Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers FAQ Copyright 2003 - Glomerate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ By : Glomerate E-mail : Website : Last Updated : December 19th, 2003 Version : .90 (Just needs Environments and all Unlockables posted) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Introduction II. The Basics A. The Main Menu B. The Game Screen C. The Controls D. The Berserk Ability E. Pick-ups III. Characters (and their Pros and Cons) IV. Environments (and their Weapons, Damage Zones and Strategies) !CS! V. Walkthrough (and Unlockables) VI. Defeating and Controlling the Bosses (understanding their complexity) VII. Other Unlockables (Costumes and Weapons? Oh My!) VIII. Don't forgets... (Strategizing to win) IX. Cheats (...You Dirty Cheater) X. Credits (links and thanks) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to the Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers - FAQ. This Tom and Jerry game (WotW) is all about simulating a fight in a real Tom and Jerry cartoon which, in my opinion, it does a good job of. However, I would reccomend that you like cartoons in the first place before trying this game. I would also reccomend this game for parents to get for their kids. It's very entertaining and very much worth the little money being asked for it considering that it's a budget title. This game is also not the first of it's kind to come out. On the Nintendo 64 the same two companies, New Kid Co and Vis Entertainment released Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry. WotW, as far as I'm concerned, is the sequel to Fists of Furry. In this FAQ I'll go over the basics of playing the game and and then lead you into the unlockables and even give you tips on how to watch your character better. So please, enjoy and if you feel like I'm missing anything, e-mail me about it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. The Basics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. The Main Menu ---------------- Challenge - This type of play is the single player mode of WotW. This mode of play contains five battles, four with regular characters and one with a boss character. This mode is also used to unlock new characters to play as in the game. Versus - This is a mode where you play one by one matches against either a friend or a computer opponent. Tag Versus - This is just like a normal match except there are now teams! Playing against either a computer team or a friend team, each each team has two characters. A member of a team can be tagged in at any time or the other member can just take over when their teammate runs out of energy. When a character is tagged out, he will recover his energy slowly before he is tagged back in. Tag Team - The exact same thing above, except you can now play the tag game with a friend on your team instead of a computer teammate. Options - The options menu has a sub-menu of even more options to tinker with: Fight Settings - In this menu you can pick how many rounds you'd like in a battle, the length of each round, the difficulty of the game and whether you want vibration on or off on your controller. Save Game - This will save your game, of course. The game usually automatically saves your progress, but it's good to make sure. (Note: WotW only uses up 73kb of your memory card for saves. That's practically peanuts as far as saving goes on the PS2!) Video - Enables a special Widescreen view for Widescreen Televisions. Audio - Here you can adjust the volume of the music, sound effects or just turn them off. Credits - Here you can view the credits of the game. Cheats Menu - This will show a special screen where you can put cheats into the game to help you out. (Note: The manual talks about cheats to prematurely unlock characters and environments, but only two codes are known and they are covered below in the cheats section.) B. The Game Screen ------------------ The screen has a lot of things that are no brainers, but other things you may want to look into. Health Bar - This is your energy. Once it runs out, you're out for the count. Beserk Bar - Your Berserk bar builds up your characters Berserk power (learn more below) so that when you blow your top and go Berserk, you do double the damage you usually do. Character Faces - These show who is who in the battle. Player one is on the left while player two or the computer is on the right. Timer - The timer is what keeps the match going and once it reaches zero, the match is over, assuming off course no one has lost all of their energy yet. If the timer runs out and both characters are still alive, the one with the most energy will be declard the winner. Ribbon - If you are playing 3 or 5 round battles and you win a match, then a ribbon will show up below your characters Berserk bar showing you have one win under your belt. C. The Controls --------------- All of these controls work for the characters in WotW except for the Boss Characters and that is covered further below in the FAQ. Triangle - Punch Swings Weapon (If Weapon is held) Throws Projectile Weapon (If Weapon is held) Charges Weapon Power (If Weapon is held) Shoves Weapon (If nearby) Throws opponent in the air (If held) Cancels Menu Selection Square - Kick Swings Weapon (If Weapon is held) Throws Projectile Weapon (If Weapon is held) Shoves Weapon (Is Weapon or pro is nearby) Throws opponent along the ground (If held) X - Jump A Double jump can also be done if you hit X twice in a row. You can also punch or kick in the air, but only during a double jump. Selects Menu Option Circle - Picks up weapons (If nearby) Drops weapons (If held) Catch incoming projectile (If timed right) Picks up opponent (If stunned) L2 + R2 - Taunts your opponent to fill up Berserk bar (Read more below) Uses Berserk ability (Read more below) L1 - Tags in a Tag battle. R1 - Block Start - Pauses the game D. The Berserk Ability ---------------------- Berserk ability is the point in the game where your character goes completely bonkers, can't take anymore and will blow his top. The Berserk ability can be acheived when the Berserk bar reaches its maximum. ou will then hear the announcer say "Berserk Ready!" and at this moment you may either use it or save it. Once you use it, your character turns bright red and does double the damage he used to (and yes that includes with weapons). E. Pick-ups ----------- Generally there are four different pick-up's; Props, Weapons, Health and the question mark power-up. Props and Weapons - Props are piece of the current environment that you're in that you can pick up, kick, punch or throw at opponents. Weapons are the same things as props except that they do more damage. these also include the hand weapons that you can swing. All Weapons and props can be picked-up by any character, regardless of size. Every enviroment has different weapons that you must learn how to use. Also, not all of the projectile weapons are one time specials either. Some will let you throw up to three of them! You can also charge up a weapon for a maximum hit that takes away as much health from an opponent as a weapon can. To do this, hold the punch button down until it fills the bar. You can also release your hit before it reaches the maximum and it will still do more damage then normal. Health - Health is represented as little med bags that you can pick up and they add on to your current health bar. You can get these when you've dealt damage to your opponent, but get them quick! Question Marks - The question mark power-ups can be one one of two things. One you can get the Forcefield which is a shield that prevents all damage or two you can get the poison gas that slowly drains your life away. When you have the poison gas, you can pass it back and forth with your opponent by hitting each other. (Note: The poison gas is less common than the forcefield.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Characters (and their Pros and Cons) - In Order of Appearance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just so everyone knows, Tom and Jerry are the only two characters that are controllable when you begin the game. If you'd like to find out how to unlock the rest of the characters, scroll down to the "Walkthrough (and Unlockables)" section. It should also be known that the lightweight characters can have their Berserk ability ready more often than any character in the game. So they may not be very powerful, but then they make up for it in Berserk mode. Lightweight is then followed by middleweight and then heavyweight.(Note: By contrast and compare through strength and speed it seems that the Eagle is the best.) Tom --- The bully of the famous mouse Jerry is at it again, still trying to prove that once and for all he can catch that mouse (highly unlikely). Pros and Cons - Tom has average speed and strength, he is a middleweight and is a great starter character. Jerry ----- Is he a mouse that is forever plagued with the torture of being chased by a very unskilled cat? or is he just a very skilled mouse? You be the judge. Pros and Cons - Jerry is very fast but not very strong, he is a lightweight and is a great starter character. Spike ----- The bully of Tom and an all the time good father to Tyke. Spike always sides with jerry because he feels bad for the little guys, which is also the case with his puppy son Tyke. Pros and Cons - Spike is very powerful but very slow, he is a heavyweight and is good for people looking for a more beefy character. Tyke ---- The always picked on lovable son of Spike. Pros and Cons - Jerry is fast and decently strong, he is in between a lightweight and a middleweight. Nibbles ------- Jerry's little cousin who just happens to be hated by Tom as much as Jerry. He also sports a nice little diaper. Pros and Cons - Nibbles is very fast but not very strong, he is a lightweight and enjoys cheese. Butch ----- The worthy adversary alley cat of Tom. I don't think Tom even hates Jerry as much as he does the competition he has in Butch. Pros and Cons - Butch has average speed and strength, he is a middleweight and is a character to pick if you like him better than Tom. Duckling -------- That lovable, yet sometimes very annoying duck. Protected all the time by Jerry and Spike in the series, I'm suprised he can hold his own in this game! Pros and Cons - Duckling is very fast but not very strong, he is a lightweight and uses his wings when he double jumps. Lion ---- The Lion from the Zoo episode of Tom and Jerry makes his appearance in WotW. Even though he's a cool addition to the line-up, he is the character that looks least himself. Pros and Cons - Lion is very powerful but very slow, he is a heavyweight and is good for people looking for one other than spike. Eagle ----- The Eagle who has had a few fights with Tom in the past is back for more. Pros and Cons - The Eagle is in between a middleweight and a heavyweight and can really kick some tail. Robot Cat (Boss) ---------------- The infamous cat from the space and mad scientist spisodes of Tom and Jerry. Pros and Cons - Robot Cat is harder to control than the other characters and is only reccomended to advanced players. (Read more in the Bosses section below) Monster Jerry (Boss) -------------------- The crazy Dr. Jeckel/Mr. Hyde version of Jerry from another scientist episode. Pros and Cons - Monster Jerry is harder to control than the other characters and is only reccomended to advanced players. (Read more in the Bosses section below) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Environments (and their Weapons, Damage Zones and Strategies) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !Coming Soon! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Walkthrough (and Unlockables) - In Order of Appearance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Each sequence of environments that makes-up a characters game contains five environment battles. four regular environment battles with regular characters and one boss environment battle with, of course, a boss. Environments are represented below with the letter E, then a number and then the environment you'll be in. In example, Tom's first battle is with Jerry in the PAWS environment, so it will be represented like this: E1 - PAWS. The Opponent you're facing with also be represented with an O, then a number and then the Opponent you're facing. So in Tom's case it'll say, O1 - Jerry. This makes it a lot easier to read down the line. Also, remember that you can still unlock all of the characters in the game regardless of the difficulty you're on. You can also set the rounds to one instead of 3 if you're really in a hurry to make all the characters selectable for multiplayer. Tom - Unlocks Spike E1 - PAWS O1 - Jerry E2 - Snow Fight O2 - Spike E3 - That Sinking Feline O3 - Tyke E4 - Ciao Meow O4 - Nibbles E5 - FrankenMouse O5 - Monster Jerry (Boss) Jerry - Unlocks Tyke E1 - A Fridge Too Far O1 - Tom E2 - Scrap Yard Scrape Up O2 - Spike E3 - Ciao Meow O3 - Duckling E4 - PAWS O4 - Butch E5 - FrankenMouse O5 - Robot Cat (Boss) Spike - Unlocks Nibbles E1 - Ciao Meow O1 - Tom E2 - Snow Fight O2 - Nibbles E3 - A Fridge Too Far O3 - Duckling E4 - Haunted Mouse O4 - Jerry E5 - FrankenMouse O5 - Robot Cat (Boss) Tyke - Unlocks Butch E1 - Snow Fight O1 - Eagle E2 - That Sinking Feline O2 - Tom E3 - A Fridge Too Far O3 - Butch E4 - Haunted Mouse O4 - Jerry E5 - FrankenMouse O5 - Robot Cat (Boss) Nibbles - Unlocks Duckling E1 - Snow Fight O1 - Eagle E2 - That Sinking Feline O2 - Tom E3 - A Fridge Too Far O3 - Butch E4 - Haunted Mouse O4 - Jerry E5 - FrankenMouse O5 - Robot Cat (Boss) Butch - Unlocks Lion E1 - Scrap Yard Scrape Up O1 - Tom E2 - Luncheons and Dragons O2 - Nibbles E3 - Unfurgiven O3 - Lion E4 - Towering Infurno O4 - Jerry E5 - FrankenMouse O5 - Monster Jerry (Boss) Duckling - Unlocks Eagle E1 - Unfurgiven O1 - Tom E2 - Haunted Mouse O2 - Eagle E3 - That Sinking Feeling O3 - Tyke E4 - Luncheons and Dragons O4 - Spike E5 - FrankenMouse O5 - Robot Cat (Boss) Lion - Unlocks Robot Cat (Multiplayer Only) E1 - That Sinking Feline O1 - Tom E2 - Unfurgiven O2 - Nibbles E3 - PAWS O3 - Jerry E4 - Luncheons and Dragons O4 - Spike E5 - FrankenMouse O5 - Monster Jerry (Boss) Eagle - Unlocks Monster Jerry (Multiplayer Only) E1 - Snow Fight O1 - Jerry E2 - Towering Infurno O2 - Nibbles E3 - Scrap Yard Scrape Up O3 - Duckling E4 - Unfurgiven O4 - Tom E5 - FrankenMouse O5 - Monster Jerry (Boss) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI. Defeating and Controlling the Bosses (understanding their complexity) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Defeating: ---------- Since the bosses are the only two characters in the game that are different from the rest (as far as control), here are a few strategies for each boss so you can defeat them. Robot Cat - Robot Cat is the most different character in the game, he is the only character that plays the ol' cat and mouse game with you. When he starts to chase you, just run away and try to get away as fast as you can. He will then start to throw fire balls at you (usually three and very easy to avoid, just keep moving).Once you jump up some where high, he will start to do a flame spin move. When he does this, grab the nearest weapon/prop and charge it up to the maximum power. Once he's done spinning, throw the weapon at him. He'll lose some health that you can pick up. After this he will chase you again. this is the basic strategy to defeat the Robot Cat and it'll work every time. Also, look out for Robot Cats Berserk because it is very powerful. When in action, he flies around and shoots fire balls at a very fast rate. Definately something to watch out for, however during a boss match it's hard for him to work up enough Berserk power to use it so don't worry. Monster Jerry - Basically for Monster Jerry, fight him like you would any previous character. The things to look out for are his Berserk and him drinking the liquid that makes him a monster. Keep him away from the potion in FrankenMouse and try to defeat him before his gets a Berserk. If he gets a Berserk, it will do a lot of damage. The time to capitalize on him is when he shrinks back to size. When this happens, pulverize him! Controlling: ----------- Understanding how to control the bosses isn't as hard as you may think. However, mastering their abilities and defeating others with them can prove to be a hassle. There are just certain stipulations for both of them that you must follow to master controlling them. Robot Cat - Since Robot Cat is nothing like any other character, he is very different to control. He can only bite which is his punch, throw fire balls which takes forever to charge up (You have to hold the button down), spin flame which is cool but he spins for way to long and jump. Robot Cat is a pain in the neck to try and control. He will probably frustrate you because he is so slow with his moves and the other characters will run circles around you as you try to shoot fire balls at them or wait for them to jump into your spin flame. The best part about Robot Cat is when you get to use his Berserk! Here are the controls: Triangle - Bite Square - Throws Fire Balls X - Jump Circle - Spin Flame Monster Jerry - Monster Jerry's controls are no different then that of other characters except you have to deal with him growing large and shrinking back to his small size. As Monster Jerry you can drink the potion that's in FrankenMouse (which you do with the punch button when you have the potion) but if you're in another level the only way you can grow into a monster again is to use Berserk. Every match you get to start as the monster, so use that to your advantage and get an early beating in on your opponent. Save throwing objects till you're small. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VII. Other Unlockables (Costumes and Weapons? Oh My!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From what I've read and seen, I guess there are quite a few costumes and weapons to unlock in WotW, however I am working on a longer list for them. So far I only have two of them and one unexplained one. You unlock most things by destroying certain parts of an environment, and they will be explained below. (Note: You can only unlock these things in versus mode or possibly the tag modes? and you must use the characters that I have outlined for you already.) Turn the Blue title background to Red: ------------------------------------- This is accomplished when you unlock all the secret characters in the Challenge mode. Unlock Butch's Bathing Suit Costume in PAWS: ------------------------------------------- You must be playing with Tom and Butch in versus mode: Accomplished by only breaking the front of the brink pier. Unlock Tom's Bathing Suit Costume in PAWS: ----------------------------------------- You must be playing with Tom and Butch in versus mode: Accomplished by breaking the front door of the shop. Unexplained: Map Destroyed in FrankenMouse: ------------------------------------------ You must be playing with Robot Cat and Monster Jerry in versus mode: Break everything in the environment except for the wall on top of the cylinder in the back. Once you break everything, go on top of the cylinder and break the wall behind it. The screen should say "Map Destroyed". This message is still a mystery as to what it means. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIII. Don'ts forgets... (Strategizing to win) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Don't forget the importance of weapons, especially the hand weapons. These can do a lot of damage to your opponent in the clutch of a match. -Don't forget that each environment has some kind of hazard and that it will hurt you if you walk into it (IE: In FrankenMouse the lightning, and in Ciao Meow the Bees); So Watch Out! -Don't forget: Do not underestimate the power of Berserk! Berserk is very powerful in almost all situations, especially if you have a hand weapon. Make sure that you can grab a hand weapon before you use your Berserk and your battle will be over in no time. -Don't forget to try and pick up all the health you see. You can do brain busting moves and make the enemy drop like 5 bags. If you happen to pick up all 5, this can really help you in the long run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IX. Cheats (...You Dirty Cheater) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you really find it nessessary to use cheats to get the unlockable Costumes and Weapons, then by all measn use the codes. However, if you have any sort of conscience then please turn the other cheek! All of the cheats must be entered on the cheats screen under options. If you use them once, they're turned on, if you use them again then they turn off. Automatically Refills Health when it depletes: --------------------------------------------- X, O, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square, O, Triangle Unlimited Ammo: -------------- Circle, Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Square, X, X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X. Credits (Links, Thanks and Copyright) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THANKS to Gamefaqs for hosting my first contribution to the site, THANKS to Vis Entertainment and New Kid Co for making a semi-decent game that I could write a FAQ for, THANKS to everyone else for not making a FAQ for this game already so that it gave me a reason to make it and THANKS to everyone who reads it and finds it useful. Links: ----- - The Hostess - The Publisher - The Developer Sites Allowed to Post This FAQ: ------------------------------ This document is Copyright 2003 Glomerate. You may not use this FAQ for anything but personal and private use when playing Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers. This FAQ cannot be placed on any website, reproduced in anyway or distributed publicly without the consent of the author. Doing so would be a violation of copyright.