem to be closed and have their shutters down, except for one store. Find the half closed shutter and enter the store to see what's inside. Heather will find a HANDGUN on the floor and then sees a Closer having a snack on a corpse. It's just like her dream, the monster! The Closer will come towards her and she will shoot it 7 times, killing it. When you can play, find the green bench to find HANDGUN BULLETS x2. Heather will be looking around the room, but it's only the monster and the corpse that she's looking at. There's nothing else you can do in here, so find the other exit behind the counter and exit this shop. Now you are on the other side of the locked double doors. Move to the right towards the elevator area. It doesn't seem to work so check out the message board for the SHOPPING MALL MAP. Now that you have the map of this place, it will be easier to navigate, and furthermore, easier for me to describe where to go. There rest of the doors on this floor have broken locks except for the door marked "EXIT" which is a stairwell. Enter it and go up to 2F, since you're already on 1F, and go through the door at the top. Equip your lousy Knife and move forward and to the left to find a Numb Body. You can use the Knife to kill it but it may take a while since the Knife is pathetic. Move back to dodge the Numb Body's attacks if you can. Take the northwest hallway and enter the first room on the right from when the rooms are aligned heading northwest, which is a Store Room. In the Store Room, you'll find a Double Head eating something in the corner. It may stop and approach you. Use the Knife to kill it and dodge its attacks by using the strafe buttons. Don't stay in the same place for too long while battling the Double Head, or you may lose a few pounds. When it's finally dead, get the BEEF JERKY on the left boxes. So the Double Head was eating Beef Jerky, eh? Beef Jerky is not a weapon, but it can be used to distract certain monsters, including Double Heads. Exit the room. Now continue down the hallway and enter the Store Room two doors down from the other Store Room on the same side. Inside you will find 2 HEALTH DRINKS and some HANDGUN BULLETS on the shelf to Heather's left. And as you can see, there is a SAVE POINT further along the shelf. If you head towards the camera, you'll find a skid (a wood object) with something under it and some heavy boxes are on top of it. Heather can't reach it with her hands and it's too much of a pain for her to move the heavy boxes so you can't get it now. Heather will mark it on her map and then you'll have to exit the room to move on. All of the other rooms over here can't be entered, so head back to where you came from and head down the south hallway and go through the white and blue door. Now run forward and then you should see a lit sign above an entrance that says "Helen's Bakery". Go through the door under the sign and enter the bakery. Inside, there's some bread but Heather's not hungry. To your left, you'll find something that looks useful. Take the pair of TONGS from the counter. There is a flyer on the counter but it's not really important. Now you have some tongs, so go back to the room with the skid. Exit the room, go back through the door you came from, and head for the room with the circle in it on your map and enter it. It's the last door on the right in the northwest part of this corridor. Go up to the skid and use the TONGS. Heather uses the Tongs and gets the KEY TAKEN WITH TONGS. Funny name, eh? Since the name provides absolutely no information on where to use the key, go in the menu and examine it. It says "My Bestsellers" on the tag - must be a shop in the mall. Exit the room to find three Numb Bodies - deal with them (there are so many so just run past them), then go through the southernmost door in this corridor again. In this area again, you may encounter one of the two Closers patrolling the area, or both. Just simply run past them and when you get to the other side you may notice a store called "My Bestseller" which is on the tag of the key you just got. Enter the store with the KEY TAKEN WITH TONGS. Now you're in a bookstore. Take the right walkway and you'll find some books on the floor. If you're on Easy Riddle Level, there will be two, and any higher Riddle Level there will be five. If you're on Easy, pick up SHAKESPEARE ANTHOLOGY 1 and 3. If you're on a higher difficulty, pick up SHAKESPEARE ANTHOLOGY 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. s h a k e s p e a r e a n t h o l o g y p u z z l e -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examine the shelf where they fell off and Heather wonders if she should just align the books in order. This puzzle is different for every Riddle Level so use whichever one you're on. But first, there may be a clue to the puzzle depending on your Riddle Level. It will be by the door in the northwest corner of the room. You'll need to get to code for the keypad to unlock that door. EASY: There will be no memo here. There will be some numbers seen among the three books already on the shelf but the number is not complete because two books are missing. Use SHAKESPEARE ANTHOLOGY 1 and put it in the first slot. Then use the cursor and select the next book, which is SHAKESPEARE ANTHOLOGY 3, from the blue box and put it in the next open slot, which is the third slot. A code will then be revealed. NORMAL: "Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Put these books out of order." From the clue in the memo, you have to arrange the five books on the shelf but not in order. So do as it says; put all the books on the shelf randomly at first, then rearrange them so the four digit code among the five books looks proper. Once you've done so, you have the code. It is random by the way so I can't tell you what it is. HARD: "In here is a tragedy--- art thou player or audience? Be as it may, the end doth remain: all go on only toward death. The first words at thy left hand: a false lunacy, a madly dancing man. Hearing unhearable words, drawn to a beloved's grave---and there, mayhap, true madness at last. As did this one, playing at death, find true death at the last. Killing a nameless lover, she pierced a heart rent by sorrow. Doth lie invite truth? Doth verity but wear the mask of falsehood? Ah, thou pitiful, thou miserable ones! Still amidst lies, though the end cometh not, wherefore yearn for death? Wilt thou attend to thy beloved? Truth and lies, life and death: a game of turning white to black and black to white. Is not a silence brimming with love more precious than flattery? A peaceful slumber preferred to a throne besmirched with blood. One vengeful man spilled blood for two; Two youths shed tears for three; Three witches disappeared thusly; And only the four keys remain. Ah, but verily... In here is a tragedy--- art thou player or audience? There is nothing which cannot become a puppet of fate or an onlooker, peering into the cage." If you know Shakespeare well, you're in luck! But if you don't, well... That's probably why you're here. Over by the locked door you will find the above memo, which describes the puzzle. Read it carefully and then examine all the SHAKESPEARE ANTHOLOGY books in your inventory. You're going to need to use the books and the memo to solve this puzzle. Unless you already know the code. First of all, the first verse is just an introduction, so don't worry about it. In the second verse, "The first words at thy left hand" indicates that the books will go from left to right. The rest of the verse is a description of Hamlet's plot. SHAKESPEARE ANTHOLOGY 4 contains Hamlet, so place it in the first slot on the shelf. The third verse is quite obvious; it would be Romeo and Juliet. So place SHAKESPEARE ANTHOLOGY 1, which contains Romeo and Juliet, in the second slot on the shelf. The fourth verse is just meant to confuse you and has no relevance to the Shakespeare books. The fifth verse is referring to Othello, in SHAKESPEARE ANTHOLOGY 5, by the words "black and white". So put that book in the next slot. The sixth verse contains a quote from King Lear, which is in SHAKESPEARE ANTHOLOGY 2. So put that book on the shelf in the next slot and take a look at the rest of the sixth verse. It mentions "a throne besmirched in blood", which describes Macbeth, contained in SHAKESPEARE ANTHOLOGY 3. So put that in the last slot on the shelf. Now you have five roman numerals in a certain order on the shelf: IV, I, V, II, III (4, 1, 5, 2, 3) The combination to open the locked door only has four numbers so you've got one too many numbers. But don't worry, there's still more of the memo left to read. It says "One vengeful man spilled blood for two", which represents Hamlet being doubled. Hamlet is number 4, so you now have 8 instead of the 4. Then it says "Two youths shed tears for three", meaning Romeo and Juliet being multiplied by 3, and Romeo and Juliet is number 1. 1x3 is 3 so that replaces the 1. And then it says "Three witches disappeared thusly", meaning Macbeth is out of the picture, which is number 3; so take that number out and you should be left with the following code: 8352. --- You don't need to put the books back on the shelf and you can just figure it out by looking at the books you have, using a piece of paper if you have to. And on Easy, you can just look at the rest of the books on the shelf to form the rest of the number. But the downside is you'll have them for the rest of the game if you don't put them on the shelf, and they're pointless. You should always put them on the shelf, even if you've already solved the puzzle. Reading the code on the books (Easy, Normal) may be difficult because some numbers are usually in the cracks between the books and are hard to read. The number is random each time so don't expect it to be so easy. But if on Hard Riddle Level, you won't have this problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you have the code, keep moving along the walkway and go behind the counter. Get the HANDGUN BULLETS on the counter and try to open the door. There's a keypad. Use the code you got from the Shakespeare books. The door will unlock; go through it. There will be a cutscene when you go in this hallway and you meet a woman named Claudia. Claudia seems strange and leaves you after making Heather go through some pain. After the cutscene, you're alone in the hallway. Every single door in this hallway has a broken lock. So head south and enter the elevator. Once inside, you'll find no controls for the elevator, oddly enough. The elevator starts to go down. Some static is heard in the elevator, similar to something in Silent Hill 2... Something red falls from the top of the elevator. Pick up the RADIO that fell and Heather will explain that the radio was making the noise. When you pick up the radio, the elevator doors will open. Walk out of the elevator and walk into dark, freaky area ahead. The door shuts behind and it seems to be another elevator. After it reaches the bottom and you're out of the elevator, it seems to be different. 03 // n i g h t m a r e m a l l ---==-=====-=---=-====-=----===-=----==--=-=-====-=-=-===-----==-=-=-===-- "Not even a kid could believe in this. But when am I going to wake up?" You appear to be on 1F in this new area. You can hear some monsters in the area. There are four Double Heads here so watch out. You can put some Beef Jerky on the ground, kill them separately with the Knife, or use the ammo you have for the Handgun. The best thing to do is neither but you can put Beef Jerky down to distract them if you like. If one is bothering you, go ahead and kill it; but try to keep running if there's more than one. This place is a little dark now so you'll need to find a light source. There are no open doors in the east section of this hallway, so make your way to the west side and enter the room right in front of you after coming from the east section of the hallway (the room second from the bottom left of your map). This room appears to be an Infirmary so you've come to the right place for health. Check out the shelves near the doors to find 3 HEALTH DRINKS. On the desk you'll find an AMPOULE. On the bed behind the desk is a SAVE POINT. Once you're done here, exit the room. Now head north in the corridor and head for the door at the top of this corridor on your map. On your way you'll find one or two Double Heads chomping on some meat. Run quickly against the other wall and they shouldn't chase you. Go through the door at the end of the hallway. You can go through one of the mall doors in this area but you need to get some items first. There are three Closers in this area. Two to the east and one in the middle of the hallway where you want to go. Head north up the upside down "T" hallway, dodging the Closer. Find the door at the end of the hall and go through the next door on the same side. In this room, move towards the far corner and you'll find 2 packs of HANDGUN BULLETS on the shelf, as well as a FIRST-AID KIT. Head back for the door but do not exit. You'll find a memo on the wall near the door. It pretty much says to turn off the light before you leave. So examine the light switch and turn it off. You'll notice the room isn't fully dark just yet. If you turn to the left you'll notice some glow between some boxes. Go over to it and get the FLASHLIGHT. You don't need to turn off the light, you can just get the Flashlight by examining the boxes - that's how I did it my first time. When you're done, exit the room. Now you have a light source and you can see much easier. Enter the Women's Washroom just beside the Flashlight room. Get the BLEACH on the counter. This item will not be here on Easy Riddle Level and you won't need it. Now knock on the only fully closed stall by pressing X and walk away. You can here the stall door opening; go back and check it out to find... Blood everywhere. There's also something else you can do in here. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silent Hill 2 Reference If you have a Silent Hill 2 save on your memory card with the game beaten at least once, you can experience extra scenes and references to Silent Hill 2. There is one in the area you're in right now: You can examine the toilet with no blood on it and you will be asked if you want to remove the blockage. If you say "Yes", Heather will bend down, ready to pull it off and then wimp out. She says some funny things afterwards. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After done in the washroom, exit the room and move east down this hallway and go under the indented shutter that isn't fully closed. In this area, there is a Closer and a Double Head. The Double Head shouldn't attack you if you stay by the shutter. Kill them both if you have the ammo and you feel like it. After you kill them or if you haven't, run south down this area and enter the sport store, under the shutter, where you found the Handgun in earlier. But this time it's different. Once inside, look to your left and get the HANGER on the clothes rack near the door. Then head towards the camera and get the BULLETPROOF VEST on the other clothes rack. If you try to open the other door in this room, it has a broken lock and you'll hear a noise from somewhere, like a shelf falling. But nothing appears to be different; exit the room. When you come back out, there will be another Closer. Just ignore it and go back under the shutter you first came from. Head west back down this hallway and then south until you reach the bottom of the upside down "T" hallway. Now enter the store at the northwest part of this southwest area through its door (the store furthest to the left on your map at the top section). Go to the middle of this room for a wicked camera angle of a ladder above you. Go to other side of the table for another view. Heather claims she can't reach it even from the table. She mentions that if only she had something long to snag it. Go in the menu and use the HANGER. Heather will go on the table, make it long and then try a few times and get it on the fourth try, and pull it down. Now go up the ladder to 2F - you'll have to move up some of the ladder manually. Up here, you can find some corpses on stretchers, oddly enough. From your map, head south, past the escalators and examine the TV with the snow. If you've played Silent Hill, you'll find this familiar. Past this TV, further south is another TV with a SAVE POINT on it. Head back north and enter the shop by the first TV. Inside here you'll find three Numb Bodies. You should have around 50 Handgun bullets so use some here if you like, but don't get used to it, Rambo. You can just run past them if you like, and get the HEALTH DRINK and the HANDGUN BULLETS on the counter and exit this shop via the other door, unlocking it first. Out here, you can hear a monster; it's a Closer. It's south from you; just forget about it now and head south. The door furthest to the east is locked, so keep heading south, past the Closer, and enter the shop at the southwest part of this corridor. In this shop, move forward and get the WALNUT on the cushion in the smashed display case. If you examine the jewelry in the other smashed display case, Heather says there was a silver ring last time she came in and it's gone now. Once you're done, exit the room through the other door. You're done on 2F for now so head north up the hallway past the TVs and go up to 3F via the east escalators because you can't access 1F from here - the escalators are apart from the ground on 1F. On 3F, climb up the rest of the escalator and at the top there will be a Closer there. A Double Head should come up from somewhere. Try to ignore them and quickly go through the double doors to the right, after the escalator, and you'll be in a restaurant. Find your way to the middle of the room to find a cooked dog on a plate with other food. It's not a Double Head and it's no enemy so don't expect it to get up. Examine the cooked dog to find a COOKED KEY in its stomach. Go over to the southeast corner of the room and get the FIRST-AID KIT and the HEALTH DRINK on the shelf and exit the restaurant. There is a locked door to the east and at the north part of this corridor is an open Women's Washroom, but there's nothing you can take inside. So head back down to 2F, remembering you got a key. Down on 2F, enter the shop by the TV with snow and use it to pass through to the other corridor. Find the door that's furthest to the east on your map, which is locked and named Café Turn Mill. Go through the door and you'll use the COOKED KEY. On the shelf beside you, you'll find 2 HEALTH DRINKS. Go past the shelf and you'll see something of interest. Examine the pipes by the steam to get the STEEL PIPE. The Steel Pipe is a great melee weapon so equip and use it for further enemy confrontations. Find the double doors in the room and exit the Café. Out the door, you can hear some Numb Bodies. Head north and kill the Numb Body about halfway there with the Steel Pipe. There's another Number Body in this area, so hunt him down and give him some whacks to finish him off. There's a locked door at the east section of this area but you don't have a key for it. Find the pale orange double doors in the southeast section of this area and go through them. You're now in what's left of Helen's Bakery. Head to Heather's right and go through the doorway to find a cart. Get the DETERGENT (this item isn't here on Easy Riddle Level and it isn't needed) on the cart and exit the "baked" bakery through the other door. Head south down this corridor to find a fan. Konami seems to love fans in the Silent Hill series. Examine the fan switch and turn it off. Then go through the door on your left. If you try to go down this hallway, you'll find that it's blocked by some mysterious small flying creatures and Heather loses very little health when you touch them and she backs off (on Easy Riddle Level, there will be nothing here and you can just continue on). You can't go through the hallway like this so go back to the door and stand in front of the convenient empty bucket. Go in the menu and combine the BLEACH and the DETERGENT and use them. Heather will pour them into the bucket and then the chlorine gas seems to go in Heather's eyes or something and she goes through the door behind her. To mix the stuff around, turn on the fan and go back through the door or Heather won't go through the door. Continue past the bucket and the empty bottles, past the dead insects on the ground, and enter the room far down the corridor beside the stairs. On the shelf to the left you'll find 3 packs of HANDGUN BULLETS and to the right on some boxes is some BEEF JERKY. Exit the room and head north, and then enter the shop with the pale orange door at the northeast part of the corridor. Inside this shop is a Closer. If you have plenty of ammo, kill it if you want, but you don't need to. Just run past it and go through the double doors behind it. Out here you can hear some Pendulums. Don't waste your time killing them and try to stay away from them. Head west in this area, and past halfway you should find a Double Head. Ignore it and enter the shop near it, which is at the north part of this area, about 3/4 to the west in this area. On the table to your right you'll find a vise that you can use to crack open something; just what you need. Go in the menu and use the WALNUT. After cracking it open, you'll get a MOONSTONE. On the wall at the other side of this room is a SAVE POINT. Once done here, exit the shop and head west, running away from the Double Head. On the way, you'll find another Double Head eating some meat. Keep running and unlock the door at the northwest part of this area and go through it. You can hear more Pendulums in this area; watch out and just try to get back to the Café at the southwest part of this area. You should pass a Numb Body on the way; ignore it and enter the Café. Great, more Numb Bodies in here now. One's near you - find it and kill it with the Steel Pipe and find the next one behind the counter and do the same. Once this is done, exit Café Turn Mill through the other door. Find the door a little northwest of the Café and go through the shop as a passage to the other side. There will be three more Numb Bodies in the shop but just run past them and go through the other door. If you want to save your game, use the one on the TV here because a boss fight is coming up. Once ready, use the escalators to get up to 3F. Head forward and use the MOONSTONE on the crest door, then go through it. Now you can see a ladder in front of you from the balcony and you need to get to it. If you didn't kill it earlier, you can hear a Numb Body on 2F and you can actually see it walking down there. Laugh at it and head to the east section of this area and go west on the ledge to find a ladder. Go on the ladder and start going down yourself until you get close to 1F, and it will show a cutscene of you climbing down to BF. Heather walks around the area and the ladder breaks! Guess you're stuck down here for now. Some noises are heard and the controller vibrates madly! A monster comes from a hall-type area and now it's time to fight it. b o s s 1 : s p l i t w o r m ==-=-=--=-====-=-=-===-=-==-===-=-=--==-===---=-======-=-=--=-==-===-==--- =-==--==-===-=-=-====-=-=---==-=-=====---=-=-===----=-=--=-=-===--===-==== | Difficulty: Easy | Equip your Handgun for this boss and if you haven't wasted any ammo yet, you should have 90 Handgun Bullets (on Normal Action Level). Wait for the Split Worm to come out, let him open its mouth and shoot it about 5 times until it closes it and goes back in the dirt. Wait for him to come out again, open its mouth and shoot it a few times. The Split Worm should go back in the dirt and he may come out from the other side of this area soon, so watch out and shoot its mouth. He should go back in again and come out from the same side but a different tunnel. Shoot him some more and the fight may be over here. After around 10-20 shots on Normal, the Split Worm should fall to the ground and the fight will be over. You can tell where the Split Worm is going to come from by holding L2. The camera will focus on the tunnel the Split Worm is going to come out next. Do this and if you think you might be in the way, back away. The Split Worm has four types of attacks. One, he will bite you normally which is a pretty powerful attack, another one where it does a strange bite - This is the most powerful regular attack of the Split Worm. It can also hit you while you're moving; this won't do much and it can also smack itself on the ground, which does no damage; just stuns you rather. On Hard Action Level the Split Worm has an instant kill attack which will kill you, regardless of your health. It will roar before it does this so that's your warning. This fight is fairly easy; don't expect other bosses to be this easy. =-=---=-==-===--=--=-===-=-=-==-====---==-=-===--=-==-=-===----==-=-===-=- --=-===-=-=-=-====-=---=-==-=====-==-=-----==-====---==-=-=---===--=====-= Normal Central Square Return ---------------------------- Once the fight is over, the mall then turns back to normal. Heather seems confused and looks like she has a headache. When you can play, find the shutter to the west that's not fully closed and go under it. Go down the hallway and enter Happy Burger, going under the shutter. On the desk to Heather's right is a SAVE POINT. On the counter past the save point is a FIRST-AID KIT and to the left of it are 3 packs of HANDGUN BULLETS. Go to the northwest corner of the restaurant and take the BEEF JERKY on the stool. If you find the table where Heather was sleeping earlier, she makes some comments. Exit Happy Burger when you're done. There are no other open doors in the corridor, besides the doors to the west where you would normally enter the mall. Go the doors and a cutscene will play. Douglas is out here and Heather gets all mad at him but he doesn't really understand. He tries to explain and then Heather goes down the stairs to enter the Subway for a ride home, thinking everything's normal. 04 // h a z e l s t r e e t s u b w a y s t a t i o n --=-=====-====-=--=-==-==-===--=-==-=-------==-=-=--=-==-=-----===---==-== "I'm taking the subway home." You have no map for this area yet so use these directions for now: Follow the path around the corner, and then head right and through the door at the end. Move forward and turn left when you can. There is a map of the subway routes here but it's not a Subway Map. If you examine it Heather says her stop is Bergen Street on Platform 3. Continue past the Information sign and you can find a newspaper on the ticket machines. Read it and go to the left. Go through the passage to the right of the ticket booths to enter the east section of this floor. Move forward and around the corner and get the SUBWAY MAP in the smashed map case. Now use your map for compass directions. Go down the stairs just by the map when you're done up here. t h e s u b w a y c u r s e ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ First of all, this is optional; you don't have to do it and there's a chance of dieing. If you don't want to do this, just continue from under this part. But there is Health Drink down on Platform 4, so go there for that if you like. To do this, you must read two memos: The one on the Ticket Machine and the one on the ground in the three staircases area to Platform 4. From after you go down the stairs after getting the map, go south and down the west stairs. Read the memo on the ground and go down to Platform 4 via either of the two staircases going down. Head west and go near the tracks and a cutscene should play. Heather will be walking and then stops in front of the tracks. A ghost is heard and she gets pushed onto the tracks. A train horn is heard; quickly turn around and press X on the platform and climb back up. If you try to go further along the tracks, you will just get hit by the train in a cutscene and the game is over. This extra cutscene only occurs if you read both memos mentioned above. After you're done, find the bench with the HEALTH DRINK on it and take it. After you've done this, go back up the stairs and then go up the staircase you came down in the first place. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From the stairs you came down after you got the map, turn right and go around the corner to find a SAVE POINT on the wall. Save your game if you like and continue past it and go through the door. Once in here, go to your left to find some phones; go up to them and one will ring once. You don't need to do this though; head east now. Once you get to the end, head north and take the stairs down to Platform 1. There will be a Double Head near you down here - kill it if you have a lot of ammo. Head south and you'll find two more Double Heads on the grate floor covering the tracks. Go down the stairs on the west side of this area. Go around the corner and take the 2 HEALTH DRINKS and the HANDGUN BULLETS on the small table. You'll also find some blood and a newspaper covering a corpse, but nothing important, so head back up the stairs. Find the east stairs leading down and take them. Go around the left corner and get the NUTCRACKER on the small table. No, these aren't to crack the guy's nuts down the east stairs, they have an actual purpose. Go back up the stairs. There will now be two more Double Heads up here if you killed them all previously. Make your way to the stairs you came down in the first place and go back up them to exit this area. Once up here again, head south and go towards Platform 2 to find a chain stuck to the door with a nut holding it. Go in the menu and use the NUTCRACKER and the chain will break, making the door open. Now go down the stairs to Platform 2. Head south and you can see a train. Don't go in it yet; instead, go to the other end of it and enter it at the south. You may notice Heather's head turned somewhere. Find what she's looking at to see a handle coming out of a opened present box. Get the SHOTGUN inside. Don't use this yet, save it for later on in the game (I will specify when to use it). Head north in the Subway car and get the 2 packs of SHOTGUN SHELLS at the other end of the train. Go through the closest door to leave the train, hearing some static from your radio. Waiting by the stairs you came down from earlier is a new monster - an Insane Cancer. It has too much health so just run past it, staying to the left and not going up the stairs. Go down the other stairs behind the stairs leading up. Go around the corner at the bottom of the stairs and head north. You can go down to Platform 4 but all you'll find are three Double Heads, which is just a waste of time. Continue north and go down the Platform 3 stairs. Head east on Platform 3 until you get the view of the door on the tracks with the red glow above it. That's where you want to go and you need to do it fast. Keep in mind, the door has a broken lock so you must run back and get back on the platform fast. Once you're ready, fall on the tracks and run for the door and try to open it. Stay close to the left; if you go too far to the right, you will die in a cutscene of a train hitting you. After you try to open the door, run back and dodge the Double Head that just appeared here, along with the other two Double Heads. Run to a close spot where you can climb back up and press X and a cutscene will play. The train will come but Heather makes it back on the platform and the three Double Heads get killed by the subway car. Put an evil grin on your face, imagining the Double Heads getting nailed. The Subway train will stop and a door will open at the other end. That's where you want to go. As the radio static fades away, head west past the stairs, unlock the gate door and go through it. There are two Double Heads here; just run past them and continue west, then go up the stairs at the end. Just hold forward and go down the stairs in front of you. Thankfully no enemies are here so grab the HEALTH DRINK on the first bench and go towards the end of the train for a nice view of the open door. Walk into the Subway car and a cutscene will play. The doors will shut behind you and Heather bangs on the door as the Subway Train leaves the platform. Subway Car 1 ------------ You can see some blood on the ground ahead, but even more interesting, turn around and go through the door to go on the back of the subway train. This is an amazing view! Whatever you do, do not move forward at all, even one step. It will show you falling off in first person and you'll die. After enjoying the view, press L1 and R1 simultaneously to turn around and go back in the subway car. Go forward and you'll find a SAVE POINT on the floor. Continue to the next door and enter the next car. Subway Car 2 ------------ In this car, you'll find a medium sized Numb Body and a small one. Kill them with the Steel Pipe. If you go back through the door you came from, you'll be on the back of the train, just like in the other subway car. The cars appear to be falling off as you go to the next one. Go back inside and enter the next subway car. Subway Car 3 ------------ No lights on in this one, no enemies either. Make your way to the end and enter the next subway car. Subway Car 4 ------------ In here you'll find a large sized Numb Body. Kill it with the Steel Pipe. Behind it is a small one; do the same and enter the next subway car. Subway Car 5 ------------ Run down the car to about half way and get the FIRST-AID KIT and the SHOTGUN SHELLS on the left sitting bench and enter the next subway car. Subway Car 6 ------------ Nothing in this subway car, make you way to the end and enter the next one. Subway Car 7 ------------ There's an Insane Cancer in this car, but it's lying on the ground. Take advantage of this and run past it and enter the next car. Subway Car 8 ------------ Nothing here, make your way to the end and enter the next subway car. Subway Car 9 ------------ There will be a cutscene in this car of Heather walking and it will come to a halt, causing Heather to fall. When you can play, find the exit and examine the door that would lead to the next car. Heather says there are no more cars and the conductor must've already gone on. Or maybe there was no conductor... Leave the train. After leaving the train, there is a SAVE POINT on the wall. You are on an unknown station platform so let's find out where you are. Head to the left and go through the blue door. 05 // u n d e r p a s s -===-=-===--=-----=---===-=====-=-=---==-=-====----=-====-----==-=-===-=-= "A wheelchair? Why would a wheelchair be thrown out here?" Once you go through the blue door, go down the stairs and go right at the bottom. When you finally reach the large door, go through it. There's a Numb Body near you and two Pendulums in the area as well. You call kill them if you want, but it may be difficult with them all near you. So run past them to the left and when you reach the blue door on the right, go through it. Once in here, you can hear some Numb Bodies. One is down the hall -- kill it with the Steel Pipe. There is another Numb Body down the hall to the left, but you don't need to go there. There is a corridor you can enter here, but it only has two Numb Bodies in it. So go through the blue door on your right, after you've killed the Numb Body mentioned above in the previous paragraph. Run forward for a while, and then to your left there are three Numb Bodies. If you have the skill with the Steel Pipe, kill them all. Or just run past them and go through the blue door. On the chalkboard to the left you can find the UNDERPASS MAP. To the right of the map is a MAUL -- take it. There is blood all over this wall and on the ground -- the Maul was possibly involved. Leave this area through the blue door to the right of the safety helmets and use your map for the compass directions that will now be used. Head south to find a large Numb Body. Behind it is a small Numb Body, kill them both with the Steel Pipe and continue south. You'll find another small Numb Body to the south. Kill it and enter the hallway to the west. Head west down the hallway and examine the wine rack to get the WINE BOTTLE. To the right of it on a box you'll find some more BEEF JERKY. Turn around and head back east and go back through the door. If you killed the Numb Bodies before, there will be two more out here for you. Kill them if you wish and go south, then west down the hallway at the end. Take the SHOTGUN SHELLS on the barrel and go back east and then north. When you reach it, go east down the hallway and through the large door. You can hear some Pendulums in the distance unfortunately. Check your map and find the only other door in this area -- that's where you want to go. Run east down the hallway for a while, then run between the two Pendulums and go through the blue door (there's another Pendulum past the two by the door, but it doesn't matter}. In this hallway there's something that looks like a metal pipe on the ground near you and there's another one at the end -- they're nothing important. Run north down this long hallway and go through the blue door at the end. Now go east in this hallway, then south after the corner and through the large door. South, you will find two large Numb Bodies -- kill them with the Steel Pipe and go west in the 2nd hallway -- the one closest to the south -- and enter the room. On the desk in front of you, get the HANDGUN BULLETS and SHOTGUN SHELLS. On another side of the desk, you can find 2 HEALTH DRINKS. On the north wall is a SAVE POINT. Beside the save point is a heater -- there's some kerosene in it. Use the WINE BOTTLE from the menu and you'll get an OIL-FILLED BOTTLE. Exit the room and you'll hear more Numb Bodies. Go west and kill the Numb Body there with the Steel Pipe. Two more Numb Bodies should come from the left; kill them too. Now take the north hallway by going east down it and enter the room. At the north section of this room there's a ladder leading down, but the area down there is filled up with water. Find the machine in the room with the open tank and use the OIL-FILLED BOTTLE to fill up the machine with kerosene. Find the switch to the far right -- examine it and turn the machine on by selecting "Yes". After the cutscene of the machine working, go back to the ladder and go down it. Locate the stairs and go up them. Then go up the metal staircase and go through the blue door. Go east, over the bridge, and then down the stairs after the flat ground, and go through the blue door at the bottom. Stay on this side of the sewer and head south. You'll encounter a large Numb Body. Either beat it to death with the Steel Pipe or fall into the sewage water and climb back up after you pass it. When you finally reach the blue door on the west side, go through it. Climb up the stairs and continue down the hallway, over the bridge to see a Slurper in the water below, and then go through the blue door at the end. In this room, go to the chair and get the DRYER. On the shelf to the right and ahead of Heather is an AMPOULE. Oddly enough, there's a busted wheelchair in one of the bins filled with junk from the sewers. There's also a radio in one. Anyway, exit the room and go all the way back to the sewer water area. This time you'll notice that the Slurper under the bridge is gone. Once back in this area, go through the large door in front of you however you like. Head east to discover a large Numb Body and two small ones. Either kill them with the Steel Pipe or run past them, and go through the blue door at the northeast area of this place. To the left on the ground is a SAVE POINT. There's a HEALTH DRINK on the desk, and at the far side of the desk is a memo about a monster in the water past the door you haven't gone through yet. The author of the memo says "If only I had a hand grenade..." You won't find a hand grenade but you've got something that will work. There's a Danger sign by the door -- when you're ready, go out the door. Out here you'll find a bloody walkway -- whatever you do, do not cross it yet; you will die! Go over to the outlet beside the door you came from and use your DRYER from the menu. Heather will throw it in the water and it will kill the monster -- you can see one of it's tentacles come up to the surface. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Gold and Silver Pipes In an Extra New Game, press X by the water and you will be asked if you want to drop your Steel Pipe into the water (if you're using it, equip another weapon). Select "Yes" and a woman will come up and ask you three questions. Answer honestly, saying No, No, Yes, and you'll get both the GOLD PIPE and SILVER PIPE, and you'll get back your STEEL PIPE as well. These pipes are no stronger than the normal Steel Pipe and using them will just lower your ranking. Whatever you do, do not throw in any Pipes again or you will permanently lose them. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Go across the now safe walkway and go through the bloody exit door at the other side. In here, head south and go through the blue door. There are four Pendulums in this area; try to ignore them. From the blue door, fall into the water and climb up the other side. Head south, ignoring the two Pendulums at the end of the south, and head west down the hallway and through the blue door at the end. Go down the stairs, down the hallway, up the next stairs, and through the blue door. Locate the metal staircase and go up it. Move up the ladder at the top that leads to outside. Outside ------- Head to the left and around the right corner. Move around the next corner to find a SAVE POINT on the barrel ahead. Find the double doors and go through them to enter the Construction Site. 06 // c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e --==-====-=-=---=-=-===-=======-=----=-=====---==-=-===----=-=-=---====--= "Lots of empty bottles and cans. It looks like somebody was living here." Once inside, go around the left corner and keep going until you reach the white door at the end, and go through it. Go up the stairs until you reach 5F, and go through the door. You can't enter 3F and 4F for safety's sake and the 2F door has a broken lock. Go straight down the 5F hall, past the open washroom, and through the green door on the right side. Go straight and go around the corner to notice a section of the wall that's different from the rest, just like in MGS1. Equip the Maul or another melee weapon and use it to break the wall. You can use a gun but it just wastes ammo. After the wall breaks, take the SILENCER on the ground. The Silencer can be equipped with the Handgun or the Submachine Gun. It prevents enemies from knowing exactly where you are, but it weakens the power. You can see some legs in the wall -- it appears that Solid Snake was doing some business here and he forgot his Silencer, possibly for his SOCOM. Turn around and get the HANDGUN BULLETS on the box with boards on it and examine the bed. You will be asked if you want to drop the bed down the hole -- select "Yes." Go around to the other side of the hole and get the HEALTH DRINK by the boards, then fall down the hole -- don't worry, it's okay. You'll land two stories below on the mattress. Find the broken wall in the area and go through it, onto the scaffold outside. Out here there will be two Pendulums; one on each side of you. Kill the one to Heather's left with the Handgun or Shotgun and continue that way. Go around the corner and keep running to get a view from a window -- go through the window into the adjacent office building. 07 // h i l l t o p c e n t e r -=-====---======-=-=-==-=---==-======---=-===-------=-=-=---=-=-=====--=-- "This box is filled with mannequin heads. I think I'll pass on this one." You appear to be in an interview room or something, but nothing important is in here, so exit the room through the brown door. Follow the corridor to the other end and go through the open door beside the boxes. Move between the shelves to find only one mannequin with a head; examine it then go back and navigate yourself to the other side of the shelves for a sudden noise. But first, get the HANDGUN BULLETS and the SHOTGUN SHELLS on the box on the shelf under the mannequin. Go back to see what happened and then exit the room. Go around the left corner and go through the first door on the right. Around the left corner are two Double Heads. Kill them with the Steel Pipe and find the elevator with the doors slightly open. You can't do anything yet but this is where you want to go later. Find the door you came through and turn around, head straight and go through the door into Monica's Dance Studio. The door on Heather's left just leads to two Double Heads and an Insane Cancer in, so don't go in there unless you feel the sudden urge to be eaten. Go through the other door in the view. Locate the small table by the two chairs and take the OFFICE BUILDING MAP. On the wall to the right is a SAVE POINT. You can also find a drawer in the desk that is slightly open and you can see some rope inside. On Easy Riddle Level the drawer is open, so if you can, get the ROPE. When you're done, exit the room for now. Check your map and enter the southeast room in this corridor. In this room, move forward and take the two HEALTH DRINKS in the locker. Exit the room and reenter the middle corridor on your map. Head west and then north when you can, and enter the stairwell with the "EXIT" sign above it. Go up to 5F and go through the stairwell door there. Find the KMN Auto Parts door in the southwest area of this corridor and go through it. Make your way down the hallway and kill the Numb Body there with the Steel Pipe. Two more will come, kill them too. The door to the left of the red light just has an Insane Cancer in it, so head north a little and then enter the first room on your left. On the desk in front of you to the left is a HEALTH DRINK. Make your way to the southwest part of this room and get the JACK on the shelf. Exit the room and unlock the door in front of you and go through it. [Note:] If playing on Easy Action Level you can just go back down to 3F and use the JACK and the ROPE to get down to 2F via the elevator shaft. But getting the Katana is recommended. Use the instructions below to get the Katana, skipping the Screwdriver part because it won't be there. Head east and enter the Gallery of Fine Arts on your left, through the double doors. Go to the north part of the room to find a missing painting with the caption "Flame Purifies All". Forget about for now and go through the door beside the office door. Go north up the corridor and get the SCREWDRIVER on the box (this item is only here on Normal and higher Action Levels). Then head south down the corridor and enter the room on the right from the ground view. Move forward and take the awesome KATANA on the shelf. There's another one there but Heather claims it will just slow her down if she takes it. Exit the room and pass through the painting gallery to get back to the main corridor. Enter the stairwell and go back down to the main 3F corridor. Check your map and head to the "Drawer" room (if you don't have it marked it's the first door on the east side of the Monica's Dance Studio area). Go up to the drawer in the back desk and use the SCREWDRIVER from the menu. Heather will pry open the drawer. Get the ROPE and exit the room. Enter the main corridor again and locate the elevator with the slightly open doors. Go in the menu and use the JACK. Return to the menu and use the ROPE. You will then be asked if you want to use the rope to get to downstairs -- select "Yes". You are now on 2F; navigate yourself to the north part of your map to find a SAVE POINT on a vending machine. Turn around and head south and then west, and go through the door in front of you to the right a little. Head towards the camera and pick up the BEEF JERKY on the floor. Then go through the door to the right of Heather. Make your way past the washroom set to the other door in the area and go through it. There appears to be another bathtub in this area. Go behind it for a cool view and examine the knobs. Heather will turn one in a cutscene and something mysterious happens. The area turns to the "Nightmare" version right before Heather's eyes. When the screen fades black you'll hear a familiar voice. 08 // n i g h t m a r e h i l l t o p c e n t e r =-=-----====-=-=====-=---===-=-==-===--=-==-=-=-======-=-=-===-==-=-=-==-= "Oh it gets to me all right. I find it most fascinating." Go around the bathtub and go through the orange door in the room. Ahead of you is a costume hanging by some scissors, and it looks similar to Pyramid Head's costume from SH2. Find the other door in the room and go through it. Out in this hall there will be a Slurper in front of you. If you want to kill it, use the Shotgun and don't fall for its playing dead trick -- it's dead when blood pours out. Go north from the door you came out and go through the door there. Find the table for a strange memo and a picture of Heather. There is a SAVE POINT on the wall; use it if you want to. Then enter the room with the room name "Examination Room" beside it. Inside, you will meet someone new. Heather will exit the room through another door in the room after a while. Examine the shelf beside you and take the OXYDOL. Also take the two FIRST- AID KITS and the HEALTH DRINK. Read the memo on the desk. It won't really make much sense to you now, so exit the room through the west door, unlocking it first, because Heather won't go back through the north door because of Vincent. Exit this area to the main corridor. Make your way to the elevators and kill the two Double Heads there with the Katana. Then enter the east elevator and go down to 1F. If you try to go north to the exit of the building, you'll find a messed up monster blocking the way. You can't kill it with weapons or anything; read the memo on the ground near it to understand what's going on. It appears to be a fairy tale book and the whole thing isn't here. Enter the Last Drop Café through one of the doors in the southeast part of the corridor. In here you'll find an Insane Cancer lying down. You can kill it with the Shotgun if you want, but you can be quick in this area and get what you need without getting hit. Get the SHOTGUN SHELLS on the table beside the monster and examine the fridge by the counter to get the PORK LIVER. An odd item but it may come in useful. Head back towards the door -- foolishly enough, Heather doesn't take any of the cash on the counter so exit the room. The east door in this corridor is locked, so get back in the elevator. The 3F button doesn't work and all you'll find on 4F are two locked doors and some holes in the ground, so go up to 5F. The only place you can go in this corridor is through the west door, so do so. Around the south corner are two Slurpers. Run past them and enter the southwest room on your map. Get the two packs of HANDGUN BULLETS on the table and take the MATCHBOOK on the other side; then exit the room. The other room here just has a fence blocking two Slurpers from getting to you so head east down the corridor to find a glass wall with a wheelchair behind it (Session 9 reference). Go through the nearby door with the blue light above it. Enter the gallery through the door in front of you to the right a little. On the wall in the screen is a SAVE POINT. Make your way to the north part of the room and you'll notice that the missing painting from before is now here. There's a bucket in front of the painting, and the caption reads "Flame Purifies All" -- let's make a flame. Go in your inventory and combine and use the OXYDOL, PORK LIVER and MATCHBOOK. The painting will set on fire and a small set of double doors will be revealed; go through them. Look to the right and move down the stairs (you are now on 4F). You can find some more pages about the fairy tale on the desk here but you have yet to find the end of the story. Go through the door down the stairs and start moving south down the corridor. You'll encounter three naughty Slurpers around the first corner and another one further down the corridor! Unlock the door leading to the main corridor but don't go through it; go south and enter the southeast room on your map. Locate the bed in the area to find some blood under it, and furthermore, some items on it. A Slurper will dash out from under the bed -- it doesn't have much health so kill it with the Handgun or Shotgun. Get the HANDGUN BULLETS and the FIRST-AID KIT on the bed and leave the room. Head west and go through the door there, leading to the west corridor. Move west and then north up the corridor. Unlock the door with the blue light above it and move to the west. You will encounter a Slurper and two Double Heads in the corridor that may attack you. Try to just run past them and enter the room and the end of the corridor. Examine the coins on the desk to get a SILVER COIN. Head over to the northeast part of the room to find a memo on the wall next to the vending machine. Use the SILVER COIN on the vending machine. Heather gets an empty can with something inside making a noise. She will open and shake it. You'll get the LIFE INSURANCE KEY. If only all life insurance came in cans... Exit the room and there will be another Slurper in the corridor. Run past it and go through the door leading to the main corridor, unlocking it first, and then enter the elevator and go down to 1F again. Go to the southwest part of this corridor and go through door there. Follow the corridor south and then west, to encounter two Slurpers eating some meat. Take advantage of this and enter the room by them. As you can see, the people that were in this room seem to have run out of life insurance. You can never have enough! You can find the end of the fairy tale on the bloody table. Heather will say "Tu fui, ego eris" after seeing it in the story and she'll hear a monster noise -- how come she doesn't comment on other monster noises? Exit the bloody room and exit to the main corridor. Move and you can see that the Glutton is gone! Exit this nightmarish office building through the double doors. Outside ------- You will be on the streets now. Turn left and go that way, which is west, but you don't have a map of this area anyway. Go past some cars, and then after the cop car turn left (south) and go down the alley. Then turn right (west) and go up the stairs ahead and enter Daisy Villa Apartments. 09 // d a i s y v i l l a a p a r t m e n t s ===-=-=--=--=-===------==-----=-====-====-=-=====-=----===-====-=---=-===- "I'll be waiting, where all begins. In the town of Silent Hill." You can only go in your room for now, so you have to find it. Go down the apartment hallway. When you reach the elevator, go to the right a little after to find a SAVE POINT on the corkboard. I'd recommend you save your game because a boss fight is coming up very soon. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silent Hill 2 Reference If you have a Silent Hill 2 save on your memory card with the game beaten at least once, you can experience extra scenes and references to Silent Hill 2. There is one in the area you're in right now: By the save point on the other side of the wall are some mailboxes. Heather will say "The mail box is empty" when you examine them. She will say some more things if you keep reading that are significant to Silent Hill 2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Continue down the hall until the view changes -- this is your place. Enter Heather's apartment, using the HOUSE KEY. There's a cutscene in here and I don't want to ruin anything for you so see it for yourself, because it is a very important scene. After the cutscene Heather will run up to the roof of the apartment building. Claudia is there. After the conversation is over you'll have to fight a boss. b o s s 2 : m i s s i o n a r y ==-=-----====-=====-=-=-----===-===-=-==--=-=======-=--=---==-=-====-=-=-- --=-====-=------=-===-=-=-======----=-======-=------==-====----=====-=-==- | Difficulty: Normal | Equip the Shotgun and the Bulletproof Vest for this battle. The vest will slow you down but it will prevent some damage -- choose whether to use it or not. If you shoot the Missionary as it comes towards you, it will impact it a bit. You'll hear the sound of metal (bullets hitting the blades) when you shoot -- the Missionary blocks the shrapnel from the Shotgun. So you'll have to go for shots from behind or the side. This monster likes to run around a lot, and can attack while doing so. Strafing comes in handy. After shooting the Missionary from the side or back once or twice, it should fall to the ground, but it's not dead yet. While it's on the ground shoot it some more and then it will get up again and run around some more. Hold L2 to keep the Missionary in your view. When it comes for you again, dodge it and blast it from behind. When it gets blown down to the floor again, shoot it some more. Try to use the strafing buttons in this fight if you need to get out of the way of an attack. The Missionary has eight types of attacks. Some are: a thrust, a cut while it's running, and an attack while getting up from the ground. All these can be with its blade or its handle on its arms. It can also do a swing attack and a counter attack. Try not to let the Missionary get too close to you. The Shotgun should help with that as it blasts the Missionary away. This monster can deflect some attacks and melee weapons aren't too great. Try to reload in the menu when you need to. You can switch to the Handgun if you like, but it's very weak. However, if you equip the Silencer, you can shoot the Missionary from the front and he won't deflect the bullets. This is very useful, especially if you don't have many Shotgun Shells. To get behind the monster, what you should do is unequip the Bulletproof Vest and let the Missionary come towards you. Then run out of the way using the normal movement controls or the strafe buttons, and then blast the Missionary from behind. Attacks from behind are very effective because no shrapnel is blocked -- it all hits the meat. After the Missionary falls down at least four times on normal, the fight will be over. It should take around ten good Shotgun blasts -- try to attack from behind for best results. -=-=====-=-=-=-=-====-=---=-=====-=------==-=-=====-=---=-=-===-=--====-=- --=-=-====-=-----==-=-===----=--====-----==-=-=---====--=-====-=-=---==-== After the fight Heather will go back down to her apartment and Douglas is there. She tells him to leave and he says he will and he does, but he's in another scene with Heather. Heather wants to go to Silent Hill because Claudia said she'd be waiting there. Douglas offers to drive Heather there and says he'll be waiting at the back of the apartment. When you can play, exit the room through the closed white door near you. Go forward and go through the door directly in front of you. This is Heather's room. Get the STUN GUN and the 2 STUN GUN BATTERIES in her dresser in front of you to the right. Exit the room and exit the apartment room through the brown door ahead of you to the left. Go to Heather's right, turn left past the save point and go through the door. Outside, Douglas says he just met Vincent and he told him to look for a guy named Leonard in Silent Hill and has a map for you. Douglas also gives Heather a book her dad was holding. They get in the car and head to Silent Hill. There will be a very long cutscene on the way and more of the story is explained and is very important, so watch it. 10 // s i l e n t h i l l -===-==---=---====-===-=-=---=-==-====-=--=--=-===-=----=-====-=-===--=-== "I'm going to Silent Hill." After the cutscene in the motel room you have to get to the hospital. Beside the TV ahead of you is a SAVE POINT. In your inventory you have a new item, DAD'S NOTEBOOK, and you have a SILENT HILL MAP. And if you check your map you can see you're in Jack's Inn; exit the motel room. There's a lot of fog out here and it's hard to see. Head north and exit the motel compound. Heather won't let herself go too far east and Munson Street is blocked at the intersection with Nathan Avenue. Start going west and you'll encounter a Double Head. Kill it with the Katana if you want but you can easily outrun it -- that's if it even tries to chase you. Continue west and you may encounter another Double Head. Kill or ignore it and continue west on Nathan Avenue. There will be two Pendulums by Texxon Gas but try to run past them. Pete's Bowl-O-Rama won't open and you can't go too far west down Nathan from here, so head south down Carroll Street. Stay on the west side against the wall, and when the view changes by Heaven's Night, go west and up the stairs of Heaven's Night and enter it. Inside Heaven's Night, get the FIRST-AID KIT and the BEEF JERKY on the table to Heather's left. On one of the round tables is a tourism pamphlet. It's exactly like the one in Room 104 of Wood Side Apartments from Silent Hill 2. On the bar you can find some SHOTGUN SHELLS. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silent Hill 2 Reference If you have a Silent Hill 2 save on your memory card with the game beaten at least once, you can experience extra scenes and references to Silent Hill 2. There is one in the area you're in right now: On the stage near the green door is a poster of Maria from Silent Hill 2. But she has long black hair. Her hair was probably dyed blonde in Silent Hill 2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There isn't anything else to do here so exit Heaven's Night from where you came in. Go down the stairs and exit the alley and then continue going south down Carroll Street. You will encounter two Pendulums on the way -- just run past them. When you finally reach the hospital you can hear a Double Head, and it may come towards you. Kill it with the Katana if you want. There's also a Pendulum and another Double Head near you too, but just forget them and enter the hospital through the double doors. 11 // b r o o k h a v e n h o s p i t a l ==-=----=-=-====--=-=-=-=-====-=----=-=-----=--==----===-=----==-===----=- "Part of me wants to peek in, but then it's a little creepy, too." Oh, the memories! Once inside this very familiar hospital you can hear breathing like someone's in your face; it's Nurse Demons, there are two in this corridor. There's one in the left hallway and one in the right hallway. If you want, kill them with the Handgun and then enter the room in front of you to the right, from the entrance (which is the Reception for those familiar with Silent Hill 2). Take the HOSPITAL MAP on the table to the left of you. There's a SAVE POINT on the wall in here too. In the shelf on the other side of the door is a HEALTH DRINK. Exit the room when you're done. Find the Visiting Room on your map and enter it. There's a memo and a doll on the table. Examine the doll before, and then after reading the memo. After, leave the room and enter the Doctor's Lounge. Go up to the fridge in here and examine it to get a HEALTH DRINK. On the small table by the two chairs you can find medical records for Leonard and Stanley Coleman. Exit the room and head southwest to find that the stairwell is locked, but the patient wing double doors are unlocked, so go through them. In this corridor and coming towards you are two Nurses. You can just run past them, and if you enter room C2 there will be three naughty Nurses coming towards you. There may be an AMPOULE in there if you don't have much ammo -- you decide if it's worth it. There's a memo in room C4 with another doll and there are items glued onto the wall. One of them looks important -- the key -- but you can't get it yet, so go back through the double doors you came into this area from. Enter the elevator in this area and go up to 2F. On 2F, enter the Women's Locker Room and grab the NAIL POLISH REMOVER and some PERFUME from the open locker and then exit the room. Go to the patient wing double doors to find a memo on a stretcher and a memo on a chalkboard. You'll have to solve a puzzle. s e c o n d f l o o r k e y c o d e p u z z l e -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to the patient wing is locked and you'll need a key code to get through. The memo on the chalkboard explains the puzzle. It will be different depending on the Riddle Level you're on. Use the below solutions for the appropriate Riddle Levels. EASY: Here, you come across a pretty simple riddle. It reads: "Press, move 2 right; press, move up 1; press, move 2 down; press, the door shall open." Pretty simple, but where do you start? Using the memo, you have to be able to move 2 right after pressing the first number so it can only be 1, 4 or 7. After the second number, you have to move up 1, so it can now only be 4 or 7. After the third number, you need to move 2 down. You can't move 2 down from 4, which is 1 up from 7. However, you can move 2 down from 1, so the starting number has to be 4. Now just follow the directions. Start on 4, move 2 right, press 6. Move up 1, press 3. Move 2 down, press 3, and the door should unlock. If you haven't already figured it out, the resulting code is 4639. NORMAL: On Normal, the memo will be in a form of some type of algebra. If you're good in it, it's your lucky day. You come across the following memo on the chalkboard by the door: "The first is larger than the second; the second twice the third; the third smaller than the fourth; the fourth is half the first. Four of the numbers are not repeated Three are not in the top row Two are not in the right row One of the numbers is the final key" The trick is to work your way up from the bottom. The fourth has to be half the first, so it has to be an even number. So the fourth number is either 2, 4, 6 or 8. Start with the highest number, which is 8. Half of 8 is 4. The third number is less than the fourth number, so it has to be under 8. The second number is twice the third, so the third can only be 1-4, which helps out a lot. The first number is larger than the second number, so it has to be over 2. After you work it out, 8, 6 and 2 can't be the last number, so it's 4. The third is smaller than the fourth, so it's 3 or less. The second is twice the third, so it's 2, 4 or 6. And the first is larger than the second, so it's at least 4, since the fourth is half the first. By now, you're probably confused as hell. Try to stay with me. From the above, you should come up with the following numbers: 1 - At least 4 2 - 2, 4 or 6 3 - 3 or less 4 - 4 So experiment with what you have so far. The last number is 4, so try to figure out the rest. The third is smaller than 4, so let's start with 3 as the third number. The second is twice the third, so it would be 6 in this case. And the first number is larger than the second, so it's either 7, 8 or 9. Let's try 7 first. Now you have the following code: 7634. This code doesn't work, so try 8 for the first number, since it is a possibility. What do you know, it works! So the resulting code is 8634. HARD: "Pure eyes, blue like a glassy bead--- You are always looking at me and I am always looking at you. Ah, you're too meek--- beautiful, unspoiled: thus I'm so sad, I suffer--- and so happy, it hurts. I want to hurt you and destroy myself What you would think if you knew how I felt. Would you simply smile, not saying a word? Even curses from your mouth would be as beautiful as pearls. I place my left hand on your face as though we were to kiss. Then I suddenly shove my thumb deep into your eyesocket. Abruptly, decisively, like drilling a hole. And what would it feel like? Like jelly? Trembling with ecstasy, I obscenely mix it around and around: I must taste the warmth of your blood. How would you scream? Would you shriek "It hurts! It hurts!" as cinnabar-red tears stream from your crushed eye? You can't know the maddening hunger I've felt in the midst of our kisses, so many of them I've lost count. As though drinking in your cries, I bring my hopes to fruition: biting your tongue, shredding it, biting at your lips as if tasting your lipstick. Oh, what euphoric heights I would reach, having my desires fulfilled like a greedy, gluttonous cur. I longed, too, for your cherry-tinted cheeks, tasty enough to bewitch my tongue. I would surely be healed, and would cry like a child. And how is your tender ear? It brushes against my cheek; I want it to creep up to my lips so I can sink my teeth into its flesh. Your left ear, always hearing words whispered sweet as pie--- I want it to hear my true feelings. I never lied, no... but I did have my secrets. Ah, but what must you think of me? Do you hate me? Are you afraid? As though inviting you to the agony at the play's end, if you wish, you could destroy me---I wouldn't care. As you wish, you may destroy me ---I wouldn't care." Stanley Coleman is a very sick person, if you haven't already discovered from the memo. This puzzle is a little gruesome and sick. You'll probably get totally confused doing this puzzle and I wouldn't blame you. To solve this puzzle, you must understand some things: -The memo on the chalkboard refers to a face being the keypad, like this: 1 2 3 eye eye 4 5 6 ear nose ear 7 8 9 cheek mouth cheek -When you look at someone, your left is their right, and so on The first few verses are not important, so find the "I place my left hand on your face" part. The left hand would touch the right side of the face, but it is the person talking, not the face, so it remains as the left side of the face. Sorry if I confused you there, just forget it; it's the person's view, which is on the left. The two following parts of the memo are linked together: "Then I suddenly shove my thumb deep into your eyesocket" and "Would you shriek 'It hurts! It hurts!' as cinnabar-red tears stream from your crushed eye?". After the thumb enters the eyesocket (1), the blood drips downward -- below the eye (1) is the ear (4). The blood wouldn't normally go to the ear, it would go to the cheek, but in this case it moves down to the next number, which is 4, the first number of the code. Shortly after, the memo mentions "biting your tongue, shredding it, biting at your lips as if tasting your lipstick." This would be at the mouth, of course, which is 8 -- the second number of the code. The next part talks about cheeks but it doesn't say which one. So skip this part for now and go on to the part about the ear. "Your left ear, always hearing words whispered sweet as pie---I want it to hear my true feelings" -- the left ear is clearly stated, but that would be the face's left ear, so it's number 6 (the last number, not the third). Now you can figure out the third number. "I longed, too, for your cherry-tinted cheeks, tasty enough to bewitch my tongue" is the source here, but is not very informative. After the mouth (8, the second number), one of the two cheeks is the next victim, and after that comes the left ear (6). The left cheek (9) is between the mouth and left ear, so it's logic for the sick man to go after the left cheek (9), rather than the right cheek (7). So the third number is 9. This leaves you left with the following code: 4896. After you solve the puzzle, the door unlocks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go through the now unlocked door and enter Examining Room 3. Examine the arm of the corpse on the stretcher for a clue of something. There's a medical record, possibly for the dead guy on the stretcher, on the desk. Leave the room and there will be two Nurse Demons near you; one of them has a Revolver. Kill them if they're disturbing you and enter room M4. First, read the memo on the close by bed. When you get close to the briefcase on the next bed, the alarm clock goes off. Go examine it and turn it off. You'll now have to solve a puzzle. m 4 b r i e f c a s e p u z z l e -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To open the briefcase on the bed, you'll need to use a code obtained from the clock. How you determine the code varies for each Riddle Level. EASY: This is fairly easy. There will be a number in red on the clock and that's the code you need. So if it says 0634 on the clock, that's the code. NORMAL: Here, the clock will be on a certain time. The small hand is the hour and the long hand is the minute, just incase you didn't know that. The code to the locked briefcase is the time on the clock. For example: If the time is 12:21, the code would be 1221. However, if the code is 5:21, the first digit would be 0 -- 0521. It's fairly simple. HARD: The same as Normal, yet different. This time (note the pun) you'll have to put it in 24 hour time (military time). To be different from normal, all the codes will be 13:00 or higher. So if the clock is on 8:39, the code would be 2039. If you don't understand 24 hour time, just add 12 hours to the time on the clock. So 8:39 + 12:00 = 20:39. Once again, fairly simple. [Note:] For Normal and Hard, remember that if the minute hand is close to the end of the hour, the hour hand will be close to the next hour. So if this is your situation, the hour digit would be the previous number, not the number it's very close to. Eg: 12 11\ 1 10 \ 2 9 o--- 3 2:56 (14:56), not 3:56 (15:56) 8 4 7 5 6 After you get the code, examine the briefcase on the bed and enter the code to unlock it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the INSTANT CAMERA from the briefcase and read the memo on the other bed beside the briefcase one if you haven't already and exit the room. If you enter room M5 there will be three Nurse Demons and a FIRST-AID KIT on a small stand. Do what you want to do and then head back to the east corridor. There will be two Nurse Demons here -- one of them has a Revolver. Kill them or run past them and enter the elevator. The 3F button won't work so go back down to 1F. On 1F, enter the patient wing and enter room C4. Go up to the glued items on the wall and use the NAIL POLISH REMOVER from the menu. The STAIRWELL KEY will come off; exit the room and go back to the east corridor. There will be another Nurse Demon in this area but it's not near you, so enter the stairwell, using the STAIRWELL KEY. Using this key unlocks the stairwell doors for every floor, and it also allows the 3F button to work in the elevator. In the stairwell, turn to your left and go down to BF. Follow the hallway and get the SUBMACHINE GUN BULLETS on the floor and go towards the wheelchair. Prepare yourself and follow the path of blood to the end of the corridor. Take the SUBMACHINE GUN on the floor and hope you have better luck with it than the previous owner. The person in the wheelchair seemed to have flipped their wheelchair (probably a monster that did it) and got injured so they dragged themself to the elevator, shot the monster, dropped the gun and entered the elevator -- they might actually still be in there because it was probably recent, considering the wheelchair wheel was still spinning. You can't check in the elevator so enter the Store Room to come across some flickering lights. Find the blood by the shelf and Heather thinks there might be something behind the shelf. You can't fit in there so use the INSTANT CAMERA to see what's back there. Heather takes the picture and it develops, displaying a code of 4 numbers. The code is random each time. Exit the room and go all the way up to RF for another Stanley Coleman memo; go through the door to the roof. There are two Closers out here but you don't need to kill them. Run forward and get the 2 magazines of SUBMACHINE GUN BULLETS on the barrel. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silent Hill 2 Reference If you have a Silent Hill 2 save on your memory card with the game beaten at least once, you can experience extra scenes and references to Silent Hill 2. There is one in the area you're in right now: If you examine the north fence by the Elevator Control Room, Heather will comment on it and say it doesn't look like it's about to break and fall. This isn't much though. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exit the area and go down to 3F. Enter the Store Room to find a SAVE POINT on the ground. You can also find a STUN GUN BATTERY and 2 HEALTH DRINKS on a shelf. Exit the room and enter the Special Treatment Room. There's a memo on the right wall. The closest rusted door to you is locked from this side. You can unlock it and enter it if you want, but all there is inside is a Nurse Demon. Enter the furthest room to find another memo from Stanley Coleman. Exit the Special Treatment Room and try to enter the patient wing. It's locked but you can enter the code you got from the picture from your camera (the shelf in the basement) and it will unlock. If you forget the number look in the memo section of your inventory to see the number. Once the door is unlocked go through it. Enter room S1 and get the 2 HEALTH DRINKS on the nightstand. Read the long memo on the bed and then exit the room. Continue west down the corridor, get the BEEF JERKY on the bench by the Bath 3 room, and then enter room S7 to find another Stanley Coleman memo. Exit the room and there will be three more Nurse Demons, one with a Revolver. Kill them if you must and then enter room S12. Move forward and the phone will ring; answer it. It is Leonard on the phone. Leonard claims he's not exactly sure where he is, but the door is at the end of the hallway on the 2nd floor. Go down to 2F from either the stairwell or the elevator and enter the patient wing. Head west down the hallway and go through the new door labeled "M". You don't have a map for this area so use these directions: Move forward and the gate door blocking the path will go up. Go past it and keep moving forward and a gate door will close; go to the right and go right at the next corner. A gate door will open on the left, go past it. Another one will open, go past it and around the right corner. Go around another right corner and go around the next corner to the left and go through the door. Go forward and around the left corner. Keep moving straight and a gate door will close behind you. Continue down the hallway and go around the right corner. Go left around the next corner and a gate door will close in front of you. Turn around, move forward and the closed gate door there will open; go past it. Keep going forward, go around the left corner and through the door. Go around the left corner and around the next left. Keep running forward and six gate doors will close behind you and one in front of you. Examine the red sign on the wall that looks like a save point. Instead of a save point it shows a video of Lisa from SH1. After the video, go forward down the hallway and through the door at the end. Get on the ladder in front of you and climb up it. You will pass a weird creature named Valtiel turning a valve. At the top, go through the door to see what's on the other side... 12 // n i g h t m a r e h o s p i t a l -=-=-====-=---=-=-===----=-===-======-=--=--=-==-----==-=-==---==-====-=-= "Happy birthday dear... Oh, I forgot you name." Now this is a true nightmare! According to your map you're just outside the west stairwell on 3F. Move down the hallway and enter room S3 -- it may be hard to find. There's a SAVE POINT on the bed and 2 packs of HANDGUN BULLETS on the window sill, along with a hand coming from outside, oddly enough. Exit the room, and if you enter Examining Room 4, you can find a corpse with its blood dripping into a bucket. You can't do anything with it yet so enter the Day Room, since the east corridor doors are locked. Inside this weird room you can only get to the other side by moving towards the camera and then away from it in the other direction. Go through the other double doors to enter the east corridor. Unfortunately there are three Slurpers in this hallway. If they annoy you, and they should, use the Shotgun to get rid of them. Enter the Store Room when you're done with the Slurpers to come across a mirror and a very disturbing experience. The door won't open so just enjoy the insane experience. You may notice that Heather in the mirror will stop moving after a while. When the room gets dark you can exit it but it may be hard to find the door. Don't stay in this room too long because you can lose health and die. Enter the elevator and you'll notice that there are three new buttons: B1, B2 and B3, not 31, 32 and 33, which they look like. The only basement floor button working is B3, so go down there. On B3 you'll come across some covered corpses on gurneys. Head straight from the elevator and examine the oven for a puzzle (the oven will be open on Easy Riddle Level). b 3 c r e m a t o r i u m p u z z l e -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To open this oven (if it's not open already), you'll need to solve the puzzle involving what's written on the door and the corpses in the area. Each Riddle Level is quite different, however. EASY: Here there is no puzzle, the oven will be open. NORMAL: Here there will be roman numerals in randomly selected slots on the oven. They have to do with the four corpses on the gurneys with white coverings. The roman numerals in the slots on the oven will be I, II, III and IV. If there's a roman numeral in a slot, there will be a covered corpse on a gurney in that position of the room. It's not that hard to figure out. Each of the gurneys -- covered or not -- are marked with numbers. Here are the locations for each gurney number in the area: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Use those numbers to unlock the oven. So if it says "I" in a spot on the oven, the number on the corpse in the room that coordinates with that location is the first number to the solution. Do the same for the other three numbers and you'll get a code. Eg. II --- --- IV 1 2 --- --- I --- 3 4 5 9 III --- --- --- 7 8 9 0 In this case, the resulting code would be 5172. However, you are very unlikely to get this exact code, since all codes are random. Another thing, the number 7 will always be in the resulting code because that's Stanley Coleman, according to the crazy guy on the phone (later on in the hospital). HARD: Upon examining the open there will be a riddle. On each gurney in the room there will also be a poem. You need to use them to solve the puzzle. The following is written on the oven: "Burn the one who knows no death Pure, adored by those above (A) No prayers within, just simple love And now the pining hunter The flames longing for his rebirth (B) A distant breath within the earth Burn up that heavy body of his Make it wind, dancing in the sky (C) That bottomless gut now a cloud, now a sigh The sweet blood on his laughing lips Now calls him to the gates of Hell (D) There burns evermore that soulless shell Four bodies return to ashes Thus the door is opened Thus the door is opened" The poem has five verses and the first four are the answers that give you the four-digit pass code. However, you need to use the four verses on the oven and match them with four of the ten poems on each gurney in the room: [Note:] The poems marked A-D on the side correspond with the paragraph of the same letter for the memo above (the oven door). 1 (The Song of the Sparrow) "Who killed Cock Robin? 'The Sparrow,' they said 'He wants them all dead (D) To him, honey-sweet is their sobbin''" 2 (The Song of the Owl) "The Owl who forgot the sky Resigned to his poor earthbound state Hungry or full didn't matter at all (B) He ate and he ate and he ate" 3 (The Song of the Thrush) "The grass the Thrush so loved to eat Gave him sweet happiness He sank ever deeper and finally fell To destruction and fatal distress" 4 (The Song of Cock Robin) "Cock Robin, who hid the key away Is ash in the oven, all right The place he held is empty now And the doors remain shut tight" 5 (The Song of the Lark) "The Lark's child lost all his words And walled himself up all away Heart and mouth both locked up tight In a cage where none want to stay" 6 (The Song of the Dove) "The Dove's hope died; he chose his path His flapping wings fell still Drenched in scarlet here they lay His cheeks pale white and chill" 7 (The Song of the Linnet) "He seeks out her soul by his own black ambition Frightening her out of her wits (C) Whispering love songs into her ear What cruel Linnet wants, he gets" 8 (The Song of the Rook) "The black Rook is the praying sort Who hears the gods in the skies His whispered petitions go on without end And glassy and dim are his eyes" 9 (The Song of the Wren) "The Wren, with pure heart as yet unrefined Makes us laugh with his feeble lip-smacking (A) But still we all know he shall never grow old And he knows not how much he is lacking" 0 (The Song of the Kite) "The Kite, hot, crazy, and panting mad Sweet shackles that tease and excite Death itself would drive him wild Red blood that turns milky white" If you are familiar with the nursery rhyme "Who killed Cock Robin?" you are in luck. But if you're not, that's probably why you're here. Read all the poems on the gurneys in order. So start with 0, which doesn't relate to anything here. 1 is the fourth verse on the oven. The Sparrow is the bird who is to be sent to hell here, since he's the one who killed Cock Robin. Very straightforward. 2 is the second verse on the oven. The Owl is the pining hunter, withering away from grief -- he can't hunt nor fly. Also, the word "earth" is mentioned in both this verse and the verse on the oven. 3 to 6 don't have to do with anything here, but 7 is the third verse on the oven. The thing about the "Linnet" is the clue here, it matches the the third verse on the oven. By the way, you may notice that this memo also clearly describes Stanley Coleman, the madman writing letters to Heather. The corpse numbered "7" is in fact his, which will be told to you shortly, if not already. The number 7 corpse is always down here, and is always a number in the resulting code for every Riddle Level. 8 is nothing and 9 is the first verse on the oven. This verse says "he shall never grow old", which matches "knows no death" on the oven. Also, they both have "pure" in them and the verses are quite similar, referring to love. So that leaves you with four numbers: 1, 2, 7, 9. Just take those numbers and arrange them in the order of the verses they match on the oven (A - 9, B - 2, C - 7, D - 1). This leaves you with 9271. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After entering the correct code in the oven lock, examine the oven again and Heather will open it (if not playing on Easy Riddle Level). Grab the CREMATED KEY inside and reenter the elevator, then go up to 2F. Enter the Men's Locker Room to hear a phone ringing. Find the locker it's coming from and examine it. Someone is on the phone and it's not Leonard or Stanley Coleman. The mystery man claims Stanley is underground and his new name is "number 7." So he was the corpse numbered 7 on B3... Anyway the man talks about a birthday present -- there will be a present for you on 1F if you answer the phone here; if not, nothing. Exit the room and you can hear some Slurpers. Quickly enter the Women's Locker Room and examine the garbage for a PLASTIC BAG and a HEALTH DRINK (don't worry, nobody's looking). There's also a locker in this room that opens when you go up to it. Something's inside with no escape, but it's not important anyway, so exit the room. Head south and kill the two Slurpers with the Shotgun if you need to and then reenter the elevator and go up to 3F. Head to the door leading to the patient wing, unlock it and go through. Enter Examining Room 4 and go up to the blood bucket. Go in the menu and use the PLASTIC BAG to get a PLASTIC BAG (WITH BLOOD). Exit the room and enter the east corridor again through the double doors near you. Enter the elevator once more and go down to 1F. There are two Nurse Demons and a Slurper in this area. Kill them if you must and then enter the Examination Room. There's a SAVE POINT on the right wall by you, an AMPOULE on the table to your left, and a memo on the table in the room. If you enter the Day Room through the northeast door you'll find a memo on the ground and a Nurse Demon on the other side of the fence wall. Enter the Day Room through the southeast door, using the CREMATED KEY. Follow the path and you will encounter the Nurse you could see from the other side of the fence wall, patrolling the hallway. Kill it if it gets in your way and go through the other door in the area to the patient wing. Out here there will be a Slurper in front of you, and another one will come a little later; kill them if they get in the way. "Happy first birthday!" will be written on the left wall, only if you answered the phone in the Men's Locker Room on 2F -- if you did, there will be a present for you in room C1, so enter it through the door beside the writing. Depending on you drug (health) points (1 Health Drink = 4 pts, 1 First- Aid Kit = 8 pts, 1 Ampoule = 12 pts) and ammo points (1 Handgun Bullet = 1 pt, 1 Shotgun Shell = 2 pts, 1 Submachine Gun Bullet = 1 pt), what's in here varies. The same goes for ammo and drug points added -- but this determines how many Nurses will be in the room. Refer to the charts below to determine what will be waiting for you depending on what you have. [Note:] You can only receive ammo presents or health presents, not both. If your number of ammo points succeeds the number of drug points, you'll receive health presents; if the opposite, you'll receive ammo presents. Either way you'll receive whatever you have less points of. Ammo Presents, if ammo points are more than drug points ---------------------------------------------------------- |Ammo Points | Presents | |------------|---------------------------------------------| |30 or less | HG Bullets x3, SG Shells x2, SMG Bullets x1 | |31 to 60 | HG Bullets x3, SG Shells x1, SMG Bullets x1 | |61 to 90 | HG Bullets x3, SMG Bullets x1 | |91 to 120 | HG Bullets x3 | |121 or more | HG Bullets x2 | ---------------------------------------------------------- Health Presents, if drug points are less than ammo points ----------------------------------------------------------- |Drug Points | Presents | |------------|----------------------------------------------| |30 or less | 3 Health Drinks, 2 First-Aid Kits, 1 Ampoule | |31 to 60 | 3 Health Drinks, 2 First-Aid Kits, | |61 to 90 | 3 Health Drinks, 1 First-Aid Kit | |91 to 120 | 2 Health Drinks, 1 First-Aid Kit | |121 or more | 2 Health Drinks | ----------------------------------------------------------- Nurses Guarding Presents ---------------------------- |Ammo + Drug Points | Nurses | |-------------------|--------| |119 or less | 0 | |120 to 189 | 1 | |190 to 259 | 2 | |260 or more | 3 | ---------------------------- When claiming your presents, use the Shotgun to clear any Nurses, and then exit the room after taking your presents. Note that if you haven't answered the locker room phone, room M1 will be locked, so nothing will be inside, of course. Continue down the hallway and kill the Slurper and Nurse if they're in your way, and then enter room C4. There's a SAVE POINT on the curtain in this room; save your game because there's a boss fight just ahead. There's a stretcher that's some kind of altar at the back of the room and the other stretcher near it has a memo on it. Read the memo to find some interesting information: "Drench the altar in the blood which spouts red from the heart, to praise and to show loyalty unto God." So go up to the altar and use the PLASTIC BAG (WITH BLOOD) from your inventory. The blood leads to a ladder by the entrance of the room, strangely. Suddenly and out of nowhere, a hole with a ladder appears where the blood leads to -- go down the ladder. Once you're down, there will be a cutscene followed by another boss fight. b o s s 3 : l e o n a r d ===--=---=-=-=====-----==-===----=-=---==-=----=-====---=-==----==-=-===-- ---=-=====--=-=-==-====-=----==-==----=-=-====---=-=-----===----=====--=-= | Difficulty: Normal | Leonard is nowhere to be seen but his voice is heard. When the fight starts, equip the Handgun because it's relatively good for this fight. It may take a while with the Handgun, however, so you may want to use the Shotgun instead. Start shooting Leonard a few times, which will cause him to go under the water. When he comes up, blast him again until he goes back down for a swim. Leonard moves under the water a lot, so try to stay away from him while he's doing so, so he can't come up and knock you down. Also, don't run into the large water brush object at one end of the battle area because you will die if you do so (I don't see why anyone would even run into it, anyway). Leonard will keep moving back and forth down in the water after you shoot him a few times, and you can't shoot him while he's underwater. Try to follow him while he's under water so you can see where he is, but keep your distance. Shoot him while he comes up and he should go back down pretty fast. Sometimes after you shoot Leonard, he'll fall to the ground and flail about, trying to get up -- use this time to blast him even more with the Shotgun, and he might not be able to get up. If you don't shoot him while he's up, he'll just go back down. You can use the Shotgun to blast Leonard to the ground effectively, but the Handgun is pretty good, so try to conserve your Shotgun Shells if you don't have many. If you can, and sometimes you can, kick Leonard while he's on the ground. Leonard has three types of attacks: An attack with either his left or right arm, an attack while he's rising and a counterattack, which is the most powerful of them all. If you're low on ammo, use the Steel Pipe or Katana and attack from the back. Be aware of his counterattacks and you should be fine. After a while, Leonard will die and fall to the ground. =-=-=-======-=-=--=--===-=====----=-=-=-=-==-==-========-=-=----=-==----=- --=-=-=====-------==-=-======-==----====-=-=-=-=-==-==--=-=-=====-=-=---== Heather wakes up in the normal hospital in room C4. As she starts to walk, her foot kicks something and she picks it up. You'll get the TALISMAN. Exit the room and go through the double doors leading to the east corridor. Find the main entrance and go through the double doors, exit Brookhaven Hospital. Outside ------- A cutscene of Vincent and Claudia in your motel room will play. Once it's over, head north up Carroll Street and east on Nathan Avenue, and head back to the motel. You may encounter two Pendulums and a Double Head on Carroll -- just run past them. In the motel compound, find Room 106 and enter it. A cutscene will play and Vincent tells you that Douglas has a message for you: "The church is on the other side of the lake." After the cutscene, exit the motel compound and head northwest up Nathan Avenue. When you get a little past Pete's Bowl-O-Rama, you'll just be at the Amusement Park to save you a lot of running time. 13 // l a k e s i d e a m u s e m e n t p a r k r e v i s i t e d --=-=-====-=-=---===-=--=-=====-=----==-=---=-=======----==-====---===---- "A paradise for castrated sheep, maybe. Sounds pretty boring." You appear to be in the same place from your nightmare. Kind of like déjà vu, and Heather doesn't look too happy. Run forward to the main area and then go through the large doors to the left. There will be a Closer to the right of you, kill it with whatever or just push it to get past it. Continue around the circle area to the right until you reach the door with the sign near it, and there should be a Closer there. Kill the Closer and enter the souvenir shop through the double doors. Go forward and take the BEEF JERKY on the counter. Turn around and grab the FIRST-AID KIT on the round table with the merchandise on it, and head to the back left of the room. Nothing interesting is here so move away and you'll here something fall. Go back to investigate what fell. Get the ROLLER COASTER KEY from one of the cookie boxes and save your game with the SAVE POINT on the box if you want to. When you're done, exit the shop. Turn to the right and continue running down the pathway and go through the small brown door when the view changes. There will be two Double Heads here. Kill them or just run past them and go through the gate ahead. Turn to the left and go down the pathway, under the Monster Coaster sign and passed the Pendulum there. Make sure the other Pendulum behind you doesn't catch up, and run up the stairs. At the top, enter the control room for the roller coaster, using the ROLLER COASTER KEY. Go inside and get the 2 HEALTH DRINKS by the microphone towards the camera. Find and examine the power switch near the door and turn it off. Exit the control room and go on the tracks through the small gate. Turn to the right and follow the tracks like you did in your nightmare. Try to stay away from the edges (you can fall off on Hard Action Level), and when you get to the end, a cutscene will play. The roller coaster switch turns back on and the roller coaster comes towards you just like your nightmare, and Heather naively stares at the darkness ahead of the roller coaster. However, Heather will jump off this time and survive. If you don't turn off the roller coaster, you will die instead of jumping off. After the cutscene of Douglas and Claudia, Heather will wake up on a ticket booth and she will get down from it. Turn around and move forward, then go through the reddish-brown door on the left. Follow the path and turn to the left and go in the next path. There's a SAVE POINT on the ticket booth near the end of the path; you may want to consider saving. Continue down the path and enter the Haunted Mansion. Borley Haunted Mansion ---------------------- Inside, you'll be welcomed to the Borley Haunted Mansion by an announcer. When he's done talking, you can finally go through the first door. In this bloody room, listen to what the announcer has to say, and then you can go through the next door. You can see someone rocking in a chair in here. Make your way towards, following the path, for a sudden surprise -- the corpse is real! When the announcer is done talking, go through the gray door behind you. In this room, there are spikes on the roof. Follow the path and the spikes will come down, but not far enough (they will come far enough on Hard!). Make sure you're moving when this happens or you may lose health or perhaps even die. On Hard Action Level, the spikes will fall a little further and can kill you if you just run through the hallway. What you want to do is make Heather lower so the spikes don't hit her -- hold R2 to enter caution mode, which lowers Heather a bit. While holding R2, walk the hallway, and the spikes will fall without hurting you. Even though you can get a bit lower when you stop moving, it isn't necessary. Just holding R2 is good enough. After the unfaithful announcer finishes talking after the spikes fall, go through the exit door. Sadly, that wasn't the exit -- the illegitimate announcer has tricked you again! You're still in the mansion. Start running down the hallway and go left around the corner. There will be red glow following you that will kill you if it catches up with you so run fast! If playing on Hard, it can be very difficult to outrun the red glow, especially dealing with the clumsiness of Heather. Go right around the next corner, and when you go forward, the left wall will move to cover the pathway ahead, so go left around the corner. Go right around the next corner and right again. Keep moving and go left around the next corner. Go right around the corner after that and ignore the first door because it has a broken lock. Turn left at the next corner and go through the end door. You're still in the mansion, so run forward, go left around the corner and right around the next. Turn left around the next corner and then right around the one after that. Go right around the next corner, left, right, and then left. Go through the door at the end to finally exit the mansion. Outside Once Again ------------------ There are two Closers in this area, just run past them and go to the left. Find the open pathway and take it. Kill the Double Head in front of you, continue running forward and pass the Closer. When you can go to the left, do so and go through the gate door. There will be a Pendulum and a Closer in front of you. Kill them and then kill the other Pendulum as it comes towards you. Go forward and go through the gate. Move forward and take the HEALTH DRINK and the SHOTGUN SHELLS on the bench. Turn around and head for the bleachers. Find the CHAIN on one of them and then go on the platform from some small stairs and get the RED SHOE in the middle of it. Get off the platform and go through the gate you came from. If you killed all the enemies here before, there will be a Pendulum by the other gate. Just run past it and through the gate. Run forward and to the left a little to find a gate door that isn't locked but won't open. Go in the menu and use the CHAIN to attach it to the gate. Heather says this is half good because it needs to be attached to something else. Turn around and step on the ride, attaching the other part of the chain to the metal bar on the column of the ride by using it from the menu. If Heather says it cannot be used here, you're not aligned with the bar. Now step off the ride and enter the control room to Heather's left. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS on the counter and then examine the switch to the left. The door will open with a screech. Exit the control room and go through the door. Heather will confront Douglas again to find that he's wounded. After the cutscene, go through the gate in front of you to the left. Turn to your right and enter the Fortune House. Read the memo on the chair to the right and then you'll take it, it's DOUGLAS'S NOTEBOOK. You can't give the book back to Douglas so there's no point in going back to him. If you do, you may have less chances of getting the Possessed Ending (only in a replay game). Move into the other section of the room and get the DOLL HEAD on the table. Get the AMPOULE on the chair to Heather's left and save your game if you want, using the SAVE POINT on the fortune table. Exit the Fortune House and enter the Morchen Travel place next door. You'll find two large sized dolls in this area -- Snow White and Cinderella. You can find two pictures of them on the tracks past them. One has a doll head and the other has a red shoe. Go back to the life-size dolls and use the DOLL HEAD from the menu and put it in Snow White's hand. Then use the RED SHOE from the menu and put it by Cinderella. Go on the tracks and take the left route and go through the door. If you didn't give the items to the dolls, this door won't open. Check the dragon here for some comments and go through the green door past it on the left. In this area, a Double Head will come up to you and try to attack. Dodge it and kill if you want, then move to Heather's right. There will be a Pendulum there; if you can, run past it. To the right, you can find an ice cream place and a memo that Harry wrote 17 years ago, when the first Silent Hill took place. As you continue past the ice cream place, you may encounter another Double Head. Head forward to the left and go through the gate. If you don't know where the gate is, it's behind the Pendulum on the left side when you see it first. Move forward and take the FIRST-AID KIT on the left bench. Continue forward and go around on the right side of the round garden and head towards the right and move forward. Follow the queuing line and go up the small steps and onto the carousel. As you move forward, the carousel will magically start up. Go around the carousel until you find the only horse not moving that has blood al over it. Examine the note on its left side for the following: "When 13 turns count 4, you will die from their curse. If you wish to escape, there is but one way out. To kill before you are killed: you will be saved by the 12th death." The part about "When 13 turns count 4" must be saying you will die when the carousel turns 52 times (when 13 turns count 4; when 13 comes four times, which is 52). That part doesn't fully make sense at first, but there's more. It also says "you will be saved by the 12th death" if you wish to escape. There are 12 horses on here and one's already dead. You won't be able to escape unless you do the following. The idea here is to kill all the horses. How? Easy, use your weapons. Don't waste ammo, just use melee weapons. Use the Katana or the Steel Pipe because they work best. To give best results, press and hold X hard so Heather lifts the weapon over her head and then swings. It will take two swings like that with the Katana and three with the Steel Pipe, so the Katana is your best bet for time. When navigating around, be careful not to go directly in front of the horses because you may be affected by the smoke coming out of the horses' mouths. Try not to get too close to the horses' mouths or you can lose health. You will hear a horse noise when you deliver a hit and a different sound when it's dead -- it will then shortly stop moving. If you want to have some fun and have Shotgun Shells, go right beside an "alive" horse and wait for the right moment, and then blast it. It will die with one good shot, but you should only do this once or twice so you're not wasting too much ammo. After you've killed all the horses, it will take a little time, and then the horses will start moving again. Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. Just wait a bit and a cutscene will play. When the cutscene plays, the carousel will turn into the nightmare version and then in another cutscene, someone else's here, and it looks like Alessa. It's time for another boss. b o s s 4 : m e m o r y o f a l e s s a -=-=-===-==-=---=-====--=-======----=-=====-====-=---=-====--===-=-=====-= =====-=--=--=---==-=====-=-=---=-===-=-====-----=--====--=--==-====-=--=-- | Difficulty: Normal | This boss is very unique to the Silent Hill series -- it has four forms; when it dies it will come back as another form, with a new weapon. 1st Form -------- Weapon: Knife She holds her knife in the air like it's actually a good weapon. When you can play, laugh at her terrible weapon and equip a melee weapon; it will be sufficient. The Katana is the best choice but if you don't have it, the Steel Pipe will work well. Alessa has one form of attack with the Knife; just a slash which does pretty much nothing at all to your health. Let Alessa come to you and then attack. Don't worry about getting attacked because it barely does anything, but do try to prevent the attacks. Alessa may run away sometimes -- when this happens, follow her so you can see where she goes and take advantage of her not trying to attack, and attack her if you can. You may consider equipping the Bulletproof Vest for this fight because it will come in handy for more lethal attacks. Alessa can block your attacks sometimes and so can you. While holding R2, press Square when she tries to attack and Heather will block it. Keep using the Katana to whack Alessa several times and she'll fall to the ground and disintegrate. Keep in mind that Alessa will get stronger each time and she'll have different attacks with each weapon. 2nd Form -------- Weapon: Handgun It's not over yet, it's just getting started. Alessa will appear somewhere else. You can hunt her down if you want, but you can just stand against the side somewhere and hold L2 and you will be able to see her as she comes towards you. But try to run away before she gets too close, or she will shoot you with her Handgun. Alessa has two forms of attack with the Handgun. One is a shot from the Handgun, which inflicts a lot of damage, and the other is a pistol whip, which isn't too bad. Now, you can be pretty cheap here, but who's watching? The Katana has pretty good range and if you get too close to Alessa, she may pistol whip you. Try to stand just out of her pistol whip reach, but not far enough so she can shoot you. Keep pressing X while holding R2 and you will push Alessa back a little each time. Instead of holding X, repetitively press it like I said so Heather continuously swings the Katana for three blows. If you hold X, Heather will deliver an attack from above her head and it will take long enough so that Alessa can attack. Alessa will get to come closer after she's out of your range after you push her, but then start whacking her again and she'll be pushed away again. If you do this process right, she won't be able to attack you. If you stop for even a bit you may receive a whacking. Alessa should be able to start a pistol whip but it should not be delivered if you're doing this right. Keep doing this and she won't be able to shoot you. After a while, she will start to run around again -- this is good. Run after her so she can't shoot you when she wants to. Whack her some more times and she will then fall to the ground and disintegrate. Be sure to check your health every once in a while because if you do get shot, it inflicts a lot of damage, and other attacks can do a lot also. 3rd Form -------- Weapon: Steel Pipe Because she has a Steel Pipe, you can just stand still and let her come for you while you're ready to deliver an attack. Remember, you're still using the Katana, or the Steel Pipe if you don't have the Katana. You may be thinking it's good that Alessa has the Steel Pipe because it's not as powerful as the Handgun. It's not as strong, but its range is a lot better than the pistol whip, so you may need to do some blocking here. Alessa only has one form of attack with the Steel Pipe, which is a whack with it, however, it doesn't inflict that much damage. The method used for the 2nd Form of Alessa can be used here, but back up every once in a while because when Alessa lifts the Steel Pipe and you whack her, her attack may still hit you. You can let her run away but she'll come back. This is good because you're ready to hit her but she's not. So it's good to let her have a break every little while and she should come back right away. If she doesn't come back right away, this is also good because she also doesn't have much health left. When she runs around, try to go where she's going to end up so you can whack her when she arrives. Deliver a few more blows and she will fall to the ground and disintegrate. 4th Form -------- Weapon: Submachine Gun This is the final form of Alessa, and don't let the Submachine Gun scare you. It's actually good news because you can do the same strategy as you did for the 2nd Form of Alessa. Alessa has two forms of attacks with the Submachine Gun, which are repetitive fire from the gun and a whack with it. When you get hit by the Submachine Gun when it's fired, it will take off a lot of damage. Try to find her fast and run right up to her before she shoots. The strategy won't work as well because she will be able to hit you sometimes, however, it still works pretty well. Then again, it can work just amazing as before. Try to make sure Alessa is just in your range so that the tip of the Katana hits her. The further away she is and is actually getting hit, the better; if you find that she's getting to close, just stop and back up, and then repeat the process. When Alessa runs away, follow her quickly, because if she gets a good range to shoot you, she will. If she does shoot you, when you recover from the attack, move out of the way of where she's shooting and let her try to reload, and strike her then. If you end up right against a side of the carousel or a horse, take some time to run away to a good open area nearby, and don't get too far ahead of Alessa or she will shoot. After a while, Alessa should fall to the ground, bringing the fight to an end, although she will not disintegrate. ==-=-=--=-=====-=---==-=-=====----=--===-=-======--=--=--=====-=----==-=== ---=-=-=====-=----=-=====----=-=====----==-=-=====---==-======----=-==---- After the fight, there will be a note written behind you. Read it and then circle around the sick carousel and step off it. Head down the path when you can and go through the door at the end. In this hallway you will find blood-written memos on the walls and one on the door at the end. Read them as you go and then go up the stairs and through the door at the end, after reading the memo on it. 14 // t h e c h u r c h --=-======---====-=-=--=-====-=----===---=-======---=-====----==-=-=---=== "'God'? Are you sure you don't mean 'Devil'?" Inside in a cutscene, Heather will find a surprised Claudia. After the cutscene, Claudia leaves the chapel through the near door. Move forward and go to the other side of the altar there and save your game with the SAVE POINT if you haven't saved in a while. Look behind you on the ledge and get the "EYE OF NIGHT" TAROT CARD. You may wonder why you have your Handgun equipped and it's because Heather did so in the cutscene. On the side walls in this chapel, you can find six paintings with descriptions; read them if you wish. When you're done here, find the door that Claudia went through and enter that corridor. Look to Heather's right and get the CHURCH MAP on the wall, which appears to be done by a child. Turn around and enter the confessional box through the right door. You can hear some crying in here. Examine the red curtain by the open area for a cutscene. After the cutscene, you will be given two choices: Say, "I forgive you" or don't say anything. This may affect which ending you receive at the end of the game, depending on your performance, but only if playing a replay game. If you forgive, there will be another cutscene, but not when you say nothing. Exit the confessional box and continue down the hallway to hear some static from your Radio. The door all the way south is locked, so go through the door a little north from that one, which is the only other door. There is a Closer in here and its appearance is a little different, possibly because this church. If you check your map, you'll notice that this area isn't already mapped, but Heather does it herself and she knows what the whole area is like right when you enter it. Run past the Closer and go through the other door in the area. Head east to find yourself between two Insane Cancers; one on each side. Make your way past the one to the right and enter the southeast room. Head towards the camera for a sweet view that reveals 2 packs of HANDGUN BULLETS on the shelf; get them. Go to the nearby desk and take the CASSETTE TAPE and read the memo that explains the save point. Exit the room and push your way past the other Insane Cancer and go through the north door. In this corridor, you can hear crying and footsteps. The footsteps actually lead somewhere where you'll need to go. If you wait long enough, blood footprints will appear on the ground by the painting leading to it. After the footsteps aren't heard anymore, you can examine the painting and remove it. But don't go through the door yet. Continue down the corridor and enter the north room. On the ground in front of you is a very large SAVE POINT. There are three pictures in this room and you may notice that Jennifer Carroll, the "praying woman" in Silent Hill 2, is in one of the paintings. There's one of Alessa and a baby, which are both Heather, she says, oddly enough, and the other one is a doctor of god, Nicholas. Exit the room and go back to the painting. If you haven't already, examine it and push it aside. Go through the revealed door. Valtiel is heard and can be seen crawling on the right side of this area. Ignore him and go through the door at the end of the hallway. Head south and then east here to encounter a new enemy, a Scraper. It's very weak and one Shotgun Shell should take it out. Find the door in the southeast and go through it. It appears to be a Library. There is a memo about Silent Hill's Ancient Gods on the west side of the room on a shelf and a memo about Tarot is on the east side of the middle shelf. Make your way to the southeast part of the room and take the "MOON" TAROT CARD on the table, and then a cutscene with Vincent will play. Vincent gives you the BOOK: OTHERWORLD LAWS and exits the room. Do the same and enter the elevator to be taken to the lower level. Go through the northeast door and follow the corridor, and then enter the west room, which appears to be a mortuary. Go to the left side of the gurney in front of you and take the "HANGED MAN" TAROT CARD on the corpse. I think the right place was chosen for this card. Get the SHOTGUN SHELLS in the north body shelf and then exit the room. Follow the corridor to the other room and enter it. Harry's Diary is mysteriously on the bed; read it. Grab the 2 STUN GUN BATTERIES on the desk and exit the room since the other door has a broken lock. When you reach the main part of the corridor, there will be two Scrapers there. They'll probably slash you if you try to run past them so kill them with any weapon that works. Exit back to the main section of the lower level and go through the second door from the east. There are two Pendulums patrolling the area in the air, as well as a Scraper on the ledge you're one. Head west, south, and kill the Scraper. Quickly go through the southwest door. If you encounter a Pendulum on the way, kill it if you have to. Move west and enter the first room on the left. There are two Closers in here and they're a lot stronger than in other areas in the game. Just run past them while dodging their attacks if they try anything, and go through the other door in the area. Go south down the hallway and you can hear the crying and the footsteps again. At about the middle of the high camera angle is where the blood footprints are, but continue down the hallway while you're waiting, to find Valtiel turing a valve, and what looks like two hanged Nurses with curtains over them. Go back to the blood footprints and examine the wall that they lead to, to reveal a hidden door. Go forward and enter the room to the right. This room is the exact room from the first Silent Hill that was Alessa's. Examine the book on the chair to get the "FOOL" TAROT CARD and read the Aglaophotis memo. Behind you to your right is a pack of HANDGUN BULLETS on a shelf along with drugs you can't take. Get the AMPOULE on the back side of the TV on the large nightstand by the bed. Exit the room and you'll hear louder static than before. There's an Insane Cancer waiting to Heather's left when you go back in the long hallway. Since it's not in your way, ignore it and head north to encounter another one. You can just simply go past this one because it's only blocking half of the hallway, and then enter the north room again. If you killed the two Closers in here before, there will be three more! Don't even try it and exit the room through the north door. Go west in this corridor to find Valtiel hanging a Nurse to the left. Continue down the corridor and go through the southeast door. This is also an exact same room from the first Silent Hill. To the left is a SAVE POINT on a piece of paper. Get the BRASS KEY from the butterfly collection on the wall with the broken glass. On the bed is Heather's sketchbook from when she was 7. It's used for an upcoming puzzle. You can also find a locked door with nine engravings of cards, however, only five will be used. You can't do the whole puzzle now because you need one more tarot card, so exit the room. Make your way through some corridors and head to the elevator on this floor to move up to the upper level. Make your way all the way back to the only corridor that was originally drawn on your map, ignoring the two Scrapers and the Slurper in the closest room to the corridor, and go through the south door, using the BRASS KEY. Go down the corridor and go through the first door on the left around the corner. Go up to the desk in the middle of the room and examine the front of it to find a desk very similar to one on the first Silent Hill. You can also read a note from a teacher in the first Silent Hill on the teacher's desk. Exit the classroom from the door you entered and there will be a Scraper on your right. Try to kill it before it gets to attack you (if you don't enter the classroom, the Scraper will come from behind you, and yes, appearing from nowhere). Continue east down the hallway and push your way past the Insane Cancer. Enter the first room on the west of the southernmost part of the corridor. Go up to the cassette player on the shelf and use the CASSETTE TAPE from the menu. The tape mentions something about people trying to use the Seal of Metatron to stop the birth of God. Remember that, and when the tape ends, read the memo on the desk in the room and then exit. Enter the next room on the west side of where you are and take the "HIGH PRIESTESS" TAROT CARD. Read Claudia's Diary on the shelf and then examine the Birthday Card on the desk. When you're done, exit the room. You can enter the east room but there are only four Scrapers ready to attack you. Now that you have all five Tarot Cards, make your way back to the elevator to go down to the lower level. The Church will start to get very bloody for some reason. Make your way all the way to the southwesternmost room on this level. t a r o t c a r d p u z z l e -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a sketchbook on the bed that will tell you how to solve the puzzle. It deals with the five Tarot Cards you have and the locked door with the nine card engravings on it. The solution is different for each Riddle Level. Use one card on the door from the menu, and to choose a certain card to put in a slot, select it in the blue box in the bottom right corner of the screen and put it where it belongs. Below are the solutions for each Riddle Level. EASY: Examine the sketchbook on the bed and it will show you a diagram of the placements for each card. It's pretty simple, but if you can't make out what each picture is, here you go: "Fool"-------Empty------"Moon" | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | Empty------"Eye of------Empty | Night" | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | "Hanged Man"---Empty------"High Priestess" NORMAL: "The door sure does rattle, but it's stuck tight. A secret is hidden out of your sight! You may be thinking, "What could it be?" You'll need five magic cards if you want to see. What to do, then, with all these? I'll tell you straight and I won't tease-- Just as long as you say "please". Now the first thing you must know Is that there's something in each row. But that is not the half of it: Three would be too hard to fit. The upside-down man under the ground: To his right, to his left, there's no one around. Leave him alone, though his tears are profound. The moon is up above the sky, Full or crescent, floating high. Twinkling light sits like a crown On the head of a crazy clown. Your Excellency, praying to God most high Do you think you can tell me why You always look up at the night sky? Do you have it now? You didn't forget? One major point you must not omit. And now at the last, before you take a whack Here's one more hint to help keep you on track. Scary and hateful, that thing in the night Better be careful -- it's not on your right! Turn to the left and you'll keep it in sight. So you'll open the door? I'm just sure that there'll Be nothing beyond it but frightening peril. Forget about that! Just stay and play! Or else I'll be left here alone all day." The sketchbook on the bed will describe the locations of each card. You may be smart enough to solve it yourself, but if not, this should help you. The riddle tells you "there's something in each row. But that is not the half of it: Three would be too hard to fit." So there's at least one card in each row, and this means there will be two cards in two rows, and one card in one row. The riddle goes on, telling you "The upside-down man under the ground: To his right, to his left, there's no one around." Okay, so the Fool is in the bottom row, and he must be in the middle, because there's no one to his right or left. The next part, "The moon is up above the sky, full or crescent, floating high. Twinkling light sits like a crown on the head of a crazy clown" states that the Moon is in the top row, and below it is the crazy clown, which would be the Fool. You can't really determine the column for these cards just yet, but you know which rows they are in. Furthermore, the riddle states "Your Excellency, praying to God most high; Do you think you can tell me why you always look up at the night sky?" The person praying would be the High Priestess, and the God would be the Eye of Night, the only card left. So the Eye of Night is above the High Priestess. Just like the last verse, you can't determine which column these cards belong in. Ah, but there's more: "Scary and hateful, that thing in the night; Better be careful -- it's not on your right! Turn to the left and you'll keep it in sight." The "scary and hateful thing in the night" would be the Eye of Night. The riddle claims it's not on your right, it's on your left. So the Eye of Night is in the left column, and the High Priestess below it. The riddle hasn't been completely solved yet -- the column for the Moon and Fool hasn't been mentioned. The only two columns for them are the middle and the right. Trying the middle column, nothing happens -- try the right and the door will unlock, leaving you with this solution: "Eye of Night"-----Empty------"Moon" | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | "High-------Empty------"Fool" Priestess" / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | Empty---"Hanged Man"---Empty HARD: "I had a dream. In my dream, I opened a door. But was that really me? I had a different name. ING WXX NXA OEI IFI VII MOX NOT XVH XON HNG III XAA CXX CCX JII IEI IHT 5 are true and 4 are lies--- and there are some fibs mixed in with the truth. That's 'cause it's scary to write only the truth. But dreams...dreams are like lies, after all." The main point of interest here is this diagram: ING WXX NXA OEI IFI VII MOX NOT XVH XON HNG III XAA CXX CCX JII IEI IHT Each of the nine double lines represents one of the nine slots in the Tarot Card door. But only roman numerals count, so you must eliminate all the non-roman numerals in each double line. If you don't know roman numerals too well, the following are all roman numerals: I, V, X, L, C, D and M. So any letters in the diagram that aren't any of the above should be taken out. After you do so, you should be left with the following: II XXII XVII MXX 0 XVIII XII CXXII CCXI You may be wondering where the 0 came from. Since there are no roman numerals in the middle of the diagram, the answer is 0. And there is no roman numeral for 0, so it's just 0. Now if you examine each tarot card in the menu, you'll notice they all have roman numerals on them. So for the first one, you'll find that the "High Priestess" Tarot Card has II printed on it, so the top left tarot card is the "High Priestess." But all of the above roman numerals won't be used, only the ones that match the numbers on the tarot cars will be used. Here's what you will find on each tarot card: "High Priestess" - II "Hanged Man" - XII "Moon" - XVIII "Fool" - 0 "Eye of Night" - XXII If you match these with the roman numeral diagram above, you'll come up with the following solution: "High "Eye of Priestess"----Night"------Empty | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | Empty------ "Fool"------"Moon" | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | "Hanged Man"----Empty------Empty After you solve the puzzle, the door will unlock. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the puzzle is solved and the door is unlocked, go through it. Follow the barely descending stairs to the bottom and go through the north door. A cutscene with Vincent and Claudia plays. Heather eventually enters. After the very long cutscene, it's just you and Claudia and you can move. You have limited time to do something, and whatever you do, do not try to damage Claudia or you will die. So don't use any weapons. The Seal of Metatron didn't work so you need to use something else. Look in your inventory and now is the time to use the PENDANT. If you don't do anything and just move around, you will just die after a while. Heather eats the red jewel and she spits out "God." Claudia eats in and finally you get to laugh at Claudia while she receives some pain. After the cutscene, Claudia is now down the hole in front of you. Go up to the hole and Heather will jump down. Down here, Valtiel is assisting God and then it's time for the final fight of the game. f i n a l b o s s : t h e g o d -=-=-=====---==-====---=-=-======-=---==-====----==-=-=====----=-====----= -----===-=====--=-====-=-=-=====-==-=-====-=-=-=-=-=======-=-=-===-=-===-- | Difficulty: Hard | So this is the god, eh? This battle isn't that hard and you can beat it with just a melee weapon. You will unlock an extra item if you kill the god with a melee weapon, so why not do it? You can use whichever weapon you want to start, including guns, but the killing blow must be with a melee weapon. There is something in this area that will help you a lot. There is a semi-circle on the floor. As long as you're standing outside of that, the God cannot attack you -- it can spread fire toward you, however. Use the Handgun from outside the semi-circle and it should be fairly easy. But be ready to run away when fire is thrown toward you. If you're standing still, the fire WILL get you, so be sure to be moving away from it at the time it happens. Whenever the boss falls over, consider switching to a more powerful weapon like the Shotgun or the Submachine Gun, but the Handgun is the only weapon that works well while the God is standing up. Make sure you're always ready to stop what you're doing and run away when the fire comes. If the fire touches you, it will inflict a lot of damage. You'll probably have to use many health items in this fight, but hopefully you'll have enough. You may have the Bulletproof Vest on, but it isn't very convenient -- it will just slow you down a lot. When trying to escape the fire, strafing can work perfectly, but make sure you know where you're going. If you plan on unlocking the extra weapon and you've shot the God a lot, switch to the Katana, or the Steel Pipe if you don't have the Katana. The god has four types of attacks. A swing of its arm while standing is its most powerful attack and takes off a lot of health! While the god is down, it can do an arm swing and a bite attack, which both inflict a lot of damage. The last is when it throws fire. If you get hit by it, you lose a lot of health. When using the Katana, try to only do three swings when the god is down, then run away and wait for the fire. You may have to wait a while each time for the god to come down again, but it will. Repeat this process and make sure you're using the Katana while the god is on the ground, because that's where it will die (if you don't care about the extra weapon, keep firing the Handgun at the God until it dies). Once you take a swing, a cutscene plays and the god dies. =--=-=====-=-====-=-===-=---==-=-=-=-=-------==-=--=--=-=====----====----- ====-=-=---=-==-====-=-=----=-=-=====--=---==-----==-=====--==-=-====-==== Congratulations, you've beaten Silent Hill 3. There will be a short cutscene and then your ending will play. Check the Endings section under the Speed Walkthrough to see how to get the other endings. If you're familiar with the first Silent Hill, you'll probably like the credits song. You will unlock some extra stuff. To learn how to unlock all the items, check the Extras section. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 12. S P E E D W A L K T H R O U G H ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following speed walkthrough is intended for people who have beaten the game at least once, but I recommend that you play through another or a few more times so you know what to do pretty well. You are expected to know where to go when something is said. For example: -Enter the Storage Room on 3F Use your map if you need to, but you shouldn't always have to use it. Use the below legend so you know what each line in the speed walkthrough means. You are also expected to know where items are, for the most part. For example: -Enter the southernmost room in the corridor and get the WALNUT You should already know where all items are beforehand -- this is why you should play the game a few times first, before going for speed. Don't waste time killing too many enemies. Especially when they're are groups of enemies, just run past them. However, enemies that may pose a real threat should be taken out. Supplies aren't mentioned in this speed walkthrough, however, you are expected to get some on your own. Try not to go out of your way just to get a supply, unless you really need it. Always get supplies that you go past and are close to (supplies near an item should always be picked up, obviously). Collecting Extra Weapons add to a better ranking, so pick them up if playing an Extra New Game. ------------------ | Legend | | | | n e w a r e a | | ---=-====---=--- | | | | ------ | | Puzzle | | ------ | | | | **** | | Boss | | **** | ------------------ [Note:] Cutscenes do not count towards your time. You can watch them if you want but to stay on track, you might want to skip them. All items, weapons, and maps are in CAPITALS. [Note:] Although the Lakeside Amusement Park nightmare is in here, you should go for speed in an Extra New Game so you'll get a faster time. But if you want, you can start a New Game for speed. 01 // l a k e s i d e a m u s e m e n t p a r k ===--=----=-=====---=-=====-----=-====---=---=-====------====--==--====--- -Actually finish the stage on the roller coaster rails, or just fall down a hole or let an enemy kill you 02 // c e n t r a l s q u a r e s h o p p i n g c e n t e r -=--=-=-======---==-=====-=---=-====-=-=====---=-=====-----=--=---==-===== -Exit the washroom through the window and go through the open door in the alley -Go through the double doors at the end of the hallway to the right -Enter the women's clothing shop and you'll get the HANDGUN -Exit the room through the other door and get the SHOPPING MALL MAP by the stairs door -Go up to 2F via the stars and enter Helen's Bakery to get the TONGS -Enter the northwest storage room in the corridor you just came from and use the TONGS to get the KEY TAKEN WITH TONGS under the skid -Enter the "My Bestsellers" bookstore and collect the SHAKESPEARE ANTHOLOGY books by the shelf -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Put the books on the shelf to reveal a code; arrange them out of order -If on Hard Riddle Level, the code is 8352 (don't pick up the books) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Use the code to get past the locked door and meet Claudia -Find the elevator and enter it -Get the RADIO when it falls down and exit the elevator 03 // n i g h t m a r e m a l l ----==-======----=-===---=-======---=-==-=====---=-=-====-=-=-=--======-=- -Enter the storage room beside the women's washroom and get the FLASHLIGHT between the boxes -Get the Bleach from the women's washroom (if not playing Easy Riddle Level) and go past the shutter to the east and enter the women's clothing shop -Get the HANGER on the coat rack near you and the BULLETPROOF VEST on the far one -Go back to the west corridor and enter the southwest shop on the north side -Use the HANGER to bring down the ladder and go up it to 2F -Go up the escalators to 3F and go through the double doors on your right -Get the COOKED KEY from inside the ready-to-eat dog -Go back down to 2F and enter southernmost room and get the WALNUT -Go through the other door and enter Café Turn Mill, using the COOKED KEY, and get the STEEL PIPE -Exit through the other door and enter what's left of Helen's Bakery through the southeast double doors -Get the DETERGENT (if not playing Easy Riddle Level) on the cart in the room and exit through the other door -Turn off the fan at the other end of the hallway and go through the door there -Combine the BLEACH and DETERGENT and use the combination on the bucket by the door (if playing Easy Riddle Level, forget this and just continue) -Back by the fan, turn it back on and reenter the corridor -Now enter the northeast shop in the corridor and pass through it to the other corridor -Enter the northwest shop and break open the WALNUT with the vise to get the MOONSTONE -Head west all the way to the escalator corridor and go up to 3F again -Use the MOONSTONE on the locked door and go down the long ladder in the area to the first boss ************************************************************************** -Use the Handgun to kill the Split Worm and make sure to dodge its attacks -Hold L2 to see which hole it's coming from next and shoot it when it opens its protective cover for its head -It shouldn't take too long to beat this easy boss fight ************************************************************************** -Head west through the nearby doors and through the next doors 04 // h a z e l s t r e e t s u b w a y s t a t i o n ===----====-====---==-=====----=-====-=-=====-----=-==----==---==-=====-== -Follow the hallway and head right when the hallway diverts, and go through the door -Follow the left wall around the corner until you get to the turnstiles, and go past them -Get the SUBWAY MAP on the wall of the room by you and go downstairs via the closest stairs -Head east to Platform 1 and go down the stairs -Go down the east stairs and get the NUTCRACKER -Go up the stairs and go up the other stairs you came from -Go to the Platform 2 Gate and use the NUTCRACKER to open it -Go down the stairs and get the SHOTGUN in the abandoned train -Go down the north stairs and find and go down the Platform 3 stairs -Go east, fall on the track and try to open the far red light door, and run back to climb back up on the platform -Head west through the gate, up the far stairs, down the stairs in front of you and enter the subway train -Make your way through each of the nine cars and then enter the Underpass through the blue door on the platform when the train stops 05 // u n d e r p a s s ==-=-==-=====----=-====---=-====-=---=-=-=-=======----=-=====--=-=-==----= -Make your way to the first actual room through the first four corridors, and get the MAUL and the UNDERPASS MAP -Get the WINE BOTTLE from the southwest hall, through the door -Make your way to the east section of this floor and enter the room with the heater -Use the WINE BOTTLE on the heater to get the OIL-FILLED BOTTLE -Enter the other room (just north of it) and use the OIL-FILLED BOTTLE to fill the gas tank and use the machine -Go downstairs via the ladder and use the stairs to go through the door at the top -Enter the garbage room south from where you are and get the DRYER -Head east through some doors until you get to the monster in the water area, and use the DRYER on the outlet by the door -Go across the bridge and through the door -Go south through the next door and go through the door to the stairs south of where you are -Go down the stairs and up the next set, and go through the door -Go up the stairs and up the ladder -Enter the construction site 06 // c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e ---=-=====----=-====---=-=====---=-=====---=-=-=====-----=-=--===----===-- -Enter the stairwell and go through the 5F door -Enter the large room and drop the bed down the hole, then jump down to 3F -Go outside through the hole in the wall and go through the window to the Hilltop Center 07 // h i l l t o p c e n t e r ---=-====--=-=====-=-=-=-======--=-=-===-=-======----=----=-=-======----== -Find the door exiting to the main 3F corridor and go through it -Enter the emergency staircase and go up to 5F -Head down the hall and turn left, then enter the gallery on the left -Exit the gallery through the far door and get the SCREWDRIVER on the boxes (if not playing Easy Riddle Level) -Get the KATANA from the other end right room in this corridor, and go back to the main corridor -After exiting the gallery, go through the door in front of you and go right around two corners and enter the first room on your left -Get the JACK from the back of the room and head back down to 3F -Head left past the elevators and through the left door -Go through the door in front of you to the right and get the OFFICE BUILDING MAP, then use the SCREWDRIVER on the desk drawer to get the ROPE (if playing Easy Riddle Level, just grab the Rope) -Go to the west elevator -- with the doors slightly open -- on this floor and use the JACK, and then the ROPE -Go down to 2F with the rope and enter the west room -Go through two doors north and turn on the bathtub in the last room 08 // n i g h t m a r e h i l l t o p c e n t e r ==-=--=====----=-=====--==-=-====-----=-=====--=-==-=====-=--=-=====-=---- -Exit to the main corridor and go north to the Green Ridge area and enter the northernmost room with Vincent in it -Get the OXYDOL on the desk and exit through the other door -Enter the east elevator and go down to 1F -Ignore the beginning of the fairy tale on the ground near the Glutton and enter the Last Drop Café -Get the PORK LIVER in the small fridge and then go up to 5F via the elevator -Enter the west corridor and enter the southwest room -Get the MATCHBOOK on the table and enter the gallery by going east and then north (and through two sets of doors) -Go up to the bucket by the painting and combine and use the OXYDOL, PORK LIVER and the MATCHBOOK -Go through the small doors and go down the stairs, ignoring the middle section of the fairy tale, and go through the door there -Make your way to the end of this corridor and the next one, and enter the room there -Get a SILVER COIN from the desk and use it on the vending machine to get the LIFE INSURANCE KEY -Go down to 1F and enter the west corridor, using the LIFE INSURANCE KEY, and enter the room as far southeast as you can go -Read the end of the fairy tale and exit to the main corridor -Exit the building to outside -Find and enter Daisy Villa Apartments 09 // d a i s y v i l l a a p a r t m e n t s ==---=-=-=====---=-=-====-=---=-==-===-=-=-----=-===----=-===-----=-===-=- -Find and enter your apartment ************************************************************************** -Use the Shotgun to kill the Missionary -Go for shots from behind, which will inflict a lot of damage -Run and let the Missionary try to attack you and get behind it for a shot -When the Missionary is on the ground, keep shooting it -Strafe out of the way when the Missionary runs towards you, and blast it after it passes you -This fight shouldn't be too hard ************************************************************************** -Get the STUN GUN from Heather's room if you want, and then exit the apartments from the front door 10 // s i l e n t h i l l ----=-=-======----===-=====----=-=====--=--=-========---=-=-====-=-====-== -Make your way to Brookhaven Hospital and enter it 11 // b r o o k h a v e n h o s p i t a l ===-=-=-=====-=---======-=--=-=====----==-====----=-======-=-=-----===---- -Enter the Reception and get the HOSPITAL MAP -Enter the elevator in the main corridor and go up to 2F -Get the NAIL POLISH REMOVER from the Women's Locker Room -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Solve the puzzle to open the patient wing double doors with the following codes for each Riddle Level: -EASY: 4639 -NORMAL: 8634 -HARD: 4896 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Enter the patient wing and enter room M4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Examine the clock for the time (or number if on Easy Riddle Level) and use that to open the briefcase (if on hard, use 24 hour time) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Get the INSTANT CAMERA from the briefcase -Go down to 1F via the east elevator and enter the patient wing -Enter room C4 and use the NAIL POLISH REMOVER to get the STAIRWELL KEY -Use the STAIRWELL KEY to enter the east stairwell and go down to BF -Get the SUBMACHINE GUN by the elevator and enter the Store Room -Use the INSTANT CAMERA to see the code behind the shelf -Go up to 3F and use that code to enter the patient wing -Enter Room S12 and get the phone -Go down to the 2F patient wing and go through the door marked "M" at the end of the hallway -Use these directions whenever you reach a place where the hallway turns (so at every corner, use these directions, even if there's only one way): -Right, right, left, right, right, left, through the door -Left, right, right, left, through door -Left, left -When you reach the large red crest (Metatron crest), go through the door ahead, up the ladder, and through the door up there 12 // n i g h t m a r e h o s p i t a l ==----==-====----=====-=-=---=-====---=--======----=-=====---=--=-====--== -Go through the Day Room (first, you may want to unlock the patient wing double doors for later) to the east corridor and enter the elevator -Go down to 2F and get the PLASTIC BAG from the garbage in the Women's Locker Room, and go back up to 3F -Use the PLASTIC BAG to get the PLASTIC BAG (WITH BLOOD) in Examining Room 3 from the blood bucket (pass through the Day Room if you didn't unlock the patient wing from the other side before) -Enter the east elevator and go down to B3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Solve the puzzle if not on Easy Riddle Level, for the appropriate Riddle Level -Normal: Use the roman numerals on the oven and match them with the numbers on the gurneys with corpses -Hard: The code is 9271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Get the CREMATED KEY from the oven and go up to 1F -Use the CREMATED KEY to pass through the Day Room and enter room C4 -Use the PLASTIC BAG (WITH BLOOD) on the altar and then go down the ladder ************************************************************************** -Defeat Leonard with the Shotgun -Try to go for shots from behind -Stay away from Leonard while he's getting up -Continuously shoot Leonard while he's on the ground -It may take long, but just keep shooting him ************************************************************************** -Heather will pick up the TALISMAN from the ground -Exit the room and exit the hospital through the front doors -Go back to the motel room and enter it -After the conversation, head northwest on Nathan Avenue to reach the park 13 // l a k e s i d e a m u s e m e n t p a r k r e v i s i t e d ===----======----=====---====-=-=-====-=--=-=-======-=---==------====---== -Find and enter the souvenir shop and run to the back left of the shop, and then run to the back right to make the shelf fall -Get the ROLLER COASTER KEY in the cookie case -Exit and continue around the area and go through the closest door -Keep going and make your way to the Mountain Coaster and up the stairs -Use the ROLLER COASTER KEY to enter the control room and switch the ride off -Go on the rails to the end for the cutscene -Go through the left door and enter the Borley Haunted Mansion -Make your way through the house -- you won't have to wait for the narrator to finish talking before you can go through the doors in the first rooms, if playing an Extra New Game -For the red glow hallways, just keep running to the end and exit the house -Find the gate and go through it to the next area -Head forward and through the two gates to the left -Get the CHAIN on some bleachers and the RED SHOE on the stage, and go back to the Swing Rocket ride -Attach the CHAIN to the gate door and the bar on the column on the ride, and start the ride from the control room -Go through the now opened gate door -After meeting Douglas, go through the gate in front of you and enter the FORTUNE HOUSE -Grab DOUGLAS'S NOTEBOOK and the DOLL HEAD in this area and enter the Morchen Travel place nearby -Place the DOLL HEAD in the left doll's hand, and the RED SHOE by the right doll -Take the left path through the wooden door, and then through the green door after it -Enter the carousel area ahead and aboard the carousel -Kill all the horses with a melee weapon ************************************************************************** -Defeat the Memory of Alessa with the Katana -When Alessa has a firearm, stay close to her -Use the method where you swing three times and knock Alessa back each time -Repeat this and she shouldn't be able to hit you -If you're having trouble, use a firearm (Shotgun) ************************************************************************** -After the boss, go through the door off the carousel -Enter the Church through the next door 14 // t h e c h u r c h ==-=--=-====-=----==-=====----=-=====----=-==-=====-=----=-=====-----=-=== -Get the "EYE OF NIGHT" TAROT CARD behind the altar and enter the first corridor -Get the CHURCH MAP on the wall and make your way to the hallway with the moveable painting -After the blood footprints are done, move the painting and go through the door -Go all the way to the library and get the "MOON" TAROT CARD on the table -Vincent will hand you the BOOK: OTHERWORLD LAWS in a cutscene -Enter the elevator to go down to the lower level -Get the "HANGED MAN" TAROT CARD from the morgue in the west and go south all the way to the long hallway -Enter the Alessa hospital room past the moveable wall (once the blood footprints are finished) and get the "FOOL" TAROT CARD in the Aglaophotis book -Go back north to the middle hallway on the lower level and enter Alessa's room to the west, and get the BRASS KEY -Go back up to the upper level and go to the locked door in the first corridor, using the BRASS KEY -Enter the southernmost room on the west side and get the "HIGH PRIESTESS" TAROT CARD -Go back down to the lower level and enter Alessa's room again -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Here are the solutions for each Riddle Level: -EASY: "Fool" | Empty | "Moon" -------------------------------------------------------------- Empty | "Eye of Night" | Empty -------------------------------------------------------------- "Hanged Man" | Empty | "High Priestess" -NORMAL: "Eye of Night" | Empty | "Moon" -------------------------------------------------------------- "High Priestess" | Empty | "Fool" -------------------------------------------------------------- Empty | "Hanged Man" | Empty -HARD: "High Priestess" | "Eye of Night" | Empty -------------------------------------------------------------- Empty | "Fool" | "Moon" -------------------------------------------------------------- "Hanged Man" | Empty | Empty -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Go through the door, down the stairs and enter the last area -After the cutscene, use the PENDANT -Jump down the hole to the final boss fight ************************************************************************** -Use the Handgun to defeat the god -Stay just outside of the semi-circle on the ground and fire the Handgun until the god shoots fire -- sidestep to the left or right, appropriately, when this happens -Repeat this process until the god dies -It may take a while, but it's pretty easy ************************************************************************** Congratulations! If your time is less than two hours, that's really good. If less than three hours, that's okay, but you can do better. You must know what you're doing to get a really good time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 13. E N D I N G S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silent Hill games are known for their many endings, however, Silent Hill 3 only has three. Another different thing is how the ending system works. h o w t h e e n d i n g s y s t e m w o r k s -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The system, if you will, for endings is processed by points. For the two normal endings -- Normal and Possessed -- you will receive the appropriate ending for how many points you've received. If you exceed 4000, you will receive the Possessed ending, if not, the Normal ending. Here's how the point system works: -Killing an enemy: 10 points -Receiving Damage: 1 point for each damage point -Confessional Box: Forgive - 1000 points (Church) Say Nothing - 0 points t h e e n d i n g s -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Normal" Ending =-=-===--===--- This is the normal ending. You can only get this ending the first time through the game, no matter what you do. To receive this ending in an Extra New Game you must receive less than 4000 points, which is an easy task. To give you an idea you what you should do, follow these steps: -Beat the game killing under 100 enemies -Try your best not to take much damage -Say nothing to the person in the Confessional Box in the Church If you have under 4000 points in the end, you will receive this ending. "Possessed" Ending ==-=---=-=-=-===-= The whole idea of this ending is to exceed 4000 points. Killing each enemy is worth 10 points, so 100 enemies will be 1000 points. Try to kill over 200 enemies if you can. The amount of damage you receive in points counts too. Try to receive around 1000 points in damage and run around with not a lot of health often. So let monsters hit you and damage you a lot. This may not work out too well on Hard Action Level because you'll probably die. Try it on Easy or Normal -- I recommend Normal because monsters have weak attacks on Easy. Another 1000 points comes from the confessional box in the Church. Say "Yes" to the person and you will receive 1000 points; if not, nothing. So if you want to receive this ending, try to get as many points as possible. You can try your own method but here is what I recommend: [Note:] The number in brackets beside each suggestion is how many points you will receive for doing that. -Beat the game killing over 200 enemies (2000+) -Forgive the person in the Confessional Box in the Church (1000) -Try to receive at least 1000 points in damage (1000+) This equals 4000 points, which is what you need. To ensure that you'll get the Possessed ending, kill every enemy you see. "Revenge" Ending --==-===-===-==- You can only receive this ending in a replay game. You must first unlock the Heather Beam, which is received upon killing a total of at least 333 enemies in your save file. This means you can do this over several times through the game, and not just once. Once you have a total of over 333 enemies killed from all the times you've beaten the game in the same save file, you will unlock the Heather Beam. The Heather Beam is never in your inventory and is always equipped when no actual weapon is equipped. Hold R2 and press X to use it. Find more information about the Heather Beam/Sexy Beam in the Extras section. To receive the Revenge ending, you must kill at least 30 enemies with the Heather Beam/Sexy Beam before you reach Daisy Villa Apartments. You can kill enemies with other weapons or kick them and still get the ending, but why waste kills for the Heather Beam? When you enter your apartment, the game will end there and you will get to experience this wacky ending. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 14. R A N K I N G ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 // t h e r a n k i n g s y s t e m --=-=-=====---=-=-====---=-=-==-=----=--=-====---=-=--=---=====----=-=---- Upon completion of the game, a screen will be displayed with all your statistics on it. Unlike previous Silent Hill games, you can scroll up or down, and will need to in order to see your entire ranking. Below is what each heading is. First Time =-==-=--=- Action Level The Action Level you chose at the beginning of the game Riddle Level The Riddle Level you chose at the beginning of the game Clear Time The amount of time it took you to finish the game Split Worm kill time How long it took you to kill the Split Worm Missionary kill time How long it took you to kill the Missionary Leonard kill time How long it took you to kill Leonard Memory of Alessa kill time How long it took you to kill Alessa The god kill time How long it took you to kill the god Clear number The number of times you finished the game Save & continue number The amount of saves and continues you used Item Number The number of items you picked up Defeated enemy by shooting How many enemies you killed by shooting Defeated enemy by fighting How many enemies you killed by fighting Total Damage The total damage you received Rank The amount of stars you receive Extra Replay =-==-==--=-= Extra Weapon number The number of extra items you picked up Rank Reduction -1 star if you used an extra weapon 02 // h o w t h e r a n k i n g w o r k s =---=-=====---=-=-=====----=-=----=-======--=-===--=-=-----==-=====---=-== Result Observations Stars Awarded -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending Doesn't matter NA Action Level Easy 1 Normal 3 Hard/Extreme 5 Riddle Level Easy 1 Normal 3 Hard 5 Clear Time 3 hours or less 10 Under 4 hours 5 Under 6 hours 3 Under 8 hours 2 Under 16 hours 1 Over 16 hours 0 Split Worm Kill Time 2 minutes or less 2 Under 4 minutes 1 Over 4 minutes 0 Missionary Kill Time 2 minutes or less 2 Under 4 minutes 1 Over 4 minutes 0 Leonard Kill Time 3 minutes or less 2 Under 5 minutes 1 Over 5 minutes 0 Memory of Alessa Kill Time 3 minutes or less 2 Under 5 minutes 1 Over 5 minutes 0 The god Kill Time 8 minutes or less 2 Under 10 minutes 1 Over 10 minutes 0 Clear Number 1 1 2 3 3 or more 5 Save & Continue Number 0-2 5 3-5 4 6-10 3 11-20 2 21-30 1 31 or more 0 Item Number One star per 5 items 1-20 Extra Weapon Number Beam Saber 1 Flamethrower 1 Gold Pipe 1 Silver Pipe 1 Unlimited Submachine Gun 1 Defeated Enemy By Shooting One star per 5 enemies 1-15 Defeated Enemy By Fighting One star per 5 enemies 1-15 Total Damage Under 500 points 5 Under 1000 points 4 Under 1500 points 3 Under 2000 points 2 Under 2500 points 1 Over 2500 points 0 Rank Reduction Extra Weapon Used -1 Beginner Mode Used -15 RANK Total stars awarded 1-100 03 // t e n s t a r r a n k i n g ====-=--===-=-----==-======----=-====---=-======----=------===---=-=---==- 1. Requirements 2. Difficulty Levels 3. Endings 4. Saves 5. Total Time 6. Items 7. Defeating Enemies 8. Fighting Bosses 9. Total Damage 10. Strategies 11. Puzzle Solutions 12. Extra Weapon Upgrades This section is dedicated to getting a 10 star ranking, which can be a difficult thing to do. First, you must know the basics: When your rank is displayed there will be big stars and little stars. Each big star is worth 1, and each little star is worth 0.1. So if you have 7 big stars and 5 little stars, your rank is 7.5/10, or 75/100. 1. Requirements =============== Ending Type Doesn't Matter (Normal) Action Level Hard/Extreme Riddle Level Hard Clear Time Under 3 hours Split Worm kill time Under 2 minutes Missionary kill time Under 2 minutes Leonard kill time Under 3 minutes Memory of Alessa kill time Under 3 minutes The god kill time Under 8 minutes Clear number Doesn't Matter Save & continue number 0-2 Item Number Over 100 Defeated enemy by shooting 75 or more Defeated enemy by fighting 75 or more Total Damage Under 500 pts Rank Reduction None Rank 10 BIG GOLD STARS You might have noticed that the Normal ending written as a semi- requirement. It's not actually a requirement but it is impossible to receive the Possessed or Revenge endings and still get 10 stars. The Revenge ending is quite obvious as several bosses are skipped, along with other factors such as enemies killed. The Possessed ending requires 4000 points and the maximum you can get is around 3500 points to still get 10 stars. Damage cannot be over 500 points and there aren't enough enemies in the game to gain that extra 500 points you need to receive the Possessed ending. 2. Difficulty Levels ==================== You are required to play on either Hard or any Extreme Action Level, as well as Hard Riddle Level. So you might want to go for 10 stars while you're beating the Extreme Action Levels. To learn more about the Extreme Action Levels and how to unlock them, check the Extras section. I recommend you play on Hard Action Level because you'll have double the amount of health as Extreme Action Levels, and it's not as hard. 3. Endings ========== No ending is specifically required, but you should know the Revenge ending is instantly crossed off -- you HAVE to fight all the bosses in order to meet the requirements for them. Next, we can cross off the Possessed ending because I wouldn't think it's possible to receive it and still get 10 stars. There aren't enough enemies to make up for that extra 500 points you need (you have to have 500 points in damage or less, you can't have 1000). So the Normal ending is what you should be aiming for. 4. Saves ======== In order to meet the requirements, you must save your game twice or less. I recommend you use those two saves, unless you really want the bragging rights for one or no saves. The two spots I recommend you save at are: -Right before the Missionary boss in Daisy Villa Apartments -Right before fighting the final battle with the god in the Church These are just recommendations, you can save wherever you want, however, these should definitely be considered. 5. Total Time ============= Your total time must be under 3 hours, which isn't really hard to do. However, you need to kill 150 enemies in that 3 hours, as well as meeting the other requirements. Another specific thing is items -- don't go out of your way to get items, unless you really need them. Always get every item near you. Read more about items below. 6. Items ======== Your total items must be at least 100. This shouldn't be a problem whatsoever. Items are very easy to find, and getting them just to meet the requirement is foolish. Get all the items you can find that are necessary (don't get the ones that are far away and aren't worth it). I'm not saying this because of health -- you'll only need a certain amount of health items since you can't exceed 500 points in damage. If you go over 500 points, kiss those 10 stars goodbye. You must collect the five extra weapons to get 10 stars, and you must have them unlocked first. Read the Extras section to learn how to unlock them. Make sure you know where all the extra weapons are beforehand, and most important of all, remember to get them! Here are their locations: Unlimited Submachine Gun - On the boxes to Heather's left, just outside the women's washroom window, at the beginning of the Central Square Shopping Center, 1F Beam Saber - On the northwesternmost door in the north 2F corridor, Central Square Shopping Center Flamethrower - On the Helen's Bakery counter on 2F, Central Square Shopping Center Gold and Silver Pipes - The "monster in the water" room, Underpass lower level -- drop your Steel Pipe in the water and answer honestly Another very important thing is that you must not use these extra weapons. You will NOT receive 10 stars if you use an extra weapon, so don't even think of equipping one. 7. Defeating Enemies ==================== One of the biggest issues in getting a 10 star ranking is defeating enemies. You must kill at least 75 by fighting and 75 by shooting. Near the beginning of the game you'll be using the Handgun, but later on, the Shotgun is your best friend here, so you better get it. If you don't, good luck, but it will be very difficult. The only weapons you should use are firearms. Using melee weapons cause high risks of being attacked, which is not good. Another thing, make sure you have your Bullet Adjust set to x5, or whatever the maximum is for your version -- you will need the extra ammo. Basically, you should kill every enemy you see. There are around 200 enemies in the game though, so there are still around 50 you should ignore. However, don't ever try to get exactly 150 -- you probably won't get it. Always aim for a bit higher than 75 by both fighting and shooting. You get the Handgun before dealing with your first enemy, so don't worry about ever using melee weapons -- you shouldn't anyway. Set your Bullet Adjust to x5 before you start because you WILL need the extra ammo. Therefore every Handgun Bullets pickup comes with 50 bullets. Shotgun Shell pickups come with 30 shells, and Submachine Gun Bullet pickups come with 160 bullets. Each enemy is unique and will require a different amount of ammo to kill. Regular sized Numb Bodies die in 5 Handgun Bullets. Back up while shooting them -- the third shot should stun them a bit, so you should be able to stand still after that and fire twice more. Large Numb Bodies move very quickly and take around 10-12 shots to kill. Fighting Double Heads is a pain. While in caution mode, always sidestep when they come towards you. Shoot at them as they approach and continue doing so even while they're in the air. Other enemies like Nurses and Slurpers take a lot more Handgun ammo, so you should use the Shotgun. Nurses usually take 2 shots from the Shotgun to be knocked down, and Slurpers usually take around 5 shots. Aim at one and let it approach you, then blast it. Slurpers play dead very often -- continue to shoot them while they do so. Normal Closers take 13 Handgun shots to kill, and one good Shotgun blast to knock down. Insane Cancers require around 5 Shotgun blasts in total, and you should never bother with Pendulums. Scrapers, on the other hand, only take one good Shotgun blast to knock down. Totally unlike Silent Hill 2, killing by shooting is the easiest, especially with enemies near the beginning of the game, like Numb Bodies. Try to even it out though, and tally each kill on a piece of paper or a notepad, divided into two sections like so: fighting | shooting -----------|----------- | | | | | Use tally marks (|) to keep track of your kills by each method. Right after you kill an enemy, mark it down so you don't forget. Always get every box of ammo you can find. If you know where some ammo is, it is probably best to get it. Never waste bullets -- that should be obvious, but only shoot if you're sure the enemy will be hit. 8. Fighting Bosses ================== First of all, if you're looking for boss strategies, check the Strategies section below. This is just explaining a few things about bosses. You'll have to fight the five bosses under a certain amount of time. Unlike Silent Hill 2, you can't get an extra ending to eliminate a boss or two -- you have to do the whole thing. I definitely recommend you go through the game on Hard Action Level, practicing bosses. Save before each one, and practice the strategies that are in the Strategies section below. Use a watch or a stopwatch to time yourself. If you go over the time limit, Soft Reset (Start + Select) and load your game, or just use the "Continue" option to start from the beginning of the boss. Every boss will require firearms to defeat in the time limit. So, once again, make sure you have x5 Bullet Adjust on. If you don't have x5 yet, beat the game a few more times. 9. Total Damage =============== No doubt, this is a difficult task in getting a 10 star ranking. There are a lot of annoying enemies that will cause a lot of harm. The damage limit is 500 points. Most of the enemies in the game deliver attacks that inflict around 5-30 points in damage. Large enemies like the Closer are very damaging and can inflict 25-60 points. You should never be hit by a Closer because they are so slow. Its arm swing, however, may knock you down. Insane Cancers aren't really slow, but you shouldn't be hit by them as well. Their attack while raising from the ground never seems to actually hit you, but their other attacks are very damaging. Small enemies like Double Heads and Numb Bodies only inflict around 5-10 points in damage. Normal sized enemies generally inflict around 10-20 points. For defeating enemies, the Handgun and Shotgun will be used for the majority of the time. Keep your distance with the Handgun and back up or sidestep while shooting moving enemies. With the Shotgun, you want to make use of its widespread blast radius, so try to get close but not too close. In any area with Pendulums, you should always just run. Killing them is a bit difficult and they can easily attack you. However, in areas with Pendulums and other enemies, try to kill the enemies that aren't close to them. A useful feature for reducing damage is blocking attacks. Try to master this before going for a 10 star ranking. While in caution mode, press Square and Heather will block any attack. Sometimes you might lose a little health, but you won't if you have the Bulletproof Vest equipped. You should turn the Life Bar on if you have it unlocked. It will show you how much health and stamina you have so you know when you need to use health items. Use Health Drinks for minor wounds, but only if you really need one. First-Aid Kits should be for less than half health, and Ampoules are mostly for the extra stamina -- however, if you plan to use one shortly and your health isn't so good, don't use any health items until you use the Ampoule because it will recover all your health. 10. Strategies ============== BOSSES: Split Worm ---------- Time Limit: 2 minutes This fight can be hard to get under the time limit, and the worst part about it is that you'll have to restart if you don't make it (if you're saving at the two appropriate areas). Always hold R2 for this battle -- this allows you to see which hole the Split Worm is coming from, and it also gives a good view while shooting the thing. At the beginning of the battle, find out where the worm is coming from (hold R2) and move to the opposite side of it. Don't go too close to the worm or it might bite you. When it opens its mouth, fire two bullets at it. Do not fire a third because it will cause the worm to go back in the hole and waste precious time. After shooting twice, back up as far as you can and press R3 to reload. Wait there for the worm to do one of two things: Pound the ground with its head, or screech. Whenever it pounds the ground, you'll be stunned for a second or two, but shoot a bullet at the worm's mouth right when you regain control. This should cause the Split Worm to screech, and prepare for its instant kill attack. When it screeches, side step out of the camera angle (while holing L2 as always), and shoot the worm as it does its instant killer. You should be out of the way so you don't die of course. Continue shooting the Split Worm as it goes back to its initial position. When the Split Worm opens its mouth again, fire two shots and it should close its mouth and either go back into its current hole, or come out and find another one. Either way, shoot at it while it does so. If it tries to find a new hole, you can easily unload 10 shots into the thing, which is great. When it comes back out from another hole, repeat this whole process. Sometimes after you shoot the first two shots (after it comes out of a hole), the worm will just sit there, and you'll be able to fire two more shots -- but only if it doesn't do anything for around three seconds. After, it should do the pounding ground attack. This fight should take around 40-50 Handgun Bullets, which only one box of Handgun Bullets (with x5 bullet adjust) will cover. This fight is known to be the hardest fight to get under the required time because you only have two minutes, and this boss is quite unpredictable and may spend a lot of time backing into tunnels, wasting a lot of time. I've managed to get 1 minute 32 seconds for this fight, but a very common time is around 1 minute 50 seconds due to the unpredictability of this fight. Use a stopwatch to time yourself, and if you get over two minutes, you'll have to start the whole game again. Missionary ---------- Time Limit: 2 minutes This fight is also a bit difficult and can be hard to repeat the killing process. Equip the Shotgun for this battle, along with an Ampoule if you feel you need the extra speed. First of all, the Missionary blocks Shotgun blasts from the front, so you'll need to get a shot off from the behind or the side. At the beginning of the fight, equip the Shotgun because Heather equipped the Handgun in the cutscene. With your Shotgun now drawn, strafe to the left or right, trying to get behind the Missionary -- he should do a blade attack but it should miss you and will leave himself open for attack. Blast him and he should fall to the ground. While the Missionary is on the ground, move behind him so that when he gets up he'll be facing the other direction, open for another attack. Shoot the Missionary once while he is on the ground, and prepare to shoot him right after he gets up. If you're close enough, he may swing his blades while he's getting up -- this is good, if it doesn't hit you. If you're behind him, blast him again, just after he swings his blades. If the Missionary does not do the blade attack while getting up, it's either impossible or very hard to knock him down again right after. You can shoot him, but he never seems to fall. If he always does the blade attack while getting up, you can continue the strategy to kill him in around 1 minute 30 seconds. When the Missionary is running, always use the strafing buttons to dodge his running attacks. Never shoot him from the front, especially if you're close to him. If he's right in your face when you shoot him, he ABSOLUTELY will hit you afterwards (unless you manage to block the attack). Leonard ------- Time Limit: 3 minutes There are two good strategies for this fight, both involving the Sub Machine Gun -- so be sure you get it, along with every magazine for it. One of the two strategies involves the Submachine Gun and the Shotgun. The other involves only the Submachine Gun, which is a hard strategy to perfect, but you can get less than 30 seconds with it. For the first strategy, have the Submachine Gun equipped. Strafe a bit to the left at the beginning of the fight and unload Submachine Gun Bullets into Leonard until he falls down. Then quickly enter the menu and equip the Shotgun. Reenter the game and start shooting Leonard with the Shotgun while he's on the ground. Count the shots in your head and reload in the menu. You might want to use an Ampoule so you can move faster. You can use this strategy without letting Leonard get up once, but I find that it can be difficult to do. That is why I use the below strategy. For this strategy, equip the Submachine Gun for the entire fight. At the beginning, strafe to the left and unload some bullets into Leonard until you notice him starting to fall -- quickly stop shooting and get ready to continue shooting Leonard while he's on the ground. Also make sure you don't waste many bullets trying to bring him to the ground because you'll need a fair amount to keep him pinned down -- if you have less than 10 bullets in the magazine, it's very likely that he'll get up and smack you shortly after you run out of ammo in the magazine. You can reload in the menu instead of in the game, but I don't find that it helps much because you have to aim back at Leonard on the ground. Try to get very close to him while he's on the ground so that all your bullets (except for the first few while you aim the gun down) hit him. If you're far away, only a few bullets will hit him and he'll get up. It's hard to perfect this strategy, but it really helps for time. My best time is 19 seconds -- that's right, 19 seconds, that's how fast it is. It only requires four Submachine Gun magazines if you do it right. But once again, it's hard to do. However, if Leonard gets up, try it again later. Note how fast Leonard starts to swim after entering the water, and try to start shooting him before he swims. Always reload in the game for this strategy because it makes it easier to keep shooting him and you can constantly hold down on the left analog stick -- however, after you reload Heather starts shooting ahead, but she quickly aims down. Memory of Alessa ---------------- Time Limit: 3 minutes This is the easiest battle in getting a 10 star ranking, and only requires around 30 Shotgun Shells (one pickup with x5 bullet adjust). Equip the Shotgun at the beginning of the fight and wait for Alessa to come towards you. The moment she swings -- it will make a distinct sound -- is when you shoot, with the Shotgun ready of course. Every time she does this, she is completely vulnerable to your attacks. When Alessa starts to run away, run up to her and shoot her from behind. When Alessa has the Handgun and Submachine Gun, she will aim her gun at you if you are far away -- this is the time to shoot. You can also run up to her and she'll try to do a pistol whip (or whack you with the SMG), which is similar to the melee weapons. She also takes more damage when you're right in front of her as well. If you don't know where she is when you hear the cocking of her gun, just aim your Shotgun and shoot -- it should lock on to her and shoot her. You might want to reload in the menu, especially if Alessa is in your face. And near the end of the battle in her last form, shoot her while she's on the ground before she gets up, however, she should get up after that. Repeat the killing process and she should die rather quickly. This fight is easy and it should take around 2 minutes or less. You have 3 minutes to defeat the boss, but you shouldn't need all that time. The god ------- Time Limit: 8 minutes This boss is very long and it is pretty hard. However, you're saving just before it so you can't really go wrong here. There are a few good strategies for this boss. One strategy involves the Handgun and the Katana. At the beginning of the fight, back up behind the semi-circle on the ground, and fire 3 shots at the god to make it come down. Wait behind the semi-circle for the god to its arm swing, and then equip and Katana and move in towards the god, doing either the 3-swing combo or the thrust attack. Then quickly move behind the semi-circle and wait for the fire to be thrown. Continue this strategy, and always only fire 3 shots to bring the god down -- don't waste any ammo. You should use any remaining Ampoules for this fight because speed is crucial for dodging the fire. The god starts throwing fire very quickly with this strategy, so you may want to try another. Another good strategy involves the Handgun and the Shotgun. Use the Handgun to bring the god down and use the Shotgun to blast the god's face. However, you are guaranteed to be slapped (or head butted) by the god right after you shoot it with the Shotgun right in front of it. If you plan to do this, make sure you have the right amount of health items, and that your damage is low enough so that you can do this. You can use the Shotgun to fire twice behind the semi-circle, but fire will be thrown near the beginning of the fight. It's not hard to dodge the fire, it's just more convenient to have the fire thrown later in the battle. To dodge the fire, simply start at the back of the battle area on the left or right side. When the fire comes, strafe to the other side, following the outside of the semi-circle. When the fire becomes very quick, you might not want to move as fast; move fast to get out of the way, but don't try to get to the other side as fast as you can. I say this because the fire can get to you if you move fast and just stand still at the other side. I recommend you use the Handgun and Katana strategy for this fight because it's better for damage. You should need around 100 Handgun Bullets, and make sure you don't waste them. Only shoot when they'll actually do something. OTHER STRATEGIES: Nightmare Hospital Madness -------------------------- Both versions of the hospital can be hard to avoid taking damage. The main factors that cause this are Nurses and Slurpers. The latter is the larger factor. The are some great solutions for when fighting Slurpers. You should pick up the several packs of Beef Jerky lying around in the game, and place them on the floor for Slurpers to chomp on. Turn your Flashlight off so they don't see you. While the Slurper is eating the jerky, blast it with the Shotgun. It should start to move towards you -- hopefully you're a fair enough distance away so it can't knock you to the ground. It can be hard to deal with Slurpers like this in groups, but sometimes they get stuck on each other and can't pass. You should have plenty of Beef Jerky, so put them in a few places around the room. Another strategy is using the Handgun with the Silencer. You can use this with Beef Jerky as well, and the Slurpers won't be able to find you nearly as well. With your Flashlight off, shoot them from a fair distance away, however, move close enough so the bullets actually hit. You can also use the Submachine Gun with the Silencer, however, try not to use all your bullets; you'll need them for Leonard. Nurses aren't as annoying as Slurpers but can still cause a lot of harm. Always go for the Nurses wielding Revolvers first, they are the most threat. Quickly run up to them and give them a Shotgun blast to deal with. In some rooms you will be ambushed by three Nurses. It's okay to receive damage from them, but only one hit at the maximum. Right after entering a Nurses-filled room, use the Shotgun to blast them as they come towards you. Use the left analog stick to aim the Shotgun on another Nurse after shooting one -- this will either stun them or knock them down. Usually one shot will hit two Nurses, which is great. Keep switching targets to the Nurse the closest to you. When they're all knocked down, either kick or shoot them to death. Haunted House Spiky Roof ------------------------- If you just walk through the spiky roof area in the Haunted Mansion, you will die (on Hard Action Level, which is required). What you want to do is to make Heather a little lower so the spikes don't hit her. Enter caution mode and walk through the corridor. The spikes will fall and you won't. There is a weird noise when the spikes fall, sounding like you got hit, but don't worry about that. Red Glow Hallways ----------------- Running through these hallways can be very hard, especially if you're playing on any Extreme Action Level (that's why you should play on Hard). You should spend a play through practicing running the hallways (along with bosses, et cetera). Remove all weapons before starting to move down the first hallway. Weapons just slow you down. Know the path -- use the map below if you need to -- and make sure you don't hit any walls. Before pretty much every corner, tap Square (with Walk/Run Control Reversed) so that you walk for a slight second, not running into the wall. Do this for every corner where you've been moving fast enough to run into a wall. Below is a map of both the hallways (they're identical) that should make things easier. Also, there is a door before the actual door in the first hallway -- it has a broken lock; you should already have known that. Start | |__ | |___ ___| | _| | Finish 11. Puzzle Solutions ==================== Shakespeare Anthology: The resulting code is 8352. Don't pick up the books - 2F Patient Wing: The resulting code is 4896 - Room M4 Clock: View the time on the clock and change it to 24 hour time. Enter the 24 hour time on the briefcase on the left bed - B3 Crematorium: The resulting code is 9271 - Tarot Card Door: Use the following solution to unlock the door. "High "Eye of Priestess" Night" Empty \ | / Empty -- "Fool" -- "Moon" / | \ "Hanged Man" Empty Empty 12. Extra Weapon Upgrades ========================= Upon receiving a 10 star ranking, you'll receive two upgrades for certain extra weapons -- the Beam Saber and Flamethrower. Beam Saber ---------- The Beam Saber will extend to double its normal length. For those of you who have used the Beam Saber, you'll know that it's already long -- imagine that length x2. It's not any more powerful than normal, it's just longer, which is plenty good enough. Flamethrower ------------ I bet you were excited when you first unlocked this after beating the game once or twice. But when you got it, you weren't so happy, right? Initially the Flamethrower is VERY impotent. I swear, there were some instances where I was flaming enemies for over a minute. Upon receiving ten stars, the Flamethrower will become MUCH more powerful and it can actually be considered a weapon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 15. I T E M L I S T ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Name ==-=-----= Handgun Katana Knife Maul Shotgun Steel Pipe Stun Gun Submachine Gun Extra Weapon Name ==-=-=--====-=--= Beam Saber Flame Thrower Gold Pipe Heather Beam/Sexy Beam Silver Pipe Unlimited Submachine Gun Item Name ==----=-= Bleach Book: Otherworld Laws Brass Key Cassette Tape Chain Cooked Key Cremated Key Dad's Notebook Detergent Doll Head Douglas's Notebook Dryer "Eye of Night" Tarot Card "Fool" Tarot Card "Hanged Man" Tarot Card Hanger "High Priestess" Tarot Card House Key Instant Camera Jack Key taken with Tongs Life Insurance Key Matchbook "Moon" Tarot Card Moonstone Nail Polish Remover Nutcracker Oil-Filled Bottle Oxydol Pendant Plastic Bag Plastic Bag (With Blood) Pork Liver Red Shoe Roller Coaster Key Rope Screwdriver Shakespeare Anthology 1 Shakespeare Anthology 2 Shakespeare Anthology 3 Shakespeare Anthology 4 Shakespeare Anthology 5 Silver Coin Stairwell Key Talisman Tongs Walnut Wine Bottle Additional Item Name --=-====--==-====--- Bulletproof Vest Flashlight Perfume Radio Silencer Map Name ==-=-=== Church Map Hospital Map Office Building Map Shopping Mall Map Subway Map Silent Hill Map Underpass Map ===---------------------======================= t h e l o c a t i o n s a n d d e t a i l s: =======================---------------------=== W E A P O N S ==-==--====-- ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Handgun | |Location: | Heather picks this weapon off the floor after you enter | | | the Women's Clothing Store on 1F, Central Square. | |Description:| Holds 10 rounds of ammunition. Small and not powerful, but| | | easy to use. | |Notes: | Holds 10 bullets in one clip. Low stopping power but good | | | range. Requires Handgun ammo. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Katana | |Location: | In the Art Storage Room by the Gallery of Fine Arts on 2F,| | | Nightmare Hilltop Center. | |Description:| This is a short katana, about 2 ft. long. Pretty powerful | | | and easy to handle. | |Notes: | Has a blade of about 2 feet long. Strong melee weapon and | | | is a well-known Japanese sword. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Knife | |Location: | Heather has this weapon for the whole game and starts off | | | with it. | |Description:| It's a switchblade for self-defense. I've never used it, | | | but just incase. | |Notes: | Not a good weapon but can be good when you have nothing | | | else. Only usable at very close range. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Maul | |Location: | In the Employee Locker Room, the first actual room you can| | | enter in the Underpass, by the Underpass Map, upper level.| |Description:| Like a big round pointy hammer. It's super heavy, but at | | | least it's got some oomph. | |Notes: | A large pole with a spiky ball on the end. Knocks down | | | most enemies with a single swing. Great stopping power but| | | awkward to handle. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Shotgun | |Location: | In the gift box in the abandoned Subway car on Platform 2,| | | B3, Hazel Street Subway Station. | |Description:| Holds 6 rounds of ammunition. It's hard to handle, but has| | | great range. | |Notes: | Holds 6 shells. Great stopping power but lacks in firing | | | rate. Wide range; great for bosses and large enemies. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Steel Pipe | |Location: | On the wall with the smoke and other pipes, Café Turn Mill| | | restaurant, Nightmare Mall, 2F. | |Description:| A steel pipe, about 3 feet long. Not very powerful, but | | | not hard to use. | |Notes: | Long pipe, 3 feet long. Fair stopping power for stronger | | | enemies but very effective on small or weaker enemies. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Stun Gun | |Location: | On Heather's dresser in her room in Room 102, Daisy Villa | | | Apartments. | |Description:| High voltage to zap the bad guys. It has to touch 'em, | | | though, so it's very short-range. | |Notes: | Holds 4 high-voltage electric current shocks in 1 battery.| | | Only usable at close range but powerful. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Submachine Gun | |Location: | On the bloody floor by the elevator, Brookhaven Hospital, | | | BF. | |Description:| Holds 32 rounds of ammunition. Great for its continuous | | | firing. | |Notes: | Holds 32 bullets per magazine. Great for killing enemies | | | quickly, but uses a lot of ammo too fast. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ E X T R A W E A P O N S ==-=-===---==-=-===-=--- ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Beam Saber | |Location: | On the door handle of the northwest door in the north 2F | | | corridor, Central Square Shopping Center. | |Description:| A sword shining with a strange force. A switch turns the | | | blade on and off. | |Notes: | A very powerful laser blade that extends if you get a 10 | | | star ranking. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Flamethrower | |Location: | On the counter of Helen's Bakery on 2F, Central Square | | | Shopping Center. | |Description:| This thing will roast the bad guys, and I don't have to | | | worry about fuel, either. | |Notes: | Shoots out fire with infinite fuel. Very weak but gets | | | much stronger with a 10 star ranking. Unlocked after | | | beating the game killing more enemies by shooting than | | | fighting. If not unlocked the first time, it will be the | | | next. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Gold Pipe | |Location: | Drop your Steel Pipe in the water with the monster in the | | | Underpass and answer the questions honestly. Only in a | | | replay game. | |Description:| It looks snazzy, but it's not strong at all. Well, maybe I| | | can sell it. | |Notes: | Just like the Steel Pipe, but gold. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Heather Beam/Sexy Beam | |Location: | Always equipped when no other weapon is equipped, after it| | | is unlocked. | |Description:| None. | |Notes: | Unlocked after killing a total of 333 or more enemies in | | | your save file, over as many times through the game it | | | takes. When the Transform Costume is equipped, it becomes | | | more powerful. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Silver Pipe | |Location: | Drop your Steel Pipe in the water with the monster in the | | | Underpass and answer the questions honestly. Only in a | | | replay game. |Description:| How gorgeous! No stronger than the steel pipe, though. | | | Good against vampires and werewolves. | |Notes: | Just like the Steel Pipe, but silver. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Weapon Name:| Unlimited Submachine Gun | |Location: | On the boxes to the left when you're outside the window of| | | the Central Square washroom at the beginning of the game. | |Description:| Fires unlimited rounds. No submachine gun bullets | | | necessary. | |Notes: | Infinite ammo, no reload necessary. Unlocked after you | | | beat the final boss with a melee weapon. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I T E M S -==-===-- ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Bleach | |Location: | On the counter in the northwest Women's Washroom, | | | Nightmare Mall, 1F. | |Description:| The sort of stuff you'd use to clean a toilet. I think I | | | have the same kind at home. | |Purpose: | Combine with the Detergent to make the insecticide in the | | | bucket in the southeast 2F hallway, Nightmare Mall. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Book: Otherworld Laws | |Location: | Received by Vincent in the Library of the Church, 1F. | |Description:| A big ol' book I got from Vincent in the archives. | |Purpose: | Just for reading information on cult symbolism. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Brass Key | |Location: | Mounted on the butterfly collection in the Child's Room in| | | the Church, BF. | |Description:| This was the model for my old room key. | |Purpose: | Unlocks the southeast door in the first corridor of the | | | Church, 1F. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Cassette Tape | |Location: | On the desk in the only room in the second corridor of the| | | Church, 1F. | |Description:| There's no label, but the tab's been removed. It might be | | | worth checking out. | |Purpose: | Inserts into the tape player on the shelf the most north | | | room at the very south of the 1F map, on the east side. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Chain | |Location: | On the center aisle bleacher in the Children's | | | Amphitheater, Lakeside Amusement Park. | |Description:| It has hooks on both ends. Looks pretty sturdy, anyway. | |Purpose: | Attach to the shut tight gate door by the Swing Rocket | | | and attach the other side to the metal bar on the center | | | of the Swing Rocket Ride. Then start the ride. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Cooked Key | |Location: | Inside the roasted dog on the table in the restaurant on | | | 3F, Nightmare Mall. | |Description:| This key was in the barbequed dog at the restaurant. Yuck.| |Purpose: | Unlocks the door to Café Turn Mill in the east corridor on| | | 2F, Nightmare Mall. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Cremated Key | |Location: | In the oven of the Crematorium on B3F, Nightmare | | | Hospital. | |Description:| I found this is some sort of crematorium underground. It's| | | burned black, but still usable. | |Purpose: | Unlocks the southeast Day Room door on 2F, Nightmare | | | Hospital. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Dad's Notebook | |Location: | Received from Douglas after exiting Daisy Villa Apartments| | | after the Missionary boss. | |Description:| Dad wrote about my past here. As always, this should be | | | novelized. | |Purpose: | Just for reading a message from Heather's dad about Silent| | | Hill. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Detergent | |Location: | On the cart in Helen's Bakery, Nightmare Mall. | |Description:| It was next to the bakery sink. It's not for dishes, | | | though -- It's for the bathroom. | |Purpose: | Combine with the Bleach to make the insecticide in the | | | bucket in the southeast 2F hallway, Nightmare Mall. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Doll Head | |Location: | on the table in the Fortune House, Lakeside Amusement | | | Park. | |Description:| It'd be cute enough on a normal doll, but just a head? | | | Downright creepy. | |Purpose: | Put in the Snow White statue's hand. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Douglas's Notebook | |Location: | On the right chair when you enter the Fortune House, | | | Lakeside Amusement Park. | |Description:| Probably Douglas's notebook. Can't forget to give it back | | | later. | |Purpose: | Just for reading Douglas' investigation about Heather's | | | past. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Dryer | |Location: | On the chair in the southwest room on the lower level of | | | the Underpass. | |Description:| I found it in a sort of garbage dump. Still looks usable, | | | though. | |Purpose: | Plug into the outlet beside the door of the bloody | | | crosswalk on the lower level of the Underpass. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | "Eye of Night" Tarot Card | |Location: | On the ledge behind the altar in the Chapel on 1F, Church.| |Description:| Found this in the chapel. Is this a real tarot card, | | | though? | |Purpose: | One of the five Tarot Cards needed to solve the Tarot Card| | | puzzle to unlock the door in the Child's Room, lower | | | level, Church. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | "Fool" Tarot Card | |Location: | Inside the book in the hospital room in the south hallway | | | on BF. | |Description:| This was in my old room... in a hospital room. What did | | | this one mean again? | |Purpose: | One of the five Tarot Cards needed to solve the Tarot Card| | | puzzle to unlock the door in the Child's Room, lower | | | level, Church. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | "Hanged Man" Tarot Card | |Location: | On the gurney in the morgue in the Church, BF. | |Description:| This was in that morgue-ish place. It's such a pitiful | | | card. | |Purpose: | One of the five Tarot Cards needed to solve the Tarot Card| | | puzzle to unlock the door in the Child's Room, lower | | | level, Church. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Hanger | |Location: | On the clothing rack by the door of the women's clothing | | | store, Nightmare Mall, 1F. | |Description:| A wire coat hanger I got at the boutique. | |Purpose: | To pull down the ladder above the table in Happy Burger, | | | 1F, Nightmare Mall. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | "High Priestess" Tarot Card | |Location: | On the bed in Claudia's room in the Church, BF. | |Description:| Didn't this card mean something like "Genuine Belief"? | |Purpose: | One of the five Tarot Cards needed to solve the Tarot Card| | | puzzle to unlock the door in the Child's Room, lower | | | level, Church. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | House Key | |Location: | In your inventory from the start of the game. | |Description:| It's my front door key. | |Purpose: | Unlocks Room 102, Daisy Villa Apartments. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Instant Camera | |Location: | In the locked briefcase in room M4 on 2F, Brookhaven | | | Hospital. | |Description:| Unlike a normal camera, you can see the developed photos | | | right away. | |Purpose: | Takes a picture of what's behind the shelves in the Store | | | Room on BF, Brookhaven Hospital. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Jack | |Location: | On the back shelf in the KMN Auto Parts office room, 5F, | | | Hilltop Center. | |Description:| You use this to raise a car when you need to change a tire| | | or something. | |Purpose: | Opens the slightly opened elevator doors on 3F, Hilltop | | | Center. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Key taken with Tongs | |Location: | Under the skid in the north Storage Room on 2F, Central | | | Square Shopping Center. | |Description:| This key was dropped in the storeroom. I used the tongs to| | | get it. | |Purpose: | Unlocks the bookstore on 2F called "My Bestsellers", | | | Central Square Shopping Center. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Life Insurance Key | |Location: | Inside the pop can after you use the Silver Coin on the | | | vending machine in the northwest room on 4F in Onestop | | | Imports, Nightmare Hilltop Center. | |Description:| I bought this from a vending machine. It looks real | | | enough. | |Purpose: | Unlocks the south Elberton Life Insurance door on 1F, | | | Nightmare Hilltop Center. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Matchbook | |Location: | On the table in the southwest room on 5F, KMN Auto Parts, | | | 5F, Nightmare Hilltop Center. | |Description:| This was in some company's conference room. Looks like it | | | was used to light someone's cigarette. | |Purpose: | One of the three items needed to combine and use on the | | | "Flame Purifies All" painting in the Gallery of Fine Arts | | | gallery, Nightmare Hilltop Center, 5F. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | "Moon" Tarot Card | |Location: | On the table in the Library of the Church, 1F. | |Description:| Found this in the archives. I don't think it's an | | | especially good card. | |Purpose: | One of the five Tarot Cards needed to solve the Tarot Card| | | puzzle to unlock the door in the Child's Room, lower | | | level, Church. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Moonstone | |Location: | Inside the Walnut after you crack it open with the vise in| | | one of the northwest shops in the east section of 2F, | | | Nightmare Mall. | |Description:| It's just a type of jewel, not really from the moon. It | | | was inside the walnut somehow. | |Purpose: | Unlocks the door with the engraved moon on 3F, Nightmare | | | Mall. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Nail Polish Remover | |Location: | Inside the open locker in the Women's Locker Room on 2F | | | Brookhaven Hospital. | |Description:| This takes off nail polish. I found it in the women's | | | locker room. | |Purpose: | Removes the Stairwell Key glued on the wall in room C4 on | | | 1F of Brookhaven Hospital. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Nutcracker | |Location: | On the table at the end of the east hallway of the floor | | | with the two blocked off hallways on your map, Hazel | | | Street Subway Station. | |Description:| Rusty and impossible to turn, this is for cracking open | | | nuts. | |Purpose: | Unlocks the Platform 4 blue gate door on the 2nd highest | | | floor by removing the bolt, Hazel Street Subway Station. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Oil-Filled Bottle | |Location: | After you use the Wine Bottle on the heater in the south | | | small room in the east section of the upper level, | | | Underpass. | |Description:| This is for moving kerosene to and from a space heater. Of| | | course I can't drink it. | |Purpose: | Put oil in the fuel tank of the machine in the north small| | | room in the east section of the upper level so you can use| | | the ladder in the room, Underpass. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Oxydol | |Location: | In the northwest area of 2F in the connecting room to the | | | room with Vincent in it, Nightmare Hilltop Center. | |Description:| You use this to disinfect cuts and stuff. It foams when | | | you put it on. | |Purpose: | One of the three items needed to combine and use on the | | | "Flame Purifies All" painting in the Gallery of Fine Arts | | | gallery, Nightmare Hilltop Center, 5F. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Pendant | |Location: | Owned from the beginning of the game. | |Description:| Dad gave me this pendant on my birthday. It's one of my | | | treasured belongings. | |Purpose: | Use when it's just you and Claudia standing in the room | | | after the Child's Room, the Church, lower level. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Plastic Bag | |Location: | In the garbage can of the 2F Women's Locker Room, | | | Nightmare Hospital. | |Description:| A totally ordinary transparent plastic bag. This is from a| | | trash can in the locker room. | |Purpose: | Use by the blood bucket in Examining Room 4 on 3F to get | | | the Plastic Bag (With Blood), Nightmare Hospital. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Plastic Bag (With Blood) | |Location: | Use the Plastic Bag in front of the blood bucket in the | | | Examining Room 4 on 3F, Nightmare Hospital. | |Description:| I've put the blood from the treatment room in this. I | | | don't especially want to carry it around with me. | |Purpose: | Use on the altar in Nightmare Hospital room C4 on 1F. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Pork Liver | |Location: | In the open fridge in the Last Drop Café on 1F, Nightmare | | | Hilltop Center. | |Description:| This was in the cafe's fridge. Gotta do something with it | | | before it goes bad. | |Purpose: | One of the three items needed to combine and use on the | | | "Flame Purifies All" painting in the Gallery of Fine Arts | | | gallery, Nightmare Hilltop Center, 5F. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Red Shoe | |Location: | On the center of the stage the Children's Amphitheater, | | | Lakeside Amusement Park. | |Description:| One shoe, blood red. It was above the stage. | |Purpose: | Put beside the Cinderella statue in Lake Side Amusement | | | Park. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Rope | |Location: | In the closed drawer (open on Easy Riddle Level) in the | | | 3rd southeast room in Monica's Dance Studio on 3F, Hilltop| | | Center. | |Description:| This was in a drawer at the office. It looks sturdy and | | | well-used. | |Purpose: | Use after opening the 3F elevator doors a little more with| | | the Jack, Hilltop Center. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Screwdriver | |Location: | On a box at the north end of the northeast corridor on 5F,| | | Hilltop Center (not on Easy Riddle Level). | |Description:| This flathead screwdriver was in a corner in the hallway. | | | Totally ordinary. | |Purpose: | Opens the drawer in the 3rd southeast room on 3F of | | | Monica's Dance Studio, Hilltop Center. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Shakespeare Anthology 1 | |Location: | On the floor of "My Bestsellers" bookstore by the north | | | shelf on 2F, Central Square Shopping Center. | |Description:| It was on the floor at the bookstore. A Shakespeare book, | | | just like it says. | |Purpose: | Used to solve the puzzle in the "My Bestsellers" store in | | | Central Square Shopping Center on 2F. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Shakespeare Anthology 2 | |Location: | On the floor of "My Bestsellers" bookstore by the north | | | shelf on 2F, Central Square Shopping Center. | |Description:| It was on the floor at the bookstore. A Shakespeare book, | | | just like it says. | |Purpose: | Used to solve the puzzle in the "My Bestsellers" store in | | | Central Square Shopping Center on 2F (not on Easy Riddle | | | Level). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Shakespeare Anthology 3 | |Location: | On the floor of "My Bestsellers" bookstore by the north | | | shelf on 2F, Central Square Shopping Center. | |Description:| It was on the floor at the bookstore. A Shakespeare book, | | | just like it says. | |Purpose: | Used to solve the puzzle in the "My Bestsellers" store in | | | Central Square Shopping Center on 2F. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Shakespeare Anthology 4 | |Location: | On the floor of "My Bestsellers" bookstore by the north | | | shelf on 2F, Central Square Shopping Center. | |Description:| It was on the floor at the bookstore. A Shakespeare book, | | | just like it says. | |Purpose: | Used to solve the puzzle in the "My Bestsellers" store in | | | Central Square Shopping Center on 2F (not on Easy Riddle | | | Level). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Shakespeare Anthology 5 | |Location: | On the floor of "My Bestsellers" bookstore by the north | | | shelf on 2F, Central Square Shopping Center. | |Description:| It was on the floor at the bookstore. A Shakespeare book, | | | just like it says. | |Purpose: | Used to solve the puzzle in the "My Bestsellers" store in | | | Central Square Shopping Center on 2F (not on Easy Riddle | | | Level). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Silver Coin | |Location: | On the money table near the door in the northwest room on | | | 4F, Nightmare Hilltop Center. | |Description:| It's about the size of a quarter. I get the feeling it's | | | really old. | |Purpose: | Insert into the pop machine in the same room where | | | received, Nightmare Hilltop Center, 4F. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Stairwell Key | |Location: | Glued on the wall in room C4 on 1F, Brookhaven Hospital | | | (use the Nail Polish to remove). | |Description:| This was stuck to the wall in a hospital room. | |Purpose: | Unlocks the east stairwell in Brookhaven Hospital. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Talisman | |Location: | Found on the floor in room C4 of Brookhaven Hospital after| | | you defeat Leonard, 1F. | |Description:| It has an odd design inscribed on it. I got it after I | | | defeated Leonard. | |Purpose: | None. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Tongs | |Location: | On a counter in Helen's Bakery on 2F, Central Square | | | Shopping Center. | |Description:| It's a big pair of tweezer-like tongs for grabbing bread. | |Purpose: | Get the key under the skid in the north Storage Room on | | | 2F, Central Square Shopping Center. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Walnut | |Location: | In the smashed display case in the Jewelry Store in the | | | west 2F corridor, Central Square Shopping Center. | |Description:| This is a good-sized walnut from the jeweler's showcase. | |Purpose: | Crack open with the vise on the table of the northwest | | | shop in the east part of 2F, Nightmare Mall. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Wine Bottle | |Location: | In the second hallway from the southwest at the end of it | | | in a wine rack, upper level. | |Description:| This bottle was dropped at a corner of the underground | | | passage. | |Purpose: | Use to put the kerosene from the heater in the south small| | | room in the east section of the upper level to get the | | | Oil-Filled Bottle, Underpass. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ A D D I T I O N A L I T E M S ---==-=-====----==-=====--=-== ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Bulletproof Vest | |Location: | On the north coat rack in the women's clothing store on | | | 1F, Nightmare Mall. | |Description:| It's heavy under a jacket, but it should protect against a| | | monster's attacks. | |Purpose: | Prevents 15% less damage when worn, but you run slower | | | when equipped. You can also block attacks with no damage | | | taken when equipped. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Flashlight | |Location: | Between some boxes in the northwest storeroom on 1F, | | | Nightmare Mall. | |Description:| It's in my chest pocket. A must-have in darkness. | |Purpose: | Used to light up dark areas. Press Circle to toggle off | | | and on. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Perfume | |Location: | Inside the open locker in the 2F Women's Locker Room, | | | Brookhaven Hospital. | |Description:| This stuff smells a little strange. | |Purpose: | Attracts nearby monsters when equipped. Only equip if | | | you're trying to kill a lot enemies. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Radio | |Location: | Inside the southwest elevator on 2F, Central Square | | | Shopping Center. | |Description:| It's a small portable radio. It plays static when monsters| | | get close. | |Purpose: | Creates static when monsters are nearby. The louder the | | | static is, the closer the monster is. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Item Name: | Silencer | |Location: | Inside the recently plastered wall section of the large | | | room on 5F, Construction Site (Break the wall with a | | | weapon). | |Description:| Put it on a handgun or submachine gun to muffle the | | | blasts. | |Purpose: | Silences the noise and gets rid of the muzzle flash at the| | | end of the barrel on a Handgun or Submachine Gun. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ M A P S -==-=== ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Map Name: | Church Map | |Location: | On the east wall in the first corridor of the Church, | | | upper level. | |Covers: | Only the Chapel and first corridor but can be used to draw| | | the rest of the upper level and the lower level. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Map Name: | Hospital Map | |Location: | On the desk in the Reception Office on 1F, Brookhaven | | | Hospital. | |Covers: | Floors 1F, 2F, 3F and BF of Brookhaven Hospital and | | | Nightmare Hospital. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Map Name: | Office Building Map | |Location: | On a table in the closest small room of Monica's Dance | | | Studio to the largest one, Hilltop Center, 3F. | |Covers: | Floors 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 5F, and 6F of Hilltop Center and | | | Nightmare Hilltop Center. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Map Name: | Shopping Mall Map | |Location: | On the bulletin board by the north stairwell on 1F, | | | Central Square Shopping Center. | |Covers: | Floors 1F and 2F of Central Square Shopping Center and | | | also 3F of Nightmare Mall. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Map Name: | Subway Map | |Location: | In a smashed glass frame on the east side of the Station | | | Employee Room where you pass the booths on the first floor| | | of Hazel Street Subway Station. | |Covers: | All of the 5 floors of Hazel Street Subway Station. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Map Name: | Silent Hill Map | |Location: | Received from Douglas after you exit the Daisy Villa | | | Apartments. | |Covers: | West South Vale of Silent Hill. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Map Name: | Underpass Map | |Location: | On the east wall of the first room in the Underpass. | |Covers: | The upper level and lower level of the Underpass. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 16. E X T R A S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginner Action Level =----==-===---=-=-=== In order to unlock Beginner Mode, you must die three times on Easy Action Level. The game will let you know when you've unlocked it and then you can change to Beginner Action Level. In the middle of a game on Normal or Easy Action Level, you can change it to Beginner, but not on Hard Action Level because it's too much of a difference. When you use Beginner Mode, you'll lose 15 stars out of a total of 100 stars at the end of the game. You shouldn't need to use this option anyway, or you need some real training, junior. Extra New Game =-===---=-===- This is the base of every single extra in the game (things like Beginner mode and the Silencer aren't exactly extras, and don't necessarily involve Extra New Game). Extra New Game is unlocked upon completion of the game. To continue to get all the other endings and extras, you must start an Extra New Game. Unlike the normal New Game option, Extra New Game starts from the beginning of the mall, not the Amusement Park, which is just a nightmare. Extreme Action Levels ---=-=-====----=-===- Once you beat the game on Hard Action Level, you'll unlock Extreme 1 Action Level. Once you beat that, you'll unlock Extreme 2. You can get all the way up to Extreme X, which is 10. This should be a real challenge for you. Item locations are the same as Hard Action Level. Once you beat Extreme X, you'll unlock a code for a new costume. But you have to beat the Action Level because it replaces the "zipper" shirt. Extra Weapons ==---=-==-==- There are six extra weapons in Silent Hill 3 and they are all only available in an Extra New Game. You must do what is required to unlock them, and then they will be in the game the next time you play. How you unlock these extra weapons and where they locate are different. Unlimited Submachine Gun ------------------------ "Fires unlimited rounds. No submachine gun bullets necessary." Unlocked after you beat the last boss with a melee weapon. You can use guns, but the last hit has to be made by a melee weapon. Make sure you don't use guns for too long or you may beat it with one. This is a great weapon and never has to reload. You have infinite bullets so don't worry at all about the ammo. Other than that, it's just like the normal Submachine Gun. Hold R2 and X to fire, and use the left analog stick to aim up, down, left or right while you're shooting. Once unlocked, this weapon will be on some boxes to the left after you exit through the window of the women's washroom, Central Square Shopping Center, 1F. Beam Saber ---------- "A sword shining with a strange force. A switch turns the blade on and off." Unlocked after beating the game killing more enemies by fighting than shooting. If you don't get it the first time, you automatically will the next. The Beam Saber is a light saber sword like the ones in Star Wars. Let the force be with you and use it to kill enemies, and you'll find that it's rather powerful for a melee weapon. It's a short handle and the beam comes out when you hold R2. Hold R2 and press X to swing. Hold X if you want to swing three times. If you get a perfect ranking, the Beam Saber will extend and will have better range. Once unlocked, it is the door handle of the northwest door in the north corridor on 2F, Central Square Shopping Center. Flamethrower ------------ "This thing will roast the bad guys, and I don't have to worry about fuel, either." Unlocked after beating the game killing more enemies by shooting than fighting. If you don't get it the first time, you automatically will the next. Similar to the Unlimited Submachine Gun, but it shoots fire instead of bullets. It has unlimited fuel so you can use it for as long you want to. It works just like the Submachine Gun -- hold R2 and X to fire (note the pun} and use the left analog stick to aim up, down, left or right while you're emitting flames. The Flamethrower is awfully weak but gets much more powerful if you get a perfect ranking. Once unlocked, it's on the counter of Helen's Bakery on 2F, along with a slightly different memo under it, Central Square Shopping Center. Gold and Silver Pipes --------------------- "It looks snazzy, but it's not strong at all. Well, maybe I can sell it." "How gorgeous! No stronger than the steel pipe, though. Good against vampires and werewolves." Unlocked after you beat the game once. You must get the Steel Pipe if you wish to get these items. When you're in the water area with the monster in the Underpass, move to an edge by the water and press X -- you will be asked if you want to drop your Steel Pipe in the water. Select "Yes". A princess will come up and ask you three questions. Be honest and answer No, No, Yes, and you'll get both pipes, along with your normal "filthy" Steel Pipe. If you lie, you won't get anything back. The Gold and Silver Steel Pipes aren't any more powerful than the normal Steel Pipe -- they only look different. Use them just like the Steel Pipe. Hold R2 and press X to swing. Heather Beam/Sexy Beam ---------------------- Unlocked after you kill a total of at least 333 enemies in your save file. It can and will take more than one time through the game. The Heather Beam can be a great weapon, but you should keep your distance. The Heather Beam is shot from Heather's eyes and her stamina is what keeps her using the weapon. If you have the Life Bar unlocked you can see how much stamina you have (for more details, check out the Life Bar below) so you know how long you can keep using the weapon until you have to rest or go through a door. The Heather Beam has two types of attacks. One is where Heather shoots cell-type things around and they can bounce off walls. Hold R2 and press X do this attack. The other is where she shoots heat-seeking beams in groups and you hold both R2 and X to do this. Once you have the Heather Beam and the Transform Costume, equip the Transform Costume to turn into Princess Heart, and a new weapon called the Sexy Beam will be produced. All other weapons must be unequipped though. This Sexy Beam is pretty much just like the Heather Beam, but faster and better. It also has two types of attacks. One is where Heather fires a beam (it will be continuous if you hold X after that) and you can direct it with the left analog stick or the D-Pad. Hold R2 and press X to do this. The other attack is where several heat-seeking beams and cell-type things are shot out of Heather's eyes -- to do this, hold both R2 and X. When the Heather Beam is unlocked, unequip all weapons and you will be ready to use it. You will need to use the Heather Beam/Sexy Beam to kill at least 30 enemies before you reach the apartments to receive the Revenge ending. Costumes =-=-==== Once you beat the game, you'll unlock the "Extra New Game" and "Extra Costume" options. The costumes are only for an Extra New Game. You have to enter a password to unlock a costume. Many costume passwords are displayed after you beat the game in the ranking screen or in the game in memos. The codes are case sensitive so make sure you enter them correctly. Below is every single code for the game -- most of them are found only on the internet or in gaming magazines: [Note:] All of these passwords work, so if they don't work for you, you've entered the wrong code or you possibly have a different version. I've tried them all and they all work, so they should for you too. "Silent Hill 3 Original" Costume Passwords ------------------------------------------------- Costume Code ------------------------------------------------- "Block head" Shirt | PutHere2FeelJoy "Don't touch" Shirt | TOUCH_MY_HEART "God Of Thunder" Shirt | GangsterGirl "Golden Rooster" Shirt | cockadooodledoo "Heather" Shirt | HappyBirthDay "Killer Rabbit" Shirt | BlueRobbieWin "Onsen" Shirt | I_Love_You "Royal Flush" Shirt | 01_03_08_11_12 "The Light" Shirt | LightToFuture Transform Costume | PrincessHeart "Transience" Shirt | ShogyouMujou "zipper" Shirt | Shut_your_mouth The Rest ------------------------------------------------- Costume Code ------------------------------------------------- "13ème RUE" Shirt | Suspense "EGM" Shirt | EGMpretaporter "Game Informer" Shirt | gameinformer "GamePro" Shirt | ProTip "GAMEREACTOR" Shirt | SH3_Wrestlarn "Gamespy.com" Shirt | iaml33t "GMR" Shirt | GMRownzjoo "GN" Shirt | IwannabeaGJ "IGN.COM" Shirt | IGN_pickleboy "OPM" Shirt | SH3_OPiuM "OPS2" Shirt | extra_thumbs "Play" Shirt | sLmLdGhSmKfBfH "PS2RO" Shirt | MATADOR "PSM" Shirt | badical There are a total of 26 extra costumes, plus Heather's original costume. All costumes with "Shirt" in their name come with a shirt, blue jeans, wristbands (some have their own colours) and shoes. However, the "God of Thunder" Shirt is an exception -- it still comes with a shirt, wristbands and shoes, but it also comes with brownish jeans, and Heather is covered with tattoos and scars. She also has gray hair. In an Extra New Game, you'll be wearing a new shirt if you entered a code in, and all the other shirts will be in your inventory under Items. You can wear any shirt that you have and you can change it whenever you want. To wear the original costume, unequip the current costume you're wearing. "Silent Hill 3 Original" Costumes --------------------------------- All of these costumes have "Silent Hill 3 Original" in their description. Most of their codes can be found in the game. ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "Block Head" Shirt | |Code Found: | At the ranking screen if you kill less than 10 enemies | | | (including bosses). | |Description: | Silent Hill 3 Original | |Details: | White shirt with a drawing on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "Don't Touch" Shirt | |Code Found: | Extra New Game -- in the magazine in the Women's Locker | | | Room on 2F, Brookhaven Hospital. | |Description: | Silent Hill 3 Original | |Details: | Purple shirt with a "don't touch" sign on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "God of Thunder" Shirt | |Code Found: | At the ranking screen after you beat Extreme X Action | | | Level. | |Description: | Silent Hill 3 Original | |Details: | Shirt with many pale shades and brownish jeans. Heather | | | is covered with tattoos and has a scar on her face, and | | | also has gray hair. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "Golden Rooster" Shirt | |Code Found: | At the ranking screen if you get a 10 star ranking. | |Description: | Silent Hill 3 Original | |Details: | Dark blue shirt with a golden rooster on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "Heather" Shirt | |Code Found: | At the ranking screen after you beat the game once. | |Description: | Silent Hill 3 Original | |Details: | Red shirt with person on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "Killer Rabbit" Shirt | |Code Found: | Unknown. | |Description: | Silent Hill 3 Original | |Details: | Yellow shirt with Amusement Park Rabbits on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "Onsen" Shirt | |Code Found: | Unknown. | |Description: | Silent Hill 3 Original | |Details: | Green shirt with a yellow design on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "Royal Flush" Shirt | |Code Found: | Extra New Game -- play on Hard Riddle Level and solve the| | | extra puzzle in the Library of the Church, upper level. | |Description: | Silent Hill 3 Original | |Details: | Orange shirt with cards on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "The Light" Shirt | |Code Found: | Unknown. | |Description: | Silent Hill 3 Original | |Details: | Brown shirt with a picture of one of the "Light" pictures| | | by an altar in the first Silent Hill. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| Transform Costume | |Code Found: | Extra New Game -- at the ranking screen after you beat | | | the game. | |Description: | It's a costume to change into the magic girl, "Princess | | | Heart". | |Details: | A key that transforms Heather into Princess Heart. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "Transience" Shirt | |Code Found: | At the ranking screen after you beat the game on all | | | three riddle levels. | |Description: | Silent Hill 3 Original | |Details: | White shirt with a red drawing on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "zipper" Shirt | |Code Found: | Unknown. | |Description: | Silent Hill 3 Original | |Details: | White shirt with a picture of a zipper and "Silent Hill" | | | written above it | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The Rest -------- The rest of the costumes have unique descriptions and none of their codes are found in the game. They are found in gaming magazines and the internet. ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "13ème RUE" Shirt | |Description: | 13ème Rue est une marque Universal Studios Channels | | | France tous droits réservés 2003 | |Details: | Red shirt with a French street sign with "13ème RUE" | | | (13th Street) written on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "EGM" Shirt | |Description: | Electronic Gaming Magazine (USA) | |Details: | Blue shirt with white writing, "THE HARDER THEY COME" on | | | it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "Game Informer" Shirt | |Description: | Game Informer (USA) | |Details: | Grey shirt with "game informer" written on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "GamePro" Shirt | |Description: | GamePro Magazine (USA) | |Details: | Black shirt with the GamePro logo on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "GAMEREACTOR" Shirt | |Description: | GAMEREACTOR (Norway,Sweden,Denmark) | | | http://www.gamereactor.net | |Details: | Red shirt with the GameReactor logo. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "Gamespy.com" Shirt | |Description: | Gamespy.com {USA} | |Details: | Black shirt with the Gamespy logo on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "GMR" Shirt | |Description: | GMR (USA) | |Details: | Black shirt with "SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES..." | | | written on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "GN" Shirt | |Description: | GAME NETWORK {Italia} http://www.game-network.net | |Details: | Black shirt with "Silent Hill 3" and GN logo on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "IGN.COM" Shirt | |Description: | IGN.COM (USA) | |Details: | Blue shirt with IGN logo on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "OPM" Shirt | |Description: | Official PlayStation Magazine (USA) | |Details: | Pink shirt with blue writing, "OPM SAYS RELAX" written on| | | it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "OPS2" Shirt | |Description: | Official PlayStation 2 Magazine (UK) | |Details: | Black shirt with mentionings of six fingers all over it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "Play" Shirt | |Description: | Play the PlayStation (Germany) www.playplaystation.com | |Details: | Brown shirt with a skull with wings. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "PS2RO" Shirt | |Description: | PlayStation 2 revista oficial de españa (Spain) | |Details: | Black shirt with PS2RO logo on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Costume Name:| "PSM" Shirt | |Description: | PSM: 100% Independent PlayStation 2 Magazine (USA) | |Details: | Red shirt with a smiley face with an eyepatch on it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Miscellaneous Extras --=-====-=-===---=-= Douglas in Underwear -------------------- This is just hilarious. Especially in the first scene, and with the music. Once you complete the game at least once and unlock the "Extra New Game" option, highlight it by moving on it, and enter the following code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, X Then select your Action Level and Riddle Level and Heather will moan, if you've entered the code correctly, because she seems to like the idea of Douglas in his boxers. Now in all cutscenes with Douglas, he'll only be wearing boxers, a trench coat, shoes, a tie and a hat. Life Bar -------- After you beat the game on Hard Action Level, you'll unlock the Life Bar. It displays the amount of health and stamina you have. The yellow bar is your health, and the green bar is your stamina. When you get knocked down or grabbed by an enemy, a thin purple line appears on the screen and shows how long it will take for you to get up or get out of the enemy's attack. Wiggle the movement controls and the shoulder buttons the make this process quicker. You can turn the Life Bar on and off in the extra options menu. Bloody Underpass ---------------- In an Extra New Game, certain parts of the Underpass will be all bloody, somewhat like the Nightmare Hospital and near the end of the Church. Unfortunately, this effect will drain your health on Hard or Extreme Action Levels. Only certain areas will it be like this, and sometimes if you go the wrong way (an area that isn't necessary), the area will turn all bloody, depending on where you go. Silent Hill 2 References ------------------------ If you have a Silent Hill 2 save file on you memory card with the game beaten at least one, you can experience four extra features in the game that are references to Silent Hill 2. Here's how to see them: -Examine the women's washroom toilet with the "blockage" in it, Nightmare Mall, 1F -Examine the mailboxes in Daisy Villa Apartments by the front door -Examine the poster on the Heaven's Night stage in Silent Hill -Examine the fence by the Elevator Control Room on the Brookhaven Hospital rooftop These can be experienced the first time through the game with a Silent Hill 2 save. Apparently you can experience these things in an Extra New game without a Silent Hill 2 save. Secret Item - Silencer ---------------------- Yes, there is actually a silencer in this game. The Silencer is not an extra item because it can be obtained the first time through the game. However, you must be very observant to find it yourself -- if you've played the first Metal Gear Solid, you'll probably have a better chance of finding it yourself. The Silencer is located in the newly plastered wall in the room with the hole on 5F of the Construction Site. Use a weapon to break it open (the Maul is quick and easy) and you can pick it up. A pair of legs can be seen in the wall -- it looks like Solid Snake was doing some business here and forgot his silencer. The Silencer can be equipped with the Handgun or Submachine Gun. It silences the shots and covers the muzzle flash at the end of the gun when a bullet is fired. Enemies won't be able to find you as easily while you're shooting. However, the power of each shot is weakened and it is noticeable. It's not that much of a difference though. Extra Costume Clues ------------------- In an Extra New Game, there will be a code in a magazine in the Women's Locker Room on 2F of Brookhaven Hospital that you'll probably find or already have found. There is another one though. After you complete an Extra New Game and play another on Hard Riddle Level, there will be an extra riddle in the Library of the Church. Try to solve it yourself. If you can't, the answer is above in the costume part of this section -- it's the code for the "Royal Flush" Shirt. Jacob's Ladder References ===--=-====--=-=-====---- Jacob's Ladder is a movie that was directed by Adrian Lyne in 1990. It was said by Konami that it was one of the movies that inspired them to make the Silent Hill franchise. It can be safe to assume that Jacob's Ladder was one of the mostly inspired by works. Konami perhaps acknowledges this by adding references to the film in the Silent Hill games. There are several references in Silent Hill 3, mostly in the Subway. Bergen Street ------------- This is the name of the subway platform that is supposed to lead Heather home. It is the same name as Jacob's station in Jacob's Ladder -- he asks the woman in the subway car ahead of him if they've passed Bergen Street yet, because he was sleeping. Platform 4 Lock --------------- The gate of Platform 4 is locked with a chain and a bolt, exactly like in Jacob's Ladder. Jacob tries to open the gate but he can't, of course, because the chain and the bolt are what is keeping the gate from opening. However, Jacob does not find a conveniently placed Nutcracker like Heather. Hospital Basement Wheelchair ---------------------------- When you head down to the basement of Brookhaven Hospital, you'll notice a tipped over wheelchair with one wheel still turning. Perhaps this is a reference to Jacob's Ladder when Jacob is on the stretcher leading to the insane asylum. However, Jacob doesn't see a wheelchair, he sees the bike of his son, Gabe, smashed from the accident that happened, and the wheel is turning. Head Twitching -------------- Also seen in Silent Hill, the head twitching is similar to Jacob's Ladder. Closers, and especially Valtiel, twitch their heads a lot and is notable homage to Jacob's Ladder. Session 9 References -===--=-=====----=== Session 9 is a movie that was directed by Brad Anderson in 2001. Like Jacob's Ladder, there are references of the film in the game. It can be said that Session 9 might've had some inspiration for making Silent Hill 3. Once again, Konami perhaps acknowledges this by adding references to the film in Silent Hill 3. Wheelchair Behind Glass ----------------------- In the Nightmare Hilltop Center you'll come across a sheet of glass with a wheelchair behind it, with light coming from a doorway visible. This is a reference to the wheelchair in Session 9 -- which is a similar view to the one in this game. Heather says that the world behind the glass is calling her, just like it's doing to Gordon in Session 9. "Thus one's life turns to riches" --------------------------------- The memo on the wall by the vending machine in the Nightmare Hilltop Center is perhaps a reference to Hank in Session 9. "Thus one's life turns to riches: What was a bag of silver coins is now the number in a book. Yet fate hath no price... Ah, but do people know this?" Hank found all those coins in the wall and his life turned to riches. But fate has no price -- the coins are what caused his fate. Hospital Basement Wheelchair ---------------------------- In the basement of Brookhaven Hospital you'll come across a tipped over wheelchair with one wheel still turning. This is a reference to Session 9. Before the power goes out in the movie, Gordon is seen running past a tipped over wheelchair with one wheel still turning. Red Glow Hallways ----------------- In the Haunted House in the Amusement Park, you'll have to run two hallways with red glow following you. Perhaps this is reference to Session 9 -- when Jeff ("mullet head") is in the hallway where the lights turn off behind him as he runs towards the exit. There is similar sound to Silent Hill 3 while Jeff runs the hallway as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 17. S A V E P O I N T L O C A T I O N S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the locations for all the save points in Silent Hill 3: Central Square Shopping Center ===-=----=-===-=---===-====--- 1. On the mirror of the north women's washroom on 1F 2. On the shelf in the northernmost store room in the north 2F corridor Nightmare Mall ==-=-=--=-===- 3. On the bed in the infirmary in the southwest corridor on 1F 4. On a TV in the west corridor on 2F 5. On the wall in the room with the vise in the large east area on 2F 6. On the right desk in Happy Burger on 1F, after the mall turns back to normal Hazel Street Subway Station --=-====-=---=-==-====---== 7. On the wall by the southwest stairs leading up on the 2nd highest floor 8. On the floor of the first subway car Underpass ==-=--=-= 9. On the wall after exiting the subway train 10. On the wall in the kerosene room in the east, upper level 11. On the floor in the room before the monster in the water area, lower level Construction Site =-=---=-=====---= 12. On the barrel just outside the Construction Site Hilltop Center ---=-====-==-- 13. On the wall in the room in the southeast corridor with the map on 3F 14. On the vending machine in the north of the main corridor on 2F Nightmare Hilltop Center -=-=-====-==---=-==-==== 15. On the wall in the small Green Ridge Mental Health Clinic corridor on 2F 16. On the wall in the art gallery on 5F Daisy Villa Apartments =-=---=-=====--=-=-=== 17. On the bulletin board by the front exit Silent Hill --====-=-=- 18. On the TV stand by the TV in Motel Room 106, Jack's Inn Brookhaven Hospital =-==---====-=----== 19. On the wall of the Reception Office on 1F 20. On the floor of the Store Room on 3F Nightmare Hospital -==--=-=-====---=- 21. On the bed in room S3 on 3F 22. On the wall in the Examination Room on 1F 23. On the curtain in room C4 on 1F Lakeside Amusement Park Revisited =-==-====---=-=-==-=====----==-== 24. On a cookie box after making them fall in the souvenir shop 25. On the ticket booth at the entrance of the Haunted Mansion 26. On the fortune table in the Fortune House The Church ==---===-= 27. On the altar in the chapel, upper level 28. On the ground in the octagon-shaped room at the north of the upper level 29. On the shelf in the child's room before the last boss in the lower level -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 18. M E M O S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- Regular Memos ------------- Bookstore Memo (Normal) Bookstore Memo (Hard) Ticket machine newspaper Occult magazine About the monster in the water Photo on chair Picture in the gallery "Thus one's life turns to riches" Fairy tale, Beginning Fairy tale, continued Fairy tale, Last Part Silent Hill Tourist Information About Leonard and Stanley 2F east hall memo (Easy) 2F east hall memo (Normal) 2F east hall memo (Hard) Corpse tattoo Memo about the corpse Photo - Backside of shelf "Hope House" article Stanley's diary (Visiting room) Stanley's diary (Room C4) Stanley's diary (East hall) Stanley's diary (S.T. room) Stanley's diary (Storeroom) Stanley's diary (Staircase) Stanley's diary (Room M4) Stanley's diary (Room S7) The Song of the Sparrow The Song of the Owl The Song of the Thrush The Song of Cock Robin The Song of the Lark The Song of the Dove The Song of the Linnet The Song of the Rook The Song of the Wren The Song of the Kite Crematory door Note to the doctor Day room notebook Book: Lost Memories Silhouette photo Dad's memo Carousel memo Alessa memo Prayer to God Church door Myth - "1. Origin" Myth - "2. Birth" Myth - "3. Salvation" Myth - "4. Creation" Myth - "5. Promise" Myth - "6. Faith" St. Alessa portrait St. Nicholas portrait St. Jennifer portrait About syncretic religions About Tarot Dad's diary About the cult's symbol Believers' complaints School desk scribbles K. Gordon's notebook Claudia's diary Birthday card "Aglaophotis" Dad's memo 2 Sketchbook (Easy) Sketchbook (Normal) Sketchbook (Hard) Item Memos ---------- Dad's notebook Douglas's notebook Book: Otherworld Laws Cassette Tape Notes ----- 3F Mall Door Danger! Lady Maria Poster Fridge Note Church Library Puzzle r e g u l a r m e m o s ==--=-====---==----==---=-=====---==-=====---=-=-===---=-=====---=-=-===== The following are regular memos that will all be in the Memo section of your inventory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Bookstore Memo (Normal Riddle Level) Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Put these books out of order. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Bookstore Memo (Hard Riddle Level) In here is a tragedy--- art thou player or audience? Be as it may, the end doth remain: all go on only toward death. The first words at thy left hand: a false lunacy, a madly dancing man. Hearing unhearable words, drawn to a beloved's grave---and there, mayhap, true madness at last. As did this one, playing at death, find true death at the last. Killing a nameless lover, she pierced a heart rent by sorrow. Doth lie invite truth? Doth verity but wear the mask of falsehood? Ah, thou pitiful, thou miserable ones! Still amidst lies, though the end cometh not, wherefore yearn for death? Wilt thou attend to thy beloved? Truth and lies, life and death: a game of turning white to black and black to white. Is not a silence brimming with love more precious than flattery? A peaceful slumber preferred to a throne besmirched with blood. One vengeful man spilled blood for two; Two youths shed tears for three; Three witches disappeared thusly; And only the four keys remain. Ah, but verily... In here is a tragedy--- art thou player or audience? There is nothing which cannot become a puppet of fate or an onlooker, peering into the cage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Ticket machine newspaper Fatal Accident At Hazel Street At about 11 PM on the 4th, a man waiting on the platform at the Hazel Street station fell onto the tracks and was decapitated by the arriving St. Renata College-bound train. The victim died instantly. While police have not yet determined whether the death was an accident or suicide, witnesses report that the victim did not look inebriated and seemed to jump off the platform deliberately. The victim's identity is still unknown. He was approximately 40 years old, 5 feet 10 inches tall, and was wearing a black jacket. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Occult magazine The souls of those who died suddenly by suicide or accident don't realize they're dead. Sometimes they stay put and haunt that particular place. These spirits have lost their human senses and memories and can only keep replaying the pain and sadness of the moment they died. The pain can get so bad that they turn to humans for salvation -- or they begrudge humans their lives. At such times they can possess humans. Places known as "famous suicide spots" or "high-accident areas" are often to blame. You should be careful when approaching such locations, especially on the day or at the time the death occurred. That is, if you don't want it to happen to you, too... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: About the monster in the water There's a monster in the water. The bastard's killed 2 of my buddies. I should never have doubted that old urban legend about alligators in the sewers. That was no myth. But no one believes me. They were drunk and slipped? We're not that damn stupid. Even calling it a monster isn't quite right. This is something else. All I know is...something's in there. I'm going in now to beat that thing's head in. If you find this note, consider it my will. Revenge is futile -- or so you may think, reading this. But Jose and Jaime were my best buddies. Wish I knew how to do the deed. Guns won't work underwater. Even my famous knifework won't do much. If only I had a hand grenade... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Photo on chair [Photo of Heather] Find the Holy One. Kill her? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Picture in the gallery Flame Purifies All By these remains may a person find the road to Paradise. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: "Thus one's life turns to riches" Thus one's life turns to riches: What was a bag of silver coins is now the number in a book. Yet fate hath no price... Ah, but do people know this? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Fairy tale, Beginning Once upon a time, there was a monster living at the gates of a village. It was a very scary and a very bad monster. It would catch people and crunch them up with its big teeth. The villagers were afraid of the monster, and no one would dare approach the gates. Everyone was stuck inside the village. When the king heard about this, he summoned his knights. The knights eagerly rode out to defeat the monster. "Ha! Take that!" Their swords slashed and their spears flashed, but the monster wouldn't die. The monster tossed the knights into his mouth one by one, horses and all. What was the king to do? He fretted and fussed and paced the floor, but could think of no solution. Soon after, the village priestess came to the castle. She was a very kind and good person. The king asked her to defeat the monster guarding the gates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Fairy tale, continued The priestess accepted the king's request and went to the village gates. But when she saw the monster, she tried to convince it with words instead of killing it. "Shut up, you! I'm going to eat you up!" The monster didn't listen to a word the priestess said. But she kept trying to convince the monster to give up. "It's wrong to eat people, you know." The monster grew very angry at this and attacked her, killing her with a single mighty blow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Fairy tale, Last Part The king and his people shed tears at the death of the kind priestess. God took pity upon them and, granting their wishes, healed the priestess. The priestess opened her eyes just as she had done every morning of her life. She went once more to the monster's lair. "Fool! You wish to die again?" "No... this time it's your turn." The priestess had come to defeat the monster once and for all. As the priestess was very very kind, she felt sad about this task. But it had to be done. "Swords and spears won't work. Arrows and bullets will just bounce off. You can't kill me," the monster laughed. But the priestess used neither sword nor spear. She chanted but a single spell. "TU FUI, EGO ERIS." Do you know what happened then? The monster let out a huge cry and then died and vanished! Thus the villagers were able to use their gates once more. Everyone lavished their gratitude upon the priestess, and they all lived happily ever after. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Silent Hill Tourist Information Welcome to Silent Hill! Silent Hill, a quite little lakeside resort town. We're happy to have you. Take some time out of your busy schedules and enjoy a nice restful vacation here. Row after row of quaint old houses, a gorgeous mountain landscape, and a lake which shows different sides of its beauty with the passing of the day, from sunrise to late afternoons to sunset. Silent Hill will move you and fill you with a feeling of deep peace. I hope your time here will be pleasant and your memories will last forever. Editor: Roger Widmark -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: About Leonard and Stanley Leonard Wolf Room S12. Presenting mild audiovisual hallucinations, emotional instability, obsessive ideas. Suspect mild schizophrenia. Will continue observation. Basically calm and cooperative with a strong sense of justice. However, according to reports, becomes very violent when overexcited. Stanley Coleman Room S07. Usually passive and cowardly; also egotistical. Sometimes shows and acts on obsessive attachment to a particular woman. This has caused violent incidents; use caution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: 2F east hall memo (Easy Riddle Level) Press, move 2 right; press, move up 1; press, move 2 down; press, the door shall open. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: 2F east hall memo (Normal Riddle Level) The first is larger than the second; the second twice the third; the third smaller than the fourth; the fourth is half the first. Four of the numbers are not repeated Three are not in the top row Two are not in the right row One of the numbers is the final key -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: 2F east hall memo (Hard Riddle Level) Pure eyes, blue like a glassy bead--- You are always looking at me and I am always looking at you. Ah, you're too meek--- beautiful, unspoiled: thus I'm so sad, I suffer--- and so happy, it hurts. I want to hurt you and destroy myself What you would think if you knew how I felt. Would you simply smile, not saying a word? Even curses from your mouth would be as beautiful as pearls. I place my left hand on your face as though we were to kiss. Then I suddenly shove my thumb deep into your eyesocket. Abruptly, decisively, like drilling a hole. And what would it feel like? Like jelly? Trembling with ecstasy, I obscenely mix it around and around: I must taste the warmth of your blood. How would you scream? Would you shriek "It hurts! It hurts!" as cinnabar-red tears stream from your crushed eye? You can't know the maddening hunger I've felt in the midst of our kisses, so many of them I've lost count. As though drinking in your cries, I bring my hopes to fruition: biting your tongue, shredding it, biting at your lips as if tasting your lipstick. Oh, what euphoric heights I would reach, having my desires fulfilled like a greedy, gluttonous cur. I longed, too, for your cherry-tinted cheeks, tasty enough to bewitch my tongue. I would surely be healed, and would cry like a child. And how is your tender ear? It brushes against my cheek; I want it to creep up to my lips so I can sink my teeth into its flesh. Your left ear, always hearing words whispered sweet as pie--- I want it to hear my true feelings. I never lied, no... but I did have my secrets. Ah, but what must you think of me? Do you hate me? Are you afraid? As though inviting you to the agony at the play's end, if you wish, you could destroy me---I wouldn't care. As you wish, you may destroy me ---I wouldn't care. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Corpse tattoo The start time is my key. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Memo about the corpse Background: unknown. Name/age: unknown. Not admitted patient. Found in poor mental state on hospital grounds and temporarily installed in room M4 at chief's discretion. Died late tonight from blood loss due to severed carotid artery. Was grasping own kitchen knife in right hand; assume this was cause of neck wound. Possible suicide, but wound angle suspicious. Sent to 2nd floor treatment room for further investigation. Have received no proof or corroboration of event from patient residing in same room. Have not notified police. However, for future necessity, leave victim's bed and effects intact (room M4). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Photo - Backside of shelf #### (# - number) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: "Hope House" article Teaching Despair: "Hope House" "Hope House", an orphanage on the outskirts of Silent Hill. But behind its false image is a place where children are kidnapped and brainwashed. Hope House is managed by the "Silent Hill Smile Support Society," a charity organization sometimes called "4S." It's true that 4S is a well-respected charity that "takes in poor children without homes and raises them with hope." But at its heart, it is a heathen organization that teaches its own warped dogma in lieu of good religious values. Mr. Smith (temp), who lives near "Hope House," had this to say: "Sometimes at night I can hear their weird prayers and the sounds of [children] crying. I went there to complain one time, but they ran me right out. Since then, it hasn't changed a bit." In fact, this reporter was refused admission when he attempted to take photographs in the facility. What exactly do the folks at "Hope House" have to hide? During my investigations, I was able to discover, however, a suspicious-looking round concrete tower which appears to be part of their facilities. Unfortunately no one was willing to tell us what the tower was used for. But it seems unlikely that it has anything to do with the business of raising orphans. It may in fact be a prison, or a secret place of worship. The cult religion that operates "Hope House" is known by the locals simply as "The Order". It's a religion that is deeply interwoven with Silent Hill's history. But its worshippers' fervent belief that they are among the elite "chosen people" has a dark and dangerous side. I intend to continue my investigation of "Hope House" and the cult behind it. I've always believed that "telling the whole truth" and showing the children the true path, is our most important duty. Joseph Schreiber -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Stanley's diary (Visiting room) This day has finally come. That's right -- the day when you and I will meet. I was always thinking of you, here in this gloomy cell. I never even knew your name or face until today. But now I know. I know you're the one I've been waiting for. And haven't you been waiting for me, too? That's why you came to rescue me. Oh, how I love you, Heather. I want to give you my prized doll I made to commemorate our meeting, the start of this everlasting love. Ah, I can already see your smiling face. Stanley Coleman -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Stanley's diary (Room C4) The Organization has me shut up in here. They need to break my will, to make me forget about all that. But I'll stay sane even if they throw me in here with lunatics. How about if I stick this to the wall? That would be worthless. You can peel it off, can't you, with that junk those nasty wenches won't stop using? If a thing has no meaning, there's no reason for it to exist at all. Just as you exist for me. But why haven't you taken my doll with you? Ah, my gift must've embarrassed you. How cute you are, Heather! Stanley Coleman -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Stanley's diary (East hall) You may not yet have realized your own true feelings. But you sense them unconsciously. And so you're trying to get closer to me. That's a virtue, the path to Paradise. If the door's locked, open it. Use the password for the prison gates. Doctor... I've forgotten his name. Anyway, that quack has it posted. He should be here, too. I mean, 4 numbers would've been good enough, but he kept on going. Isn't it a shame? I'm not there. Aren't you irritated? I long for you, but you're so cruel. Still, I want you, Heather. Stanley Coleman -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Stanley's diary (S.T. Room) Flowing freely, your ebony hair Like the night sky, scattering fragrance My heart, clamoring in my chest Like a storm, you trifle with it Your pristine glance Like a feast, when you smile My thoughts disturbed, my breath Like opium, it drives me mad ...Eric, a great poet who conveys my feelings so well. I shouldn't have let this place get to me, should never have gone crazy. But it's superbly enjoyable to drown in my love for you. But why won't you accept proof of my love? Don't stand on ceremony, now. After all, you and I exist as one. What I give to you is the same as what I give to me. Stanley Coleman -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Stanley's diary (Storeroom) Heather, my most sacred lover. I'm always watching you. No matter where you are or what you may be doing, I have never lost sight of you. I know you feel intensely lonely. Yet with a single key to this door, those feelings won't stand in the way any longer. We haven't been able to see each other for so long. Be patient---it's just a little longer. I'll be patient, too, even though I long to hold you in these hands of mine. The key is behind the shelves in the underground garage. Why there? Ask that idiot doctor. There's not a single person here who's right in the head. Not just in this hospital--- I mean in all of Silent Hill. Except me. Stanley Coleman -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Stanley's diary (Staircase) I also like the rooftop. It makes me want to fly. You too? Stanley Coleman -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Stanley's diary (Room M4) There was a tattooed guy on that rumpled bed. Not any more, though. That alarm clock and filthy bag are his. Ah, but don't misunderstand. I haven't done a thing. I didn't hate him, though he was a liar. Shall I write something of my own? On my chest, since I can't cut it open to show you my heart. "I Love Heather". No, something a bit more forceful. "I Love Heather" isn't enough for what I feel. Oh, what tender emotion this image brings... Stanley Coleman -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Stanley's diary (Room S7) Goodbye, Heather. I'm sorry I wasn't able to respond to your love. It's all over. Leonard despises me---because I made fun of it, saying it would come to this. If it weren't for his meddling, I would have been able to meet you in just a little while. Then I could have taken you to my world. A world for us alone, more beautiful than this one. And I had been waiting for this day, for today. The day I'd see you, the day you'd save me. Today. Heather, watch out for him. Leonard is no ordinary guy. Farewell. I loved you. Heather, my goddess. Heather, my lover. Heather, my -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: The Song of the Sparrow Who killed Cock Robin? "The Sparrow," they said "He wants them all dead To him, honey-sweet is their sobbin'" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: The Song of the Owl The Owl who forgot the sky Resigned to his poor earthbound state Hungry or full didn't matter at all He ate and he ate and he ate -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: The Song of the Thrush The grass the Thrush so loved to eat Gave him sweet happiness He sank ever deeper and finally fell To destruction and fatal distress -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: The Song of Cock Robin Cock Robin, who hid the key away Is ash in the oven, all right The place he held is empty now And the doors remain shut tight -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: The Song of the Lark The Lark's child lost all his words And walled himself up all away Heart and mouth both locked up tight In a cage where none want to stay -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: The Song of the Dove The Dove's hope died; he chose his path His flapping wings fell still Drenched in scarlet here they lay His cheeks pale white and chill -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: The Song of the Linnet He seeks out her soul by his own black ambition Frightening her out of her wits Whispering love songs into her ear What cruel Linnet wants, he gets -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: The Song of the Rook The black Rook is the praying sort Who hears the gods in the skies His whispered petitions go on without end And glassy and dim are his eyes -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: The Song of the Wren The Wren, with pure heart as yet unrefined Makes us laugh with his feeble lip-smacking But still we all know he shall never grow old And he knows not how much he is lacking -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: The Song of the Kite The Kite, hot, crazy, and panting mad Sweet shackles that tease and excite Death itself would drive him wild Red blood that turns milky white -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Crematory door Burn the one who knows no death Pure, adored by those above No prayers within, just simple love And now the pining hunter The flames longing for his rebirth A distant breath within the earth Burn up that heavy body of his Make it wind, dancing in the sky That bottomless gut now a cloud, now a sigh The sweet blood on his laughing lips Now calls him to the gates of Hell There burns evermore that soulless shell Four bodies return to ashes Thus the door is opened Thus the door is opened -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Note to the doctor Dr. Midkiff: Please use extra caution with the patient in room 312. He should still have his religious freedom here in the hospital, but he shouldn't push his faith on others. I'm a victim, too. Rumor has it he got here by stabbing someone over a religious dispute. Please be careful. R. Crosby P.S. It looks like the rumor is true, according to the head nurse. I do think he's a good person otherwise, though--- easy to deal with. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Day room notebook The world is teeming with unnecessary people. It's God's decision that I fight. As a knight of honor, as protector of the seal, I sacrifice myself to the blood of criminals. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Book: Lost Memories One characteristic, mentioned only in rare documents and dying out in the modern age, is that of the ritual sacrifice. "Offering prayers, pierce a man's chest with a copper stake. Drench the altar in the blood which spouts red from the heart, to praise and to show loyalty unto God." In another sacrificial rite mentioned in the same book, the victim is burned alive. This was a more dignified ceremony in which prisoners and sinners were not allowed to participate. Only the clergy could be sacrificed. Similar to burning at the stake, no comparable rite can be found in religions practiced nearby. It may have some connection with the main deity being a sun god. Even though this religion extols redemption, it brings to mind a dark and cultish history. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Silhouette photo [Photos of silhouettes of Cinderella and Snow White statues] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Dad's memo Dahlia's the one who said it--- said that the girl was a demon. That she took my daughter for a sacrifice. But it's not totally believable. I mean, appearances can be deceiving. When I saw that photo in the hospital basement, I thought, "That girl looks like Cheryl." Is that why I feel this way? Something's not normal, anyway. Nothing good will come of this. But I just can't think of her as a demon. Is it my imagination, or do I actually feel sorry for her? Why do I feel like she's looking for someone to help? Cheryl's what's important to me. Everything else can wait until I've gotten her back. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Carousel memo When 13 turns count 4, you will die from their curse. If you wish to escape, there is but one way out. To kill before you are killed: you will be saved by the 12th death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Alessa memo It would be better for "myself" to die. After all, it's nothing to be afraid of... That child...that demon... When I think of the endless pain it will bring when it is birthed.... I decided that, instead of the suffering and cruelty I endured in that sick room,... That I would like to bestow a more gentle and peaceful death on "myself." Why do "I" resist? I never thought of "myself" as such a fool..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Prayer to God Stained by the evils of this world, we hold our sorrows within us. Only you can heal us these wounds. Each morning, afternoon, evening and night, we call out your name and pray for the day of the Miraculous Descent. I give to you unreservedly, my body and my eternal soul. Whatever darkness may befall me, I will endure with you beside me. As proof of your miraculous power, guide our obedient and willing souls to the Road of Paradise, oh Lord. We will not give in to the power of temptation as long as we have you in our hearts. Oh Lord, save us with your compassion. Oh Lord, shower us with your blessings. Oh Lord, favor us with your abundance. (Note: In the second paragraph, the first two lines are arranged differently when you examine the memo on the wall separately: I give to you unreservedly my body and my eternal soul.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Church door This door is the gate which leads to the Road to Paradise. Embrace the bosom of the Holy Mother. Admit your sins and be forgiven. Eternal tranquility can be yours. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Myth - "1. Origin" 1. Origin In the beginning, people had nothing. Their bodies ached, and their hearts held nothing but hatred. They fought endlessly, but death never came. They despaired, stuck in the eternal quagmire. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Myth - "2. Birth" 2. Birth A man offered a serpent to the sun and prayed for salvation. A woman offered a reed to the sun and asked for joy. Feeling pity for the sadness that had overrun the earth, God was born from those two people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Myth - "3. Salvation" 3. Salvation God made time and divided it into day and night. God outlined the road to salvation and gave people joy. And God took endless time away from the people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Myth - "4. Creation" 4. Creation God created beings to lead people in obedience to Her. The red god, Xuchilbara; the yellow god, Lobsel Vith; many gods and angels. Finally, God set out to create Paradise, where people would be happy just by being there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Myth - "5. Promise" 5. Promise But there God's strength ran out, and She collapsed. All the world's people grieved this unfortunate event, yet God breathed Her last. She returned to the dust, promising to come again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Myth - "6. Faith" 6. Faith So God hasn't been lost. We must offer our prayers and not forget our faith. We wait in hope for the day when the path to Paradise will be opened. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: St. Alessa portrait St. Alessa: Mother of God, Daughter of God -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: St. Nicholas portrait St. Nicholas: Miraculous Hands, a Doctor of God -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: St. Jennifer portrait St. Jennifer: Unwavering Faith Under Death's Blade -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: About syncretic religions There is no religion that has remained unchanged from the moment it was founded. This one is no exception. When this religion fell into the hands of immigrants, it was deeply influenced by their own original Christian beliefs. For example, the traditional representatives of these primal gods may be given the names and descriptions of Christian angels. This shared characteristics being to appear. (There is also one rare example of the chief deity, "Creator of Paradise" or "Lord of Serpents and Reeds", being dubbed with a demon's name. Of course, this was not done by believers, but by their opponents.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: About Tarot Tarot was based on the 22 Hebrew consonants and is said to represent the entire world. Each card, numbered 0 through 21, has a particular meaning. By reading these cards, fortunetellers predict the future. For example, the first card, "The Magician," signifies creation, wisdom, beginnings, or destruction and fraud. The second card, "The High Priestess," denotes intuition, harmony, faith, or dogmatism and arrogance. According to some texts, the Gardner deck had more than 22 cards. (The Gardner deck does not exist today; it is mentioned only in the literature.) It is said that these extra cards were based on lost Hebrew vowels and denoted an otherworldly, transcendental existence: i.e., God. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Dad's diary I sometimes have the sense even now that, that girl is a reincarnation of Alessa. I don't worry about it much now. That's all forgiven. You were unloved, Cheryl... Or was that Alessa? Now Cheryl is Alessa again. No matter whose reincarnation she may have been, that girl was my most beloved treasure. But that name was a mistake. At the time I thought of her only as a replacement for my lost Cheryl. When she knows the truth, will she feel bad? That's what worries me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: About the cult's symbol Represents the deity known as "The Halo of the Sun." In heraldry, symbolizes a religious group. The two outer circles are charity and resurrection; the three inner circles are present, past, and future. Usually drawn in red. Occasionally drawn in black or other colors, but blue reverses the meaning into a curse on God and is therefore forbidden. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Believers' complaints People are starting to voice their dissatisfaction about Father Vincent using the Organization's money for his own personal benefit. I've also heard rumors that Father Vincent has been extorting donations from some followers. Is he really the right person for such a position? I'm in no place to deny all he's done to make the Organization grow. Even though we believe in God, if there were some sort of gathering, shouldn't we be valued not for our limited talents or our talkativeness, but for the depth of our faith? L.S -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: School desk scribbles [A desk with scribbles on it] "Go Home" "Drop Dead" "Thief" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: K. Gordon's notebook There's a girl named Alessa in my class. If your memory is any good, you may remember her. She's the one I said they called a witch. Most likely her mother is abusing her. I've never seen her come in without some sort of scrape or bruise. Her expression is pitifully dark for a 6-year-old. Something like this may not be so uncommon. Rather than coming up with pointless ideas, it's best just to watch and wait. But isn't there something I can do to help? I'm considering consulting a lawyer, but I do have my reservations. That's why I thought I'd ask you, my friend, for your opinion first. K. Gordon -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Claudia's diary November 10 She didn't die then; she was born. I knew that for a fact. But then why haven't I found her yet? They were supposed to need her power to build Paradise, for the happiness of the people. She was supposed to be reborn for that. I'd really like to see her. November 14 Read "The Book of Praise." I want to thank Father for lending me such an invaluable book. I found what I'd been searching for in there -- how to awaken God. But it's much too cruel. Will I be able to pull it off when I see her? November 16 I was free all day, so I read "A Modern History of Refugees" and "Young Slaves: Child Exploitation." I don't want to be a mere bystander in this world. I can't do anything now, though, and that's what's hard. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Birthday card To little Claudia, Happy 6th birthday! I love you as if you were my real sister. Here's to you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: "Aglaophotis" Aglaophotis Red liquid or crystals resembling blood. According to the Kabbalah, the name is taken from an herb with the power to dispel evil spirits. It is said to grow in Arabian deserts. It may be vaporized or applied as a poultice to guard against demons. It is powerful, but as it is rare, it is extremely difficult to obtain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Dad's memo 2 She's just beyond this door. I don't know how, but I can sense it. But she's not the only one there. I sense the presence of something extremely dangerous, even sickening ... or maybe what they call "God". Nevertheless, I will open the door. Enough of this idle chit-chat. "God" I'm not, but I fully intend to save her... no, them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Sketchbook (Easy Riddle Level) [Drawings of the locations for each tarot card on the door] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Sketchbook (Normal Riddle Level) The door sure does rattle, but it's struck tight. A secret is hidden out of your sight! You may be thinking, "What could it be?" You'll need five magic cards if you want to see. What to do, then, with all these? I'll tell you straight and I won't tease-- Just as long as you say "please". Now the first thing you must know Is that there's something in each row. But that is not the half of it: Three would be too hard to fit. The upside-down man under the ground: To his right, to his left, there's no one around. Leave him alone, though his tears are profound. The moon is up above the sky, Full or crescent, floating high. Twinkling light sits like a crown On the head of a crazy clown. Your Excellency, praying to God most high Do you think you can tell me why You always look up at the night sky? Do you have it now? You didn't forget? One major point you must not omit. And now at the last, before you take a whack Here's one more hint to help keep you on track. Scary and hateful, that thing in the night Better be careful -- it's not on your right! Turn to the left and you'll keep it in sight. So you'll open the door? I'm just sure that there'll Be nothing beyond it but frightening peril. Forget about that! Just stay and play! Or else I'll be left here alone all day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo Title: Sketchbook (Hard Riddle Level) I had a dream. In my dream, I opened a door. But what that really me? I had a different name. ING WXX NXA OEI IFI VII MOX NOT XVH XON HNG III XAA CXX CCX JII IEI IHT 5 are true and 4 are lies--- and there are some fibs mixed in with the truth. That's 'cause it's scary to write only the truth. But dreams...dreams are like lies, after all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- i t e m m e m o s -=-=====---=-=-=----==-======----=-=====---=-=----======---=-======----=-= The following are items that are in your inventory. They include books and a cassette tape. Use the Item List section to determine where these items are. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Dad's notebook I hope this will never come to any use; maybe it's better if you never know. More than anything else, I fear the possibility of your going away, far from me. But sometimes we have to tell the truth. That's why I'm writing this, before I'm lost in death and oblivion. What happened back then? That has something to do with who you are. It all started 24 years ago. Coming back from a vacation, my wife and I found a baby on the side of the highway. Since we were childless, we thanked God for letting us meet this child...this girl. We took her home. 3 years later, my wife died, and another 4 years later -- 17 years ago -- I came to Silent Hill. I heard the girl's pleas and took her with me, not knowing why she wanted us to go there. And it was there that the girl went away. Not that she actually went anywhere, nor did she die. "Returned to her original self"... that's what Dahlia Gillespie said. "Original self"... That was the young woman burned by her mother as a sacrifice to God...Alessa Gillespie. Half her soul escaped in those flames and went on to live in a baby...in that girl of mine. Of ours. 7 years passed before that half-a-girl returned to Silent Hill and made Alessa whole again. Newly strengthened, she vowed to kill God. God, a fetus nestled into this sacrificial girl's womb, was summoned with the usual rites. This was Alessa's wish, no matter what the outcome---even if her own existence were at stake. But that wish was not granted. My interruption meant she prayed instead for the girl's return. I alone couldn't bring her back. Dahlia did it---I only helped at the birthing ceremony, to bring God out of Alessa. The newly-born God wailed once and was dead. All from that girl's---and probably Alessa's---conscious resistance. That's not the end. After God had vanished in a glow of light, Alessa reappeared and gave me a baby. She looked a lot like that girl so long ago. And then Alessa was gone, dead. There was nothing I could have done to help. I simply clutched the baby to my chest and ran off. The whole thing felt like a dream, but I had proof that it wasn't. The girl was nowhere to be found, and in my arms...the baby. Now 17 years have passed. It feels like only yesterday, and again it feels like a million years ago. I confess I had reservations at first about raising that baby. Could I love her? Her existence was thoroughly unexplainable. I thought, "She could be that young woman who snatched away my beloved daughter." That led to sadness, anger...there were times when I put my hands around her tiny little throat. Several times I even considered abandoning her. That's what a terrible person I am. But I decided to raise her after all. I just couldn't seem to let her go. When she...when you look at me, you laugh, so... Even now, I can't forget about that girl. But I love you. I have no doubts about that. That's all I ask you to believe. To my precious daughter... Harry Mason -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Douglas's notebook Client: Claudia Wolf Request: Searching for (then infant) Alessa Gillespie, kidnapped by man named Harry Mason. No word from police. Kidnap location unknown. Old Silent Hill newspaper article: Alessa Gillespie (7) dead in fire. Links to current case? To be investigated. Priority: low. Using alias "Heather." Neighbors do not know real name. What is she hiding. According to records, 24 years old. Client says looks 17---plausible? Lived in Portland 'til 12 years ago. Got wrapped up in a murder case; Harry shot suspect. Justifiable self-defense, so no punishment. Moved away immediately after, started to use alias. Apparently no connection with the criminal. Just some occult freak, slightly off from way back. Originally from Silent Hill? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Book: Otherworld Laws This magic square, with strong protective and dispelling properties, is called the "Virun VII Crest" or the "Seal of Metraton." It will bring results regardless of whether the target is good or evil; its strength, therefore, places a very high burden on the caster. As it is also difficult to control, it is not usually used. This is why it bears the name "Metraton," after the angel Metatron (or Metraton), also known as the "Agent of God." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Cassette tape [Once you insert the cassette tape into the cassette player, the following plays] Vincent: Do you know about what happened here 17 years ago? You've been here a long time. You must have heard some details. Woman: A group of pagans, blinded by earthly desires, spit in the very face of God. They tried to use the Seal of Metatron to prevent God's awakening. But God drove the unbelievers away and threw them into the Abyss. But due to their wickedness, God was unable to be born properly. And so she has slumbered ever since in the womb of the Holy Mother. Until the time of the Awakening.... That's all that I know. Vincent: That's it, huh... Well, thanks. Woman: Father Vincent. I heard that the Holy Mother has been found. Is it true? Vincent: Alessa has been found? Did Claudia say that? Woman: Yes. Vincent: Then it must be true. Her Sight rarely fails her. Woman: Bless the Lord! Vincent: Maybe it's because of her great faith. But I could never be like her. I wouldn't want to. Woman: Nor I. The truth is Sister Claudia frightens me a little. Vincent: Well now, let's both show our faith by forgetting about this little talk. Okay? Woman: Yes. But does that mean this land will finally be the Home of Eternal Paradise? Vincent: If God wills it, my sister. If God wills it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- n o t e s --====-=-=----=-======--=-====---=-=----=-====---=-===---=-=---=-======--= All these notes are small notes that are not in the memo section, and therefore don't have specific titles. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note Title: 3F Mall Door Piling up the 300th day and night From beyond the door, cries of pain are heard And the final destination has become real Though not a blessed beginning -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note Title: Danger! Danger! Keep out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note Title: Lady Maria Poster [With SH2 save on memory card] The Return of Lady Maria! From 8:00 pm on the 27th. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note Title: Fridge Note Food only! Do not store drugs! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note Title: Church Library Puzzle [Extra New Game only; these memos are spread around the library bookshelves] A secret told before you awake: the start of a new transformation. The first number is "the traveller to St. Ives." The second number is "the hare wear a crown of straw." The third number is "king of beasts and goddess of harvests." The fourth number is "representative of both knight and page." The fifth number is "lapis lazuli or turquoise." There's no separating numbers from beginning to end. 14 buttons all told; therefore, one is always two. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ ______ | |=========S===I===L===E===N===T====H===I===L===L===3=======| | | | --------------------------- | | | MISC.| | M I S C E L L A N E O U S | | MISC.| |20-21 | --------------------------- |20-21 | |______|=========S===I===L===E===N===T====H===I===L===L===3=======|______| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 19. S O N G L Y R I C S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are all the lyrics for all the songs that have them. Even the songs where words are spoken are in here. Contents --------------------------------- 02 - You're not here 03 - Float up from dream 07 - Clockwork little happiness 12 - Letter - from the lost days 16 - Walk on Vanity Ruins 17 - I want love 22 - Sun 24 - Hometown 25 - I want love (Studio Mix) --------------------------------- 02 - You're not here -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (0:29)Blue sky to forever (0:31)The green grass blows in the wind, dancing (0:36)It would be a much better sight (0:40)With you, with me (0:43)If you hadn't met me (0:45)I'd be fine on my own, baby (0:50)Never felt so lonely then you came along (0:55)So now what should I do? (0:58)I'm strung out, addicted to you (1:02)My body aches now that you're gone (1:05)My supply fell through (1:10)Let me give you everything you had and more (1:15)You craved my happiness (1:17)When you made me feel joy and it made you smile (1:20)But now I feel your stress (1:24)Love was never meant to be such a crazy affair, no? (1:28)And who has time for tears? (1:31)Never thought I sit around and cry for your love (1:38)'til now... (1:58)Oh, I feel your stress (2:07)Who has time for tears? (2:11)Oh, my baby... (2:20)Yeah, yeah (2:34)Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! (2:45)Oh, I feel your stress -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03 - Float up from dream -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Spoken] (0:42)They've come to witness the Beginning. (0:45)The rebirth of Paradise, despoiled by mankind. (0:50)Remember me, and your true self as well. (0:54)Also that what you must become. (0:57)The one that will lead us to Paradise, with blood stained hands. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 - Clockwork little happiness -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Spoken] (2:54)The time when all will be forgiven their sins (2:59)When the Paradise we have long dreamed for will arrive (3:03)After the judgment and atonement, and eternity of bliss (3:09)Oh, Alessa, the world you wanted is nearly here (3:14)I wish only for the salvation of mankind (3:18)But for that to happen, the world must first be remade -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 - Letter - from the lost days -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (0:29)A letter to my future self (0:33)Am I still happy? I began (0:36)Have I grown up pretty? (0:40)Is daddy still a good man? (0:44)Am I still friends with Colleen? (0:47)I'm sure that I'm still laughing (0:51)Aren't I? (0:54)Aren't I? (1:05)Hey there, to my future self (1:09)If you forget how to smile (1:13)I have this to tell you (1:16)Remember it once in a while (1:20)Ten years ago your past self (1:23)Prayed for you happiness (1:27)Please don't lose hope (1:34)Oh, oh, what a pair, me and you (1:41)Put here to feel joy, nothing blue (1:48)Sad times, and bad times, see them through (1:56)Soon we will know if it's for real (2:03)What we both feel [Whispered] (2:18)Though I can't know for sure (2:20)How things worked out for us (2:23)No matter hard it gets, (2:26)You have to realize, (2:28)We weren't put on this earth to suffer and cry (2:34)We were made for being happy (2:37)So, be happy (2:40)For me, for you (2:44)Please (2:47)Oh, oh, what a pair, me and you (2:54)Put here to feel joy, nothing blue (3:01)Sad times, and bad times, see them through (3:09)Soon we will know if it's for real (3:16)What we [what we] both feel [both feel] (3:23)We will put here on this earth (3:26)Put here to feel joy (3:31)We will put here on this earth (3:34)Put here to feel joy. (3:38)We will put here on this earth (3:41)Put here to feel joy. (3:45)We will put here on this earth (3:48)Put here to feel joy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 - Walk on Vanity Ruins -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Spoken] (1:25)In here is a tragedy--- (1:27)Art thou player or audience? (1:31)Be as it may, the end doth remain: (1:34)All go on only toward death. (1:39)The first words at thy left hand: (1:41)A false lunacy, a madly dancing man. (1:45)Hearing unhearable words, (1:48)drawn to a beloved's grave--- (1:50)and there, mayhap, true madness at last. (1:56)As did this one, playing at death, (1:59)Find true death at the last. (2:02)Killing a nameless lover, (2:04)She pierced a heart rent by sorrow. (2:09)Doth lie invite truth? (2:11)Doth verity but wear the mask of falsehood? (2:15)Ah, thou pitiful, thou miserable ones! (2:20)Still amidst lies, (2:22)Though the end cometh not, (2:24)Wherefore yearn for death? (2:27)Wilt thou attend to thy beloved? (2:30)Truth and lies, life and death: (2:34)A game of turning white to black (2:37)And black to white. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 - I want love -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (0:37)I want a river full of love (0:49)I need an ocean full of love (1:01)I want a cup that overflows with love (1:05)Although it's not enough to fill my heart (1:13)I want a barrel full of love (1:16)Although I know it's not enough to fill my heart (1:25)I want a river full of love (1:28)But then I know the holes will still remain (1:37)I need an ocean full of love (1:40)Although I know the holes will still remain -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 - Sun -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (0:00)In the beginning, people had nothing. (0:03)Their bodies ached, and their hearts held nothing but hatred. (0:09)They fought endlessly, but death never came. (0:13)They despaired, stuck in the internal quagmire. (0:19)A man offered a serpent to the sun and prayed for salvation. (0:24)A woman offered a reed to the sun and asked for joy. (0:29)Feeling pity for the sadness that had overrun the earth, (0:33)God was born from those two people. (0:37)God made time and divided it into day and night. (0:42)God outlined the road to salvation and gave people joy. (0:47)And God took endless time away from the people. (0:53)God created beings to lead people in obedience to Her. (0:57)The red god, Xuchilbara; the yellow god, Lobsel Vith; (1:04)Many gods and angels. (1:07)Finally, God set out to create Paradise, (1:11)Where people would be happy just by being there. (1:15)But there God's strength ran out, and She collapsed. (1:20)All the world's people grieved this unfortunate event, (1:24)Yet God breathed Her last. (1:27)She returned to the dust, promising to come again. (1:32)So God hasn't been lost. (1:35)We must offer out prayers and not forget our faith. (1:40)We wait in hope for the day when the path to Paradise will be opened. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 - Hometown -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (0:10)He spoke of tortured souls! (0:18)So outrageous the toll (0:23)You can lose all you have (0:29_He refused to give in (0:34)To the town that takes all (0:40)Survive; you must have the will (0:51)This movie doesn't end the way we want all the time (0:57)Then he shouts at the moon! (1:01)"She's gone!" (1:05)And fear has overcome (1:10)He was walking the mile (1:15)He was walking alone (1:40)So outrageous the toll (1:45)You can lose all you have (1:50)He refused to give in (1:55)To the town that takes all (2:02)Survive; you must have the will (2:12)This movie doesn't end the way we want all the time (2:18)Then he shouts at the moon! (2:22)"She's gone!" (2:26)And fear has overcome (2:31)He was walking the mile (2:37)He was walking alone (2:43)Four and twenty dead birds (2:48)They bleed upon the nest (2:53)There was no time for reasons (2:58)They had no sign of a threat (3:03)Now it's too late (3:06)To wait for me (3:09)This town will eventually take me (3:15)Too late; too late for me (3:20)This town will win (3:24)[Through this fog they came along (3:26)Dark creatures singing a terrible song (3:30)The rest of the bar laughed at him (3:33)Only I felt my hope grow dim (3:36)They found him dead the very next day (3:39)No more stories from him, I heard them say (3:44)We blame bad luck for his fate (3:47)Only I felt terror so great] (3:50)She and he will know... (3:56)That someday... (4:01)All things will end... (4:05)That misty night, (4:07)That dismal moon, (4:10)The dead search for their kin (4:15)While angels sing, in endless dark (4:20)The dead seek out sin -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 - I want love (Studio Mix) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (0:00)All right, let's do this (0:02)1, 2, 3, 4 (0:30)I want a cup that overflows with love (0:35)Although it's not enough to fill my heart (0:42)I want a barrel full of love (0:45)Although I know it's not enough to fill my heart (0:54)I want a river full of love (0:57)But then I know the holes will still remain (1:06)I need an ocean full of love (1:09)Although, I know the holes will still remain (1:18)And the swiss cheese heart knows (1:24)Only kindness can fill its holes (1:30)I'd love to dry my tears (1:35)As pain disappears (1:40)I need a miracle and not someone's charity (1:45)One drop of love from him and my heart's in ecstasy (1:51)The high that is sending me is most likely ending me (1:57)I need a miracle and not someone's charity now (2:58)Fill up my heart with love (3:00)Oh, you'll be amazed at how (3:03)Little I need from him (3:06)To feel complete here and now (3:09)Stirring within me are (3:12)These feeling I can't ignore (3:14)I need a miracle and that's what I'm hoping for (3:20)I need a miracle and not someone's charity (3:26)One drop of love from him and my heart's in ecstasy (3:31)The high that is sending me is most likely ending me (3:37)I need a miracle and not someone's charity now (3:45)Oh, baby (4:02)My baby (4:05)Anybody's love but his (4:10)Will never fill this place within me now (4:16)Doctor give me what I need (4:21)To free my heart from misery -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 20. C O O L A N D S C A R Y T H I N G S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section there are things I found cool and scary and maybe you'd like to check them out. So if you're done the game and you want to play it again, try to find these things to make the enjoyment better. Amusement Park -=-=====---=-- -You start in the Lake Side Amusement Park from Silent Hill 2 -I didn't know this my first time through, but you start with a Knife, Handgun, and Submachine Gun -- you also have a Health Drink, an Ampoule, and a First-Aid Kit -There's yellow fog everywhere that's similar to the fog in Silent Hill 2 -Heather likes Cookies and Chocolate -- she says so when you examine certain walls in the gift shop -There are many pink stuffed-animal bunnies around the Amusement Park -When you're running on the Roller Coaster tracks and you go near the edges, Heather will almost fall and say "Whoah!", then step backward Central Square Shopping Center ---=-===-=--====----=-=-===--- -You can hear sounds of cars and see shadows of cars through the curtain in the window in the Restaurant scene -- you can also hear other ambience -Heather comes out of Happy Burger before she goes to the phones -- the same restaurant from Silent Hill 2 -When Douglas says "Sorry," it sounds funny -When you examine the white van blocking the alley, Heather says something funny -There's bread in Helen's Bakery on 2F but Heather's not hungry Nightmare Shopping Mall ==-=---=-=====-=--====- -You can hear the Radio in the elevator before it falls -You can hear sounds similar to when entering the Abyss in Silent Hill 2, after you exit the elevator with the Radio -In the Women's Washroom on 1F, Heather could've just used the coat hanger to remove the blockage in one of the toilets -When you knock on the stall door furthest away from the door of the Women's Washroom on 1F and walk away, the door opens and there's blood everywhere in the stall -- someone's had a bad day... -There are a few hallways where Double Heads are busy eating some sort of meat package, and you can walk right past them -The room with the vise on 2F looks somewhat like Pyramid Head's lair from Silent Hill 2 -Douglas must've saw the Split Worm, because he said "That monster?" Return To Normal ---------------- -When you examine the middle-left table in Happy Burger, Heather comments that she was sleeping there earlier and she'd still like to be, or maybe she still is Subway Station ==-=--===---== -There's an interesting newspaper on one of the ticket machines and it talks about someone who died by a Subway Train at this station -- it was four years ago though -Heather says she could just hop over the ticket booths when you examine them -When you're on your way to Platform 4, there's a memo on the floor in the area with the three staircases -- if you put it together with the newspaper, it makes sense and it's trying to tell you something -The ghost that pushes you on the rails is the person in the newspaper -- read the newspaper and the memo by the three staircases and it will make sense -If go near the phones in the east section of B2, a phone rings once -Garbage Bins in the Subway say "STASH YOUR TRASH" on them -When you're in the area with the two Double Heads and you can go on the tracks, let a Double Head go on the tracks and then you go down there, and when the train comes, you'll both die -When you encounter the first Insane Cancer, run in the nearby Subway Train and it won't be able to get through the small entrance, however, it can get in through the further larger door -- you can shoot the monster through the windows as well -After you try to open the door on the tracks with the red glow, three Double Heads appear on the tracks out of nowhere -When you enter the Subway Train and it starts moving, go through the door on your right for a sweet view -- trust me, it's amazing! -You can actually fall off the back of the train -- it will show a cutscene of you in first person if you move forward while on the back of the train -As you move from car to car, the car you come from is always gone -- if you try to go back, you'll be on the back of the train -The noises in the subway cars sound amazing and are just like real subway noises -On some of the seats are fallen hand holders for usage when standing up, but they look like weird knives -There is no conductor for the train because the last one you're in is the one at the front, unless the ahead car(s) just released the one you're in Underpass ==-=--=== -When you enter the sewers in an Extra New Game, certain areas will be all bloody, somewhat similar to near the end of the Church -When you examine the bloody lockers in the map room, you hear a creepy noise -When you examine the hardhat helmets in the map room, Heather says they're "geeky-looking" -When you're on your way to get the hair dryer, you cross a bridge with a Slurper in the water under it, and it's gone when you come back out -If you examine some of the garbage in the hair dryer room, Heather makes some funny comments -There is actually a radio in one of the garbage bins from the sewers -In an Extra New Game, the sewer water is bloody -When you answer honestly after you drop your Steel Pipe into the water in the monster in the water area (Extra New Game), the Princess says "I've finally found a truly honest man!" -- I don't think she can see right -There are some pretty strange noises in the sewers -- sounds of monsters groaning and whatnot Construction Site --=-=====-=--=-== -The maximum floors in any Silent Hill game before this was 3 (except for the mysterious limited 4th floor in the Alchemilla Hospital in the first Silent Hill), but this place has 5 floors -There's a weird sound when you're going up the stairwell -The washroom on 5F looks like a washroom from the Apartments in Silent Hill 2 -When you examine the washroom sink on 5F, Heather says "It's just a plain ol' washbasin" -You can actually get a Silencer for the Handgun and Submachine Gun on 5F -When you examine the broken wall after getting the Silencer, Heather makes some comments and says she shouldn't've watched a movie called "The Black Cat" Hilltop Center ====---===---- -There are 6 floors in this building, making it the highest number of floors in an accessible building in the Silent Hill series, up to this point -In the room you come through the window on 3F, Heather says the table is covered with papers, but there are only four -When you enter the room with all the mannequins in it, examine the only one with a head and Heather will comment on it -- when you head for the exit or go to the other side of the room, you will hear a scream and the head of the mannequin will be gone, along with blood on it and near it -It looks like there's a mannequin on the poster in the Monica's Dance Studio corridor, 3F -On the shelf with the Jack, there are some car rims, a wrench, and some oil bottles, KMN Auto Parts 5F -In the Gallery of Fine Arts corridor, there's a corkboard with upcoming gallery shows -- Heather says "Who really cares about that?" -On 2F you can hear some noises from Silent Hill 2 when Pyramid Head is chasing you in the hospital basement Nightmare Hilltop Center ==-=--=-=======--=--=--- -There is a costume very similar to Pyramid Head's from Silent Hill 2 hanging by some scissors in the room next to where you start in this area -It says "FRIEND" on the wall in the room with Vincent -You can actually fall down some holes in this area -There's a TV in the Oxydol room -You can hear some more Pyramid Head noises from Silent Hill 2 in the main 2F corridor -On 5F, there is a room with two Slurpers behind a fence -- you can kill them but they can't touch you -The doors with the blue lights above them look amazing for some reason and look real -When you are in the north part of the west corridor on 5F, you can hear a very strange noise -Heather is only 17, but she says she quit smoking for good when you examine the cigs in the southwest corner room on 5F -The matchbooks in the smoking room are huge, 5F -There's a weird noise when you try to open the northwest door on 5F -Flame "Purified" All after you've burned the painting -In the room after burning the painting, there are lips and many question marks drawn on the wall in front of you. -When you examine the silver coins on the desk after you take one, Heather comments and she says she may act like a thief sometimes, 4F northwest room -It costs 25 cents for a pop in the northwest room on 4F -Heather gets a Life Insurance Key in a pop can from the machine -- if only all life insurance came in a can -Guess they ran out of life insurance in the bloody room in the Life Insurance Area, 1F -- you can never have enough! -Heather foolishly doesn't take any of the free cash on the counter in the Last Drop Café, 1F -When you exit the Last Drop Café, the camera angle looks like a first person view -The Emergency Staircase doesn't even open -- how useful -When you go back to the elevator after getting the Life Insurance Key on 4F, you should hear a strange noise -In the Life Insurance corridor you can hear sounds similar to Silent Hill 2, in the apartments -When Heather hears the monster in the bloody room, she comments on it, but other strange noises she doesn't say anything about Outside ------- -The orange car outside the Nightmare Hilltop Center looks somewhat like a '67 Mustang Daisy Villa Apartments ===-----==-====----=== -The apartments sign outside says "Daisy Villa Apartments" but the text says "Daisy Villa Apartment" when you examine it -If you have a complete Silent Hill 2 save, when you examine the mail boxes by the main entrance, Heather says there's no letter from a dead wife inside and that she doesn't have one of those anyway -If you examine the save point by the front exit, Heather says "It makes 'me' head hurt" -- guess Konami didn't notice that error -Heather gets home after a crazy day like this and she acts normal after getting inside -- "Dad, I'm home" -Harry is wearing the exact same clothes as he was in the first Silent Hill -Too bad what happened had to happen -- Harry could've explained the "Otherworld" to Heather -Heather actually gets blood on her clothes -The rooftop of the apartments looks like the hospital rooftop -The boss you fight on the rooftop looks similar to Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2 -There's a TV in Harry's room -There are washrooms in both Harry's and Heather's rooms -- it's an apartment for peat's sake! -When you examine the chair that Harry was in, Heather says he told her that he was the strongest man in the world, and then after that she says "Liar" -- it keeps saying "Liar" if you keep examining it -Shoot the Unlimited Submachine Gun if you have it to show Heather's feelings -The middle shirt in Heather's dresser looks like a map -There's a cloth on a bucket in the kitchen -The phone by the door looks rather old Silent Hill ==-=-====-- -When Douglas is driving Heather to Silent Hill, you can see "California" on the licence plate -- so Silent Hill must be in California or close to it -Silent Hill now has way more fog than ever before! It's insane now! -You can access the Dog House area from Silent Hill 2 but there's nothing in the lot -Pete's Bowl-O-Rama's entrance doors are shut tight and cannot be opened -There are drawings of people bowling on the west wall on Carroll Street, near Pete's Bowl-O-Rama -It says "GOOKIE" on the wall near the entrance of Heaven's Night -You can enter Heaven's Night and it looks the exact same as in Silent Hill 2 -If you have a complete Silent Hill 2 save, there's a "Lady Maria" poster on the stage -- she has black hair though... -Inside Heaven's Night on a table, there's the exact same Silent Hill Resort pamphlet from Room 104 1F of Wood Side Apartments in Silent Hill 2 Brookhaven Hospital -=-==-====--=-=-==- -The Hospital is TOO familiar and has basically the same nurses -Some Nurse Demons actually have Revolvers -There's a TV on a stand in room C4 on 1F -There's a TV on the floor in room M5 on 2F -The same two TVs from Silent Hill 2 are at the end of the hallway on 2F -You can hear different tones of the wheelchair wheel if you pause it about every second and it's very cool, BF -There's a TV on a stand in the Store Room, BF -There's a TV in one of the top corners of the Special Treatment Room, 3F -There's a TV above the doors of room S12, inside the room -In the hallway on the supposedly way to Leonard on 2F, pause the game while a gate is going up or down, until it stops -- then unpause it and the gate will continue without sound -When climbing the ladder by Valtiel, it says "What A Wonderfull World" on the wall -- this is a reference to The Exorcist III -- the killer writes something like this, and there are two L's in Wonderful Nightmare Hospital ===-=--===-=--==== -This is a TRUE "Nightmare" Hospital! -In the Crematorium on B3, you can hear someone talking and it sounds like they're dieing -You can hear a cry by the smoky glass area on 2F -When you answer the phone in one of the lockers, the person on the phone first says it's your 31st Birthday and then he says 24th -- but Heather is 17 so he's referring to her as Alessa (14 years + 17 years = 31 years, 7 years + 17 years = 24 years) -The phone in the Men's Locker Room on 2F isn't even connected -There's a TV with a smashed screen on a stand in room C1, 1F -You can hear some monster noises in room C1, 1F -It's laggy when you exit the normal hospital when you're done Amusement Park Revisited =-====-=-====-==-=----== -There are some actual completely dark areas in the Amusement Park -The Haunted Mansion is nothing compared to the other areas of the game -Douglas has the same Handgun as Heather -For some reason Heather decides that she should call an Ambulance when she finds Douglas -- what in the world is she thinking? -It's funny when Douglas says he always wanted to be Superman -Before you go on the carousel near the end of the Amusement Park, examine the ticket booth and Heather will comment that no one's here and she'll just sneak in -In the fight with Alessa, some horses look like bobble heads The Church ==-==-===- -It seems as if Heather is faking being Alessa when she's talking to Claudia, and she may be -It's funny how you have to use a kid's map for the Church -When you examine the picture on the wall in the confessional box, Heather comments -- "Who can this be? Ah, it doesn't matter" -The Closers in the Church are stronger and more screwed up -You can see your shadow very well in the southeast room on 1F, and it's very large -There's a sweet view of behind the light when you go towards the desk in the southeast room on 1F -The picture of St. Jennifer in the room with the large save point on the ground is Jennifer Carroll from Silent Hill 2 -When you examine the phone in Harry's Diary room, Heather comments that she shouldn't bother because she knows it's not connected -You can find Valtiel hanging a Nurse in the corridor where Alessa's room lies, lower level -You can find Valtiel patrolling several areas of the Church -Valtiel can either move very fast or there is more than one of him -In the long south corridor in the lower level, Valtiel is turning a valve and there are what look like two Nurses with red curtains covering most of them -- he probably just hanged the Nurses like the one you could see him hanging by Alessa's room -When you examine the photo of Alessa in the hospital room, Heather says she was bored and sad at seven (which was when the picture was taken) -When you examine the bed in the same room, Heather goes on and on for a while, talking about Dahlia and stuff -When you examine the bed, the caption says "Dalia" instead of "Dahlia" -When you examine the cards in Alessa's room, Heather says Claudia had trouble winning, which caused her to cry, lower level -When you kill the enemies in the messed up passing though room on the upper level, the room goes back to normal -There's a picture of a "WOLF" on a wall in the classroom, upper level -There is a pointless room with many Scrapers in it in the south corridor on the upper level -There's a large fan before you enter the room with Vincent and Claudia in it -- Konami loves fans -You can hear the Silent Hill 2 Abyss moan at the beginning of the Vincent and Claudia cutscene before the final boss -Claudia stabs Vincent with what looks like the Dagger of Melchior from the first Silent Hill -After Heather coughs up the fetus, you can see blood dripping from her mouth -Finally you get to see Claudia show some pain, after she swallows the fetus -When you jump down the hole before the last boss, it's just like jumping down holes in Silent Hill 2 -You can see Valtiel climbing up the wall and then later putting something over the god's face -Whenever the god is standing up, it's doing something with its head and some type of cloth thing -Somehow, Heather gets out of the large boss fight hole area Credits ==----= -The credits song is just like the intro of the first Silent Hill at the beginning, but the song is a little different -This is a perfect credits song -Some parts of the song sound like 007 Miscellaneous --=-==-====-- -Heather seems to be on the funny side of a person and makes funny comments -Heather stares at unlocked doors -Closers are very big but aren't much of a threat; they're terrible in combat -- all they do is try to knock you down and they aren't even good at that -It can be fun to flash monsters by flicking your Flashlight on and off right in front of them -The textures in Silent Hill 3 are highly detailed and are much better than in Silent Hill 2 -Numb Bodies sound like lambs -Konami loves fans -- there are so many in the Silent Hill series -When you have an extra costume on, the light from the Flashlight comes from nowhere -In light areas, you can turn your Flashlight on and off but no sounds are heard and no light is seen -The lighting when you shoot is sweet! Especially with the Submachine Gun -The shadows are amazing and accurate -Double Heads howl in open areas -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 21. M Y P E R S O N A L R E V I E W ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It all started in 1999, when the first Silent Hill was released. Silent Hill offered a great storyline, great graphics, promising gameplay, and the one thing that it still has -- the horrifying atmosphere. Many people will still agree even today that the first Silent Hill was the scariest. I would have to agree but I would also have to say Silent Hill 3 is better in almost everything else. Storyline - 9/10 Silent Hill 3 is the sequel to the first Silent Hill and doesn't really have anything do to with the second. The storyline starts off rather slim with you not knowing much at all. A 17 year old girl named Heather is shopping at a mall on a typical Sunday and she falls asleep at a table in a restaurant. She has a nightmare about her in the Silent Hill Lakeside Amusement Park with different types of messed up monsters. Why she is dreaming about this is unknown. After she wakes up, she exits the restaurant and calls her dad. While she's on the phone, a man in his 50s seems to be waiting for the phone. So when Heather is done, she gives him a look that she's done and he shakes his head. Heather starts walking away and the man is following her. He approaches Heather from behind and says he'd like to speak with her. His name is Douglas Cartland and he's a detective. He asks for a half hour of her time. It is about Heather's birth but she's not interested and enters the close by women's washroom to get away. Later on, you encounter a strange woman named Claudia and she mentions Heather leading "us to Paradise" and seems to know who Heather is. Heather doesn't know what's going on and she wants to know. The storyline in Silent Hill 3 is pretty good but I don't think it's really close to that of Silent Hill 2. The storyline does evolve A LOT, further on in the game. Around half way you understand everything because of a long video explaining everything. The storyline has a lot of depth, but it's not as good as Silent Hill 2's amazing storyline. It's pretty deep and is about cult-ish stuff, which isn't too interesting in my opinion. Gameplay - 10/10 Gameplay is a little bit different this time. Not much, but it has a better feel. You still get some of the same weapons as in the other Silent Hill games, including a Handgun, Shotgun, Katana, Knife, and a Steel Pipe. But there is one completely new weapon to the Silent Hill series. There is now a Submachine Gun, which is a 9mm Uzi. For those of you thinking so, this weapon did not ruin the series whatsoever; you get the weapon past halfway through the game and it holds 32 bullets in each magazine. You only get a few magazines for the gun, and the gun is not really good at all, anyway; it does shoot fast, but 1 bullet from it is equal to half the power of the Handgun. Reloading is now great in Silent Hill 3. You can also reload from the menu like previous Silent Hill games, but you can equip the ammo for the firearm you're using and just press R3 to reload -- it's pretty fast. When you equip a firearm, it automatically equips the ammo for it so you can reload easily, but you can equip health items also so you can press R3 to heal. Anything else in the supplies section of the in-game menu you can equip and press R3 to use, which is a great new feature. Another new feature is a bulletproof vest. It cuts down the damage 15% when attacked by enemies, and when you block (another new feature) attacks, you will lose no health. So gameplay has definitely improved. Graphics - 10/10 Absolutely amazing graphics! Definitely some of the best graphics you'll see on PS2. This game also has the best looking and most detailed character models for any game yet. There is no match for the character models and won't be until Silent Hill 4 comes out. Not only are the character models amazing, the surroundings are also very detailed. Bloodstains, rust, corpses, etc. Silent Hill 3 also has the "grainy effect" called Noise Filter that Silent Hill 2 had. The idea of it is to make the game seem like an old horror movie. It's pretty cool but you can take it off in the options menu whenever you want, unlike Silent Hill 2, where you had to beat the game first. When the noise filter ("grainy effect") is off, the graphics look absolutely amazing! Konami always pays attention to detail, even small things. Having one of the best looking games out right now is pretty cool, especially when it's one of your favourites. Sound - 9/10 I did expect more from the sound but there's nothing really wrong with it. Silent Hill 2 had amazing songs and had a lot of them. There are some good songs but not nearly as many as in Silent Hill 2. This game has a perfect credits song and people that have played the first Silent Hill will find it familiar, yet a little different. The Silent Hill 3 soundtrack comes free with the game in North America and it is great. It has almost all the good songs from the game in it. There are a few amazing songs on the soundtrack like track 9, 24, 25, and many others, so you should spend some time listening to it if you get it. I gave the sound 9/10 because it's not as good as that of Silent Hill 2, but it is still amazing. Silent Hill 3's sound by itself is completely amazing, but compared to Silent Hill 2 it is a bit different. Controls - 10/10 Now the control of the game is a lot better. Your character runs a lot more freely now, which feels great! You don't turn sluggishly anymore and you can run pretty fast. But when you have a heavy weapon in your hands, you won't run as fast. The game has pretty much the same controls as Silent Hill 2. Start now pauses the game, and Select opens your inventory (just like in the first Silent Hill). The menu is a little different but it's better. It's a lot more organized so you can find items easily. It's sorted in items (key items), weapons, and supplies (health and ammo items). So if you want to restore you're health, equip a certain weapon, and use a key item, it's a lot easier to do. Atmosphere - 10/10 This is probably the least scary Silent Hill, but it still has amazing atmosphere. Who doesn't enjoy the darkness and loneliness of the Silent Hill games, honestly? The game has many dark and scary moments. Especially one part after halfway through the game. I won't ruin it for you though because it's a great experience. Strange and scary sounds add a lot of atmosphere. The game's soundtrack improves the game's atmosphere a lot. Songs totally match the situation you're in. From sadness to insane, this game has it all! The game experience really changes when you're playing with headphones. It's very intense. But for the best experience, play at night in the dark (no lights on, with only your TV illuminated) with headphones, or with surround sound and a sub woofer -- nothing is better! Replay Value - 9/10 There's actually a lot of replay value in this one. There are only three endings, but there are now a lot of extra weapons and costumes. Some extra weapons are: Unlimited Submachine Gun, Flamethrower, and Beam Saber. You have to unlock these first, obviously, and then you can use them in a replay game. If you use extra weapons, there will be a small rank reduction. This is actually pretty good, because if you expect to get a really good ranking, you can't just use the Unlimited Submachine Gun for everything. But it doesn't deduct much, anyway. There are also ten extra action levels ranging from Extreme 1 to Extreme X. So if you're a hardcore Silent Hill fan, you'll have a lot of fun beating them. There are some other extras too, including flashback moments from Silent Hill 2, if you have a completed save file for it. They're not exactly flashbacks, just things to remind you of Silent Hill 2 moments. Good times, good times. Rent or Buy If you enjoyed Silent Hill or Silent Hill 2, then this is no exception! Even if you're new to the series, there is a high chance you'll like it. If you like horror and adventure, this is the perfect game for you. If you do plan to buy this game and you want to understand the story, consider buying or renting the first Silent Hill. Because Silent Hill 3 is the sequel to it. And it wouldn't hurt to play Silent Hill 2 either. If you enjoy this game after you play it and you're missing other Silent Hill games, go out and buy them -- try eBay also. If you're not really interested in this game, then you might want to check out some screens and videos at a good gaming site. And if you're still not sure, rent it to see if you like it. And I'm sure you will. Overall - 10/10 Overall, Silent Hill 3 is amazing game! With insane horror and suspense, I'm sure you'll love it. If you want a bone-chilling experience, Silent Hill is the way to go. And also consider buying Silent Hill 4: The Room when it comes out. Don't wait to buy Silent Hill 3, buy it now! ______ ______ | |=========S===I===L===E===N===T====H===I===L===L===3=======| | | | --------------------- | | | CONC.| | C O N C L U S I O N | | CONC.| | 22 | --------------------- | 22 | |______|=========S===I===L===E===N===T====H===I===L===L===3=======|______| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 22. C R E D I T S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section, I'd just like to thank some people and organizations for making this FAQ possible, and just some general thanks. - Thanks to Konami TYO for Developing this game - Thanks to Konami for Publishing this game - Thanks to Akira Yamaoka for composing another amazing soundtrack! - Thanks to Stephen NG for posting this FAQ on IGN - Thanks to everyone on the Silent Hill 3 Message Board - Thanks to everyone who uses this FAQ - Thanks to SOCOM and SOCOM II for giving me a lot of fun while making this FAQ. - Thanks to all the music artists I listened to while making this FAQ. İ C O P Y R I G H T 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 B Y C O N Q U E R E R